Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C1 Exquisite-quality Waste Material

C1 Exquisite-quality Waste Material

Liu Family, Tianyong City, Long Dragon Kingdom.    


The Liu family was one of the three major families in Tianyong City. When the Long Dragon Kingdom was founded, the ancestors of the Liu family had served as the founding generals. Although the family was slowly declining lately, it still weilded enormous power in the city.    


As morning arrived, a yellow brimming light rose from the east. Outside the Liu family's gate, a thin and weak juvenile was blocked by the two guards.    


"You two lackeys, how dare you block my way? Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I am the future son-in-law of the Liu family. If you guys don't let me in, I will break your legs."    


One of the guards snickered as he said, "What a joke. If you are the son-in-law of the Liu family, then I am the princess's consort. Today is the day Liu family welcomes our esteemed guests. We don't have time to talk nonsense with you, so hurry up and scram!"    


Facing the ridicule of the two guards, the young man, whose name was Chu Yan, was not afraid or angry at all. Instead, he smiled mischievously and replied, "You see, you just said that you are expecting your distinguished guests today, and that distinguished guest you speak of is me. It’s me who have an engagement with your family’s young miss. If I couldn't attend our engagement ceremony on time because of you, can you bear your master's rage by then?"    


"Bullshit! The Miss is a nobel heir. Why would she be engaged to a lousy beggar like you?"    


Chu Yan wasn't angered by such an insult, instead he calmly asked, "Is your Patriarch named Liu Tianfeng? And is his daughter called Liu Qingcheng?"    


"Nonsense! Everybody in the Tianyong City knows the names of Master and Miss! This doesn’t prove anything."    


"Then, you guys must also know that Miss Liu's foot has a red mole, right? Actually, I also have one under my foot. The mole is the proof of our engagement. How about I take off my shoe and let you guys have a look at it?"    


While saying this, Chu Yan took off one of his shoes. Then, he raised it to let the bodyguards see it. Under his sole, there was actually a red mole.    


However, the two guards didn't know that Miss Liu had a red mole, so the two of them still assumed that Chu Yan was lying.    


"You shameless bastard. The whole thing about engagement or red mole is fabricated by you. Do you think we wouldn’t tell it’s a lie?"    


The two guards became irritated and suddenly, they raised their fists towards Chu Yan and prepared to smash his head angrily.    


"Dammit, this is bad! How come I ran into the two idiots who don’t know anything? They actually didn't know about the red mole!"    


Chu Yan was speechless. Even though he realized that the fists of the two guards were aiming towards his face, he did not resist at all because he was too weak. There was zero chance he could dodge that attack.    


However, just when Chu Yan thought that he was going to get beaten up, a deep voice suddenly rang out.    




The voice with the commanding tone was very effective that the two guards immediately stopped in their tracks.    


At this moment, Chu Yan slightly opened one eye and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the fists that were only a few inches away from him. He mumbled lowly to himself, "You almost scared me to death. I am definitely the most miserable man in the world. To get married, I even need to suffer a beating."    


The two guards turned around and saw that there was a middle-aged man who was coming over from the middle of the Liu family's residence. At the sight of this man, the two guards were so frightened that they knelt on the ground.    


The guards bowed quickly, "Greetings, housekeeper Zhao!"    


This middle-aged man was the Liu family's housekeeper, Zhao Tu, whose position in the Liu family was neither high nor low. But he happened to know that there was a red mole at Liu Qingcheng's foot and that it was a proof of their arranged marriage.    


Zhao Tu ignored the two guards and walked directly in front of Chu Yan. "Show me the red mole on your foot!"    


"Eh, finally came someone knows the truth." Chu Yan was happy and enthusiastically showed him his red mole.    


"It really is the Heavenly King's Mole!"    


Staring at the red mole beneath Chu Yan's foot, Zhao Tu thoughtfully muttered to himself. He then looked at Chu Yan and asked, "What's your name?"    


"Chu Yan!"    


"Both of you, keep an eye on him. I'll go inform Patriarch now!"    


Zhao Tu became very nervous and hurried towards the courtyard.    


Seeing how nervous Zhao Tu was, the two guards knew they would be facing a severe punishment.    


They couldn’t help thinking to themselves, "Is this beggar really an esteemed guest of the Liu family? He truly is the Liu family's son-in-law like he said?"    


"How is it? Do you believe me now?" Chu Yan spoke with a proud smile on his face when he saw the two guards’ shocked expressions.    


"Brat, don't be complacent yet! We still don't know the details of the matter. Maybe housekeeper Zhao will come out later and expose your lies. At that time, you just pray that we won't beat you to death!"    


Chu Yan sneered, “If I were in your place, I would kneel down and beg for mercy right now. In that case, I might forgive your rudeness and put in some good words for you when I officially become the son-in-law of the Liu family. Otherwise, be careful that I will make you two suffer a life worse than hell by then!”    


Although the two guards were unwilling to apologize to him, they were also worried. What if Chu Yan was telling the truth? Then, Chu Yan would marry the young miss and be their master.    


One guard asked with a skeptical expression, "You're not lying to me?"    


"Of course I'm telling the truth. Didn't you see the housekeeper's nervous expression just now? It's still not too late for you to kneel down now. When I become the young master of the Liu family, I'll speak up for you two. If you don't kneel down right now, I'll definitely kick you out of the family." Chu Yan smiled confidently.    


The two guards gritted their teeth in reluctance, but they still kneeled on the ground.    


"Greetings, young master!"    


"Sure, sure!"    


Chu Yan laughed and looked through the Liu family's gate with a light flashing in his eyes.    


He thought to himself, "Liu Qingcheng, it’s been ten years since we last met. How have you been?"    


With a gentle smile on his face, he couldn't help but think of a scene from ten years ago where he met a girl who was surrounded by countless Demonic Beasts.    




The Liu family's mansion was magnificent and resplendent. There was a large meeting hall in the center which was specially used to welcome nobel guests.    


Inside the chamber, the Liu family's patriarch, Liu Tianfeng had been sitting here. Beside him was his daughter who was beautiful and elegant.    


At this time, Liu Qingcheng said, "Father, I don't want to marry that man!"    


"Shut up! This matter is not up to you. No matter what, you must marry him! This is an order!" Liu Tianfeng glared at Liu Qingcheng.    


"Why? Who is Chu Yan? I have never even seen him before! Why should I marry him?"    


At this moment, a few elders advised from the side, "Qingcheng, listen to your father. Chu Yan is the son of our Liu family's benefactor, so this marriage of yours has long been decided. If you don't marry, you will only embarrass your father."    


"That's right, Qingcheng. Chu Yan is a very talented young man. As the son of that person, there is no limit to his future. Marrying him is your honor and the pride of the Liu family."    


Liu Qingcheng's limpid eyes flashed with a cold light. Before she could have the chance to speak, Zhao Tu hurriedly ran into the chamber.    


"Master, he's here!"    


Liu Tianfeng stood up excitedly. "Where? Why don't you invite him in?"    


At this time, Zhao Tu felt a little awkward. He swallowed his saliva and looked at Liu Tianfeng, speaking in a hesitant tone, "Master, I have something I want to confirm with you."    


"What is it?" Liu Tianfeng said impatiently.    


"Master, are you sure Miss's fiancé is called Chu Yan?"    


"What nonsense are you spouting? It’s the name of the son of my benefactor. How can I not remember?"    




With furrowed eyebrows, Liu Tianfeng said, "What's going on? Speak!"    


Zhao Tu sighed, "The man outside the door is indeed called Chu Yan, but he looks like a beggar."    




Everyone in the chamber was shocked at this remark. "Chu Yan is a beggar?"    


How could that be? With that person's ability, his son must be a genius. That was impossible.    


"A beggar. That's the man you want me to marry to?" Liu Qingcheng snorted coldly.    


"How dare you!" Liu Tianfeng glared at Liu Qingcheng while frowning.    


An elder spoke from the side, "Tianfeng, no matter what, let Zhao bring him in first. If it really is the son of the benefactor, we shouldn’t be negligent."    


"Right, right. Zhao Tu, quickly send someone to bring young master Chu in!" Liu Tianfeng waved his hand and ordered.    


Before long, Chu Yan was brought into the Liu family. Many elders of the Liu family frowned upon the sight of him.    


Just like what Zhao Tu said, Chu Yan indeed looked like a beggar now. The most unpleasant thing was that it seemed like he hadn’t bathed for at least a month. So, the moment he entered the chamber, his whole body reeked of a disgusting stench.    


Liu Tianfeng stared at Chu Yan for a long time before asking him in an extremely solemn tone.    


"Kid, are you really Chu Yan? You better think carefully before you answer. If you dare to lie to us, that is a capital offense!"    


Facing Liu Tianfeng's oppression, Chu Yan didn’t react much. He smiled calmly and said, "You should be Uncle Liu Tianfeng, right? Of course I'm Chu Yan. I know that you may not believe it, but it doesn't matter. I have my ways to prove it to you."    


"Tell me about it!"    


Chu Yan spoke in an imposing tone, “Liu family, one of the eight great clans that founded the Long Dragon Kingdom, was the former city lord of Tianyong City. Eighteen years ago, you provoked someone powerful, almost causing the entire Liu family annihilated. You were deprived of the position of city lord. If it wasn't for my mother giving you a helping hand, the Liu's residence would be a wasteland now. Uncle Liu, I wonder if I’m right?”    


Liu Qingcheng glanced sideways at Liu Tianfeng. She did not know anything about what happened 18 years ago since at that time, she was just born. However, seeing Liu Tianfeng's heavy expression, she could guess that Chu Yan was probably telling the truth.    


Chu Yan continued lightly, "The Liu family owned my mother a big favor. Your father was still alive at that time. To repay my mother, he wanted to let the Liu family be my family's slave for life. My mother was a kind woman, she refused your father. Instead, our two families decided to let me and your granddaughter get married after we grow up. It's also due to this arranged marriage that the Liu family could prosper for the past 18 years. Am I right?”    


Liu Tianfeng frowned. The way Chu Yan told the story was unpleasant to hear, but every word he said was true.    


When Liu Tianfeng thought of the night eighteen years ago, he still had lingering fear. A superpower had almost exterminated the Liu family in one night. It was Chu Yan's mother who saved the Liu Family.    


In these eighteen years, the fall of the Liu family was evident. Luckily they still possessed vast lands and abundant resources. Majority of the gold mines and markets in the Tianyong City were under their control. Countless parties were jealous of the Liu family. The only thing stopped them from taking actions against the Liu family was the arranged marriage.    


Hearing this, a few elders began to convey their thoughts. "Master, it seems like he really is the son of our benefactor. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to know about this old matter."    


"Yes, Master. You can't judge a book by its cover after all. Perhaps young master Chu is only clothed in rags, but in truth, he must have an extraordinary talent."    


"Right, you must not be an ordinary person!" Liu Tianfeng nodded and looked at Chu Yan. He asked expectantly, "My son, I wonder what your current cultivation level is?"    


Chu Yan answered casually, "My cultivation? Maybe at the First Layer of Mortal Stage?"    


Liu Tianfeng's old face immediately darkened. Mortal Stage? The lowest level? And he barely reached the First Layer?    


Liu Tianfeng forced himself to calm down and said again, "It's okay, it's okay. Some people may cultivate early, thus reaching a higher cultivation level while some start late, so they currently fall behind. But who knows, the latecomers could be the first, too. Then, how about your vital body? Which level you are at right now?"    


Vital body was divided into nine stars. It represented a person's innate talent. Vital body was generally innate, but if one was born without it but ambitious enough, he could rely on his hard work to change his fate. It was just that the cost was very high and required tons of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.    


Therefore, most families would only nurture disciples who were born with vital body above Three Star. Those below Three Star were called mortal and usually had no future.    


Chu Yan replied again, "Vital body? My vital body just reaches One Star!"    


"One star?" At this moment, Liu Tianfeng couldn't help but cough. He asked again with much difficulty, "What about your body?"    


"Mortal Body!"    


First Layer of Mortal Stage, One Star vital body, and Mortal Body. It was obvious that he had absolute no talent in cultivation.    


Liu Tianfeng felt hopeless. This guy was completely a wastrel!    


Moreover, he was a complete waste that was rarely seen in a century!    


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