Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C314 The Probe of Patriarch Xiahou

C314 The Probe of Patriarch Xiahou

chapter 314: Ancestor Xiahou's test.    


"Xiahou Senior, if you have something to say, just say it. Being entrusted with the task of being loyal... The road to revival is difficult, but I will not give up. Although I have never seen Senior Tian Zhen, I have received his inheritance. He can be considered half his successor. This is what I should do. " Chu Yan said with a calm smile. However, his tone clearly didn't have the respect he had before. He also wanted to keep a distance from them.    


There were two meanings behind Ancestor Xiahou's words. First, the road to revival was difficult, and he had to be careful. Second, he was too weak today. Even with the help of the Sky Shaking Ancestor's bloodline, he was still too weak, and there was no need to think about revival anymore.    


Ancestor Xiahou sighed. "Since this is the case, I'll be frank with you. Chu Hanfeng Senior is my Xiahou Clan's benefactor. This is a good point. We should follow you, not bad either. However, you are still too weak. As the Xiahou Family Master... Your strength is too weak today. If I, the Xiahou line, follow you, I will be in trouble. So... "    


" Senior, don't worry. Reviving the bloodline is my business, what does it have to do with the Xiahou Clan? Junior will be troubling you today. Farewell! " Chu Yan's eyes turned stern. He cupped his fists, and without further ado, he turned around and left.    


Before he left, Chu Yan suddenly stopped and turned to Ancestor Xiahou. "It's just Senior. If one day Dust is restored... At that time, there will be no more Xiahou Clan in the Heaven Shaking Branch. Take care, Senior!"    


"This Bastard kid! He really has the same temper as the Monarch back then!" Ancestor Xiahou was stunned and scolded angrily. Demon Monarch Zi Long rolled his eyes at Ancestor Xiahou. "Are you satisfied with this result?"    


"Look again. The king has chosen many inheritors these years. However, none of them have been able to persevere. They have obtained the inheritance of the Monarch. After leaving the Dust, they either lived a decadent life or suffered a heavy blow. There was even a traitor like Chi Junlin, who exposed a few hidden disciples. It had almost caused a huge disaster. However, judging from the current situation, this kid... Not bad." A hint of appreciation appeared in Ancestor Xiahou's eyes.    


Chu Yan didn't know that Ancestor Xiahou was testing him on purpose, but what he said was right. Along the way to revival, he didn't expect anyone to help him. The Xiahou Family was just an unexpected encounter.    


What Ancestor Xiahou said was right. His current strength was too weak. Any Heavenly Venerate or Emperor could pinch him to death like an ant. The key was how to become stronger.    


After leaving the cliff, Chu Yan started cultivating. This time, he used the One Thought immortal-killing to destroy all of Chu Yan's life force. Now, it was as if he had come back to life. Although his cultivation hadn't decreased, his body had been destroyed. Now, his body was extremely weak, just like a mortal. Therefore, he had to rebuild his body.    


Fortunately, with the Nine Heaven Profound Pagoda and the Vajra Dharma, it wasn't difficult for Chu Yan to cultivate his body.    


Another half a month passed. Fatty had broken through to the supreme realm and officially stepped into the highest realm of the Six Domains Star River. Chu Yan had also broken through to the Second Grade Venerable One, which was good news.    


On this day, Chu Yan found Old Man, who had assisted Hua Zhixu before, and entered the so-called Gravity Mountain to cultivate. He was able to withstand ten thousand times the gravity here, which surprised Chu Yan.    


"In this Gravity Mountain, an ordinary tree branch weighs ten thousand jin. A rock might weigh ten thousand jin, or even a few hundred thousand jin. Even my body has become very heavy. It is as difficult as ascending the heavens to take a step here, but it is a very suitable place to cultivate strength."    


Chu Yan entered the gravity mountain and cultivated for ten days. Only then did he sit on the ground and pour some sweat. He praised, "This is the difference between a large and a small force. A gravity mountain like this... There are many of them in the Ancient Demon Star Domain, and they are extremely suitable for cultivation. But the Dust is different. The people of the Dust are still conservative. They could cultivate with the help of the Spirit Jade, but they didn't know how the outside world cultivated. It's not surprising that there is such a huge gap between the regions. "    


On this day, Chu Yan was still cultivating in the Gravity Mountain. Suddenly, a sword light rose from outside the mountain, turning into thousands of sword shadows that mercilessly rushed towards Chu Yan. Chu Yan's eyes turned cold, and he waved his hand to block it.    


"Bang!" A loud sound was heard, and it immediately caused a tremor. Countless rocks in the gravity mountain exploded on the spot, splitting into four and five pieces.    


"Who is it?" Chu Yan let out an unhappy voice.    


Outside the gravity mountain. A white-clothed youth slowly walked over. He stood at the top of the mountain. He looked down at Chu Yan. "You are Chu Yan? Come out and fight me."    


Chu Yan's eyes turned cold. He was cultivating here, and this man had interrupted his cultivation. Now, he wanted him to go out and fight?    


"For the sake of the three Demon Mountains, I won't pursue today's matter with you. You can leave now!" Chu Yan glanced at this man. He was a Third Grade Venerable One, but he wasn't very strong. As a guest of the three Demon Mountains, he couldn't be bothered to argue with him.    


"Not going to fight? What a joke! It was rumored that Chu Yan was very powerful, but he was just a coward. Since that's the case, I advise you to stay away from Qingyi. She is not someone you can come into contact with. " The young man snorted coldly and turned around to leave.    


The name of this young man was Zhan Tong. He was also a disciple of the three demon mountains, and he was the next Heavenly Stele Master to be nurtured. Back then, when he was only a First Grade Venerable One and killed a Third Grade Venerable One, his strength was extraordinary.    


The people of the three demon mountains knew that Zhan Tong was pursuing Qingyi. Although they had been rejected several times, because of Qingyi's cold personality, he felt relieved and continued to pursue her. However, half a year ago, he suddenly heard that a man in green clothes had descended upon the Eastern Part of Ancient Demon, causing him to be furious.    


Before this, Chu Yan had been unconscious, and he had suffered a great loss. Now that Chu Yan had woken up, he immediately came to challenge Chu Yan. Unexpectedly, Chu Yan had avoided the challenge. This news immediately spread across the three demon mountains.    


"I never thought that Chu Yan would be a coward. What's funny is that the outside world is talking about him in such a mystical way."    


"That's right. A martial artist should have a clear conscience. It's not scary to lose, but to avoid fighting and not fight has become a huge joke." The people of the Three Great Demon Mountains were all discussing.    


After Zhan Tong left, Chu Yan continued to cultivate. On this day, another girl came to Chu Yan's side. Her phoenix eyes were slightly strange, but she didn't disturb Chu Yan's cultivation. She just sat quietly at the side and waited for Chu Yan.    


"This gravity mountain is really a good place." Half a day later, Chu Yan woke up. His strength had once again increased. After that, he found that the girl beside him was startled. "You're here?"    


"You're still in the mood to cultivate here?" The woman laughed. Chu Yan was startled. He didn't know about the rumors circulating in the outside world. He looked at the woman strangely.    


"Did Zhan Tong ask to fight you?"    


"I don't know the name of that person, but there was indeed someone who asked to fight me. What's wrong?" Chu Yan said after pondering for a moment.    


The woman sighed helplessly. "That's right. Your name is Zhan Tong. This person had been famous for a long time. He was also a candidate for Heavenly Stele Master of the three demon mountains. Not long ago, he announced to the public that he wanted to challenge you, but in the end, you avoided the challenge. Now, the three great Demon Mountains were all discussing this matter, and your reputation was very high. Now, by borrowing your name, he has reached a new height."    


"Oh." Chu Yan came to a realization, but he did not show much emotion. This caused the woman to be stunned. "This is your attitude?"    


"What kind of attitude should I have when it comes to boring things?" Chu Yan smiled helplessly. Since Zhan Tong wanted to make a name for himself, he would fulfill his wish. As for Zhan Tong, besides interrupting his cultivation not long ago, he didn't know him, nor did he have an attitude towards him.    


"You..." The woman was speechless for a moment. Then, she rolled her eyes and said, "You are really magnanimous. Reputation is very important when one is outside. The reason why so many people cultivate is for the sake of cultivation and reputation. Now, Zhan Tong is borrowing your name and humiliating you in public. You are quite open-minded."    


"Didn't you also humiliate me back then? You still dare to say that I am a member of the Cold Crow, and that I can't get close to a phoenix. What, now that the Phoenix has fallen? " Chu Yan grinned. The girl was even more speechless. An apologetic look flashed across her eyes. This girl wasn't someone else, but Qing Yun, who had gone to the Dust all those years ago.    


"About what happened back then... I'm sorry, I will take back my words." Qing Yun said in a low voice. When she went to Dust, Chu Yan was only a Fourth Grade Emperor. Born in a barren land, she went there for Qingyi. Initially, she wanted to persuade Chu Yan to back off, but who would have thought that... In less than a year, Chu Yan had come to the Ancient Demon Star Domain. In less than a year, Chu Yan had stirred up the wind of the Ancient Fey. Now, his name had even shaken the Ancient Fey.    


Could such a person be the Cold Crow?    


"He's fine with just an apology?" Chu Yan smiled strangely. He looked Qing Yun up and down and had to say: Qing Yun was also very beautiful. What was important was that she was different from Qing Yi, Lau Qingcheng and the others. She wore hot clothes and was bold. She wore a set of fiery red Skirt and had a fork on her thigh. She sat cross-legged, revealing quite a few beautiful sceneries. It was unknown how many men would feel their blood boiling.    


"What else do you want?" Qing Yun said with some grievance.    


"How about you give yourself to me?" Chu Yan said with a lustful look.    


Qing Yun was stunned and her face turned red. However, after a while, her actions stunned Chu Yan. Her delicate hand actually climbed onto Chu Yan's chest. "Alright, how about we stay here?"    


"Cough cough!" Chu Yan took a step back and complained in his heart. He wanted to tease Qing Yun as revenge for the humiliation he had suffered in the past. Unexpectedly, this woman was even bolder and teased him instead.    


"I don't think you have the guts to do so." Qing Yun smiled sweetly. "Are you not angry anymore?"    


"Yes." Back in Dust, Chu Yan was really angry. He did not know Qing Yun at all, so he was humiliated. However, after he woke up these few days, he knew that Qing Yun and Qingyi were very good. Although they used malicious words to hurt people back then, it was also because of Qingyi, so he felt relieved.    


"What about Zhan Tong?"    


"Let him be." Chu Yan shook his head. Right now, he only wanted to become stronger as soon as possible. He couldn't be bothered with people like Zhan Tong, but when he looked at Chu Yan from the side, Qing Yun's heart was stirred.    


Was Chu Yan a timid person? Qing Yun would never believe it. She had witnessed with her own eyes how Chu Yan had cut off one of Hu Tong's arms in Dust and cut Chen Tong's arm with the Eastern Part of Ancient Demon. Later on, he got angry for Chen Nichang and used the Grade 7 Divine Weapon and celestial method.    


But why didn't he argue with Zhan Tong today? It was because he felt that this was a boring matter. It was just a matter of disdain. His persistence was different. For the sake of the people around him, he could become a devil in anger, but he didn't care about anything. He couldn't even be bothered to mention it.    


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