Strongest Replication

C104 Best Position

C104 Best Position

Chu Family, in front of the Blood Prison Pavilion.    


"Zhongtian, among the disciples who have entered the Blood Prison Pavilion to cultivate, six spots have been occupied by the younger generation. This is the largest number of disciples in the younger generation in the past few decades." After everyone had finished their discussion, Chu Zhongba explained in a low voice.    


Actually, without Chu Zhongba's explanation, Chu Zhongtian had already noticed this situation.    


Although the requirements to enter the Blood Prison Pavilion were not very harsh, those who had reached the Level 8 with the Cultivation Talent were qualified to enter. However, the prerequisite was that the number of people who had reached the Level 8 among the young generation and young generation couldn't exceed ten.    


If the number of people who had reached the Level 8 exceeded ten, then there would be a fierce competition to fight for ten spots.    


As one of the three great families of the Qi Country, the Chu Family had a population of nearly ten thousand. Although most of the people in the ___ only had Level 10 and Level 9 Cultivation Talent, the number of people who had reached the Level 8 was not small either. Therefore, every time there were ten spots in the Blood Prison Pavilion, the competition would be very intense.    


Chu Zhongtian had quietly left his family to train on the second day of the Lunar New Year, so he didn't know how to compete for the ten spots this time.    


In addition to the fact that there were more people in the younger generation this time, he was surprised to find out. The leader of the young generation, Chu Hongwei, didn't appear, and the few elite disciples who were close to him, who had reached the Level 8, also didn't appear.    


Although no one told him about Chu Hongwei's situation, Chu Zhongtian felt that Chu Hongwei's outcome wouldn't be too good. He was afraid that even Chu Hongwei's father, Second Elder, would be implicated as well.    


"Young Patriarch, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been able to get this quota." Chu Zhongba's words caused an elite disciple of the younger generation to sigh with emotion.    


This elite disciple's name was Chu Andong. He was a member of the Chu Family's branch, a Lower Level 8 Cultivation Talent.    


Originally, he didn't have the qualifications to enter the Blood Prison Pavilion to cultivate, but luck had suddenly arrived. This gave him a chance to enter the Blood Prison Pavilion to cultivate. After some private inquiries, he finally found out that the reason he was able to enter the Blood Prison Pavilion was all because of Chu Zhongtian.    


Chu Zhongtian didn't understand the process of competing for the quota, nor did he know the preciousness of the quota. However, Chu Zhongba and the others understood it very well. According to past habits, after every opening of the Blood Prison Pavilion, only four of the ten spots could be occupied by the younger generation. The other six would be given to the young generation.    


After all, the young generation was stronger. After the cultivation of the Blood Prison Pavilion, their strength would increase by a level in a short period of time.    


This time, the ten spots were not passed through the competition. It was Chu Tianyun and a few elder of the inner clan who made the decision on their own. Their ultimate goal was to take care of Chu Zhongtian.    


Because the young generation's elite disciples had the best relationship with Chu Zhongtian. More importantly, the five elite disciples of the younger generation that were chosen this time had all participated in the hunting competition. Moreover, all of them had been rescued by Chu Zhongtian, and they all felt grateful towards him.    


As the sun rose to the center of the sky, Third Elder nodded at the other four inner circle Sect Elders. After that, each of the five Sect Elders took out a red key and inserted it into the five keyholes on the red door.    


As the five keys were inserted into the keyholes, the tightly shut red door slowly opened, and a pungent smell of blood assaulted their nostrils.    


Among the ten elite disciples present, besides Chu Zhongtian and the four Body Refining Stage elite disciples who were able to maintain their calm expressions, Chu Zhongba and the others couldn't help but take a step back.    


Although Chu Zhongba and the other five had their hands stained with blood before, they had experienced too few bloody scenes. For the time being, they couldn't bear the thick smell of blood.    


Third Elder and the others could clearly see the performance of the elite disciples. They nodded their heads in satisfaction at Chu Zhongtian's fearless performance.    


A martial artist who had truly experienced a baptism of blood was a true mature martial artist, and Chu Zhongtian had already reached this level.    


"Young Patriarch, the nine elite disciples of the nine families. The Blood Prison Pavilion will only be opened for five days, but it doesn't mean that you will be able to cultivate for five days inside."    


"Because after the Blood Prison Pavilion is opened for a day, there will be a heavy pressure inside. The pressure is targeted at the physical body. If you can't hold on any longer, then hurry up and get out of here, or else... Injuring is a small matter. If it's serious, you'll die inside."    


After saying that, Third Elder's face darkened. He raised his voice and shouted, "Don't think that I'm just trying to scare you. After the Blood Prison Pavilion opened last time... There was an elite disciple who had reached the First Layer of the Body Refining Period, and because he was able to hold on for a long time, he eventually died in there."    


Regarding the things that needed to be taken note of in the Blood Prison Pavilion, Chu Tianyun had told Chu Zhongtian in detail after he returned to the Chu family. He also told him how to feel his limits and how to utilize the energy of the Blood Prison Pavilion better.    


" Alright, you can go in now! " As for whether these elite disciples would listen to his instructions or not, Third Elder didn't care. All he needed to do was instruct them.    


If these elite disciples wanted to force themselves, death was their business.    


The only thing that worried him the most was Chu Zhongtian. He knew that this Young Patriarch had a very strong personality, and he was obsessed with increasing his strength. Therefore, he was worried that Chu Zhongtian wouldn't know the severity of the matter and would insist on it.    


Although he was worried, he also knew that Chu Zhongtian was no longer someone he could command. Therefore, he could only silently give his blessings in his heart.    


Among the ten elite disciples, Chu Zhongtian was Young Patriarch, and he had the most prestigious status. Therefore, he was the one who took the lead to enter the Blood Prison Pavilion.    


After walking into the Blood Prison Pavilion, Chu Zhongtian could feel that the stench of blood was getting stronger. He even felt like throwing up. Fortunately, he had already experienced dozens of battles, and he had gotten used to this kind of feeling. Therefore, he returned to normal in a short period of time.    


As for Chu Zhongba and the others, it took quite a while for them to barely get used to the environment here.    


The layout of Blood Prison Pavilion was very simple. There were only ten pillars about half a meter tall and one meter in diameter. There was a hassock placed on each pillar.    


After seeing the layout of the hall, Chu Zhongtian knew that the ten pillars were used for cultivation.    


"Young Patriarch, the ten pillars in the hall are arranged according to the position. Each pillar contains different amounts of energy." After all the elite disciples had entered the Blood Prison, the blood-red door suddenly closed.    


At this moment, a disciple at the first level of the Qi Refining Stage walked up to Chu Zhongtian and introduced him.    


"Could it be that there is something special about these ten pillars?" Seeing the young generation's elite disciples expressing their goodwill, Chu Zhongtian was naturally happy to accept him, so he asked with a gentle attitude.    


"Replying to Young Patriarch, out of the ten pillars, the easternmost pillar is the place with the most energy. Then, from the east to the west, the energy starts to weaken." Seeing Chu Zhongtian's gentle attitude, the expressions of the young generation's elite disciples changed greatly. Their attitude became even more enthusiastic.    


"What's your name?" Chu Zhongtian nodded, indicating that he already knew. After that, he turned around and asked with a satisfied expression.    


"My name is Chu Zilin, a low grade Level 8 Cultivation Talent."    


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