Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C282 He Killed Chen Tong with a Single Palm

C282 He Killed Chen Tong with a Single Palm

chapter 282. - Killing Chen Tong with a single palm    


"Chu Yan, promise Guu Mu, Senior!" Chen Nichang said. In her opinion, Chu Yan was in a desperate situation right now. Even if the Li Huo Academy could not protect him, as long as he could join the Demon Mountain Gate, the meaning would be different. At that time, even the three families would not dare to do anything to Chu Yan.    


"Thank you for your good intentions, Senior. However, this junior is not allowed to enter the Celestial Demon Peak and Demon Mountain Gate!" Chu Yan suddenly let out a long breath and cupped his fists at the two elders.    


Chu Yan knew that his current situation was not good, but he also knew why he had joined the Celestial Demon Peak and Demon Mountain Gate. He had enemies in both major powers, and both of them had high status.    


The Celestial Demon Peak had Jiang Fann. This time, he had become enemies with the Jiang family. There was no need to mention the Demon Mountain Gate, as Hu Qiong had said before. If he came to the Ancient Demon Star Domain, Hu Qiong would definitely kill him. These were two Heavenly Stele Master! If he joined these two major powers, wouldn't he be walking into a trap? Although his current situation wasn't good, it wasn't to the extent of dying. After all, nine Underworlds hadn't taken any action yet.    


"Rejected?" Chu Yan's action shocked everyone. Although Chu Yan had refused once, it was completely different from the current situation. Now that the ancestors of the three major powers wanted to kill him, how could he survive after rejecting the two major powers?    


The expression of the Celestial Demon Peak elder immediately changed, and his face turned cold. Who was he? What kind of power was the Celestial Demon Peak? In the past, many people had begged to join, but today, the person he had invited was rejected.    


"You don't know what's good for you!" A young man beside Man Niu finally spoke in a faint voice, "Given your background... Being able to join the Celestial Demon Peak is something that I, Master, cherish. It is a gift to you. But you don't know what's good for you, and you refuse to join? Do you really think that you have won this competition? How could you know how powerful my Celestial Demon Peak is?"    


" It's Jiang Fann! He really came! This Man Niu is Jiang Fann's Master?" The people of the world discussed.    


" Senior brother, why are you talking nonsense with such a person? This kid is despicable. He thought that with just a few words from the Demon Mountain Gate, he would really be Heavenly Stele Master. How would the people of Yan Que know about the ambition of a swan? Plus, he has offended many enemies, causing trouble everywhere. In my opinion, he doesn't deserve to be part of my Celestial Demon Peak. " Another disciple flattered.    


"You guys tried to rope me in, so I naturally have the right to refuse, right? But now, I've rejected it. You've insulted me with your words. I'm glad that I didn't join such a force. " Listening to the words of Jiang Fann and the others, Chu Yan burst into laughter. It was you who invited me, not me who wanted to join. If I don't join the Celestial Demon Peak, I will become a sparrow, if I join, I will become a swan? How ridiculous is that?    


"Hmph, you're just trying to show off. Lady NiChang, a villain like this has a bad disposition. You'd better stay away from him. " Chen Tong also spoke at this moment. He looked at Chu Yan and said faintly," You are an Eighth Grade Emperor. Although your combat strength is not bad, it is only limited to small powers. How do you know how powerful the people in my Celestial Demon Peak are? I, Chen Tong, am a generation's Monster. I am also an Eighth Grade Emperor. But you are more than enough to kill me with a single palm."    


"Chen Tong, do you think you are qualified to say such words? Do you still remember two years ago?" Chu Yan suddenly laughed coldly.    


"Two years ago?" Chen Tong frowned. He was lost in thought for a long time. Then he looked at Chu Yan as if he had thought of something. "It was you? Do we really know each other? "    


"Chen Tong, do you know him?" Elder Man Niu asked plainly.    


Chen Tong's face darkened to the extreme. He remembered everything. Two years ago, in the ancient forest, there was a man from the Dust who controlled the Evergreen tree, killed Demon Fenng, and expelled Fifteenth Monarch's descendant. That man was also called Chu Yan.    


"I saw him in the ancient forest. However, it was just a people from the Despicable Stars who had entered by chance. As a result, he was constantly being chased by people from different powers. There was nothing to talk about." Chen Tong didn't tell the truth, because it was too embarrassing.    


"Chen Tong, aren't you ashamed to say this? Back in the ancient forest, You are at the peak of the King, while I am only at the sixth level of the King. However, you fled like a stray dog. If you hadn't fled back then... You are already a dead man now, and you still have the face to be so arrogant. " Chu Yan laughed coldly and disdainfully. Everyone was shocked. Two years ago... Chen Tong was almost killed by Chu Yan? Was that true?    


Chen Tong was also someone that was nurtured by the Celestial Demon Peak, right? This should be the case, but when they saw Chen Tong's expression, many of them actually believed him a little.    


"Didn't you say that you can kill me with a single palm? Since that's the case, then get the hell out here. Let the people of the world see how strong the combat strength of the people from your Celestial Demon Peak is, and how weak I am!" At this moment, the Sun Extinguishing Sword in Chu Yan's hand turned and pointed at Chen Tong, revealing a playful smile.    


Hearing Chu Yan's words, everyone was even more shocked. Chu Yan actually wanted to challenge Chen Tong? A disciple of the Celestial Demon Peak?    


"Is this kid crazy? Celestial Demon Peak, Monarch's descendant, he actually wants to challenge him?"    


Chen Nichang was already extremely anxious. She was so angry that she stomped her feet. She had warned Chu Yan several times not to cause any trouble, but it was useless. Chu Yan had done the same thing today. Now, not only did he offend the Jiang family, he had also offended the people of the Celestial Demon Peak.    


However, what was even more shocking was that Chen Tong didn't take a step forward even after a long time. How could Chen Tong be afraid of fighting?    


"What? You don't dare? It seems like the disciple of the Celestial Demon Peak is only a person who knows how to talk big. And a timid person." Chu Yan sneered. At this moment, Chen Tong's eyes turned slightly cold. However, a trace of fear arose in his heart. The reason was no different. He still couldn't get rid of the scene that happened in the ancient forest. Back then, Chu Yan was only a Sixth Grade King. He was able to defeat countless Ninth Grade King warriors, but now, both of them were at the same level. He was really scared.    


Everyone looked at Chen Tong with a sad expression. If Chu Yan's cultivation base was higher, then it didn't matter. Both of them were at the same level, and most importantly, Chen Tong had humiliated him earlier, but now, he didn't dare to fight?    


"Get the hell out here!" Chu Yan suddenly shouted. The Sun Extinguishing Sword turned into a rainbow light and rose into the sky.    


"Chen Tong, go and fight. So what if you lose? I, the Celestial Demon Peak, can be killed but not humiliated. I will protect you." At this moment, Man Niu spoke with displeasure. Today's matter had been pushed to this point, and Chen Tong had to fight. He represented the face of the Celestial Demon Peak.    


Chen Tong's facial expression changed slightly, but he looked at the old man, but he didn't dare to refute. There was nothing he could do. He had no choice but to stand out with his scalp on the ground. However, there was a trace of luck in his heart. He had cultivated in the Celestial Demon Peak for two years, and although his breakthrough wasn't fast, his combat strength was extremely high.    


Chu Yan could instantly kill a Ninth Grade Emperor, and Chen Tong could do the same. Therefore, he took out a divine weapon and long halberd and pointed it at Chu Yan's chest. "Since you want to humiliate me today, I will grant your wish. I will let you know that the dignity of the Celestial Demon Peak cannot be violated!"    


"Kill!" Chen Tong took a big step forward. The long halberd immediately turned into countless phantoms and flew away. The most important thing was that these phantoms seemed to be real at the same time. Each of them had their own independent consciousness. After flying out, they surrounded Chu Yan from all directions, like ten thousand arrows shooting out at the same time.    


Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the phantoms of the long halberd. Suddenly, a cold smile appeared on his face.    




A crisp sound suddenly rang out from the high platform. At this moment, Chu Yan put down his sword. Everyone was startled: "He put down his sword? Does he want to fight Chen Tong with his bare hands? How is this possible!"    


Chen Tong's eyes became even more ferocious and ridiculous. In the next moment, his long halberd stabbed down, as if he had seen a red flower blooming in front of Jiang Chu Yan's chest.    


"Swoosh!" However, in the next moment, everyone was shocked. Chu Yan slowly walked forward. His speed was as fast as a ghost, and no one could hurt him while he was walking among the countless illusionary long halberd. After that, he rushed in front of Chen Tong.    


Fear could be seen in Chen Tong's eyes. It was as if he had seen a giant rushing towards him. The violent blood and Qi filled the sky. Four Strength Bloodline were pressing down on him, causing his tiger body to tremble. There was no way he could resist it. His Primordial Energy shattered in front of his chest, and that huge hand that could cover the sky and cover the sun mercilessly pressed down on him.    


In just an instant, Chen Tong was struck by the palm. The ground cracked open, and a huge crater was formed. His face was pale, and he was coughing out blood continuously. No one knew how many of his ribs were broken in front of his chest.    


Insta-kill, Chen Tong was instantly killed by Chu Yan?    


Everyone swallowed their saliva. Chu Yan's current combat strength was just too terrifying. And what was with the four Strength Bloodline just now? Including these four Strength Bloodline, Chu Yan had more than four bloodlines.    


"Dong!" Chu Yan landed and stepped on Chen Tong's chest. Chen Tong felt pain when Chu Yan stepped on him. He felt extreme pain, as well as heartache. He was a Chosen of his generation, and today, in front of so many people, he had been killed in a single strike.    


"You said so many arrogant things, and you wanted to slap me to death with a single palm strike. I never imagined that you would be so useless."    


In this battle, Chen Tong was half right. He only used one palm strike to end the battle. However, the other half was wrong. It was Chu Yan who had suppressed Chen Tong with one palm strike.    


"Chu Yan, let him go!" Jiang Fann immediately spoke. He looked at Chu Yan with a cold gaze. "This battle has ended. Let him go now. I will not pursue this matter with you. Otherwise, you will have nowhere to escape to!"    


"Let him go?" Chu Yan smiled. His words shocked everyone. "Who do you think you are?"    


Everyone's throats started to roll. Could it be that Chu Yan still dared to kill Chen Tong? He had already offended the Jiang family, Lo family, and Lau family to death, but even so, they were all different from the Celestial Demon Peak.    


If it was only the Lo family and Lau family of the Jiang family, he might still have a chance. But the Celestial Demon Peak was a Monarch Power. If he killed Chen Tong, Chu Yan would certainly die today! He would be hunted down by a Monarch Power.    


"Chu Yan, let him go. Perhaps today's matter will turn for the better!" Chen Jingtian stood up slowly from the side. He liked Chu Yan very much, so he didn't want anything to happen to Chu Yan.    


However, even if he angered the Celestial Demon Peak, he wouldn't be able to protect Chu Yan.    


"Chu Yan, you'd better listen to what Old Chen has to say. There are some people that you can't touch!" Jiang Fann was still as arrogant as before. He did not even look at Chu Yan once. He looked down at Chu Yan and said, "Your talent is not bad. Your combat strength is also strong, but you are still as weak as an ant in front of me. I don't want to attack, in case people say that I am bullying you. However, that doesn't mean that I won't kill you!"    


"Truly arrogant." Chu Yan laughed coldly. Then, he looked at Chen Jingtian and bowed. Everyone was slightly startled. What did he mean by that?    


"Old Chen, thank you for taking care of Li Huo Academy for the past four months, but today... forgive me for not obeying your orders!" As soon as Chu Yan finished speaking, killing intent surged in his eyes. Everyone's facial expression changed dramatically.    


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