Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C355 The Four Sides Are Fighting Against Each Other

C355 The Four Sides Are Fighting Against Each Other

chapter 355. Four Directions Compete    


As the light of the finger fell, the Xumi Peak fell into silence. All the disciples who followed Chu Yan were shocked. Chu Yan had killed Mu Feng, and after countless Emperor appeared in the meteorite pavilion, he didn't hesitate to point his finger at Mu Feng.    


Mu Feng's corpse froze on the spot. Even until the moment of his death, he still couldn't believe that Chu Yan had really killed him. He didn't hesitate at all. He was a genius of the meteorite pavilion, and should have a limitless future. He should be Heavenly Stele Master, an existence that everyone in the Six Domains Star River's younger generation looked up to.    


But today, he was dead.    


Li Xiaoyao stood in the distance and shook his head helplessly. Chu Yan had killed Mu Feng, and the meteorite pavilion would never let him go. This death grudge had finally been formed.    


At this moment, the four Overlord's men had all arrived. Mu Ao stood in the distance, his throat felt like it was being gripped by an invisible hand, and the corner of his mouth kept twitching.    


Chu Yan had really killed Mu Feng. He was a nobody whom they had ridiculed before, but now, he had killed so many people. He was at the seventh level of the Venerable One. Had he reached the level where he could fight Mu Feng?    


"How dare you, thief!" Emperor, who was in the meteorite pavilion, was furious. To them, Mu Feng's life and death had nothing to do with them. However, once Mu Feng died, the meteorite pavilion would be severely injured in the battle of Heavenly Stele at the end of the year. They might even lose the Heavenly Stele.    


"Swoosh!" At this moment, Li Xiaoyao suddenly walked out slowly and arrived next to Chu Yan, as if he was expressing his attitude.    


blue-clothed woman frowned at this moment. She also wanted to go forward, but Xuan Qing suddenly stopped her, "Mi, you can't. The current situation has exceeded our expectations. The meteorite pavilion will definitely not let him go this time. If you go over now, I'm worried that the meteorite pavilion will hurt you too."    


The blue clothed man turned around and looked at Xuan Qing. Suddenly, he smiled brightly. "He is, my brother!"    


The next moment, without hesitation, she jumped to Chu Yan's side and stood there quietly, as if announcing to the world that no matter what happened next, she was willing to face it with Chu Yan.    


Hua Zhixu and Fatty were naturally there. The Little wolf had also appeared, and the Meow was carrying Qing Yi. The good news was that Qingyi had woken up, but she was still very haggard. The Immortal Burning Furnace was still a Grade 7 Divine Weapon after all, and it could burn down Immortal Sovereigns. Although she had been resisted by Qingyi's super powerful bloodline, she had still suffered a very serious injury.    


"Hmph, an ant trying to shake a tree!" A Emperor from the meteorite pavilion saw this scene and coldly snorted.    


"My name is Li Xiaoyao!" Li Xiaoyao suddenly said, and then he looked at the people from the meteorite pavilion.    


"Li family?" Emperor from the meteorite pavilion frowned. In terms of strength, amongst the fifteen Overlord from the six regions, the Li family was definitely one of the top five. However, the Li family had gradually declined in the last 15 years. The reason was very simple. Fifteen years ago, the Li family had suffered a serious injury. After that, a woman had sacrificed herself to protect the Li family.    


Even so, the meteorite pavilion was unwilling to start a battle with Overlord. It was the same for the fifteen great Overlord of the six regions. The so-called war between Overlord and Overlord was a war with one side being destroyed as the goal. That kind of war was too big. It could last for as long as ten years, twenty years, and use up ten thousand years of resources to fight.    


When that time came, there would even be a Sovereign War. Therefore, although there would be conflicts between the disciples of Overlord's major powers, they would rarely kill each other and form a deadly grudge. Even if it was a death grudge, they would try their best to resolve it and minimize it.    


"Today's matter has nothing to do with the Li family. For the sake of the Li Clan, I won't make things difficult for you in the future. Step down!" One of the meteorite pavilion, Emperor, said.    


"What a joke. In the past, Mu Feng set up a trap within the Xumi Peak. He used Qiu Meng's life to kill all of us! Everyone in the Xumi Peak had witnessed it with their own eyes. He also almost killed me and my brother. Injuring Qingyi. Now, with just one sentence from you, this matter has nothing to do with me?" Li Xiaoyao suddenly laughed. What happened that day had something to do with them. And now, with just a single sentence from the meteorite pavilion, he had been removed from the list?    


The disciples of all the major powers looked at Li Xiaoyao and praised him. "Li Xiaoyao is indeed worthy of his reputation. It's obvious that the other party intends to let him go, but he is still unwilling to do so. He insisted that this matter has something to do with him."    


"En, this man is free and unfettered. I didn't expect him to be so loyal. For Chu Yan, he did it."    


"The people from the meteorite pavilion are really shameless. They didn't pursue Li Xiaoyao because they were afraid of the Li family and didn't want to start a fight with Overlord. But Chu Yan isn't from the fifteen Overlord's forces, so there's no need to worry about the meteorite pavilion. "    


"Xiao Yao, why do you need to say so much?" Chu Yan suddenly said. He raised his head and looked at the meteorite pavilion. The meteorite pavilion," he said, the events of that day, can be seen by Heaven and Earth. Now, I'm going to kill Mu Feng. It's him who deserves to die. Now, Emperor is taking revenge on me. This is truly admirable! "    


"You are right. There is no need to say anything more." Li Xiaoyao nodded. The meteorite pavilion is also Overlord's power. I didn't expect it to be so weak. The Xumi Peak had its own rules. It was Mu Feng who broke the rules. Now that he has received his retribution, he will die a horrible death. Since all of you want revenge... I, Li Xiaoyao swear that as long as I, Li Xiaoyao, am still alive... The Li family will become the meteorite pavilion's eternal enemy!"    


The meteorite pavilion Emperor's face suddenly turned cold. Li Xiaoyao's words were meant to cause Overlord to fight.    


"Li Xiaoyao, you don't have that much power!" Li Sheng shouted from the side. He was also a disciple of the Li family. However, during the battle that day, he had suffered a huge blow, and his reputation had been tarnished. He also hoped that Chu Yan would die.    


"No?" Li Xiaoyao shook his head in a funny manner. He looked at the meteorite pavilion's Emperor and said, "My mother, it's Qian Mengyu!"    


Everyone in the Xumi Peak was stunned. Qian Mengyu? This name was very unfamiliar to the younger generation of disciples. However, many of the Emperor in the meteorite pavilion suddenly frowned and stared at Li Xiaoyao.    


Qian Mengyu was definitely a nightmare to the elders of the fifteen major Overlord forces. Fifteen years ago, the Li family had entered into a fierce battle. There was a battle between Overlord and the Shi Family. During that battle, the Shi Family used two monarch, and the Li family was almost destroyed.    


But suddenly, there was a girl who turned the tables. This girl was unparalleled in this world, and her talent was extremely high. She had severely injured the Shi Family, two Monarch, and destroyed one Grade 7 Divine Weapon. This girl was the Li family's Qian Mengyu! He never thought that Li Xiaoyao was actually the girl's son.    


It could be said that the entire Li family owed Qian Mengyu. If Li Xiaoyao really was Qian Mengyu's son, the Li family might really have the ability to fight Overlord for her son.    


Emperor, who was in the meteorite pavilion, hesitated. Was it worth it to provoke the Li family for Mu Feng? How could Qian Mengyu's son's talent be weak? He might even inherit the Li family. When the time came, he would become Patriarch of the Li Clan, and perhaps he would really start a war against the meteorite pavilion.    


"Someone's coming from the Li family!" Right at this moment, several figures suddenly flew over. They were all Emperor, and their strengths were not any weaker than the meteorite pavilion. They floated behind Li Xiaoyao.    


Li Yun led the way. When the Li family's Expert appeared, many people were shocked.    


"The Li family really sent Emperor!?" Everyone was shocked. They saw a middle-aged man leading the Li family. He was Li Xiaoyao's father. He stood with his hands behind his back, looking majestic.    


"Li Hongwei! Do you really want to start a war with my meteorite pavilion?" The meteorite pavilion's Emperor furrowed his brows and stared fixedly at the Li family's Patriarch.    


"meteorite pavilion, this is a small matter. All of you are old bones, so don't participate." Li Hongwei said sternly. Then, he looked at Chu Yan again and revealed a bitter smile. "Little guy, you are really messing around!"    


"Uncle!" Chu Yan cupped his hands and said to the patriarch of the Lee family. He felt grateful in his heart. Up until now, the Li family was still on his side. This was very rare. Of course, he didn't know that Li Xiaoyao had used the golden token for everything Li Xiaoyao had done.    


"Everyone, are you all going to continue watching?" One of the meteorite pavilion, Emperor, suddenly asked.    


"Li, I'm afraid you all won't be able to protect this child today!" Heavenly thunder rumbled as another Expert arrived. The Mu family, Shi Family, and You Nv Palace Emperor all intervened and slowly walked over from afar.    


"This kid has killed countless of my Mu family's disciples. Today, i, the Mu family, must be taken away!" One of the Mu family's Emperor raised his hand and pointed at Hua Zhixu.    


Li Hongwei furrowed his brows. Obviously, he didn't expect that the four Overlord would send Emperor. Given the current situation, even he wouldn't be able to protect Chu Yan.    


"As a major power of Overlord, isn't it inappropriate for such a matter to spread to the public?" Li Hongwei said with a heavy tone.    


One of the Shi Family, Old Man, took a step forward and coldly snorted, "This girl destroyed my Shi Family's Immortal Burning Furnace. One Grade 7 Divine Weapon, she must pay the price!"    


Li Xiaoyao and the others laughed coldly and shook their heads when they heard this. They secretly sighed in shame. The Xumi Peak was originally a place for cultivation, so why would the Shi Family and Immortal Burning Furnace appear here? Wasn't it all for the sake of killing Chu Yan?    


Furthermore, the one who destroyed the Immortal Burning Furnace was Xumi. The Shi Family didn't dare to take revenge, so it could only vent its anger on Qingyi.    


"My You Nv Palace has also injured countless disciples. There must be an explanation today." Another person stood out.    


Li Hongwei's expression became even heavier. The four great Overlord had clearly come prepared today. Each side had more than ten Emperor. It would be very difficult for him to protect Chu Yan by himself, and if things went wrong, it might very well be Overlord's battle.    


As for the Jiang's and the Mysterious Maiden Sect, although they had also suffered losses this time, they hadn't harmed any of their important disciples. Once the war was over, both sides might not be willing to help the Li Clan. After all, Overlord's battle involved too many things, and no one would dare to make a decision easily.    


"Xiao Yao, come back." Li Hongwei hesitated for a moment before letting out a long sigh.    


"Father!" Li Xiaoyao frowned and looked at Li Hongwei. At this moment, Li Hongwei shook his head helplessly. "I have tried my best for today's matter."    


"Xiao Yao, go back!" Chu Yan suddenly said. He did not blame the Li Clan because he had no right to do so. However, he also understood that the Li family alone could not resolve the matter. He did not want to drag Li Xiaoyao into this matter.    


Chu Yan looked around in a funny manner. He looked at the so-called Overlord's forces and said with a weak palm, "What a weak force!"    


Seventh level Venerable One, invincible Xumi Peak, these names sounded very powerful. However, when facing Overlord's forces, he was still as weak as before. Once Emperor appeared, any random person could easily crush him to death.    


At this moment, Li Xiaoyao was brought back to the Li family by Li Hongwei. Both of his eyes were red.    


Li Hongwei also sighed. He admitted that Chu Yan's talent was indeed extraordinary. He was the strongest person he had seen in a hundred years, but unfortunately, the Martial Arts World was cold and ruthless. In the end, his wings were not full enough. He was just a little too young.    


"Everyone, it was my honor to have all of you fighting side by side with me in the past. However, there is no need to lose my life for me. All of you can withdraw." Chu Yan looked at Jiang Tianwen and blue-clothed woman.    


blue-clothed woman shook her head lightly, but Chu Yan took a step forward and reached out his hand. He gently rubbed blue-clothed woman's forehead and smiled brightly. "The little girl from back then has grown up... Mi, will you still listen to me?"    


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