Strongest Replication

C124 Make Way

C124 Make Way

Chu Family, the herbal field, in front of the wooden house.    


Chu Zhongtian was pleasantly surprised by Chu Zhengxuan's plan to bring him to the outside world in advance.    


Whether it was his cultivation base or potential, he had already reached his limit. It would be impossible for him to have a huge improvement if he continued staying in the family. At the same time, he was also looking forward to the outside world of Qi Country. He wanted to see how wonderful the outside world of Qi Country was.    


"However, before you leave, you must improve your strength." Seeing that Chu Zhongtian didn't object to his suggestion, Chu Zhengxuan continued.    


"Third Grandpa, my current cultivation and martial skills have reached a bottleneck. If I want to increase my strength in a short period of time, unless I have some rare opportunity, it will be very difficult to do so."    


No one could understand his own situation better than him. Chu Zhongtian was very familiar with his cultivation. He knew that it was impossible for him to improve in a short period of time, so he could only tell the truth.    


"Tian, the reason why I said that is because you have a rare opportunity now. And this opportunity is enough to raise your Cultivation Talent and cultivation base by one level." Chu Zhengxuan explained while taking out an exquisite jade box from the void.    


Chu Zhongtian's eyes focused when he saw Chu Zhengxuan taking something out from the void. Then, he relaxed.    


Chu Zhengxuan was a Peak of the Qi Transforming Period warrior, and he was once a disciple of the Floating Cloud Sect's Inner Sect. It wasn't strange for him to have a Spatial Spirit Tool like the storage bag. He was only interested in what Chu Zhengxuan took out from the jade box.    


Chu Zhongtian's eyes focused, and then Chu Zhongtian's shocked expression disappeared in an instant. Chu Zhengxuan couldn't help but look up at Chu Zhongtian.    


When he first found out about the spatial spirit weapon, the storage bag, it took him more than ten minutes to recover from the shock. Chu Zhongtian was only shocked for three seconds. This was enough to show that Chu Zhongtian had a very strong willpower when faced with temptation. This was very beneficial to his future cultivation.    


"Open it and take a look." Seeing that Chu Zhongtian didn't open the jade box immediately, Chu Zhengxuan knew that he was waiting for a signal.    


"This is?" After opening the lid of the jade box, Chu Zhongtian discovered that there was a cloud-like medicinal pill in the jade box. This medicinal pill was hidden within the spiritual power, and there wasn't a trace of medicinal fragrance coming from it.    


When Chu Zhongtian saw the pill in the jade box, a trace of shock flashed across his mind. "Third Grandpa, could this be a level 7 pill?"    


A level 7 pill had already entered the ranks of Intermediate pills. A pill of this grade was completely out of the ranks of ordinary treasures, and could be considered as a rare treasures.    


"That's right, this is an Intermediate level 7 Rebirth Pill, a Cultivation Talent that can increase a person's strength!" At this time, Grand Elder answered from the side.    


"What? A Cultivation Talent that can increase one's strength?!" After hearing Grand Elder's explanation from the side, Chu Zhongtian stood up in shock and stared at Grand Elder with a face full of disbelief.    


The Cultivation Talent of a human determined one's achievements in life. A Level 10 Cultivation Talent could reach the Qi Refining Stage at the highest level. A Level 9 Cultivation Talent could reach the Body Refining Stage at the highest level, and a Level 8 Cultivation Talent could reach the Qi Transforming Period at the highest level. Chu Zhongtian's Cultivation Talent was at the top rank level 8, which meant that his life's greatest achievement was the same as Chu Zhengxuan's. In other words, he was at the Peak of the Qi Transforming Period.    


After learning that a Qi Transforming Period was not the Peak Stage of a warrior, but the starting point of his cultivation, he was not willing to accept that he could only reach the Peak of the Qi Transforming Period in the end.    


The reason why he wanted to increase his potential to the limit after advancing to the Minor Stage was so that he could break this limit.    


As for whether he could succeed or not, Chu Zhongtian didn't have much confidence.    


Chu Zhongtian didn't know which pills and rare treasures could increase his talent, so he couldn't possibly find those rare treasures and herbs to increase his Cultivation Talent. This was also the reason why he was eager to join the Floating Cloud Sect after learning about the power of the Floating Cloud Sect.    


According to Chu Zhengxuan, the inheritance of the Floating Cloud Sect had been passed down for more than 100,000 years. There were as many experts as clouds in the sect, and there were some rare and precious rare treasures in the sect. There must be some rare treasures and pills that could enhance the Cultivation Talent.    


Looking at the Intermediate Seven-grade Bodiless Pill in the jade box in his hand, Chu Zhongtian considered for a moment. Then, he pushed the jade box in front of Chu Zhengxuan and said with a solemn tone.    


"Third Grandpa, you have already reached the Peak of the Qi Transforming Period. After consuming this Intermediate Seven-grade Bodiless Pill... The Cultivation Talent will definitely be able to break through to the level 7. At that time, you will be able to break through to the Stage that is above the Qi Transforming Period. So, I'll let you consume this Rebirth Pill! "    


Although he said it in a relaxed manner, Chu Zhongtian was actually filled with reluctance. However, as the heir of the Chu Family, the first thing he had to consider was the benefits of his family.    


If Chu Zhengxuan's cultivation base surpassed the Qi Transforming Period, then with his formidable strength, the Chu Family could very well replace the Qi family and become the true king of the Qi Country.    


As a transmigrator, Chu Zhongtian understood that this was a critical moment to test his loyalty. He absolutely couldn't let anything happen to him.    


Seeing Chu Zhongtian giving the pill to him, a kind expression emerged on Chu Zhengxuan's face, but he didn't take it. Instead, he said with a smile.    


"Tian, I have told you before that I am a Mid Level 8 Cultivation Talent. After that, I was lucky enough to have my talent increased by a small grade, and that was after consuming the Rebirth Pill. Therefore, this Rebirth Pill is useless to me. "    


The effect of the first ___ was the most obvious. Although the second ___ was not as good as the first one, it still had a certain effect. Chu Zhongtian knew that this was Chu Zhengxuan's way of showing respect.    


Since Chu Yunxuan took the initiative to give it to him, Chu Zhongtian could only send the Rebirth Pill to Grand Elder. He said with a sincere tone, "Grand Elder, you are the only Upper Rank Ninth Grade alchemist in Chu Family. The improvement of the Cultivation Talent will also be very helpful to the improvement of your alchemy, so this Rebirth Pill is for you."    


Among the three people present, only Grand Elder could make Chu Zhongtian willingly give out the ___. There were two reasons.    


The first was that Grand Elder treated him as kindly as his father, taking care of him at all times. He had considered everything for him, and in order to repay this kindness, not to mention a level 7 pill, even if it was something precious... Chu Zhongtian was willing to give it to him.    


The second reason was that he guessed that this Intermediate Seven-grade Bodiless Pill must have been obtained by Grand Elder from outside. As for why it wasn't Chu Zhengxuan, it was because in the last month, Chu Zhongtian would come every two or three days to see Chu Zhengxuan and discuss cultivation matters with him. Therefore, it was impossible for him to have the time to look for medicinal pills.    


Grand Elder had gone out alone a month ago, so he must be looking for pills. Although he didn't know the value of this Intermediate level 7 pill, it was still a level 7 pill. Furthermore, it could increase the grade of the Cultivation Talent. He was afraid that it wasn't something that could be exchanged with any ordinary price.    


"Hehe, I'm just an old man who has just entered the earth. Don't waste this precious pill." Grand Elder shook his head and rejected the offer with a smile.    


"Patriarch, since Third Grandpa and Grand Elder aren't willing to consume this pill... Then I'll give you this Rebirth Pill!" Seeing Grand Elder refuse to take it, Chu Zhongtian confirmed his guess. He knew that this was the pill that Grand Elder had specially found for him.    


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