Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C371 He Didn't Fight Against a Level 7 Venerable

C371 He Didn't Fight Against a Level 7 Venerable

chapter 371. - Not fighting a Venerable One Seventh Grade    


Chu Yan had been cultivating for seven days straight, and his flames had aroused quite a bit of attention.    


In the distance, a group of figures suddenly flew over. When they saw Chu Yan's face, they couldn't help but laugh. One of them shook his head and said, "This place is filled with flames. They thought it was some powerful fire cultivator, but when they got closer, they realized... This flame is ridiculous, it has no temperature at all. It didn't even have any lethality. I'm afraid that even mortals wouldn't be able to kill it, right? "    


"It's indeed ridiculous. This flame, even if it's cooked and cooked, can't even boil water." There was a woman with a tall and slender figure. She looked at Chu Yan and spoke in a low voice, full of sarcasm.    


"It seems like this is an ordinary flame cultivator. He is cultivating here, yet he disturbed senior disciple Su Bei. This is truly laughable." A young man beside him sneered and shook his head.    


When she heard Su Bei's name, a look of adoration appeared in the eyes of the girl beside him. Su Bei was a clansman with another surname, but his talent was extremely strong. He would be attending the competition for the Heavenly Stele with Ji Wufeng this year.    


Right now, Su Bei was at the last moment of his seclusion when a fiery light suddenly lit up the sky and disturbed his meditation. That was why he sent a voice transmission to them, telling them to come and take a look.    


Chu Yan stopped his cultivation. All the flames had returned to his heart. Only then did he open his eyes and raise his head to look at the sky. However, at this moment, because he had successfully cultivated the Burning Heart Flame, he was very happy. He was smiling in a clean manner, which gave people a kind of evil beauty.    


"You are quite pretty. Unfortunately, you are just a good looking body, but in fact, you are empty. You can leave now. This is not a place for you to cultivate." The girl harrumphed coldly, thinking in her heart, I'm afraid that there are very few people like Senior Brother Su Bei who are both handsome and talented.    


Chu Yan looked at the girl with a strange expression, and said faintly, "The Celestial Emperor Sect is holding a banquet, and anyone can cultivate here for the next seven days. Why can't I?"    


"You dare to talk back?" The girl's expression was unhappy. As the little princess of the Celestial Emperor Sect, when wasn't she high and mighty, respected by tens of thousands of people? One word from her was the Destiny. Within the six regions, who would dare to disobey?    


"It's fine that you are cultivating here, but you are using such a lowly flame to affect our ears and ears. What a joke. Although my Celestial Emperor Sect is magnanimous and gives everyone a chance to cultivate, it's not something trash like you can cultivate. "    


"Lowly flame?" Chu Yan was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what was going on. He shook his head helplessly and said, "It's not that the flame is inferior, it's just that you don't understand flames."    


"I don't understand?" The woman shouted coldly. She also cultivated flames and mastered the Fire of All Beasts. With a single thought, she could burn mountains and forests for tens of thousands of miles. But now, Chu Yan actually said that he didn't understand fire?    


Chu Yan didn't explain. Now that he had burned his heart and cultivated to the dacheng, there was no need for him to stay here!    


"Stop right there!" But all of a sudden, the girl shouted. With a wave of her hand, a huge fire descended from the sky, turning into a huge fire lion that wanted to devour Chu Yan.    


Chu Yan frowned. A strong sword intent rose from his back. He raised his hand and cut the fire lion in half. He looked coldly at the girl and said, "In the Celestial Emperor Sect, you suddenly attacked me. Did you represent the Celestial Emperor Sect?"    


"Hmph, there's no need to represent me. I'm just telling you, your flame is so lowly. My Fire of Ten Thousand Beasts can be devoured at will." The woman said disdainfully.    


Chu Yan coldly harrumphed, turned around and left, leaving the woman alone, as if she was very proud of herself. However, right at this moment, her beautiful eyes shrunk. She could feel a strong flame burning in her heart, as if it could kill her in an instant, shocking her.    


"The thing in your hand is worthy of being called a flame?" After a long time, an echo came from the sky, and the girl gradually returned to normal. However, it only lasted for a moment, and it had already caused her to sweat profusely.    


In that instant, she could feel that if Chu Yan wanted to kill her, he only needed a single thought, and that flame, which she had mocked for being unable to burn even water, had attacked her heart, causing her Ten Thousand Beast Flame to let out a dormant roar.    


"How, how is this possible..." The girl was stunned. Even though she had experienced it personally, she still couldn't believe that it was true.    


Chu Yan finally left. He didn't injure the girl's internal organs. After all, this was the Celestial Emperor Sect. He didn't want to become enemies with the Celestial Emperor Sect too early. However, after being humiliated several times, the clay Buddha still had some anger, let alone Chu Yan.    


Seven days had passed, and the Celestial Emperor Sect banquet was about to end. Today, Overlord from all sides had gathered here once again.    


In the direction of the Mu family, mu Jun looked at Li Xiaoyao and said with a cold smile, "Li Xiaoyao, where is your friend? Why didn't he appear at the banquet today?"    


"Chu Yan is naturally busy with cultivation. Don't tell me he still needs to report to you?" Li Xiaoyao rolled his eyes at Mu Jun.    


"Trash still needs to cultivate? What a joke. I think he was scared last time and didn't dare to come again, right?" Shi Canglong said disdainfully.    


Li Xiaoyao said in a ridiculous manner. "I've said it before, if you want to challenge me, just challenge me. If you don't dare, then don't waste your breath here."    


"You, Li Xiaoyao, are the leader of Li family's generation. How can we, a Seventh Grade Venerable One challenge you? As for that friend of yours, I think he won't be able to fight for long. He's just a coward! " A Seventh Grade Venerable One disciple from the meteorite pavilion said.    


"Mu family, Shi Family, meteorite pavilion, these three major Overlord influences are truly outstanding." Right at this moment, a cold laugh sounded out. Chu Yan, who was wearing a white robe, walked over slowly.    


When they saw Chu Yan, the people from all three parties frowned slightly. Shi Canglong said in an unfriendly manner, "Chu Yan, what is the meaning of this?"    


"What is the meaning of this? The three major Overlord factions admitted that they were not ordinary, but they were talking about others behind their backs. Such an imposing manner... Of course, I have to admire them." Chu Yan coldly harrumphed and walked to Li Xiaoyao's side.    


"We don't need to talk behind his back. Even if you are here, you are still the same. Chu Yan, the last time I challenged you, you didn't dare to accept it. Now, I want you to challenge me again in front of everyone. Do you dare to fight me fair and square? " Shi Canglong stood up and said in a clear voice.    


Chu Yan looked at Shi Canglong. He said faintly, "Idiot!"    


Shi Canglong's face turned cold. His eyes were filled with a cold light. "Chu Yan, how dare you! I challenged you, but you didn't dare to fight me, and now you dare to humiliate me? Even though this was the Celestial Emperor Sect... I will make you pay for what you have done."    


"Gu Gu, this man humiliated me with his words. I can only offend him. I hope Gu Gu won't blame me." Shi Canglong looked at Gu Gu again.    


Gu Yuan furrowed his brows and looked at Chu Yan. "Chu, he said in a flat tone. You have gone too far. Nephew Cang Long was just fighting for a moment. If you want to challenge me, you can refuse it if you don't want to. Why did you have to say such words to humiliate him? Today, this place is the Celestial Emperor Sect after all. Apologize to nephew Azure Dragon. The Shi Family will also give me some face. How about we just forget about this matter? "    


"Since Gu Gu has spoken, then there naturally won't be any problem. However, he must sincerely apologize to me." Shi Canglong looked at Chu Yan with a sneer.    


Chu Yan couldn't help but frown. He raised his head and looked at Gu Gu. "Gu Senior, may I ask if your decision is fair?"    


"Hmm?" Gu Gu slightly frowned. Chu Yan actually asked him if his decision was fair?    


"Ridiculous. If it wasn't for Gu Senior's words, you would have already lost your life. What injustice is there?" Shi Canglong said arrogantly, as if he only needed a single thought to kill Chu Yan.    


"I, chu, am here to attend the banquet. It's your Celestial Emperor Sect's banquet. Since I am here, I am also a guest of the Shi Family. However, the Shi Family provoked me again and again. Have you ever met me once before? Just now... Before I came here, the Shi Family, the Mu family, and the meteorite pavilion had all humiliated me with words. Have you ever said a sentence of justice? Now, all I have to say is a single word of rebuttal, and you want me to apologize. Do you all think that I, chu, am easy to bully?" Chu Yan said unhappily. He didn't want to cause any trouble when he came to the Celestial Emperor Sect. However, the three major Overlord powers refused to forgive him. Now, the Celestial Emperor Sect was siding with them. How could he tolerate this?    


"Crazy disciple, how dare you question the ancient times? The ancient times have shown up to protect you. If it wasn't for the ancient times, I would have killed you a long time ago." Mu Jun coldly shouted.    


Gu Gu frowned slightly and said bluntly: "Chu might have misunderstood. I am just doing this out of good intentions. Since little friend doesn't appreciate my kindness, I will take back what I just said and treat it as my meddling."    


"Old Gu, this kid is arrogant and doesn't listen to the advice of others. Since that's the case, I suggest the Celestial Emperor Sect not to protect him anymore. Let us attack him directly and teach him a lesson. Let him understand what Overlord means. How powerful is the real Overlord?" Mu Jun said.    


"Why should we let him understand? He's raving endlessly, and right now, he's still in his ears. Just kill him." The meteorite pavilion disciple said.    


Gu Gu looked at Chu Yan with a slightly troubled expression." Chu, although this place is my Celestial Emperor Sect, you don't need to help me settle your personal grudges. My Celestial Emperor Sect can only stay out of this matter. "    


"Why are you being so hypocritical?"    


Chu Yan sneered, then he raised his head and looked at the crowd. His eyes were like swords as he glanced at the Mu family, Shi Family, and meteorite pavilion disciples. "The banquet started seven days ago. Overlord has been provoking and humiliating me from all sides. In the end, he still bullied me, Chu Yan, for not having any power backing me. He challenged all of you. No one dared to fight me. Do you think that I, chu, am easy to bully? If that's the case... Alright, isn't he going to fight? Then today, I'll fight with you all."    


Shi Canglong revealed a ferocious expression. "Alright, at least you have a backbone. Since that's the case, we will act rashly in the Celestial Emperor Sect today. We will treat it as a form of entertainment for all of you Senior!"    


"The Heavenly Stele is about to arrive, and you can be the first to witness the demeanor of the younger generation. How could you be so rash?" Gu Gu said with a calm smile.    


Shi Canglong nodded his head and took a step forward first. He held the iron spear in his hand and pointed the Long Spear at Chu Yan. "Get the hell out here."    


At this moment, Chu Yan was still sitting on the table. He was not moved. He did not even look at Shi Canglong. He glanced at Shi Canglong and said, "I said I want to fight. But the opponent isn't you. Today, I won't fight a Seventh Grade Venerable One."    


"Hmm?" As soon as Chu Yan's voice faded, the banquet quietened down. It was so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard.    


Shi Canglong instantly laughed. "What a joke. Just now, you kept raving. Now, I have come out to fight you, but you chose to avoid the battle, and you even said that you wouldn't challenge a Seventh Grade Venerable One. Could it be that you, a Seventh Grade Venerable One, want the three families to send a Sixth Grade Venerable One to fight you? However, that's also true. A despicable person like you is only worthy of a Sixth Grade Venerable One to fight you. "    


Gu Gu also furrowed his brows. He said indifferently, "Chu, since you want to fight, let's fight at the same level. Although we are part of Overlord's power, I'm afraid sending someone at the sixth level of the Venerable One to fight you will affect your heart of martial arts. Besides, your victory is not fair."    


"It doesn't matter. Since he wants to fight, as long as he doesn't use his Divine Weapon, i, the meteorite pavilion, am willing to fight him." A disciple of the sixth level of the Venerable One took a step forward, eager to show off his abilities.    


"Everyone seems to not understand what I'm saying. I, chu, will repeat myself. Today, I will not fight anyone below the Seventh Grade Venerable One. I, disdain to bully all of you. " Chu Yan said in a flat tone. Li Xiaoyao was standing at the side, laughing and crying. How terrifying was Chu Yan's combat strength? Li Xiaoyao thought to himself. Even he might not be able to win. Now, the people of the three families were asking the Venerable One Sixth Grade to fight Chu Yan?    


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