Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C349 Mu Feng and the Others' Plan

C349 Mu Feng and the Others' Plan

The plan of Mu Feng and the others.    


Chu Yan said a name that had not appeared for a long time, Qintian Pavilion.    


Back in Dust, Chu Yan had been captured by the Qintian Pavilion.    


Chu Yan didn't know much about this mysterious force, but the Qintian Pavilion extended to every star, and even to the six regions.    


The old man looked at Chu Yan with interest and said with a smile. "Tell me, how did you know?"    


"It's very simple. You just said it. The stars in the six realms constantly changed, and there were even stars that were born and destroyed. The dynasties are changing, and the heavens and the earth are changing. History had changed a long time ago, but the only power had always existed. It was the Qintian Pavilion. You know both Evil Lord and many other things in the six domains. In the entire Six Domains Star River, anyone who had the ability to do so... There's only the Qintian Pavilion." Chu Yan said.    


It was a world that lasted forever. It was a world that lasted for tens of thousands of years. Who would rise and fall?    


How many people had become yellow and white bones amidst this rain of blood?    


How many people could leave behind a grand stroke in the long river of history?    


However, in this interchanging of stars, the existence of the Qintian Pavilion was too mysterious. They did not ask about the world and did not participate in the disputes of the martial world. They were only responsible for writing the history of the stars, recording the ups and downs of generations, and the mysteries of time.    


"The mysteries of the stars, the great path of the heaven and earth, are too profound. Little guy, your path is still very far! Haha. " The old man stroked his beard as he laughed, and then he flew away as if he'd never appeared before.    


After a long time, a hearty laugh could be heard in the air. "The Evil sword is erected here. It cannot be raised for a hundred thousand years. Only those who have a firm heart of the sword can pull it out. Do not easily lose your life."    


In the Sword Forest, Chu Yan was left alone. He frowned slightly.    


So the old man from the Xumi Peak came from the Qintian Pavilion. What kind of power was this?    


Chu Yan didn't know. Fortunately, he didn't think about it. He raised his head and looked at the Forest of Ten Thousand Swords. The Evil sword stood in the middle. He could feel the intense sword intent coming from the Evil sword, following him like a shadow. Starlight rose from the sky and let out a sorrowful cry, like a dragon or a phoenix. It was really mighty.    


If this sword didn't come out, thousands of swords would fight against each other. Once this sword came out, tens of thousands of swords would submit to it.    


What kind of spirit was this? He did not want to fight, but that did not mean he could not. In the past, evil Lord had single-handedly cut down six regions with this sword. When he fell, he had said that one person died. There were no swords in the world, and tens of thousands of swords were buried. Only those with a firm heart of the sword could pull out this sword to prove his Dao. If his heart of the sword wasn't firm, he would definitely kill him.    


In ten thousand years, how many people had died under this sword?    


Chu Yan hesitated, but in the end, he sighed. "This sword is not something I can pull out today."    


This sword was too evil. It could kill people and test the heart of the sword. Even monarch could not pull out this sword. Although Chu Yan was confident, he was not arrogant enough to think that he could pull out this sword.    


But even so, Chu Yan did not leave the Sword Forest. Sitting cross-legged in the Sword Forest, he used the Sword Forest to comprehend the sword. Sensing the sword sound, he sat down like this. It had been a month. During this month, he had been working with the sword. Finally, the ten thousand swords stopped rejecting him like before. Some of the divine swords even left behind afterimages, as if they wanted to test Chu Yan. Chu Yan did not stand on ceremony either. He fought with the sword. He wanted to strengthen his Sword Truth.    


In the past month, the Xumi Peak was not quiet. There were constant clashes between the two parties. Mu Feng had attacked a few times, and one time, he had seriously injured Hua Zhixu.    


In the blink of an eye, another two months passed. The competition for the Heavenly Stele at the end of the year was getting closer. In these three months, Mu Feng's strength had become even stronger. It seemed like he had cultivated a secret technique from the 81 mountains, turning his arms into huge ancient demons. He was like a Qilin magnate, and his combat strength had increased exponentially.    


On this day, in a bamboo forest, Mu Feng was located in a bamboo forest. Below him were Mu Ao, li Sheng, Shi Tiandao, Xuan Bingxin and the other geniuses, including Overlord.    


"Senior Brother Mu Feng, I have received news from the Ancient Demon Star Domain. Chu Yan's Grade 7 Divine Weapon does have a cooldown period, which is one year. Back then, he used the Ancient Demon Star Domain to threaten Jiang Fann. Now that he has used it on you, he will not be able to use it again for another year!" Xuan Bingxin said.    


"Mu Feng, three months have passed. Li Xiaoyao and the others are getting more and more arrogant. They have even started to fight with us for cultivation resources, as well as the control of the eighty-one mountains. We, the major powers of Overlord, are so useless!" Mu Ao said angrily.    


"Since that divine weapon can't be used anymore, let me tell you. Why don't we start a war with them? As long as they don't die... If it's not crippled, it's fine even if it's seriously injured. There were still a few months until the Battle of the End of the Year. None of them have the right to participate. " Li Sheng said in a cold tone. Last time, he was defeated by Chu Yan with a single strike. It was too humiliating, and it caused his heart of martial arts to be covered in dust. If he hadn't broken through this devil barrier in three months, he wouldn't have made any progress. He would probably never make any progress in his life.    


Furthermore, the Li family was currently deciding on the final candidate for the Heavenly Stele. Li Xiaoyao seemed to have the intention to surpass him.    


Mu Feng's eyes were gloomy. He was extremely unhappy about the battle that day, but Xumi and Qing Yi's existence made him not dare to be too presumptuous.    


"That cyan woman's combat strength might not be any weaker than mine."    


Although Mu Feng was unwilling to admit it, he still said helplessly. That day, he had exchanged less than a hundred blows with Qing Yi, but they were all suppressed by her. Although he had suffered great losses in the previous battle with Chu Yan, and was also injured by the Grade 7 Divine Weapon's divine might, qingyi's combat strength still caused him sequelae.    


"I have a method that can deal with cyan woman." Shi Tiandao's eyes were extremely cold. In the next moment, he took out a palm-sized furnace. The moment it appeared, the bamboo forest turned into a sea of fire.    


"This is the seventh grade divine weapon of the Shi Family, Immortal Burning Furnace?" Everyone's eyes lit up. Mu Feng also had a greedy look on his face. The Shi Family and the Immortal Burning Furnace were extremely famous in the Six Domains Star River.    


"En, once this furnace appears, it will be able to burn Emperor. Unless it is someone from the heavens and earth, they will all turn into ashes in this place. When the time comes, as long as we use this furnace to trap cyan woman, the rest of us will still be our opponents?" Shi Tiandao said coldly.    


"If I remember correctly, this furnace is one of the three great divine weapons of the Shi Family. Why is it in your hands?" Mu Feng asked.    


"Shi Wudao was seriously injured by Chu Yan. Although he didn't die, he was killed ten times in the Fire Marked Array, causing his mind to collapse. Now, he has become a madman, causing me, the Shi Family, to be furious. This furnace was given to me by Shi Wudao's father. "    


Has Shi Wudao gone mad? This news caused everyone to be shocked. "Although Shi Wudao isn't as strong as Brother Heavenly Dao, he is still a genius of the Shi Family. However, after fighting Chu Yan, he has gone mad. No wonder the Shi Family is so angry."    


"Even if there is an Immortal Burning Furnace, what about Xumi?" Xuan Bingxin frowned and said, "Last time, Xumi blocked the power of Chu Yan's divine sword. I'm afraid the Immortal Burning Furnace can also block it."    


Everyone fell silent again. Last time, Xumi had already given the order to warn them that if they dared to attack again, it would be considered a crime committed by them. At that time, they would definitely anger Xumi.    


This place was filled with the descendants of Overlord, so they naturally knew about the existence of the 81 old men in the Xumi Peak. These 81 people did not care about the truth, and outside of the Xumi Peak, they would not interfere. However, within the Xumi Peak, they would not interfere. There was an iron law within the Xumi Peak. Even Overlord's forces wouldn't dare to touch them.    


Mu Feng sat at the side and looked at the Immortal Burning Furnace. A fierce look flashed across his deep eyes. This was definitely a chance. Furthermore, being able to comprehend the Grade 7 Divine Weapon was also an advantage for him. He said, "Everyone, Xumi has his own ways. There is a sealed mountain in the 81 mountains that can seal the fluctuations of the Primordial Energy. We only need to confirm that Xumi isn't in the Sealing Mountain, and then lure him into the Sealing Mountain. At that time, we will slaughter everyone within. We'll all retreat from the Xumi Peak, and when that time comes, even if we die, our tea will cool down. Xumi will investigate this matter, but Overlord from the four families... Alright. Everyone, what do you think?"    


" Sealing Mountain? "    


"I know of this mountain. The sixty-four mountains were created by a seal, and this mountain has ten thousand seals. I think this method will work. " Mu Ao said fiercely. He had always remembered the humiliation Qing Yi had shown him that day.    


"Since that's the case, everyone, keep an eye on them. I will head to the Sealed Seal Mountain to look for Xumi and see if I can trick him out of the Sealed Seal Mountain." Mu Feng stood up and waved his sleeve. His white clothes fluttered in the wind as he turned into a white ray of light and flew away.    


Mu Ao, li Sheng, Shi Tiandao, Xuan Bingxin and the others also moved. There were also a few major Overlord forces and many other geniuses that were secretly moving.    


At this moment, Chu Yan and the others didn't know that the conspiracy was getting closer. Chu Yan had been sitting in the middle of the ten thousand swords, unable to step out of the Sword Forest, comprehending the extraordinary Sword Dao. In these three months, his Sword Intent had improved a lot, and the originally invisible sword sound was even more deadly. If he didn't unsheathe his sword, he would be able to kill the head of a thousand meter tall enemy.    


Chu Yan sat cross-legged in the Sword Forest, maintaining a distance from the Evil sword. He looked at the Evil sword. Every time the Evil sword met the sunset, it would let out a sorrowful cry, as if it was complaining that no one could pull it out. As a divine sword, it was unwilling to be buried here, causing the blade to become dull. However, it was also proud of the Evil sword, unwilling to be used by mortals.    


The Evil sword did not reject Chu Yan that much. Every time the sun set, when he cried, there would be sword intent enveloping him, as if he was communicating with Chu Yan. However, after a long time, he let out a sigh and withdrew his sword intent.    


"Too lowly!"    


In these three months, Chu Yan had heard the most voices. The Evil sword had said that he was too lowly and did not deserve to wield the sword of the Evil Lord. The Evil sword had a spirit, and Chu Yan did not argue with it. Whenever the sun set, he would smile and continue to comprehend the profound meaning of the sword.    


The sword was the king of all weapons. It could attack and defend as one, and it could kill decisively. Those who cultivated the sword even cultivated the heart of the sword for an entire lifetime. The sword looked like a person, like the Evil sword of the Evil Lord, and it was extremely obvious. The sword should have a firm heart of the sword, and it would surpass the heavens and the earth, looking down on the sky.    


The Evil sword was arrogant, and so was Chu Yan. Therefore, he didn't get angry. Who had the voice of an Immortal King? Today, he would be humble and humble for all eternity?    


Outside the Sword Forest, a plot that had been planned for a long time was gradually approaching. Li Xiaoyao and the others didn't know about it, but on this day, Mu Ao and the others arrived at the place where Li Xiaoyao and the others were.    


There were almost a hundred people, all of whom were Overlord's chosen ones. Mu Ao, li Sheng, and Shi Tiandao were the leaders.    


Li Xiaoyao and the others frowned and gathered together. When they saw each other, they laughed coldly and said, "Mu Ao, li Sheng, Huo Feng was killed that day, and you, li Sheng, suffered a crushing defeat. How dare you come here today?"    


Mu Ao coldly harrumphed and didn't say much. He waved his palm and a scene appeared in the void. It was a forest. Qiu Meng's thin body was tied up by an immortal rope and hung in the forest. Her fair skin was covered with blood, and her face was pale. She looked extremely pathetic.    


"Qiu Meng!" Fatty shouted from the side.    


"Roar!" The Little wolf also transformed into a ten meter long Beast Wolf, letting out a wolf's howl.    


Xuan Qing frowned at the side and looked coldly at Xuan Bingxin. "Xuan Bingxin, Qiu Meng is your You Nv Palace disciple and also a direct descendant. How could you treat her like this? Do you still have any face?"    


"Qiu Meng has colluded with Chu Yan, so she should be punished." Xuan Bingxin coldly snorted and did not say anything.    


"No need to talk nonsense with them. If you want Qiu Meng to live, the sixty-four mountains will be waiting for you!" Mu Ao waved his hand and the scene dispersed. The mighty crowd turned around and left, heading towards the sixty-fourth mountain. Before they left, their eyes were filled with ridicule.    


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