Strongest Replication

C65 Joy

C65 Joy

Chu Family, Tranquil Elegant Courtyard, bedroom:    


After 15 days of intense competition and countless battles, Chu Zhongtian's taut nerves finally relaxed. After Chu Tianyun announced the end of the contest, all the fatigue that his adrenaline had been supporting came crashing down.    


Therefore, the first thing Chu Zhongtian did after returning to his courtyard was drop flat on his bed. Then, he slept like a log.    


After sleeping for half a day and a night, he lazily woke up.    


After getting the relaxation that he very much deserved, Chu Zhongtian's psyche was in peak condition. When he checked the spiritual power in his dantian, he found that it was much more refined and felt way denser—almost a solid.    


After washing up, Chu Zhongtian left his room and went to the courtyard to cultivate. This time, he did not practice the basic saber technique. Instead, he practiced an incomplete set of fist technique.    


When he watched the fight between Liu Yongjun and Qi Yiloong, he was quite impressed by the techniques used by Liu Yongjun.    


Also, Liu Yongjun's fighting style was basically the same as Chu Zhongtian's. They both liked to fight in close combat. Besides hard weapons, the weapons Liu Yongjun used the most were his fists and legs.    


Eight Trigrams Six Joint Fists was the name of the fist technique that Chu Zhongtian was currently practicing. It was a gift that Chu Zhongba gave him on the way back to the family.    


This Eight Trigrams Six Joint Fists was a martial skill of unknown grade since it was incomplete and badly damaged. It only had three pages, and each page depicted a single stance of the fist technique.    


According to Chu Zhongba, he had been practicing the Eight Trigrams Six Joint Fists for quite some time. However, the fist technique recorded in the manual was very profound; since Chu Zhongba's comprehension ability wasn't that great, he hadn't been able to master it. What little he had learned from the manual had helped him fight those half a level above him.    


He gave Chu Zhongtian such a precious skill because he felt that given Chu Zhongtian's amazing comprehension ability, he could master the three stances.    


There was also a second reason—he wanted Chu Zhongtian to plead for him in front of the patriarch and the elders. After all, the punishment for his mismanagement wasn't just going to fly away.    


However, the second they returned to the family, Chu Tianyun went straight to his palace. He went to hand over the quota for the profits' distribution and determine the exact time Chu Zhongtian and Chu Yuping would enter the Hidden Dragon Pavilion. I guess... the problem really did fly away.    


Despite being an incomplete skill, every stance of the Eight Trigrams Six Joint Fists was extremely profound. Unfortunately, it was not something that could be mastered in a short period. This was Chu Zhongtian's first time practicing the fist technique, and right now, he was trying to familiarize himself with the three stances. He wanted to know if these three moves were really as profound as Chu Zhongba had said.    


After practicing for half an hour, Chu Zhongtian found himself trying to unfold the folds in his brain. There were literally just three simple stances in the manual, yet he had no idea how to practice them. It was as if his brain refused to accept even a single stance.    


However, he didn't give up because it was his first try, and he was just familiarizing himself. Later, he would start with the basic fist technique and wait until the basic fist technique had built a foundation for him to practice the Eight Trigrams Six Joint Fists.    


After another half an hour, he calmed himself down and returned to his room to tidy up. It was time for him to go to the meeting hall.    


First, he wanted to retrieve the rewards he got for getting first place in the Hunting Contest. Second, he wanted to plead on Chu Zhongba's behalf. Third, he wanted to see what kind of arrangements his family had for his future cultivation.    


After eating the delicious food specially prepared by Chun Xiang, Chu Zhongtian left the Tranquil Elegant Courtyard under her eyes filled with worship and infatuation.    


Chu Family, Meeting Hall:    


The atmosphere inside the meeting hall was vivacious. From time to time, there would be laughter. This was completely different from the usual solemn atmosphere.    


Patriarch Chu Tianyun sat on the chair in the middle with a smile on his face. He looked at the eleven elders whispering to each other, and his heart was filled with joy.    


The result of this Hunting Contest was beyond his imagination. Initially, he thought that the Chu Family would get 10% of the annual profit at most, but they actually ended up with more than 30%.    


Compared to the 30% profit, the biggest gain of the Chu Family this time was the discovery of a peerless genius, Chu Zhongtian.    


The only reason the Chu Family got all this wealth was thanks to Chu Zhongtian's unexpected rise. Despite Chu Zhongba's disastrous leadership, Chu Zhongtian made sure that all their young disciples weren't wiped out.    


After all, Chu Zhongtian was the one who slaughtered all the Wang Family participants after Chu Zhongba had foolishly challenged Wang Chao.    


In summary, it could be said that if a family wanted to prosper, having peerless geniuses was one of the key factors.    


Compared to Chu Tianyun's joy, Chu Fann's joy was already breaking through the roof. Why wouldn't he be ecstatic? He was the one who had the closest relationship with Chu Zhongtian in the family. He brought Chu Zhongtian back from the Luolin town.    


More importantly, after Chu Zhongtian returned to the family from Luolin town, Chu Fann had basically taken care of all his requests. He helped Chu Zhongtian get spirit stones, weapons, armors, and whatnot. If Chu Zhongtian was indebted to someone in the family, it was definitely Chu Fann.    


In Chu Fann's heart—besides joy—there was also disbelief and shock. Although he knew that Chu Zhongtian's talent was outstanding and his willpower could bend steel... He was also aware that Chu Zhongtian would definitely become the Chu Family's cornerstone... But all things considered... Wasn't this transformation a tad tooo shocking?    


In just two months' time, he had completely turned the tables.    


After Chu Zhongtian won the contest and returned to his family, he directly returned to his room to rest. As the champion, he could do that. However, the other Chu Family disciples did not receive this kind of treatment. They stayed in the meeting hall and told the patriarch and the elders everything related to Chu Zhongtian in detail.    


Chu Zhongtian's outstanding performance was precisely what made the Chu Family elders so excited and happy.    


Even the most straightforward third elder excitedly slammed the table and shouted, "This is our Chu Family's fortune!"    


"Disciple Chu Zhongtian requests to see the patriarch!" Just as Chu Tianyun and the others were marveling at Chu Zhongtian's extraordinary abilities, Chu Zhongtian's request to meet them came from outside the hall.    


"Come in! Quickly!" Hearing Chu Zhongtian's voice, Chu Tianyun quickly stood up and invited Chu Zhongtian in.    


Chu Zhongtian walked into the meeting hall with proper manners. According to the rules set for all Chu Family disciples, he greeted the patriarch and the eleven elders one by one.    


Chu Zhongtian's modest personality, proper etiquette, and respect won approval from everyone in the hall. Compared to the overbearing and arrogant Chu Zhongba, Chu Zhongtian's performance was perfect in all aspects.    


"Tian, sit down. Let's talk" Chu Tianyun pointed to an empty seat beside the eleventh elder and gestured for Chu Zhongtian to sit down.    


"Thank you for the high praise patriarch; Zhongtian dare not be impolite," Chu Zhongtian hurriedly said, refusing to sit at the same table as the family elders.    


Be it before his reincarnation or after his reincarnation, Chu Zhongtian had experienced trials and tribulations that others couldn't even think of. From all that, if there was one thing he learned, it was human relations.    


Although Chu Tianyun sincerely invited him to sit down, he couldn't accept it because of his sincerity. Some things might seem okay for now, but no one could say for sure what they might turn into in the future.    


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