Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C8 The Expected Retaliation Against Liu Family

C8 The Expected Retaliation Against Liu Family

As Liu Qingcheng walked absentmindedly, the two of them had already arrived at a restaurant.    


"Forget it, Qingcheng. I also know that you can't change this arranged engagement, but you and I have known each other for many years, right? Now that you are about to get married, I should treat you to a meal. Let's have a drink, you won't decline, right?"    


Hearing this, Liu Qingcheng really wanted to refuse, but she was really in a bad mood and so, she felt that she also needed some drinks. After hesitating for a while, she nodded.    


The moment Qin Feng saw Liu Qingcheng nodding her head, he immediately became excited. At the thought of getting Liu Qingcheng soon, the look in his eyes couldn't help but burn brightly.    


"You two are getting a drink? How can you not invite this young master for such a fun event? Third young master Qin, you aren’t polite at all." At this moment, Chu Yan appeared beside the two of them in a discordant manner.    


Seeing Chu Yan suddenly out of nowhere, Qin Feng and Liu Qingcheng were stunned for a moment, especially Qin Feng, whose eyes flashed with a killing intent.    


"Why are you here?" Liu Qingcheng asked coldly with a disdainful expression.    


"You're my wife. If you decides to come out and drink with a stranger, of course I'll follow. Besides, if this young master Qin wants to do something evil to you, won't I be able to protect you like this?" Chu Yan said bluntly without any hesitation in front of Qin Feng.    


"Don't speak nonsense, young master Qin isn't that kind of person!" Liu Qingcheng glared at Chu Yan before she looked at Qin Feng and tried to make up hurriedly, "Young Master Qin, don't misunderstand."    


"Haha, yes, yes. Young Master Qin, don't take this too deeply into your heart. My personality is just like that and the words I say aren't very pleasant. But to be honest, I'm not the one to blame. Instead, I blame all of you."    


"Blame us?" Qin Feng's mouth twitched. "You blame us for what you say?"    


"That's right, think about it. If you weren't so polite to me, how would I have acted so domineeringly? But I also know that there's no other way. After all, look at that uncle of yours who was both kowtowing and bowing to me yesterday. Seeing that, how could I not be arrogant?" Chu Yan said in a confident manner as if what he just said was completely reasonable.    


"You!" Qin Feng was speechless and clenched his fists in anger. Chu Yan's words were obviously insulting his Qin Family.    


"What? Young Master Qin, you don't accept what I just said?" Do you still want to see your uncle apologize for you?" Chu Yan sneered.    


At this time, suddenly remembering his uncle’s words, Qin Feng held back the vile words he was about to spit. Of course, what he held back was only his words and not the killing intent in his eyes.    


There was a bitter smile on Qin Feng’s face as he said, "Haha, Young Master Chu, you really know how to joke around. But, I admit that I did offend a lot of people yesterday. Today, Young Master Chu came at the perfect time! Consider this as my repayment and let’s have a drink together? Shall we? I'll have to apologize to Young Master Chu after all."    


"There's no need for wine. If you want to apologize, then kneel down right now. If you are sincere, I might really forgive you. But let me tell you, my patience is limited to this one time!" Chu Yan spoke meaningfully.    


"You!" Qin Feng was infuriated to the point that his eyes turned red now!    


"Chu Yan, that's enough! If you don't intend to drink with us, go back. We're not married yet, I don't need you to care for me!" At this moment, even Liu Qingcheng could not bear to see this scene anymore.    


Seeing her expression, Chu Yan was speechless. He really wanted to scold, "Silly girl, I'm protecting you. Yet, you're still so mean to me. You don't have any conscience!"    


However, when he saw that Liu Qingcheng was really unhappy, he shook his head with a sigh before saying,    


"You really want to drink?"    


"Right, I want to drink. What about it?"    


"Okay then. I'll accompany you."    


Chu Yan suddenly retracted his mischievous gaze and looked at young master Qin in a sincere way, "Haha, Young Master Qin, I'm sorry, I was too rude just now. Haha, don't mind me and let's just go in to drink. Let's go, I'll treat today, no need to be polite!"    


Qin Feng and Liu Qingcheng were both dumbfounded when they saw Chu Yan's expression. Liu Qingcheng couldn't understand how there could be a shameless person like Chu Yan in this world. He had just humiliated Qin Feng into pieces just now. But now, he was acting as if nothing had happened?    


Qin Feng clenched his jaw. Since things were already like this, let it be. Otherwise, he would end up exposing his true intention.    


He caught up with Chu Yan and said, "How can I let Young Master Chu to treat me? You two are new here, so of course I'll be the host."    


"I don't actually want to invite you either. I'm just being polite with you. Don't take it seriously." As Chu Yan said this, he pulled Liu Qingcheng's hand and strode into the restaurant.    


Looking at Chu Yan's back, Qin Feng no longer needed to continue pretending. His eyes looked as if they were spitting fire towards Chu Yan.    


He sneered, "Chu Yan, since you came here to die, don't blame me!"    


Qin Feng had already booked a table in the restaurant a long time ago. It was a private room and very spacious, enough to accommodate about 20 people.    


The moment the three of them sat down, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Young Master Chu, let me tell you, this restaurant is very famous. Since you have just arrived at Tianyong City, it’s a definite place to have a good wine.    


Qin Feng emphasized the word "good wine" as he glanced at the waiter. Only after seeing the waiter respond with a look at him, did he feel at ease.    


It was a pity that Qin Feng did not know that Chu Yan had noticed all of these small movements. He was playing with a wineglass in his hands while sighing deeply.    


He shook his head and thought, ‘Qin Feng, oh Qin Feng, I gave you a chance just now, but you didn't cherish it.’    


This restaurant’s service was pretty well and so, before long, the room was filled with the fragrance of delicious food. The waiter brought out many delicious dishes and even intentionally brought out a jar of good wine.    


He cheered, "Everyone, I hope you enjoy it!"    


The waiter then poured the wine for the three of them before leaving with a smile. Thinking about Qin Feng's promise, he couldn't help feeling excited. In a moment, he would be able to enjoy Liu Qingcheng, the number one beauty of the Tianyong City! It was his good fortune to be offered such a great deal. Therefore, he couldn’t help casting a greedy glance at Liu Qingcheng before he left.    


When there were only three people left in the room, Qin Feng immediately picked up the wineglass and laughed lewdly, "Haha, Young Master Chu, please forgive me for such an unpleasant incident yesterday. Now, Qingcheng, since your wedding is about to come, let me offer a toast to you with such a great wine. I wish you two a happy marriage!"    


Liu Qingcheng did not want to accept Qin Feng's blessing, but before she could say anything, Chu Yan had already picked up the wineglass while laughing, "Thank you, Young Master Qin. Qingcheng, what are you sitting still for!"    


Feeling annoyed, Liu Qingcheng rolled her eyes at Chu Yan, but she still raised her wine glass.    


Seeing Liu Qingcheng raising up the wine glass, the excitement in Qin Feng's eyes became even stronger.    




Aftee making sure that the two of them finished their drinks, Qin Feng’s mind was filled with satisfaction. Next, the three of them chatted for a while. While they were talking, Qin Feng was constantly observing Liu Qingcheng's condition. As expected, after almost half an incense stick of time, Liu Qingcheng felt her body heat up and become soft.    


Qin Feng knew that the 'Spring Heart Pill' had already taken effect and his plan was about to succeed. He hurriedly asked even though he already knew the answer,    


"Qingcheng, what's wrong? Why is your face so red?"    


Liu Qingcheng waved her hand and said in a flustered tone, "Nothing, just a little uncomfortable. Young Master Qin, let's end it here today. I have to go back now."    


Liu Qingcheng did not know what was happening to her. Ever since she opened the cultivation gate and awakened vital body, she had never been sick.    


At that moment, Qin Feng suddenly shook off all his pretense and grinned evilly. He knocked on the table and said excitedly,    


"Go? That won't do! You may not be able to leave here today!"    


Liu Qingcheng immediately frowned as she felt that something was not right. Suddenly, the door to the private room was pushed open and three men in black came in, surrounding Liu Qingcheng and Chu Yan.    


"Miss Liu, you have to stay and drink with the young master!" One of the three men in black said coldly.    


No matter how dumb Liu Qingcheng was, she could understand what was going on now. She turned around and looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.    


"Qin Feng, you actually drugged my wine?"    


Just as Liu Qingcheng was about to stand up, she realized that her entire body had gone limp and she could not even stand up straight anymore. The Yuan Qi in her body was also in a complete mess, so she was unable to release it.    


"Liu Qingcheng, this Young Master has been flattering and entertaining you for so many years, but you're actually willing to marry a piece of trash and not marry me. It’s your fault! You forced me to do this!"    


Liu Qingcheng gritted her teeth in anger and shouted, "Bastard!"    


Then, she frowned. She tried her best to maintain her rationality, but the effect was too strong that even the scene before her was getting blurry. Although she didn’t lose control like Qin Feng's servant girl, her current situation was like an ordinary woman without any strength left.    


"Liu Qingcheng, you didn't expect that you would experience such a day, right? Since I knew you were going to marry this piece of trash, I don't have any interest in you anymore. Humph, wait for this Young Master to have a good time first. After that, I'll let you experience the true joy of life!"    


"Also, I'd advise you not to struggle and don’t expect anyone to save you. That would only make me humiliate you more!" The look in Qin Feng’s eyes was filled with madness by now.    


At this time, Chu Yan, who was getting treated as if he was invisible, spoke up, "Third Young Master Qin, that's not right. What do you mean by no one can save her? Have you forgotten someone?"    


Hearing this, Qin Feng sneered. From the beginning to the end, he was calm and composed, as if everything was within his expectations.    




Qin Feng laughed coldly and said, "Chu Yan, I don't know how big your background is, but a thousand meter radius of this restaurant is surrounded by my men. Even if I kill you now, no one will know that I did it."    


At this moment, Liu Qingcheng also looked at Chu Yan in despair. Every woman had fantasized about a prince charming coming to her rescue when she was in danger, just like the little boy who came to save her while she was surrounded by the demonic beasts ten years ago.    


However, in her current situation, Chu Yan was here, but he was just a piece of waste whose vital body was one star, Mortal Realm was at the first level, and even his body was the lowest grade of all mortal bodies.    


Liu Qingcheng only regretted it now. If she knew it would turn out like this, she definitely wouldn't have come out with Qin Feng. Unfortunately, there was no medicine for regret in this world.    


"Then, why don’t you start acting?" Chu Yan looked at Qin Feng emotionlessly while playing with the wineglass in his hands in a calm manner.    


"Haha, don't be in such a hurry! Wouldn’t killing you now be too easy? I want you to personally witness how your wife is getting ravaged by me. After that, I will kill you and don't worry, after you die, I will also send this woman, whom I played with, onto the road to accompany you. When tomorrow comes, everyone in Tianyong City will think that it was because she didn't want to marry a trash like you that she ended up killing herself. Even if the forces behind you want revenge, let them retaliate against the Liu Family. From then on, there will be no Liu Family in Tianyong City!" As Qin Feng said this, he had a pleased expression on his face.    


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