Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C2 Take Good Care of Mom and Dad

C2 Take Good Care of Mom and Dad

The chamber was as silent as the grave. Liu Tianfeng cleared his throat a few times while calming himself down. Although he originally had high expectation and valued this marriage a lot, as a father, it was only natural for him to hope that his daughter could marry a good man whom she could depend on. As for Chu Yan, Liu Tianfeng never thought that he was just a piece of trash.    


"Father, is this the talented man you want me to marry? This trash?" Liu Qingcheng pointed at Chu Yan and said in disbelief.    


Hearing his daughter's query, Liu Tianfeng felt very embarrassed, he heaved a long sigh. Despite all this, he knew that the Liu family couldn't break off the engagement. After all, this was the only chance to keep the Liu family safe.    


"Qingcheng, Dad failed you. But for the sake of our family, I can only sacrifice you. This marriage will continue as usual!"    


"Father!" Liu Qingcheng shouted and her eyes reddened in an instant. What happened back then? Why did her father force her to marry this trash just so that they could repay the Chu family's kindness?    


At the sight of Liu Qingcheng's aggrieved look, Chu Yan smiled leisurely and said, "My dear, relax. Although I'm a trash, I'm very obedient. When we become a family, you will be the one earning money and I will stay at home doing housework for you. Isn't that wonderful? There is no need to worry about me. Since I don't have any self-respect, I am not afraid of people making fun of me."    


"You!" Liu Qingcheng stomped her feet in anger, but she couldn't do anything else. She could only glare viciously at Chu Yan, then turned and left the chamber.    


Watching Liu Qingcheng leave, Liu Tianfeng sighed and looked at Chu Yan in confusion, thinking, "How could that be? That person's son has a Heavenly King's Mole at his sole. There is no chance that his son isn't a genius. Why does he turn out to be a piece of trash?"    


Liu Tianfeng shook his head in disappointment, but he still said, "Son, don't take it to heart. I watched Qingcheng grow up. Despite what she said, she's a kind girl. I’m sure she will agree to marry you after thinking it over. You can start the preparations for the wedding. I'll let you and Qingcheng get married soon."    


"Thank you, Uncle Liu!"    


Chu Yan smiled slyly. As for the matter of him being trash, he did not bother to explain.    


After leaving the chamber, Chu Yan was arranged to stay in the best guest room in the Liu family.    


Once he entered the guest room, Chu Yan’s eyes changed slightly. His expression was no longer as mischievous as he was in the chamber, but instead it had a deeper and calmer temperament as if everything in the world had settled down and become serene in an instant. If Liu Tianfeng saw the current Chu Yan, he would definitely be pleasantly surprised. Not many people could be undisturbed either by favour or disgrace, even those experts who had cultivated for hundreds of years.    


"Hu!" Heaving a sigh, Chu Yan laid down on the bed, put his arm behind his head and looked up at the beam silently. A relaxed smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.    


"Damn it, after enduring for so long, I finally no longer need to put up with people's ridicule," he muttered to himself.    


Perhaps, in outsiders’ eyes, Chu Yan's current smile was probably because he was about to marry a graceful and talented woman, Tianyong City's prettiest lady, Liu Qingcheng.    


However, only Chu Yan himself knew what he was truly excited about. The thing was that before long, his cultivation could break through the First Layer of Mortal Stage, the level of his vital body could rise beyond One Star, and he finally got rid of the so-called mortal body.    


When that time came, all the monikers used to address wastrel would have nothing to do with him. Instead, he would be a world-shaking King.    


This was because there was a secret of the Liu family that even Liu Tianfeng did not know about.    


In the evening.    


Liu Tianfeng and the elders discussed for a long time. Finally, they set the date of Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng's wedding to three days later.    


This news quickly spread throughout the Tianyong City. When people found out that Liu Qingcheng was going to be married off, all the men in the Tianyong City were sorrowful since she was practically every men's dream lover.    


"Have you heard? Liu Qingcheng is about to get married, her finance was said to be a trash!"    


"Trash? I heard he's a stinky beggar. I really don't know what Liu Tianfeng was thinking. He can't possibly be a daughter abuser. There are countless young masters from wealthy families who want to marry his daughter, but he insisted on letting his own daughter marry a trash like this."    


"I only know that it’s such a pity. If it goes like this, I won't even have a target for my sex fantasies."    


"Idiot! Why can't you fantasize about her after she gets married? Being a wife only makes her sexier, let alone being the wife of a beggar!"    


"Haha! That's true."    


Within a short night's time, the news of Liu Qingcheng getting married spread through all the streets and alleys of Tianyong City.    




In the southeast corner of Tianyong City, a loud noise suddenly sounded in a mansion that was even more luxurious than the Liu family's residence.    


That loud noise came from the Qin family, one of the three great families of Tianyong City. The other two were the Liu family and the Tan family.    


In one of the guest rooms in Qin family, a juvenile sitting there with an ashen face. His name was Qin Feng, the third young master of Qin family.    


Since Qin Feng was the only son of the Qin family's Great Elder, his status in the Qin family was very high. Adding to the fact that he was the only one in the Qin family to have awakened a Four-star vital body, he was extremely favoured. There was even the possibility of him taking over the position of his father in the future.    


The most important thing was that Qin Feng had been chasing after Liu Qingcheng all these years, but Liu Qingcheng had always ignored him, which made him unable to endure it any longer. However, after knowing that Liu Qingcheng treated the other men the same way as him, he managed to calm down a little. However, today, Liu family suddenly announced that Liu Qingcheng was going to get married, which ignited a strong killing intent in Qin Feng.    


Qin Feng shouted angrily, "All of you, explain it to me clearly. What exactly is going on?"    


Several servants who were kneeling on the ground couldn't help but shiver.    


A servant mustered up the courage to answer, "Young master, I heard that the marriage was decided between the Chu and Liu families eighteen years ago."    


Qin Feng’s eyebrows were furrowed as he asked, "Who is this guy?"    


"I don't know. I just know his name is Chu Yan, and he's a piece of trash."    


"Trash? Trash? What do you mean by that? Does this mean that this young master isn't even comparable to a piece of trash?" The evil intent in Qin Feng's eyes became even stronger.    


"Young master, please calm down! This old slave just thinks that the Liu family is simply blind. Young master is so talented, but they rejected you. Instead, they made Liu Qingcheng marry a trash. This old slave feels that young master doesn't have to endure any longer. Why don't you just forcibly have sex with that slut Liu Qingcheng. Anyway, with the Liu family’s current status, they dare not offend us."    


"You are right! Liu Qingcheng, you forced me to do this. You actually didn't even mind marrying a good-for-nothing, but didn't want to marry me. If I can't get what I want, I'll destroy you myself!" At this time, Qin Feng's eyes flashed with a cold light, revealing a dense killing intent along with determination.    




In the Liu family's residence, Chu Yan did not know that the moment he came to Tianyong City, he had already made himself countless enemies. However, it wasn’t like he cared either.    


This was because in a matter of time, as long as he got to the last point, all of this could be changed.    


When the night deepened, Chu Yan jumped off the bed. However, at this moment, a shadow suddenly flashed outside the window. He frowned slightly.    


Chu Yan looked at the silhouette of the shadow and smacked his lips before speaking in a slightly loud voice, "Miss Liu, seeing that you come to see me this late, could it be that you can't wait for the last three days?"    


At this time, the door was pushed open, and Liu Qingcheng's tall and beautiful figure walked into the room. She was wearing a black robe, which made her body look even more petite. After hearing Chu Yan's words, she frowned and immediately glared at Chu Yan with her ice-cold eyes. Suddenly after that, she took out her jade sword and placed it on Chu Yan's neck.    


"If you dare to speak rudely again, I'll kill you!"    


However, Chu Yan was not afraid of Liu Qingcheng's threat at all and he laughed in a lazy tone, "You want to kill me? I know that Miss Liu's martial cultivation is high. You reached above mortal body and opened Three-star vital body at the age of three. At the age of five, your vital body once again increased its strength, reaching Five-star. All these years, your family spent every resources to nurture you. Your vital body now enters into Six-star and your cultivation also reaches the Ninth Layer of the Mortal Stage."    


Liu Qingcheng pressed the sword as she warned, "Since you know, be more cautious when you speak!"    


"Listen to what I have to say first." Chu Yan laughed merrily for a while before his eyes turned sharp. He said, "While being God's favored one, still there is nothing you can do about me. If you can kill me, don't hesitate to do it. I'll just stand there and promise not to move. But if you kill me, what do you think will happen to Uncle Liu? Of course, maybe Uncle Liu would forgive you due to his great paternal love, but have you ever thought what would happen to the Liu family?"    


"Are you threatening me?" Liu Qingcheng spoke through her gritted teeth as she clenched her fingers around the sword handle tightly and glared at Chu Yan.    


"That's right, I am threatening you. You know very well that the reason why Liu family can survive to this point is because of me. I maybe am a trash, but I am able to protect Liu family. Can you? If you can kill me, then come and do it." Chu Yan opened his arms and offered his body as he spoke.    


At the sight of Chu Yan willingly waiting to be killed, Liu Qingcheng gnashed her teeth in hatred, but she couldn't do anything about it. After all, she knew that Chu Yan was speaking the truth. The current Liu family was like a willow leaf floating in the wind while Chu Yan was the only one that could stabilize Liu family.    


"Just say it. What is it that you want for you to let me go?" Liu Qingcheng's voice gradually softened as she asked in defeat.    


"Let you go? What do you mean? I don't understand." Chu Yan blinked in confusion although his smile became even wider.    


"Don’t pretend to be confused. You know I don’t want to marry you, but not because you are a trash. I want to repay you for your mother's great favor for my family, but that doesn't mean the cost is my lifetime's happiness."    


"You have someone you like?" Chu Yan had a genuine smile on his face as he asked this.    


At the mention of this, Liu Qingcheng lowered her head sadly, but her mind couldn't help but recall the scene from ten years ago.    


At that time, she followed the Liu family's caravan, going out for the purchases. Unfortunately, they came across Demonic Beasts on the way. The entire caravan was destroyed. Only she was saved by a little boy who came out from nowhere, looking dirty just like a savage. To her surprise, when the Demonic Beasts saw him, they all felt fear and could only dare to let out roars, not daring to come close.    


Later, her father sent people looking for her and brought her home. Liu Qingcheng couldn’t help thinking that if it wasn't for that little boy, perhaps she would have accepted her fate and get married to Chu Yan. But now, how could she ever forget that boy after what had appeared back then?    


After thinking about it, she answered, "Yes, I have someone I like. That’s why I don't want to marry you! Can you let me go?"    


Chu Yan slightly frowned, but he quickly relaxed and smiled again. "That won't do. Since this marriage was arranged by the elders, it is very difficult for me to make the decision. How about you go and discuss it with Uncle Liu? If he agrees, I don't mind."    




Hearing this, Liu Qingcheng clenched her fists tightly and bit her lip. "Discuss with her father? If she could talk some sense into her father, she would have long did so. Why would she wait until today?"    


Liu Qingcheng angrily said, "Chu Yan! Don't force me to marry you. I'd rather die!"    


Chu Yan’s expression was nonchalant as he replied lightly, "Alright then. I can tell you that you can be at ease. If you die, I'll definitely take good care of our parents for you!"    


"You rascal!"    


Liu Qingcheng clenched her fists tightly and glared at him. She was trembling with anger because of Chu Yan, but there was nothing she could do other than to leave.    


What she did not notice was the gentleness in Chu Yan's eyes which were fixated on her face as she turned around.    


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