Strongest Replication

C544 The Royal Treasury

C544 The Royal Treasury

Chu Family, Jingya Pavilion.    


Seeing Chu Zhongtian in the kitchen, Qiu Xiang and Dong Xiang, who had already prepared breakfast, quickly got up and greeted him.    


"Young master, I haven't thanked you for saving my life yet!" After serving Chu Zhongtian and sitting down, Qiu Xiang directly knelt on the ground and thanked him with tearful eyes.    


"Qiu Xiang, you are not only a maid of the Chu Family, you are also my personal maid. If I don't help you in that situation, then I will go too far!" After explaining, he looked at Qiu Xiang who was still kneeling on the ground.    


Chu Zhongtian's face darkened, and he threatened, "I hate women who cry and cry the most. If you don't get up, you better be careful that I will chase you out of Jingya Pavilion!"    


Chu Zhongtian's threat scared Qiu Xiang so much that she immediately stood up from the ground and quickly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.    


"Young master, where are Chun Xiang and Xia Xiang?" While Qiu Xiang was grateful to Chu Zhongtian for saving her life, Dong Xiang had been paying attention to the outside. She noticed that Chun Xiang and Xia Xiang, who were serving Chu Zhongtian after waking up, did not follow him. A bad feeling flashed through her heart.    


"They have been guarding me outside the bedroom all night. They are too tired. I let them rest in my bedroom!" After a casual explanation, Chu Zhongtian began to enjoy the delicacies that the maids had carefully prepared.    


However, he did not realize that Dong Xiang's face showed an expression of envy after hearing his explanation.    


Half an hour later, after enjoying the delicacies, Chu Zhongtian got up and left the kitchen, heading straight to the cultivation chamber.    


Ever since he broke through to the Qi Transforming Period, his current strength had reached the Seventh Layer of the Qi Refining Period, but he had only spent less than two months.    


Although his cultivation base had broken through smoothly, his understanding of every Minor Stage wasn't deep enough. His potential hadn't even reached the limit of every Minor Stage, which wouldn't be good for his next breakthrough.    


Due to his lack of comprehension and potential, he couldn't use the Upper Rank Eighth Grade Fire Pill to break through to the Seventh Layer of the Qi Refining Period.    


Therefore, Chu Zhongtian planned to take advantage of the free time when Chu Zhengxuan was dealing with the matters in Lu City to cultivate so that he could have greater strength and combat strength.    


Time returned to when Chu Zhongtian was sleeping.    


The excited Chu Zhongba and Chu Yuping, along with hundreds of people, easily broke through the weak defense line of the palace with the help of the five elder of the inner sect. They charged straight into the palace.    


According to Chu Zhongtian's attitude when he arranged the mission, the Disciple of the Chu Family that attacked the palace all knew that the palace would belong to the Chu Family. This was the place where they would live in the future, so after entering the palace... They had always been very careful.    


In order to completely destroy the Chu Family, Qi Yalong had mobilized most of the family members of the Qi's this time.    


At this moment, other than some palace maids and eunuchs, there were only some Qi Refining Stage family members and guards left in the palace.    


Facing the cruel and brutal people of the Chu's, the people of the Qi's who were guarding the palace could not resist at all. They were killed one by one by the elite disciples of the Chu Family.    


Of course, Chu Zhongba didn't kill those servants and eunuchs with low cultivation base. Instead, he locked them all in a place, waiting for Chu Zhongtian to deal with them.    


"Young Master Ba, we have found the Secret Storage and Hidden Dragon Pavilion of the royal family!" Just as Chu Zhongba was standing in the main hall of Administration Hall and looking at the throne, a young disciple ran in to report.    


"Quickly bring me there!" Hearing that someone had discovered the royal family's Secret Storage and Hidden Dragon Pavilion, Chu Zhongba hurriedly chased out the idea that was not realistic from his mind. Then, he followed his clansmen and hurried to the royal family's Secret Storage.    


Looking at the bronze door, Chu Zhongba, who had rushed to the front of the Secret Storage, could not help but frown.    


Bronze was a very hard mineral in this world. Dark bronze was the hardest kind, and even Tenth Layer Great Perfection of the Body Refining Period warriors couldn't break open the spirit weapon with their hands.    


Furthermore, this Secret Storage would belong to the Chu Family in the future, and no one would be able to bear to destroy it.    


Therefore, the people of the Chu's who discovered the Secret Storage just stood there and watched.    


Looking at the tightly shut door of the Secret Storage, Chu Zhongba also did not want to use force to open it. He wanted to use normal means to open the door, so he asked everyone present, "Have you found the key to the Secret Storage?"    


The young disciple who led him here shook his head and gave Chu Zhongba a very disappointing answer.    


"Then did you send people to the battlefield to see if Qi Heng and Qi Yalong have the key?" Since the key to open the Secret Storage door was not in the palace, then it must have been carried by someone. Chu Zhongba immediately thought of Qi Heng and Qi Yalong who had been killed.    


"Let me do it!" Just as Chu Zhongba was about to send someone to search for the key, a gentle voice suddenly sounded.    


After that, an old man in his fifties appeared in front of the Secret Storage.    


"Third Grandpa, why are you here?" When Chu Zhongba saw Chu Zhengxuan suddenly appear in front of the Secret Storage, he was surprised and quickly asked.    


"Tian is afraid that you will encounter danger, so he arranged for me to protect you in secret!" Chu Zhengxuan gently looked at Chu Zhongba and explained.    


Originally, according to Chu Zhongtian's intention, this mission would be completed by Chu Zhongba and Chu Yuping alone. Chu Zhongtian wanted to use this to train them.    


Chu Zhengxuan could only protect them in the dark. If they did not encounter any fatal danger, Chu Zhengxuan would never show up.    


However, when Chu Zhongba and the others realized that they could not open the door of the Secret Storage, Chu Zhengxuan subconsciously discovered that there was something similar to a key in the storage bag he had gotten from Qi Yalong.    


Through observing the keyhole on the bronze door, Chu Zhengxuan found that the item in his hand was very likely the key to open the door to the Secret Storage.    


Helpless, he could only stand out.    


"I found this jade pillar in Qi Yalong's storage bag. Try using it to open the Secret Storage door!" After passing the jade pillar that looked like a key to Chu Zhongba, Chu Zhengxuan ordered.    


"You go and try!" Chu Zhongba would not personally open the Secret Storage's door, and he did not know if there would be any danger after he opened the Cyan Gate. Therefore, he handed the key to the people beside him and motioned for him to open the door.    


The jade pillar was inserted into a hole in the middle of the dark bronze door. As that person exerted force, the tightly shut bronze door slowly opened from the middle.    


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