Strongest Replication

C420 An Endless Cave

C420 An Endless Cave

Chu Zhongtian took out a Night-Luminescent Pearl and used it to shine. He found that the cave he had entered was not as simple as he had thought it would be.    


In his initial thoughts, this natural cave might be a natural cave. The space inside was probably only enough to accommodate one person temporarily.    


However, with the help of the light from the Night-Luminescent Pearl, he discovered that there was an endless passageway that extended downwards.    


Chu Zhongtian observed the traces left by the walls around the passage. He determined that this place was not naturally formed. It was forcefully excavated by a force or an expert using their strength.    


Chu Zhongtian, who was full of adventure spirit, took out the Natal Spirit Blade and ignited the Defensive Spirit Tool. Then, he borrowed the light from the luminous pearl and went deeper into the cave step by step.    


Whether it was before or after crossing over, Chu Zhongtian's courage had always been shocking.    


Before crossing over, when he returned to his hometown in the countryside during vacation, he dared to go alone to the cemetery at night to catch wild rabbits and wild boars. His courage was definitely the greatest in the same village.    


After his transmigration, he even dared to explore the Endless Forest alone, unafraid of strange beasts and dangerous environments.    


But now, in the silent cave, other than the sound of his footsteps, there was no other noise. This reminded him of the ghost stories that his mother had told him before he transmigrated. There was actually a trace of fear in his heart.    


Chu Zhongtian advanced for nearly half an hour. After entering the cave for a few thousand meters, he temporarily stopped.    


First, he wanted to adjust his thoughts and eliminate the fear he felt from the ghost legends.    


Second, he also wanted to consider whether he should continue to go deeper into the cave.    


Because according to his estimation of the mountain range and the mountain peak before he entered the cave, he was now almost at the bottom of the mountain.    


However, he still could not see the end of the tunnel in front of him. He could not see where it would eventually lead to, nor could he see what the environment inside the cave was like. He had no confidence at all.    


After dispelling the fear that arose in his heart because of the legend of ghosts, Chu Zhongtian didn't rashly move forward. Instead, he took out another luminous pearl from within the storage bag and activated the spiritual power inside the Dantian. He wrapped the luminous pearl and then fiercely threw it forward.    


The Night Pearl flew for at least a few thousand meters before finally landing on the ground. It let out a crisp sound of impact.    


With the help of the light from the Night Pearl, Chu Zhongtian found that thousands of meters away was still not the end of the cave. This made him want to retreat.    


The unknown was always the scariest, and at this moment, he was in a completely unfamiliar Asura Secret Realm!    


Since Chu Zhongtian wanted to retreat, he was not a hesitant person. With the help of the luminous pearl, he turned around and returned to the original path.    


An hour later, Chu Zhongtian had no choice but to stop. Because he found that he was completely lost.    


No, he wasn't lost. He was trapped in a kind of maze.    


Judging from the time he entered the cave and the frequency of his steps, the distance he took to enter the cave was no more than five miles.    


At this moment, when he returned from the original path, his speed was faster. In an hour, he had walked at least ten miles, but he couldn't see the exit of the cave at all.    


There was no exit in front of him, and there was no end behind him. Chu Zhongtian could not help but miss Elder Huang.    


If Elder Huang, who was proficient in the formation, was in his mind right now, he was afraid that this maze wouldn't be able to stop him. With just a few simple words from Elder Huang, he could easily leave the cave.    


Unfortunately, Elder Huang couldn't appear in his mind just because of his nostalgic memories.    


Since he could not find the exit, he could only go deeper and see what kind of secrets were hidden in the deepest part of the cave.    


After Chu Zhongtian made up his mind, he used the Beginner level movement technique and the light of the night pearl to continue going deeper into the cave.    


Ten minutes later, Chu Zhongtian, who was using the Beginner level movement technique, suddenly felt a bright spot in front of him. He raised the movement technique to the Intermediate, and quickly rushed in front of the light.    


After that, Chu Zhongtian found out that the item that was emitting the light was a night pearl. He reached out and picked up the luminous pearl on the ground. Through the remaining spiritual power on the luminous pearl, he confirmed that it was the luminous pearl that he had thrown out just now.    


Chu Zhongtian did not put away the luminous pearl. He used the method he had just used to wrap the luminous pearl with the spiritual power. He continued to use this method to explore the path ahead.    


Every time he threw out the luminous pearl, the distance would be at least several thousand meters, and he would directly use the Middle Rank Movement Technique in front of him.    


Chu Zhongtian did this more than twenty times. After he went at least thirty miles into the cave, after he threw the Night-Luminescent Pearl out again, he found that the Night-Luminescent Pearl was blocked by a barrier after flying for a few hundred meters. Finally, it fell to the ground.    


Chu Zhongtian did not know what was going on in front of him, so he did not dare to rush forward. Therefore, he stopped using the movement technique and approached the place where the Night Pearl was.    


The distance of a few hundred meters was very short. A minute later... Chu Zhongtian arrived at the place where the luminous pearl was blocked. He first picked up the Night-Luminescent Pearls that had fallen, and then used the light from the two Night-Luminescent Pearls to carefully examine the situation in front of him.    


Through careful observation, he found that he did not walk to the end of the cave, but to a 90-degree turn.    


Chu Zhongtian raised the Night-Luminescent Pearls, and with the help of the light from the Night-Luminescent Pearls, he discovered that there was still a seemingly endless passage behind the corner.    


He did not think too much and still used the same method to go deeper into the cave.    


Since Chu Zhongtian could not go back the way he came, he made up his mind. He wanted to know how deep the cave was and what kind of secrets were hidden at the end.    


Chu Zhongtian used the method he just used to throw the Night Pearl more than fifty times. After walking for more than a hundred miles, he had to look at his feet with a serious expression.    


There had been nothing unusual in the empty tunnel, but the last time he threw the Night Pearl, he vaguely saw a white object on the ground.    


When he approached the white item with the movement technique, he was horrified to find that the item under his feet was actually a white skeleton.    


Chu Zhongtian raised the Night-Luminescent Pearl in his hand and used the light emitted by the Night-Luminescent Pearl to carefully observe the skeleton under his feet.    


Through observation, he found that the bones of the skeleton had calcified, which also meant that this skeleton had died for at least 50 years. Otherwise, the skeleton would not have such a serious calcification phenomenon.    


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