Strongest Replication

C882 Holy Beast Corpse

C882 Holy Beast Corpse

City Lord's Manor, secret realm.    


The Stage of Heaven Man Unity was something that countless experts dreamt of entering the Divine secret realm. In such a state, the increase in cultivation base and strength was unimaginable. Moreover, the longer one stayed in this state, the greater the improvement of one's cultivation base and strength.    


Therefore, in the following period of time, not only did Elder Huang help Chu Zhongtian resist the Second Grade Spirit-eating Ant, he also took the initiative to attract the Third Grade Spirit-eating Ant so that he could maintain this mysterious state.    


One slash, one flash, and one slicing style. A Third Grade Peak Spirit-eating Ant was killed!    


One Entangling Stance, one stab, a Spirit-eating Ant that was about to advance to the Second Grade was killed!    


One slash, and a Third Grade Peak Spirit-eating Ant was killed!    


One slicing style skill, one Entangling Stance skill, one stab skill, and a Spirit-eating Ant that had just advanced to the Second Stage was killed!    


The longer Chu Zhongtian entered the state of the Heaven Man Unity Stage, the stronger the power of the basic saber technique was. Not only that, Chu Zhongtian consciously integrated the different levels of the Yellow level Sword Method Martial Technique he had mastered into the basic saber technique.    


Originally, he would need at least five to ten moves to kill a Third Stage Spirit-eating Ant. After his consciousness entered the 'Heaven Man Unity' state, the enhanced Sword Method Martial Technique only needed two to three moves to kill a Third Grade Spirit-eating Ant.    


When the Heaven Man Unity Stage began to upgrade his divine sense and temper his three soul and seven soul, he would be able to easily kill a Third Grade Spirit-eating Ant with just one move. Even a Second Grade Spirit-eating Ant would only need two to three moves.    


The Spirit-eating Ant had a single thought, and its mind only had thoughts of bloodthirst and devouring. As more and more Third Grade and Second Grade Spirit-eating Ant were killed, the smell of blood on the scene became thicker and thicker, attracting more and more Spirit-eating Ant.    


Originally, the second-grade Spirit-eating Ant needed Elder Huang's help to defend it. This was to prevent him from being unable to deal with the formidable Second Grade Spirit-eating Ant, but once he could easily kill the Third Grade Spirit-eating Ant with a single strike... Furthermore, after not fearing the Second Grade Spirit-eating Ant, Elder Huang's chances of attacking became lesser and lesser. In the end, he could only look at Chu Zhongtian with envy and jealousy.    


Like a pyramid, the lower the grade of the Spirit-eating Ant, more there would be. The higher the grade of the Spirit-eating Ant, the less there would be.    


In half an hour, Chu Zhongtian still needed to dodge to deal with the Spirit-eating Ant that was everywhere. Two hours later, he needed to continuously search and chase after the second grade Spirit-eating Ant. This was because behind him were countless huge Spirit-eating Ant corpses. They were like pieces of black rock, lying there quietly. From afar, it looked like a quarry.    


"Slash!" After a Spirit-eating Ant that had reached the Second Grade Peak and was about to advance to the First Grade was easily killed by Chu Zhongtian, other than a pile of dead Spirit-eating Ant corpses, there was not a single Spirit-eating Ant that was still alive.    


Without the Spirit-eating Ant, there was no chance for the saber technique to merge with the force of heaven and earth. He gradually woke up from this state.    


When he had just woken up from this state, and before he could feel the changes in his strength, a strong fluctuation of the vital spirit immediately attracted his attention.    


Chu Zhongtian turned his head and saw Kong Rulin standing there with his eyes closed. The tip of the devil blade was pressing against the ground, and a strong suction force was crazily devouring the countless Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth in the surroundings.    


"Chu, don't pay attention to that Kong kid. This is a battle that has gone beyond the limit. Not only does it allow him to understand the Sword Method Martial Technique, it also allows him to use his own vital spirit. His control over his body has also improved. This time, he will at least reach the Tenth Level Peak of the Qi Transformation Stage."    


When Chu Zhongtian saw that the fight was over, his attention was immediately attracted by Kong Rulin, who was breaking through to the Stage. He had no intention of paying any attention to him. He was eager to find out about Chu Zhongtian, who had broken away from the 'one with the world' state. Elder Huang's heart was burning with anxiety as to what kind of Stage his cultivation base and strength had reached. Therefore, he hurriedly explained Kong Rulin's current condition. After he had achieved what he could, he began to interrogate Chu Zhongtian about the changes of the 'one with the world' Stage.    


"Chu, how do you feel? How does that condition improve your strength?"    


"Elder Huang, let me feel it carefully first!" After hearing Elder Huang's introduction to Kong Rulin, Chu Zhongtian felt surprised for him, but at the same time, his attention immediately returned to himself.    


When he entered the Stage of Heaven Man Unity, his consciousness could only continuously kill the Spirit-eating Ant that was attacking him from all sides. He didn't have a clear feeling about the changes in his cultivation base and strength. Therefore, he could only tell Elder Huang not to be anxious for the time being, and then he could sense the Stage of Heaven Man Unity on his own. The changes in his own strength.    


First of all, the changes to his own martial skills, whether it was the basic saber technique. Even the Saber Intent and Qi Extermination Fist were in the state of being one with the world. He only needed to rely on his own understanding. He would be able to unleash the strongest power of the Sword Method Martial Technique.    


Next was the enhancement of the divine sense and soul. Before he entered the Heaven Man Unity realm of the Stage, his divine sense could only extend for more than twenty thousand miles. With the enhancement of the Stage of Heaven Man Unity, the range of the extension increased by dozens of times. It had already reached a million miles.    


Through the increase of the divine sense, he could clearly see that there were at least tens of thousands of huge creatures in front of him. In the middle of the tens of thousands of First Grade Spirit-eating Ant, there was a giant First Grade Spirit-eating Ant. One of them was less than two meters tall and less than four meters long. The pure white Spirit-eating Ant corpse immediately attracted his attention.    


There was no need to think too much. He knew that this white Spirit-eating Ant corpse must have been the Holy Beast Flood Dragon's corpse that had been destroyed by the law of secret realm after it had self-destructed.    


Without informing Elder Huang in advance, the soaring divine sense slowly approached the Spirit-eating Ant corpse. The closer it got to the corpse, the heavier the pressure felt. This pressure was like the heavenly might, a kind of power that he had never experienced before.    


When the divine sense touched the white Spirit-eating Ant's corpse, it felt an incomparably powerful force. A force that contained a world-destroying aura erupted from the corpse of the white Spirit-eating Ant. The divine sense that had just come into contact with the white corpse was instantly destroyed, causing him to be unable to see the power of the explosion.    


"Ah!" With the divine sense destroyed, Chu Zhongtian's first impression was that his entire sea of consciousness seemed to have exploded, and the pain was unbearable. He couldn't help but cry out in pain.    


"Chu, what happened to you?" He could only feel the changes in his strength. How could he suddenly let out a miserable cry? Chu Zhongtian's reaction of screaming made Elder Huang, who had been looking forward to it, instantly tensed up.    


"Elder Huang, I'm fine!" The Power of the Divine Soul nourished the damaged divine sense, reducing the pain brought by the destruction of the divine sense. Chu Zhongtian's heart palpitated as he recalled the power that erupted from the white Spirit-eating Ant's corpse.    


Before the divine sense was destroyed, he could feel the power of the explosion. Chu Zhongtian knew that with his current strength, it would be very difficult for him to withstand the impact of this energy. Therefore, after the pain in his sea of consciousness weakened, he immediately turned around. He planned to ask Kong Rulin to temporarily escape from secret realm.    


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