Strongest Replication

C25 A Tale of a Courtyard

C25 A Tale of a Courtyard

In this world, there were a number of desires one could succumb to.    


For example, the desire for money, the desire for power, the desire for happiness, the desire for love, and even the desire for beauty.    


Having desires, for the most part, wasn't a bad thing. As long as one used their desires to motivate themselves in the right direction, it could help them achieve the impossible.    


The four beautiful women from before were as beautiful as flowers. Anyonewho saw them would have the desire to possess them. Chu Zhongtian was no saint,so he, too, wanted to make them his own. However, and thankfully, his entirethought process wasn't controlled by his dick. He wanted to have them, but thatdidn't mean he forgot all he had learned after reading near-infinite webnovels.    


If those novels were anything to go by, any person born in such a fantastical world would have something called Innate Qi within them. This special Qi could bring them unimaginable benefits and help them in cultivation and learning martial techniques. He wasn't sure, but he thought that this Qi could be transferred through sex; this was why others partook in dual cultivation.    


The Taixuan Heart Sutra had no clause that prohibited sex. However, ChuZhongtian's goal was to stand above everyone and become a peerlessexpert capable of controlling his own life and death. Of course, it wasnothing but speculation, but he wasn't going to take any chances... fornow.    


If he were to indulge in male and female love prematurely, he was certainthat it would be anything but beneficial in the future. Would he be lettingdown his "copy-paste" ability and the wondrous opportunity itbrought?    


"Looks like I've to talk with the steward about replacing them with some ordinary looking girls." After making his decision, he ordered the five guards to guard the entrance, indicating that he was going to cultivate in seclusion.    


As one of the top-ranked courtyards of the Chu Family, the facilities in Tranquil Elegant Courtyard were all-encompassing. Apart from the usual master bedroom, living room, dining room, it also had a cultivation room. This room was specially designed for cultivation and practicing martial skills.    


The cultivation room wasn't big; it was only a dozen square meters. However, after Chu Zhongtian entered the room, he discovered what made all the difference. Surprisingly, the Qi density inside the room was ten times what was outside the room.    


Under such an environment, his cultivation speed was bound to increase by a lot.    


After Chu Zhongtian adjusted his mental state, he began cultivating; soon, he found that his Qi absorption rate had once again gone up. Before, he could barely fill one meridian a day; now, he could fill two meridians per day.    


Back in Luolin Town, when he was waiting for the Chu Family experts to arrive, he spent half of his time cultivating and the other half practicing the basic saber moves.    


In that time period, he had managed to fill eight meridians with spiritual Qi.    


So, his goal for the next two days was to fill the reaming four meridianswith Qi. Then, he would consume a low Level-10 Qi IncreasingPill , which would help him breakthrough to Level-3.    


Only after reaching Level-3 could he properly meld his spiritual power with the saber moves he had been practicing.    


While Chu Zhongtian was utterly focused on absorbing Qi and increasing his cultivation, something sinister was going on in a courtyard not far away from the Tranquil Elegant Courtyard.    


A handsome young man about seventeen or eighteen years old with an extraordinary temperament was listening to his subordinate's report with a gloomy expression.    


This handsome young man was none other than patriarch Chu Tianyun's son, Chu Zhongba. He was also the leader of the Chu Family's younger generation.    


Chu Zhongba's personality was just like his name. He was a very domineering man. He believed on one simple saying: if I can't have it, no one can. As long as he wanted something, he would get it by hook or by crook. If need be, he would even make sure that no one alive desired the same thing as him.    


However, being the patriarch's son wasn't the only reason he could lead such a tyrannical lifestyle. Not only was his father a peak Body Refiner, but even his mother was also a mighty Body Refiner. Together, they passed on their excellent genes to Chu Zhongba, and he ended up with an extraordinary mid Level-8 talent.    


Chu Zhongba was 18 years old this year, and he was already a LEvel-7 Qi Refiner. Due to his talent, cultivation level, and temperament, he was the true leader of the current younger generation.    


He participated in the family's talent test one year before Chu Zhongtian. For the next one year, he was the most outstanding disciple of the Chu Family. In the eyes of many of the family members, he was the next patriarch. It wasn't until a year later, when Chu Zhongtian suddenly appeared, that everyone's views changed.    


The patriarch position's succession law wasn't similar to a monarchy: a father couldn't pass down his position to his son. The patriarch position belonged to the strongest member of the family.    


Chu Zhongtian had a peak Level-8 talent, whereas Chu Zhongba had a mid Level-8 talent. Chu Zhongtian could completely surpass Chu Zhongba with his talent.    


Sadly, this view only lasted three days. Mere three days after the talenttest, Chu Zhongtian's meridians were damaged, and he became trash. Thefamily members who were supporting him three days ago changed camps and begansupporting Chu Zhongba.    


"Young Master Ba, the Tranquil Elegant Courtyard is now occupied by Chu Zhongtian, and he has already moved in."    


"Chu Zhongtian?" When Chu Zhongba heard the report, he raised his eyebrows and said in a puzzled tone.    


"Young Master Ba, Chu Zhongtian was considered a peerless genius due to his peak Level-8 talent. A year ago, three days after the talent test, his meridians were damaged, and he became a cripple. Then, he was sent to Luolin Town's Chu's Pharmacy by the family," The servant hurriedly explained.    


"Oh, he is that trash. So, what is he doing here?" Chu Zhongba frowned and asked in an unfriendly tone.    


Ever since he was tested to be a mid Level 8 talent, the elders hadhighly regarded him. They treated him the same way they were treating ChuZhongtian now. Not only did he cultivate using Chu Family's ultimatecultivation technique, the Taixuan Heart Sutra, he also enjoyed the highesttreatment among the younger generation.    


It could be said that in the Chu Family, he could get whatever he wanted. His influence had even surpassed that of some elders.    


The Tranquil Elegant Courtyard could only be accessed by the patriarch and a few elders. After all, it was the best one in the entire Chu Family mansion.    


Not only was the environment beautiful, but even the terrain was unique. Furthermore, it had been modified by the ancestors of the Chu Family, making the Qi inside the courtyard numerous times denser than outside.    


If he could live in the Tranquil Elegant Courtyard, not only would the quiet environment be beneficial to his cultivation, but the abundant Qi would also increase his cultivation speed.    


Chu Zhongba had long since had his eyes on the Tranquil Elegant Courtyard. The reason he couldn't move in was because his father didn't agree to it.    


Even though Chu Tianyun was the patriarch, the strongest person in Chu Family, he couldn't be too biased. He couldn't let the family members think that he was too selfish and only cared about his son. Also, this wouldn't be beneficial for Chu Family's development, so Chu Tianyun didn't agree to his son's request.    


However, Chu Tianyun didn't reject it completely. Instead, he said that he would reward the Tranquil Elegant Courtyard to Chu Zhongba after he became a Level-7 Qi Refiner.    


Due to this promise, he worked harder than ever and finally broke through, becoming a Level-7 Qi Refiner after two years. Then, after consolidated his cultivation, he went to the elder to apply for the courtyard, and that elder even agreed to it at that time.    


However, because Chu Zhongba had some personal matters to attend to, he had to delay his move in for a while. When he returned to the family, he discovered that his courtyard had actually been taken by someone else. Given his possessive nature, he was furious.    


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