Strongest Replication

C542 Order

C542 Order

Chu Zhongtian shouted at Chu Fann who was standing under the Towering Building, "Chu Fann, listen to my orders!"    


Chu Zhongtian's words made Chu Tianyun's heart ache, and Chu Fann also felt very uncomfortable.    


He had the deepest relationship with the middle-aged generation. He was usually in charge of the internal affairs of the family, and he had the most contact with these people.    


Although he also wanted to return to the battlefield and help his brothers and sisters who had a good relationship with him. However, when he saw that the patriarch didn't dare to say anything, he gave up on this idea.    


Just as he was worried about his brothers and sisters on the battlefield, Chu Zhongtian's order startled him.    


Fortunately, he was used to listening to Chu Zhongtian's orders.    


"Lead Third Elder and all the Body Refining Stage warriors to Lu City. Stabilize the security of Lu City as soon as possible and ensure the safety of the civilians in Lu City. "    


"Yes, sir!" Chu Fann answered excitedly.    


Chu Zhongtian's order had fully expressed his attitude towards Lu City.    


To Chu Fann and the others, Lu City was a place they had been looking forward to all this time.    


Chu Fann quickly brought all the Body Refining Stage warriors of Chu Family to Lu City to ensure that it wouldn't be destroyed.    


The Body Refining Stage warriors in the subsidiary powers were very envious. They began to discuss among themselves about the person who could come forward and argue with Chu Zhongtian.    


However, no one dared to stand out. They could only watch helplessly as Chu Fann left the battlefield with his men.    


"Two Qi Transforming Period elders, I'll have to trouble you two to personally make a trip to Lu City. I'm worried that some experts are not someone Eighth Uncle and his men can deal with."    


"Understood!" Although Chu Zhongtian was giving orders in the tone of a discussion, the two Qi Transforming Period elders still answered respectfully.    


After all, Chu Zhongtian had just taught those clansmen who didn't listen to his orders a lesson. This had already allowed them to witness Chu Zhongtian's ruthlessness.    


Liu Yuxi and Wang Dafeng were no match for Chu Zhongtian. This had allowed them to witness Chu Zhongtian's strength.    


"Elders, Lu City will be the home of Chu Family in the future. Nothing in Lu City can be destroyed!"    


"Understood!" The two Qi Transforming Period elders used the movement technique and rushed to the Lu City at a speed that was more than ten times faster than Chu Fann and the others.    


"Chu Zhongba, Chu Yuping!" After the two Qi Transforming Period elders left the battlefield, Chu Zhongtian ordered Chu Zhongba and Chu Yuping, who were standing at the edge of the wall.    


Chu Zhongtian's order made Chu Zhongba and Chu Yuping jump off the wall.    


"Chu Zhongba, Chu Yuping, bring your disciples to the palace, Liu Family, and Wang family. The spoils of war cannot be taken by you. After you collect all the spoils, I will reward you handsomely based on your performance today!"    


Chu Zhongtian knew very well that in the Chu Family, only the young disciples could listen to his orders.    


Therefore, he left the best mission to the two people who had a good relationship with him. He wanted them to take advantage of the opportunity to profit while carrying out the mission.    


At the same time, he hoped to further train the young disciples through these less dangerous tasks. He wanted to allow them to grow quickly, and then they could take over some important positions in the clan. It would allow some of his ideals and prestige to influence the clan.    


"I'll do as you bid!"    


"I'll do as you say!"    


Chu Zhongba and Chu Yuping almost fainted from excitement when they heard that Chu Zhongtian had arranged for them to sweep the three great families's encampment.    


Usually, elder of the inner sect was in charge of such tasks. They would bring their trusted subordinates to carry out this task that would make people jealous.    


They had never thought that Chu Zhongtian would actually get the elder of the inner sect to assist them. How could Chu Zhongba and Chu Yuping not be excited?    


"Shitao, thank you for your guidance just now." After leading the young disciples to Lu City, Chu Zhongba expressed his gratitude to Chu Shitao, who was following closely behind him.    


"Young Master Ba, you are too polite. This is what I should do." Facing Chu Zhongba's gratitude, Chu Shitao said modestly.    


"Shitao, when we are sweeping the treasure vault of three great families, you can choose any treasure you like. I will explain it to Zhongtian after this." Chu Zhongba admired the modest Chu Shitao. He made a promise that he could not make a decision.    


When Chu Yuping heard Chu Zhongba's decision, he could not help but frown. A trace of worry rose in his heart.    


Chu Yuping truly admired Chu Shitao's wisdom, but there were some things that they couldn't interfere with.    


"Young Master Ba, thank you for your reward. I don't need it at the moment!" Chu Shitao tactfully rejected Chu Zhongba, which made Chu Yuping secretly heave a sigh of relief.    


Looking at Chu Zhongba and Chu Yuping, Chu Zhongtian said to Chu Zhengxuan, who had just arrived at the Towering Building, "Third Grandpa, I also don't know if there are any hidden experts in the encampment of three great families. In order to prevent any accidents from happening to Zhongba and Yuping, I need to trouble you to take care of them in secret!"    


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