Strongest Replication

C28 Becoming a Level-3 Qi Refiner

C28 Becoming a Level-3 Qi Refiner

Cultivation room, Tranquil Elegant Courtyard:    


As he had expected, those 14 Meridian Enhancing Pills did indeed strengthen and expand his meridians by a whole 10%.    


Chu Zhongtian's confidence doubled as he felt his newfound strength.    


Despite squandering 20 Level-10 stones over replicating these Meridian Enhancing Pills, Chu Zhongtian still came to the conclusion that he needed more. So, he took out the Level-9 spirit stones and began replicating more Meridian Enhancing Pills.    


After the first Level-9 stone, he found that a single Level-9 spirit stone could make nine Meridian Enhancing Pills. So... he took out another and continued copying.    


As the number of consumed Meridian Enhancing Pills increased, Chu Zhongtian found that their effect was decreasing. Now, nine pills could only enhance his meridians by 3%.    


Chu Zhongtian knew that his meridians were now at their limit: they couldn't be enhanced any further. If he continued to consume more pills, they just might damage his meridians instead of enhancing them.    


Afterall, an overdose of any medicine was considered poisonous.    


Chu Zhongtian adjustedhis state of mind and filled his now-empty meridians with Qi from the spiritstones.    


Perhaps it was because the strength and width of his meridians had increased; this time, his Qi absorption speed went up again.    


In justhalf a day, he had turned all his Level-9 stones into dust. Rightnow, all 12 of his enhanced meridians were filled with spiritual power.    


Aftersome calculations, he realized that he now had three times as much spiritualpower in his meridians as before eating those Meridian EnhancingPills.    


He couldeasily defeat a Level-4 Qi Refiner with his current strength—he was a Level-2Qi Refiner himself.    


At onetime, slow Qi absorption was one of Chu Zhongtian's problems. Now, hewas absorbing Qi a little too quickly. He had annihilated an entire pileof Level-9 spirit stones in half a day. Who does that?    


However, he decided to push the worries to the back of his mind for the time being. Right now, he had other things to worry about, like what was his next step going to be?    


Rightnow, his meridians were flooded with spiritual power, so he could breakthrough and become a Level-3 Qi Refiner anytime he wanted. However, instead ofbreaking through, he stood up and left the cultivation room. He came tothe main hall and instructed Chun Xiang, who was guarding the door, "ChunXiang, go and prepare something to eat for me. "    


When he just moved into the Tranquil Elegant Courtyard, in order to calm his mind and not be affected by the four beauties, he decided to transfer them away. Therefore, not long after he moved in, he asked the head steward over to replace them with ordinary girls.    


Regarding this, the head steward couldn't help but feel at a loss.    


After all, those four beauties came in a package deal with the courtyard: they weren't specially prepared for Chu Zhongtian. So, the head steward did not have the authority to transfer them away.    


Unless the patriarch personally gave the order, they couldn't be transferred out of the Tranquil Elegant Courtyard.    


However, when the head steward saw Chu Zhongtian's firm attitude regarding this matter, he specifically reminded, "Young Master Tian, unless the patriarch personally orders it, no one can transfer them."    


"According to the Chu Family's rules, if a female servant is chased away by her master, she will be sold to a brothel."    


Chu Zhongtian completely got rid of his previous thoughts after hearing the head steward.    


A brothel was a place where women went to die a miserable death. He could not harm those four young and beautiful girls just because he wanted to calm his heart.    


Still, hehad to maintain distance from them if he wanted to keep a rational mind. So, hedecided only to let the oldest, most gentle, and most obedient Chun Xiang takecare of him. The remaining three women could stay in their respective rooms.    


"Asyou wish, Young Master Tian!" Chun Xiang was shockedafter hearing Chu Zhongtian's sudden proposal. After Chu Zhongtian wasdone giving his orders, she quickly ran out of his house.    


Chun Xiang secretly patted her chest once she was out of the house. In her mind, she could still see Chu Zhongtian's handsome appearance; her beautiful face turned red.    


'Young Master Tian seems a bit different these days,' thought Chun Xiang, wondering if she was overthinking or not.    


After eating and drinking his fill, Chu Zhongtian returned to his bedroom and slept soundly. After waking up, he returned to the cultivation room and attacked the Level-3 barrier with all his might.    


Right now, Chu Zhongtian had a 100% chance of breaking through and becoming a Level-3 Qi Refiner.    


After all, the spiritual power floating in his meridinas was more than enough to open a dantian in his lower abdomen. And even if all that spiritual power somehow ended up being insufficient, he still had eight Qi Increasing Pills in his possession; they could provide him with assistance in a split second.    


In order to ensure a successful breakthrough, Chu Zhongtian took out a Qi Increasing Pill, placed it into his mouth, and didn't swallow it. Then, he gathered all his spiritual power and attacked the barrier in his lower abdomen with all his strength.    


His spiritualpower was more than ten times that of an ordinary cultivator, so his powertore through the barrier easily and began to power his dantian.    


As timepassed, Chu Zhongtian gritted his teeth and endured thetremendous pain that came with opening one's dantian.    


Ten minutes later:    


A weakrumbling sound came from his lower abdomen. His spiritual power rampagingin his lower abdomen suddenly calmed down and entered his newly opened dantian.    


After allhis spiritual power had entered into his dantian, Chu Zhongtian tooka look at it with the help of ten Yang Fruit leaves.    


"What?! Isn't my dantian a little too big?" Chu Zhongtian was shocked when he discovered that his dantian was as big as a real-life teacup.    


It had to be known that ordinary cultivators' dantians were usually the size of a rice grain. Even the most talented cultivator could only have one that was about the size of a soybean.    


According to what he had learned from the Chu's Library, when the Chu Family ancestor became a Level-3 Qi Refiner, his dantian was only the size of a cherry. Even so, it stirred quite the hubbub in the entire Chu Family.    


Moreover,that cherry-sized dantian was already dozens of times larger than what ordinarycultivators had. This also meant that his strength was dozens of timeswhat others of the same realm had. After some brief calculations, Chu Zhongtian concludedthat given his dantian's size and the amount of spiritual power itcontained, he could easily defeat a Level-5 Qi Refiner. Moreover, he could evenstand toe to toe with a Level-6 Qi Refiner.    


Chu Zhongtian felt both happy and worried when he saw his cup-sized dantian.    


He was happy because he had already caught up with those who had started cultivating a year before him. Right now, he was as strong or even stronger than most of them. Of course, compared to the direct line disciples, he was still slightly inferior. However, he still had achieved the goal he had set.    


He wasworried because his dantian was worryingly big. Also, the biggerthe dantian, the larger the Qi consumption. When he received allthose Level-10 and Level-9 spirit stones, he was confidentthat he could become a Level-7 Qi Refiner; if he were lucky, he could've evenbecome a Level-8 Qi Refiner.    


However.... reality proved herself a cold mistress.    


He was now sure that the last of his spirit stones could at most—if he was lucky and God personally willed it—make him a Level-6 Qi Refiner.    


After all, Chu Zhongtian of now was a true pill junkie. Because seconds after opening his dantian, he was having thoughts of asking for a pill...    


The Dantian Cultivating Pill.    


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