Strongest Replication

C84 The Power of the Force

C84 The Power of the Force

Chu Zhongtian could feel the indomitable imposing aura concentrating Chu Zhongba's fist technique. For the first time, he was truly shocked by the power of a Martial Skill.    


After a period of cultivation, especially after breaking through, Chu Zhongtian felt that the fundamentals and basic Martial Skills were the most important. As long as he mastered basic Martial Skills, he didn't need to use any Martial Skills above his cultivation realm.    


However, after seeing Chu Zhongba use the Qi Extermination Fist, Chu Zhongtian's opinion began changing greatly as he felt that his previous thoughts were limited to a certain extent.    


If one could dominate the world with just the basic Martial Skills, then why would there be more advanced Martial Skills? As a transmigrator, Chu Zhongtian felt that his throughts were still influecned by that of his original world.    


After casting the Qi Extermination Fist skill of Eight Trigrams Six Joint Fists, Chu Zhongba cupped his fists and walked down from the platform with an exhausted expression on his face.    


After that, the entire scene turned dead silent. Since Chu Zhongba had already gone up the stage, this meant that the famous Chu Zhongtian and Chu Hongwei were next.    


Usually, during such events, the last person to step on stage would definitely leave a lasting impression. Thus, neither Chu Zhongtian nor Chu Zhongwei took the initiative to step forth as they fought for their reputation.    


Looking at Chu Hongwei's relaxed look, Chu Zhongtian saw that he had no intentions of going up first. As such, without delaying things any longer, he took the lead and walked up the stage.    


"Why is Zhongtian being so impatient?" Seeing Chu Zhongtian taking the initiative to step onto the platform, Chu Zhongba couldn't help but complain anxiously.    


The reason why Chu Zhongba went on the stage in advance was to force Chu Hongwei to go next. Since Chu Hongwei was essentially the representative of the younger generation, he would, according to tradition, have to go up next to show off the greatest strength of his generation.    


From Chu Zhongba's perspective, Chu Hongwei was the only one whose status can be compared to his. But to his surprise, Chu Zhongtian actually took the initiative to step forth first. As such, his meticulous plan was in vain.    


Upon going up on stage, Chu Zhongtian noticed the irritation in Chu Zhongba's eyes and smiled at him to show that he didn't need to worry.    


The reason why Chu Zhongtian took the initiative to step onto the stage was because he had already seen from the patriarch and the elders' eyes that no matter who took the initiative to step onto the stage first, it wouldn't affect the competition that followed.    


Not to mention, Chu Zhongtian would follow Grand Elder to the Luolin Town tomorrow morning to train in the Endless Forest. Not willing to waste too much time here, he opted to go up on stage and get it over with.    


After greeting the people around him with cupped fists, Chu Zhongtian said, "Seniors and fellow clansmen, my name is Chu Zhongtian. I used to be a small shop assistant in a certain pharmacy within Luolin Town. However, pitied by the heavens, I ended up being regarded highly by the partriarch and received the opportunity to cultivate once again, rising up all the way to where I am now in a short period of time."    


"But since I only began cultivating recently, I have yet to learn any profound Martial Skills. Thus, I'll be showing you the power that I suddenly grasped during the Hunting Contest."    


After saying this, Chu Zhongtian made a request to Chu Tianyun and the others. "Patriarch, elders, you won't be able to comprehend the power of the Force that I mastered simply with your naked eye. Therefore, I hope that Partriarch may send twenty Eighth Layer Qi Refining Realm Cultivators up here for them to experience it themselves."    


"Very well!" Chu Tian said without hesitation in the face of Chu Zhongtian's request as his nodded his head in approval. At the same time, his heart was filled with curiosity regarding the Force that Chu Zhongtian possessed.    


It was certainly a rare opportuntiy to sense the power of the Force at a close distance. Naturally, all the Eighth Layer Qi Refining Realm Cultivators in the plaza wanted to experience it for themselves. Only after going through a lot of effort did Chu Tianyun pick out 18 individuals of the particular realm.    


As for the two remaining spots, Chu Tianyun and the Grand Elder would be filling them.    


"Xiao Tian, both Grand Elder and I would like to experience the power of the Force. But you can stay rest assured as we'll remain a reasonable distance from you," Chu Tianyun asked with pleading tone as the 18 other individuals stood in front of Chu Zhongtian.    


"Of course you can!" Chu Zhongtian replied instantly. Besides, he was only showing off his Force, not using it in a life and death battle. As such, anyone would be able to feel it.    


Still lacking a deep understanding of the Force, Chu Zhongtian could only emit the Force within a radius of ten meters around him. That was the reason why he specifically chose 20 people to test it out for him.    


"Alright, pay attention. I'll be activating my Force now!" Seeing that the twenty people were ready, Chu Zhongtina took a step forward with his left leg and activated his unique Force.    


At that moment, a divine aura rose from Chu Zhongtian's body. With the gentle breeze coming to a sudden stop within the area influenced by his imposing aura, the entire place within a radius of ten meters around him turned into a vacuum.    


The relaxed expressions of the twenty individuals within the vacuum turned serious. Aside from Chu Tianyun and the Grand Elder, the others' expression bleached slightly pale while some of them even had the urge to retreat.    


However, under the pressure of this imposing aura similar to the oppression of the heavens, they already found it extremely difficult to move their bodies, let alone retreating. At this point, even moving a single one of the fingers proved difficult.    


Among the twenty individuals within the vaccuum, only Chu Tianyun and the Grand Elder were able to move however they wished.    


Even so, both of their expressions too turned solemn. After all, they were only able to keep control of their bodies because they were much stronger than Chu Zhongtian.    


If Chu Zhongtian was at the Tenth Layer of the Body Refining Realm, it would definitely be easy for him to slice off their heads under the effect of the Force. Upon thinking of this, Chu Tianyun and the Grand Elder were both frightened. At the same time, they felt fortunate that the person who possessed such a Force was a disciple of their Chu Family.    


Chu Tianyun, who had already made up his mind, was now even more confident. He exchanged glances with Grand Elder and received a positive reply from him. Chu Tianyun then said, "Xiao Tian, you can retract your Force now!"    


Since it was the first time using the full power of his Force on twenty people at once, Chu Zhongtian was barely able to maintain it for long and thus had to use his full concentration. Upon hearing Chu Tianyun's words, he quickly withdrew his Force.    


When Chu Zhongtian and the eighteen clansmen walked off the platform, Chu Hongwei, who wore a relaxed expression on his face, was just about to walk up next. However, his raised left leg suddenly stopped in midair upon hearing Chu Tianyun's following words.    


"Alright, the demonstration of the elite disciples of both the younger generation and the adolescent generation has come to an end!" Chu Tianyun instantly shot a glance of disgust at Chu Hongwei as announced the end of the ceremony mercilessly.    


"Damn it!" Seeing Chu Tianyun announce the end of the ceremony without hesitation, Chu Hongwei roared angrily in his heart.    


Originally, Chu Hongwei had prepared a powerful Intermediate Martial Skill to increase his chances of winning. However, Chu Tianyun forcefully put his plan to an end, which caused him to be on the verge of exploding in rage.    


Even so, Chu Hongwei did not dare to complain. Instead, he could only look at the Second Elder, his biological father, standing in the plaza.    


Upon seeing his son's questioning gaze, the Second Elder's gaze surged with mixed feelings and a great sense of disappointment. As the Second Elder of the Chu Family, it could be said that he was second only to Chu Tianyun in terms of power and influence in the Chu Family.    


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