Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C3 Genius Awakening

C3 Genius Awakening

Only after Liu Qingcheng left did Chu Yan heave a sigh of relief. He then stepped out of the guest room and raised his head to look at the sky. There were billions of stars in the sky, but Chu Yan’s focus was only on one.    


That star was extremely bright and it seemed to be the most dazzling star in trillions of stars. It was even regarded as the King of Heaven. Chu Yan had always engraved that star in his heart like a brand, constantly reminding himself.    


He mumbled to himself, "Mother, I will save you soon."    


He then left the guest room and walked towards the Liu family's chamber alone.    


There was a pair of stone lions in front of the chamber. These two stone lions each occupied jewels in their mouths, looking solemn and mighty. Chu Yan was standing in the middle of the two stone lions with his head down, counting the tiles under his feet.    


"According to mom, the two stone lions are facing Heavenly Bright Star. First take ten steps northward, then ten steps eastward until reach the third sycamore tree to my left. At that spot, by circulating Yuan Qi, the star formation can be cracked. I will give it a try."    


Chu Yan started to circulate his Yuan Qi by following the footwork that Qin Ruomeng had taught him.    


If anyone saw Chu Yan like this, they would be shocked because after activating his Yuan Qi, he had just taken a step forward and a deep footprint was left on the tiles on the ground. What he did was amazing since these bricks were upper-grade glazed tiles which could defend against any attack from the expert below the Motion Dust Stage. But Chu Yan was only at the First Layer of Mortal Stage, yet he could actually leave a footprint on it!    


This was just the beginning. With the second step, the tiles broke into pieces. A piece of glazed tile was turned into a fine mist.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Just like that, with every step Chu Yan took, a piece of tile would be broken along with the sounds of things getting crushed. Of course, Chu Yan was not in a good condition either. He was sweating profusely and his clothes were soaked in sweat. He looked like he was burdening thousands of pounds of stress.    


It was hard to imagine how Chu Yan, with cultivation at the First Layer of the Mortal Stage, One-star vital body and mortal body, could withstand the enormous pressure from the Heavenly Bright Star Formation. Moreover, he was still able to withstand it. Although at the tenth step, his knees bent and he fell to the ground with a loud 'bang', causing a brick to instantly split apart.    


"The Heavenly Bright Star Formation is indeed powerful!" Groaning, Chu Yan clenched his fists. Although he was feeling extremely painful, he still revealed an excited smile.    


At this time, with the increasing pressure from the formation, a ball of flame rose from Chu Yan's dantian. This flame became hotter along with the pressure, causing Chu Yan's body temperature to increase, feeling as if he was on fire.    


After resting for a while, Chu Yan finally stood up. He took a deep breath and walked another ten steps to the east again. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw three sycamore trees on his left side. There was a grin on his face as he locked his gaze at the third one.    


"It's under this tree." Chu Yan stood up again under tremendous pressure, and walked forward. Rows of bricks were breaking apart with every step he took. And then, he finally reached under the third sycamore tree.    


Under the tree, Chu Yan smiled excitedly. He rubbed his hands together and injected all of his Yuan Qi into the tree.    




The soil beneath the tree suddenly churned. It was as if a hidden dragon was ascending from the abyss. A handful of golden nether stones floated from the soil into the air.    


Holding the golden nether stone, Chu Yan couldn't suppress the excitement throbbing in his heart. He licked his lips that had burst before gently feeling the power of the stone. He felt as if there was a small spiritual snake swimming in his body.    


Chu Yan closed his eyes and meditated, perceiving the changes in his body as this power continued to swim. Soon, his five senses were closed and he came to a dark and chaotic space. The space was full of yin energy and the sky was floating with hundreds of millions of spells. In the center was a nine-story mysterious pagoda that was entangled and blocked by thousands of black chains.    


It was not the first time that he came to this space, neither was his first time stood in front of this Nine Heavens Profound Pagoda. But the space was shrouded in darkness in the past, emitting icy coldness. No matter how hard he tried, he never could open the seal of this Pagoda's stone door. This time around, it was completely different as the power of the nether stone was like a key that could break the seal.    


"All these years, all the Yuan Qi I cultivated, my vital body and blood vessels were completely suppressed by this Nine Heavens Profound Pagoda. Today, I can finally free myself." Chu Yan's eyes were bright as he lifted his hands. He spread open his fingers and slowly pressed the nether stone on top of the Pagoda.    


Then, he heard a roaring sound.    


A huge roar came from Chu Yan's body. All the heavy iron chains suddenly began to sway, as if a mad dragon was awakening. Then with a click, the first chain broke, and the gust of wind here became thicker and stronger. After that, the chains continued to shatter into pieces one by one, and the gloomy Nine Heavens Profound Pagoda immediately burst out with a bright color at this moment.    


Chu Yan watched the changes in the Nine Heavens Profound Pagoda and became excited. The violent wind here had turned golden and the stone gate of the Pagoda finally opened a gap, but again, this also put a huge load on Chu Yan's body. This kind of pain was something that normal people could not bear. His skin was being peeled off inch by inch and the tainted blood in his body was being expelled out of his body.    


Before long, Chu Yan clothes were soaked by his own blood and he had turned into a bloody man under the tree.    


"As long as I can endure through this last part and succeed, I can transform. All sorts of pain can not be compared to these ten years of humiliation. Chu Yan, hang on. You must hold on!"    


Chu Yan let out a hoarse roar that sounded like the roar of a dragon. At this moment, his eyes had turned red.    


Chu Yan did not know how much time had passed until the sky started to brighten. The people in the Liu family started to wake up.    


Outside of the Liu family's chamber, many disciples of the Liu family were surrounding a tree in groups of two or three, discussing and whispering softly.    


"Look, who's that? Why is his whole body covered in blood?"    


"I've seen him before. He seems to be elder sister Qingcheng's fiancé. But why is he here?"    


"Ah? He's that Chu Yan? Heavens, why is he in such a sorry state? It can't be that he's dead, right?"    


"It would be best if he died. If that's the case, elder sister Qingcheng doesn't have to marry a beggar like him. Hmph! He might as well die to avoid ruining her reputation."    


"Ah! He moved! He's not dead!" Several little girls shouted while pointing at Chu Yan.    


At this moment, Chu Yan's eyelids suddenly twitched. Then, he gradually regained his senses and abruptly opened his eyes.    


Then, he suddenly jumped up from the ground as if he hadn’t seen those people around him. No one could take in the fact that he jumped up to a height of more than a meter in doing so. When he landed on the ground, he hurriedly meditated. When he saw a bright Nine Heavens Profound Pagoda in his dantian, he became ecstatic, realizing that all the chains inside his body had broken apart. He murmured to himself, "Did I succeed?"    


"Did I really succeed?"    


Chu Yan was extremely excited. Ignoring the strange looks around him, he turned around and hugged the frail figure closest to him, shouting excitedly, "I succeeded! I did it! Haha, I finally succeeded!"    


"My god! Young master Chu is crazy! Young Master Chu has gone crazy!" At this moment, everyone screamed and hurriedly ran away.    


Seeing them escape, he didn’t take it seriously. He only knew that from today onwards, he would no longer be a useless trash, but an awakened genius who possessed the power of the Nine Heavens Profound Pagoda. That pagoda hid the secrets of heaven and earth. Now that broke the seal, he would soon be able to reach the Nine Heavens to save his mother.    


However, at this moment, he suddenly froze and couldn't help but lower his head to look at the little girl in his arms. He asked in confusion, "Why didn't you run away?"    


The girl replied timidly, "Young master, I am the servant that master arranged for you. I have nowhere to run."    


The little girl said with a wronged feeling in her heart. "If I am not your servant, I would have run away long ago without leaving a shadow."    


"You are the servant girl arranged for me?" Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded. "That's good too. This young master has just awakened and has a lot of things to do. I really need someone to help me."    


But soon after, Chu Yan looked at the little girl again. Not only was her body frail, her clothes were also tattered badly. It could be said that she was quite a good match for a beggar like him. Her appearance made Chu Yan frown as he asked.    


"Why are you wearing such a tattered outfit? I notice that while the other servants may not be dressed in gold or silver, but at least they are clean and tidy. How come your clothes are full of holes?"    


"Reporting to young master, it is because Baoer has no parents. I was adopted by Liu family. One set of clothes is enough for me." After speaking, Baoer lowered her head, not daring to look at Chu Yan.    


A trace of sympathy flashed across Chu Yan's eyes. Of course, it wasn't that he was overflowing with sympathy, it was just that Baoer's situation was quite similar to his.    


He said in a good mood, "Since you are following me now, these clothes of yours will not be appropriate. My servant girl should live a more nobel life than the young misses of the Liu family. You go to the accounting office later and ask for fifty taels of silver from them. Go and get some clothes for the two of us using that money. Also, help me buy some herbs along the way."    


"Can I really buy it myself?" Baoer looked at Chu Yan with skeptical expression. Every year, the Liu family would give clothes to the servants. It was forbidden to purchase clothes by themselves. So even if she saw some clothes she liked, she could only observe them from a distance.    


"Of course! You should buy beautiful ones. Forget it, I guess you don’t know what beautiful is. Have you seen the clothes Liu Qingcheng wore yesterday? You can just buy that kind of clothes. If the money is not enough, just ask the accountant to give you more money." Chu Yan waved his hand.    


Baoer felt sweet in her heart. She suddenly realized that this so-called trash young master was not as evil as she had imagined. On the contrary, he even had a bit of amiability.    


"Yes, young master!"    


Chu Yan then took out a pen and paper and casually wrote down some names of the herbs. He had just unsealed the Nine Heavens Profound Pagoda and he was too weak now, so he needed a lot of supplements.    


Just when Chu Yan was writing down the names of the medicinal herb, he seemed to smell the stench coming from his body. He lowered his head to see his body, only to realize that his entire body was covered with blood stains and some filthy stuffs.    


"No wonder everyone ran away, it's so smelly."    


Chu Yan laughed to himself, but he was very excited because he knew that these blood stain and the filthy things on his body were the impurities which came out of his meridians. Now that they were all expelled, he was like a dragon molting his skin, on the verge of becoming a real dragon.    


"Baoer, I want to take a bath. Help me take a bath first before you go." Chu Yan instructed and Baoer complied immediately.    


Looking at the large bucket of warm water, Chu Yan revealed a smile. Without waiting for another second, he started to wash himself clean.    


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