Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C343 Gather in Mount Meru

C343 Gather in Mount Meru

chapter 343. Assemble within Mount Meru    


Chu Yan's eyes flashed as if a hunting blade was approaching. Huo Feng continued to take a step back and looked coldly at Chu Yan. "Are you sure you won't follow me? I am giving you a chance!"    


"Who wants to see me? Tell him to come over himself. As for you, you're not qualified. If you don't get the hell out of here in three breaths, then you don't have to leave! " Chu Yan lost his patience. He had been meditating on the Heaven Fighting Halberd, and Huo Feng had come here. If someone wanted to see him with just a simple sentence, he would want to see him? If someone wanted to see him every day... He still had time to cultivate?    


"Ask him to see you? Do you know who wants to see you? Even though you are talented, you are still a low-level cultivator. However, those who want to see you are more talented than you, and your cultivation level is much higher than yours." Huo Feng laughed coldly.    


"No matter who it is, if you want to see me, come and let me see you. Then, I won't see you! " Chu Yan replied, and then he raised three thumbs.    


"Hiss, hiss, this is crazy. Huo Feng, I don't know what you think, but I really can't bear to see such an arrogant son. Since he doesn't listen to my advice, I'll just capture him. " A genius next to Huo Feng sneered.    


However, at this moment, Huo Feng grinned and shook his head. "No need, let's go back!"    


Everyone looked at Huo Feng and frowned. Since Huo Feng had spoken, they did not ask any more questions. They just nodded and left with Huo Feng.    


"Chu Yan, I gave you the chance, but you didn't cherish it. It was you who wanted him to see you. I will inform you, but don't regret it when the time comes." Huo Feng said another sentence before leaving.    


When everyone left, Chu Yan's expression turned ugly. He had just started meditating when he was interrupted. Now that he wanted to find that feeling, he needed to pave a new path.    


Regarding the matter of Huo Feng, Chu Yan didn't care about it. No matter who the other party was, since they wanted to see him, he had the right to not see them. If the other party insisted on seeing him, he could just come and see him. Are you the king or the emperor? In one sentence, I'm going to meet you? I'm used to you.    


Huo Feng returned from a wine forest in the Xumi Peak. The rest of the people were still in the feast. Mu Feng was sitting at the head seat of the feast. His white clothes matched the bamboo forest. He was very satisfied. He raised his wine glass and said indifferently, "Where is he?"    


"Senior brother, that Chu Yan said that if you want to see him, then get the hell over there and ask him to come and see you. Then, I won't see him!" Huo Feng said truthfully. Of course, he wouldn't explain the actual situation at that time. He was the one who disturbed Chu Yan first.    


"What a maniac! Mu Feng wanted to see him, but he actually wanted to see him personally. How could he have such great face?" Mu Ao laughed coldly from the side.    


"Ignorant! Mu Feng begged for mercy on his behalf and told us not to touch him. He asked us to apologize to him alone. But now, he doesn't know the difference between life and death. He even dared to refuse Mu Feng's request!" Shi Tiandao nodded his head as well.    


Mu Feng furrowed his brows in displeasure. Although he, Mu Feng, didn't dare to call himself peerless, he didn't dare to call himself peerless. He also knew that there were sixteen Heavenly Stele Master above him, but in this Xumi Peak, at least everyone would give him some face. Today, he had been disrespected.    


"Mu Feng, no matter what, you can be considered an elder brother. I can't believe this kid doesn't know how to respect others. Since that's the case, in my opinion, don't give me any face when you give me face. Do it now." Li Sheng said.    


"That's right." Xuan Bingxin also said. Beside her was also the You Nv Palace, li Meng.    


"Since that's the case, I don't care about this matter anymore." Mu Feng said plainly. With his status, it was not appropriate for him to attack Chu Yan. He lowered his status and said to Huo Feng, "Give him a lesson."    


Huo Feng nodded his head. A fierce look flashed across his eyes.    


Regarding the gathering of Li Sheng and the others, Chu Yan still did not know about it. He continued to study the Heaven Fighting Halberd. On this day, he stood up and transformed into a halberd. He was trying to understand every swing of the halberd. Then, he thrust out the void, as if he was holding a Long Spear in his hand. How mighty!    


The space in front of him shattered. His body was light and graceful, and every movement he made was as smooth as flowing water. It was so beautiful that it attracted a lot of people.    


"This halberd technique is indeed worthy of being able to fight against the heavens. It is indeed powerful." After a long time, Chu Yan finally stopped. He was already drenched in sweat, but he didn't feel tired at all.    


"You are really satisfied." At this moment, a wonderful voice was heard. Chu Yan looked up and smiled. "Senior Xuan Qing!"    


"Yes. The outside world has already been stirred up because of you. How are you? You actually hid here alone to practice your halberd techniques."    


"Me?" Chu Yan asked, puzzled.    


"Huo Feng, li Sheng, and Shi Tiandao... Mu Ao of the Mu family and the people from the You Nv Palace are looking for you. If you meet them, it seems like Mu Feng is also involved in this matter. However, given Mu Feng's character, I don't think he will attack you, but the rest of them aren't weak either. You'd better hide for now. " Xuan Qing said.    


Chu Yan nodded and murmured, "These guys are really endless."    


Xuan Qing smiled bitterly, "Xumi Peak rarely has a time when a few major powers unite to deal with a single person. It seems like you have really caused a lot of trouble. If you see that Fatty and that friend of yours... He also told them that with Huo Feng and the others' personalities... If they can't find you, they will attack your friends! "    


"Thank you for telling us!" Chu Yan nodded. After that, he stood up and left to look for Fatty and Hua Zhixu.    


As soon as Chu Yan left, Huo Feng and the others arrived together. When they saw that Chu Yan did not see them, they frowned slightly. "Xuan Qing, where is Chu Yan? Did you see him?"    


Xuan Qing looked at Huo Feng coldly. "What does it have to do with you whether I have seen him or not?"    


"You..." Huo Feng frowned, but he did not want to argue with Xuan Qing. Xuan Qing was a very famous person in the Mysterious Maiden Sect, and his talent was not bad. He did not want to provoke him, so he snorted coldly and turned around to leave.    


At this moment, blue-clothed woman, who was beside Xuan Qing, suddenly raised her head and looked in the direction of the You Nv Palace. She said lightly, "You Nv Palace, wait!"    


Xuan Bingxin frowned and looked at blue-clothed woman. These three years, this girl's reputation was extremely great. Mysterious Maiden Sect descended from the sky. Rumor has it that she was a disciple of the Sovereign Queen and possessed the Profound Ice Physique. It was extremely special and her current strength was not inferior to hers. "What is it?"    


"Back then, I already said that your You Nv Palace will regret it! Today, it is the same! " blue-clothed woman repeated again and Xuan Bingxin's face sank. She let out a cold snort and followed Huo Feng away.    


Regarding the gathering of Huo Feng and the others, it immediately caused a huge disturbance in the Xumi Peak. Huo Feng and the other Expert joined hands to deal with Chu Yan?    


Many people were surprised, but there were also some who received the news that Chu Yan was very arrogant. Mu Feng personally wanted to see him, but Chu Yan refused to see him. This also caused a wave of ridicule in the Xumi Peak.    


Who was Mu Feng? He had been famous for a long time, and now he had reached the ninth level of the Venerable One. It could be said that he was ranked seventeenth amongst all those who had reached the first level of the Venerable One. Except for the sixteen true Heavenly Stele Master, no one could defeat him.    


However, he wanted to see Chu Yan, but was rejected by Chu Yan?    


Chu Yan left the Heaven Fighting Halberd and met Li Xiaoyao on the way. He asked, "Xiaoyao, do you know about Mu Feng?"    


"Mu Feng's strength is not bad. If you can avoid provoking him, you should try not to provoke him." Li Xiaoyao nodded.    


"It's too late. We have already offended him." Chu Yan smiled bitterly and told Li Xiaoyao the whole story. Li Xiaoyao was speechless. "You really know how to cause trouble, but you don't need to worry about offending him. With Mu Feng's status, he probably won't take the initiative to attack you. You just need to be careful of Huo Feng and the others."    


"Now that Huo Feng has formed his own power, we have fewer people. I will go and find some helpers." Li Xiaoyao hesitated for a moment and suddenly said.    


"Shall we join him?" Xuan Qing flew over at this time. Li Xiaoyao was stunned and said with a smile: "Of course we welcome you. After the battle of the Evergreen tree, we had no chance to fight again. Now we are in another trench."    


The addition of the Mysterious Maiden Sect had undoubtedly brought some help to Chu Yan. Li Xiaoyao had also invited a few friends, including Li Yun, li Yin, and a few others. Some of them had also given Li Xiaoyao face. Those who were willing to help him were the Jiang family, and Li Xiaoyao's fiancée was from the Jiang's.    


On this day, at the peak of Falling Cliff, a strong wind suddenly blew in the sky, and Huo Feng and the others arrived.    


"They're here!" Li Xiaoyao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he became serious as well. There were quite a few of them as well. Furthermore, there were also geniuses from a few great clans who immediately attracted the attention of the crowd.    


"Li Xiaoyao, Mysterious Maiden Sect and Jiang's, we won't look for you today. Those who don't want to cause trouble, quickly leave." Huo Feng descended and immediately unleashed a terrifying aura.    


"Ridiculous, Chu Yan is my brother. If you want to fight him, I will fight him!" Li Xiaoyao also spoke nonsense. He had always been like this. If he wanted to fight, he would fight. He had never been afraid of anyone.    


"Huo Feng, you are an Eighth Grade Venerable One. You have been famous for a long time. I never thought that you would be so shameless. It's ridiculous to respect someone who is two levels lower than you." Xuan Qing who was standing at the side said with a sneer on his face.    


"It's him who is too arrogant. He can't blame anyone else." Mu Ao said from the side.    


"Respect? Only you all know the truth, right? You, Mu Ao, went to provoke that girl, and in the end, you were almost crippled. Now, you still dare to shout at her? What a joke! Also, Huo Feng is the same. " blue-clothed woman said.    


The corners of Mu Ao and Huo Feng's mouth twitched, and their faces darkened. The incident with Qing Yi had caused both of them to lose all their faces. Today, they were once again mentioned by someone, and both of them were infuriated.    


"You are Chu Yan?" At this moment, a white robe suddenly fell from the sky. It was so tall that it attracted the attention of many people. It caused the hearts of countless people to tremble, and even Li Xiaoyao furrowed his brows.    


"Mu Feng! The number one person in the Xumi Peak!"    


Xuan Qing and the Jiang family members became serious. Huo Feng and the others didn't take him seriously, but Mu Feng couldn't. This person's reputation was too great, and he had long surpassed everyone present.    


"Back then, I asked Huo Feng to send a voice transmission to you. Was it you who told me to get the hell out of here and see you?" Mu Feng's voice carried a trace of coldness, causing the hearts of everyone to sink. If Mu Feng really attacked, Chu Yan would definitely be in big trouble today.    


"Ridiculous. That day, when I was cultivating under the halberd, Huo Feng interrupted my cultivation by force. I should be furious, but after that, he told me that he wanted to see me and told me to get lost obediently. What would you do if you encountered such a situation?" Chu Yan looked straight at Mu Feng and said.    


Everyone frowned. Even Mu Feng looked at Huo Feng in such a way, interrupting his cultivation? This was a great taboo in the cultivation world.    


Mu Feng coldly harrumphed, but Huo Feng was after all a member of the meteorite pavilion. He was a disciple of Mu Feng, and today, he was here. He naturally wouldn't lose face for his own people. He said coldly, "Since that's the case... It was a misunderstanding. You have provoked all the people of different families. The Xumi Peak is a place of cultivation, so you shouldn't make a big fuss about it. Apologize to all of you. I will stand here and make the decision for you. This is the end. Are you willing? "    


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