Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C280 They Came to Kill People

C280 They Came to Kill People

chapter 280. For the sake of killing    


"Finally revealing your true nature?" Chu Yan stood on the high platform and sneered. He had long known that today's matter could not be resolved peacefully. Since that was the case, why should he be afraid of death?    


"I have just started my journey as an Ancient Fey. Initially, I did not want to cause any trouble, but all of you have provoked me. Since that's the case, today, come and fight me!" Chu Yan no longer held back. With the Sun Extinguishing Sword in his hand, he stood proudly.    


"What an arrogant son! He came from a despicable star, and he actually dared to come and provoke my Ancient Demon Star Domain! Since that's the case, I will definitely kill you today!" At that moment, liu Jingtian's father slowly walked out. He then looked at an elder of the Lo family who wasn't far away and said, "Elder brother Luo, how about we join hands and kill him together?"    


"That should be the case!" Luo Chang said in a ferocious manner. He was the elder brother of Luo Wuya, a genuine Honored Warriors. Two men from the Lo family had died in Chu Yan's hands. They had to take revenge.    


"Senior Jiang, I'll leave Old Chen to you." Luo Chang spoke again. They were both Venerable One warriors. If Chen Jingtian interfered, it would be difficult for them to kill Chu Yan today.    


"En!" Ancestor Jiang nodded his head and held Chen Jingtian back.    


"Chu Yan!" Chen Nichang shouted worriedly. Old Yuan narrowed his eyes. "Miss, you can't go forward. Chu Yan's talent today is too shocking. The Lau family of Lo family will never leave behind such a potential threat. Now that Old Chen is being held back, I'm afraid that the Lau family of Lo family will also hurt you if you go up there."    


"I told him to take first place! I should bear the consequences with him!" Chen Nichang said coldly. She pushed Old Yuan away and ran towards Chu Yan.    


"Don't come over!" Chu Yan suddenly shouted. Chen Nichang's delicate body trembled. Chu Yan said seriously, "Don't come over. Don't worry. If they want to cause trouble today, I will accompany them. I won't die."    




"There was no buts." Chu Yan directly rejected Chen Nichang and stood on the platform alone. He looked coldly at the people of the Lau family and Lo family. Many of them were Honored Warriors. "Lo family, you allowed Lo Tianya and Lo Yu to cause trouble. Bullying men and tyrants women. Today, I will kill them all. Responding to the bad news. Lau family, in order to survive, all of you are selling women for glory. If the heavens don't accept you today, I will accept all of you!"    


"Let's talk about it after you live!" Luo Changfa coldly harrumphed. He had already reached Heavenly Venerate's strength. His arm turned into a huge palm and struck towards Chu Yan.    


"Vast Heaven Tower, stand!" Chu Yan waved his hand. At this moment, there was a Vast Heaven Tower standing in front of them. Immediately after, everyone was shocked. The moment the Vast Heaven Tower was unleashed, it actually forced Ancestor Lo to take a step back.    


"Divine object?" Ancestor Lo revealed a shocked expression.    


"It's the iron tower from that day!" Ancestor Jiang's eyes lit up. Back in the forest, Chu Yan had used this iron tower to block his palm. It could be seen how powerful this iron tower's defensive power was. He immediately said, "Lo family, Lau family, I want this iron tower. Get it for me!"    


The faces of the two families of Lo family and Lau family changed. Ancestor Jiang was a smart man. Who didn't know that this iron tower was extraordinary? But there was no other way. After all, it was Emperor. They could only obey.    


"Alright!" The Lau family of Lo family agreed. The two families had rushed onto the platform, forcing Chu Yan into a desperate situation.    


"Jiang family, Lo family, and Lau family are known as the three major families of Eastern Part of Ancient Demon. But now, they have joined hands to kill a junior of mine. This is truly glorious."    


"Cut the crap. You have killed the people of Lo family. How can I let you live?"    


"What a joke. I have killed him in the competition. Everything is in accordance with the rules. As for you all, if I, Chu Yan, don't kill him today, I will personally raze the land of the three major families of the Jiang family, Lo family, and Lau family to the ground!"    


Chu Yan made a bold statement. After that, he turned his eyes and looked at Jiang Yan. Immediately, a cold killing intent swept across the sky. "And now, old dog of Jiang family, do you still remember what I said?"    


"Kid, you dare!" Ancestor Jiang's eyes narrowed when he felt Chu Yan's gaze.    


"Old bastard from the Jiang family, I've said it before. If you dare to interfere today, I will definitely make Jiang Yan bleed for five steps. You won't listen to me if I kill you on the platform. Then Jiang Yan shall die!" Chu Yan's Divine Sense moved, causing the tall platform to roar. One after another, Fire Marked Array appeared, blocking the grand formation. The grand formation of Nirvana was full of all kinds of formations. One of the Cloud Roc turned into a long spear and pierced towards Jiang Yan's chest.    


"No!!" Jiang Yan was terrified. He had never felt death so close to him.    


"Kid, you dare to kill him?! My Jiang family is not someone the Lo family can compare with." Ancestor Jiang narrowed his eyes. However, at this moment, he was still calm. He never believed that Chu Yan would dare to kill his Jiang family.    


"You have overestimated your Jiang family." Chu Yan smiled in a strange way. Ancestor Jiang's heart sank when he saw that smile. He had a bad feeling about this.    


Chu Yan of the Jiang family didn't dare to kill him? He had even killed a lot of Fifteenth Monarch's men. Would he be afraid of an outer circle family that relied on the Celestial Demon Peak today?    


"Originally, the grudge between you and me hadn't reached the point of killing you, but all of this was because of your old dog. If you want to hate him, then hate him!"    


"Die!" Chu Yan said coldly. His spear pierced through Jiang Yan's chest. At that moment, Jiang Yan widened his eyes, as if he couldn't believe that he was dead. He was a proud son of heaven, and he had even thought of the future. He thought that he would have a limitless future, just like his brother Jiang Fann. He had become Heavenly Stele Master, but today... His future had completely come to an end on this tall platform.    


Ancestor Jiang was completely enraged. He wanted to stop it, but Chu Yan had already set up countless fire patterns on the tall platform. He wanted to kill Jiang Yan, just like slaughtering dogs.    


Everyone felt the same way, including Chen Jingtian and Guu Mu. Although Chu Yan had killed a descendant of the Lo family, the matter had not reached a point where it could not be stopped. But now, Chu Yan had killed a descendant of the Jiang family. The meaning of this was different. Once the Jiang family died, it would definitely be related to the Jiang family's Heavenly Stele Master, the Celestial Demon Peak, and Jiang Fann!    


"Chu Yan, I will take your life!" Ancestor Jiang's eyes narrowed slightly. His killing intent was fully unleashed, stirring up a storm.    


Ancestor Jiang also possessed the bloodline of the sword. His sword intent was born, and it was as if the swords of all the swordsmen below were trembling and kneeling.    


"Old dog of Jiang family, Jiang Yu is under my feet. If you dare touch him, I will kill Jiang Yu!" At this moment, a loud and clear voice was heard from the Primordial Energy Battle Platform not far away. Li Ge and the others were shocked.    


Because the previous Fire Pattern competition was too stunning, many people had forgotten about the Primordial Energy competition in the distance. At this moment, a man was standing on the Primordial Energy battle platform. He was tall and proud, wearing an elegant green robe and holding a long halberd in his hand. Under his feet was a man - Jiang Yu from the Jiang family.    


On the battle platform, Hua Zhixu was standing alone. He was a proud man who was invincible under the heavens.    


"Lau family, report your displeasure. Today, I have seized Lau Jingtian's life!" Hua Zhixu said coldly. In the next moment, the long halberd transformed into the Changlong and stabbed into Lau Jingtian's throat in front of everyone's eyes.    


"No!!" Lau Jingtian's father roared, but it was all useless. Lau Jingtian was dead. He was nailed to the fighting stage by Hua Zhixu's long halberd, but was it all over?    


No. Hua Zhixu drew back the long halberd and continued to attack. All the Liu family members and Luo family members on the fighting stage were slaughtered one after another.    


That's right, it was a massacre. It was a massacre that didn't even have the strength to fight back. Hua Zhixu's eyes turned red. He was like Asura who had just walked out of hell. None of the Liu family members, luo family members, and the younger generation survived. All of them were killed on the fighting stage.    


"Brat, you are courting death!" Many elders of the Lo family let out low growls.    


Hua Zhixu smiled casually. His long halberd was placed behind his back, and his green robe was dyed red with blood. He looked at the Lo family and the Liu family members coldly and said, "Come and fight me! There were rules on this fighting stage, and Venerable One warriors were not allowed to go on the stage. Emperor, you can send them out as you wish!"    


"Jiang family, Lo family, and Lau family, are you all called the three major families of the east? There are countless geniuses, and Monster was born. But today, i, hua, am going to flatten his emperor all by myself. What a joke! Do you not accept this? I, hua, will accept any challenge from anyone below the Venerable One!"    


"And you, old dog of the Jiang family. Although Jiang Yan is dead, he is still alive! And you, old dog of the Jiang family. Although Jiang Yan is dead, Jiang Yu is now under my feet. If you don't want to kill another descendant of the Jiang family because of a dead man, you can just stand aside and watch. If you dare to interfere, Jiang Yu will die on the fighting stage. I will keep my word! " Hua Zhixu looked at Ancestor Jiang coldly.    


The Jiang family, Lo family, and Lau family were all extremely gloomy. Today, the three major families had suffered great losses. The Lo family had lost Lo Yu, Lo Tianya, and the Jiang family. The Lau family had lost Lau Jingtian. This was the pride of their families.    


No one had expected this to happen. With just two people from the Despicable Stars, they had severely wounded the three major families in the east.    


"Kid, do you know the price of threatening me?" Ancestor Jiang said patiently. When Hua Zhixu heard this, he smiled evilly. The long halberd in his hand was aimed at Jiang Yu's hand.    


"Ah!!!" Jiang Yu cried out in pain. Ancestor Jiang's eyes immediately turned red, as if he was going to spurt out blood.    


"I will first cut off one of his arms. If you continue to talk nonsense, I will destroy his Dantian and destroy his cultivation base." Hua Zhixu's fearless cold laughter made everyone shiver. At this moment, no one doubted that if Ancestor Jiang attacked again, Hua Zhixu would really kill Jiang Yu.    


Who would have thought that an Emperor would be held back by an Emperor, but he didn't dare to attack?    


On the grandstand, everyone was shocked. First, it was Chu Yan who was shocked, and now, another Hua Zhixu appeared. These two men were like lunatics, they didn't even care about the people of the three great families.    


"The combat strength of these two men is astonishing. Although they are only at the eighth level of the Emperor realm, they have defeated the people of the three great families. They are all extraordinary sons."    


"Indeed, I never thought that another Hua Zhixu would appear after Chu Yan. No matter what, the losses of these three families are huge. Even if they really killed Chu Yan and Hua Zhixu, they would still lose their lives. One of them, Emperor, failed to protect Jiang Yan!" Everyone laughed coldly.    


Ancestor Jiang was furious, but he didn't dare to attack for a moment. He couldn't risk Jiang Yu's life.    


"I'll leave the rest to you!" Hua Zhixu looked at Chu Yan. At this moment, everyone was slightly shocked. It turned out that Chu Yan had already expected Ancestor Jiang to make a move today.    


The reason Hua Zhixu went to the Primordial Energy Battle Platform was to stall Ancestor Jiang?    


At this moment, everyone came back to their senses. This was a conspiracy... From the beginning to the end, Chu Yan and Hua Zhixu had never come to participate in the competition. They were here to kill!    




Chu Yan nodded. Everything was still in the plan. He turned around and looked at Chen Jingtian. "Senior Chen, today, I would like to borrow something from the Li Huo Academy!"    


Everyone was startled. Chu Yan wanted to borrow something from the Li Huo Academy? What was it?    


"eternal divinity, Fire Marked Mirror, return to your position!"    


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