Strongest Replication

C509 He Had a Plan in Mind

C509 He Had a Plan in Mind

Chu Family, in front of the herbal field cabin!    


"I just consolidated my cultivation after breaking through, and my teacher sent me straight back to Lu City!" Chu Zhongtian said casually.    


"Tian, take a seat first. I need to adjust my mood!" Chu Zhengxuan was very shocked. He didn't care about what Chu Zhongtian said just now.    


He signaled Chu Zhongtian to wait for a while, then he went back to the wooden house to calm himself down.    


When Chu Zhengxuan entered the wooden house, Chu Zhongtian could only helplessly smile.    


Although he knew that his achievements were shocking, Chu Zhengxuan's reaction was beyond his imagination.    


Chu Zhongtian could only sit on the stone chair and taste Chu Zhengxuan's tea.    


Chu Zhongtian drank the tea and could not help but frown.    


He did not know if it was because Chu Zhengxuan's cooking skills were not good or the tea Chu Zhengxuan used was poor quality. He felt that this tea was not only not as good as Jiao Enjun's tea, but also as bad as Zhang Xing's tea.    


Chu Zhongtian put down the tea set in his hand and suddenly a voice came from behind him.    


"Is Tian back?"    


"Is it Grand Elder?" Chu Zhongtian turned around and looked at the old Grand Elder. He shouted with a choking voice.    


Since he came to this world, Grand Elder was the first person who cared about him so much. So no one could replace Grand Elder's position in his heart.    


Even Jiao Enjun couldn't compare with Grand Elder.    


The reason Chu Zhongtian chose to return to Chu Family was mostly because of Grand Elder.    


"Although your appearance hasn't changed much, your temperament has become even better than before!" Grand Elder couldn't help but say happily.    


"Grand Elder, I haven't seen you for more than half a year. You are even older!" Chu Zhongtian felt the old aura emitting from Grand Elder's body and felt uncomfortable in his heart.    


He knew that the reason why Grand Elder's current condition was so bad was because of him.    


If it wasn't for the fact that Grand Elder wanted to improve Chu Zhongtian's Cultivation Talent, Grand Elder wouldn't have gone out to search for Intermediate Seven-grade Bodiless Pill.    


If Grand Elder hadn't gone out to search for Rebirth Pill, with his cultivation base and age, his current condition wouldn't be so old. The aura that was about to die wouldn't appear on his body either.    


"You don't have to worry about my body!" Chu Zhongtian's concern made Grand Elder feel gratified. But he was more concerned about Chu Zhongtian.    


"Grand Elder, don't worry. I have a way to let you have a new life!" Chu Zhongtian said firmly.    


Although he didn't have any medicinal pills that could increase one's lifespan, he had the medicinal pills and spirit fruit that could increase one's cultivation base and Cultivation Talent. As long as he used these pills and spirit fruit to help Grand Elder break through to the Body Refining Stage, Grand Elder's lifespan would naturally be lengthened.    


"Tian, don't worry about my matters. What you need to do now is to focus on your cultivation and strive to break through to the Qi Transforming Period as soon as possible." Grand Elder said.    


Although he admired Chu Zhongtian's filial piety, he didn't wish to delay Chu Zhongtian's cultivation because of his own matters.    


"Grand Elder, you don't have to worry about it. I have my own plans!" Although Chu Zhongtian really wanted to take out the medicinal pills and spirit fruit that could improve the Cultivation Talent, he wanted to prevent Chu Tianyun from misunderstanding him. He still planned to wait for Chu Tianyun to come before taking out the medicinal pills and spirit fruit that could improve the Cultivation Talent.    


"Tian, you're back!" Just as Chu Zhongtian supported Grand Elder to sit on the stone chair, a surprised voice came from behind him.    


"Hello, patriarch!" Chu Zhongtian did not need to think too much. He knew who it was, so he turned around and bowed respectfully.    


"Alright, you don't have to be so polite!" Chu Tianyun stretched out his hand to signal Chu Zhongtian to stand up.    


After that, Chu Tianyun politely said, "Tian, although your cultivation base is not as good as mine, as a disciple of Floating Cloud Sect, your status has already surpassed mine, so you don't have to be so polite when you see me in the future!"    


Chu Zhongtian was able to become an official disciple of the Floating Cloud Sect with the overall result of the third place among the hundreds of thousands of geniuses. Chu Tianyun knew that Chu Zhongtian would definitely surpass him in the future. Furthermore, he had a great hope that Chu Zhongtian would be able to change his fate. This was also the reason why he still supported Chu Zhengxuan not to inform Chu Zhongtian when the Chu Family was facing a crisis of extinction.    


How could Chu Tianyun still put on the airs of a patriarch when faced with Chu Zhongtian, who might become his destined benefactor in the future?    


"Patriarch, I still have to pay my respects to you when I see you!" Although Chu Zhongtian agreed with Chu Tianyun's suggestion, he knew very well that he definitely could not do so in a short period of time. Otherwise, he would give others a feeling that he was very arrogant and conceited. This wouldn't be beneficial to the unity of Chu Family.    


"You!" Chu Tianyun made a helpless expression when he faced Chu Zhongtian, who had rejected this suggestion. However, he still felt very comfortable in his heart.    


"Tian, Tianyun's suggestion just now was not bad. You will be like Grand Elder from now on. You don't have to bow when you see him!" Just as Chu Tianyun was secretly pleased with himself, the door of the wooden house was pushed open. Chu Zhengxuan, who had regained his composure, ordered as he walked out of the wooden house.    


"Third Uncle!"    


When Chu Tianyun and Grand Elder saw Chu Zhengxuan walk out of the wooden house, they hurriedly greeted him.    


"Tian, take a seat!" Chu Zhengxuan nodded coldly at Chu Tianyun and Grand Elder, then he smiled and said to Chu Zhongtian.    


"This is not appropriate!" Chu Zhengxuan asked the two elders to stand and let Chu Zhongtian sit. Chu Zhongtian felt that this was not good, so he could only refuse.    


Chu Zhengxuan looked at Grand Elder, who was getting older and older. He thought that Grand Elder's current condition was caused by Chu Zhongtian, so he didn't force Chu Zhongtian to sit down.    


"Tianyun, do you know why I asked Tian to agree to your proposal just now?" Chu Zhengxuan sat back down on the stone chair and looked at Chu Tianyun with a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes.    


"Third Uncle, I know." Chu Tianyun nodded and said.    


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