Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C268 The Strings Are Broken and the Music Is Dying

C268 The Strings Are Broken and the Music Is Dying

Article 268. - String broken, zither music dying.    


"No!!!" Lau Xi and Hua Zhixu's solemn voice sounded at the same time. Their eyes were red. At this moment, it was as if everything was no longer important. Their hearts were bleeding.    


Lau Jingtian didn't expect things to turn out like this. He was a little scared and unconsciously took a step back.    


"This slut, she actually let her die! Bastard, even if she dies, I will bring her corpse back and enjoy it with my father! " Lo Yu stomped his foot angrily in the distance, showing no mercy.    


"Enough!" At this moment, an old man flew out from the distance. When he saw Lau Qing's cold body, his eyes were as cold as ice. That was Lau Qing and Lau Xi's Grandpa.    


"Qing'er..." Old Man murmured in a low voice. His heart seemed to have shattered. Everything was no longer that important. At this moment, he didn't even attack Lau Jingtian, nor did he attack the Luo Family. He just gently hugged Lau Qing.    


"Grandpa! I want them all to die!" Lau Xi growled like a beast.    


Old Man raised his head and coldly glanced at the Luo family, liu family, and Lau Jingtian.    


"Three, Third Elder. I can't be blamed for this. It was Lau Qing who insisted on doing this. Her marriage to the Lo family was something that the family had discussed, but she didn't abide by the rules. She insisted on courting death." Lau Jingtian was startled. It was Lau Xi's Grandpa, Lau Tiangang. He had the strength of a peak Great Venerable, and was considered a top figure in the Lau family. If he wanted to kill him, he would die today.    


"Xi Er, do you remember their faces?" Old Man said in a desolate tone.    


Lau Xi and Hua Zhixu looked around the scene, taking note of every single person from the Lau family and Lo family who had participated in this ruthless incident.    


"I will remember it! I will carve it in my heart!"    


"Alright. Don't forget, remember today's grudge, remember it forever. Don't be in a hurry to take revenge. You have to bear with it until the day you grow up and destroy the Lo family. Can you do that? " Old Man's calm voice sounded as if he had lost his life.    


"I will remember this. As long as the Lo family is not destroyed, I will never say that my surname is Liu!" Lau Xi's eyes were red.    


"Good, good! Your sister is afraid of the dark. She was too lonely along the way. Grandpa went to accompany her. The rest of the way... You go by yourself. Remember. Lo family will definitely die! " Old Man said with a broad smile on his face. Everyone could feel the helplessness on Old Man's face. Lau Xi clenched his fists tightly. He had already guessed what Grandpa was going to do, but he didn't stop him.    


"You guys go first!" Lau Tiangang said indifferently. Lau Xi and Hua Zhixu clenched their fists tightly. Hua Zhixu carried Fatty's corpse on his back. His thin body was slightly weaker than Fatty's, but he just walked step by step towards the exit of Lau Mansion.    


Every step was so heavy. Tears were rolling in his eyes, and he tried his best not to shed them. Today's revenge could only be avenged by massacring the Lo family!    


"You want to leave?" Lo Yu's eyes turned cold. But in the next moment, Lau Tiangang raised his head. His voice pierced through the void, as if it could kill Lo Yu at any time. "Do you want to die?"    


"Lau Tiangang, you know very well that none of them will be able to leave today!" At this time, an honored elder of the Lo family shouted in a low voice, turning into a huge Primordial Energy that enveloped him.    


"You can indeed kill them. But you have to believe that if the two of them suffer any losses, I will make all the juniors of the Lo family bleed and die on the spot!"    


"How dare you!"    


"Don't you dare?" Lau Tiangang smiled playfully. There was no emotion in his eyes. What else could he not dare to do now?    


The corner of the elder's mouth twitched, but he didn't dare to make a move. It was easy for them to kill Lau Xi and Lo Yu, but Lau Tiangang could also pass them and kill Lo Yu.    


"Lau Mansion, are you going to make Lo family your enemy?" The elder of the Luo Family bellowed.    


"Tiangang, what are you going to do? Don't forget that you are a member of the Liu Family. Are you going to destroy the entire Lau family because of your personal grievance?" Lau Jingtian's father said in an unfriendly manner.    


"Haha, hahaha! Liu family? What a joke! You all even know that I'm from the Liu family! I, Lau Tiangang, have been a soldier for my entire life. I have created countless military achievements for the Lau family, but what did I obtain? Liu family... Selling my granddaughter for glory, forcing my granddaughter to die! Is this the family that I have sacrificed my entire life for?" Lau Tiangang smiled. When Lau Xi and Lau Tiangang had already left, the Primordial Energy around his body was burning. It turned into a long river of blood.    


The Luo family members could feel Lau Tiangang's killing intent. One of the elders let out a cold snort, "Lau Tiangang, I advise you not to act rashly. The Lo family has indeed made a mistake in today's matter. We can apologize to them, but your granddaughter's death is her own fault. It has nothing to do with us."    


"What a great saying. Ten years ago... My son and daughter-in-law died in battle for the Lau family. They died in the hands of the Lo family. Today, my granddaughter is going to die in your hands again! Hahaha! Do you, the Lo family, still have a plan?" Lau Tiangang was furious. He walked out slowly, and Heavenly Venerate's power exploded and burned. That was absolutely terrifying. Even Emperor wouldn't dare to defend against it.    


"Damn it, this old Bastard is going to self-destruct! Let's go!" The elder of the Luo Family was startled.    


"Can we leave?" Lau Tiangang smiled bleakly. At this moment, he raised his head and looked beyond the clouds. "Qing'er, don't be afraid... Grandpa will accompany you!"    




At this moment, the Lau Mansion was filled with mournful wails. Lau Tiangang had ignited his supreme realm cultivation base. The Primordial Energy was like a flood of ferocious beasts, soaring into the sky and mercilessly devouring the people of Lo family, Lau family, and the others. Everyone's eyes turned cold, feeling endless sorrow.    


The Luo family, liu family, and countless people had died. Today, the eastern part of the Ancient Demon Star Domain seemed to have been overcome by sorrow.    


In the Lo family, Lo Yu's father, Lo Tianya, was furious. Luckily, Lo Yu wasn't dead, but he had suffered a serious injury because of it.    


"Father, I want the Liu family to die, and that Chu Yan as well! They are in the same group!" Lo Yu howled in pain.    


"Don't worry, none of them can live." Lo Tianya let out a low roar. He was the one who arranged for Lo Yu to marry Lau Qing, but he didn't marry Lau Qing today. Instead, he had caused the death of countless elders of Lo family. Lo Yu was severely injured because of this. He had to take revenge for this.    




In the Li Huo Academy, Chu Yan didn't know about the death of Fatty and Lau Qing, but he was very irritated. He always felt a little uneasy, which made him lose the mood to cultivate the Fire Mark.    


"What's wrong?" Chen Nichang took out some ancient books with fire patterns and asked when she saw Chu Yan's anxious expression.    


"Nothing. I have a bad feeling about this." Chu Yan looked at Chen Nichang and asked, "Nichang, are you familiar with the people of the Luo family?"    


"Lo family? The Lo family had risen in the past two years. Because of Lo Tianya's achievements alone, the Lo family was able to suppress the five families. After a while, the Lo Tianya of the Lo family will also participate in the Fire Pattern trial. " Chen Nichang said calmly.    


Chu Yan nodded his head. At this moment, a loud noise came from outside the Li Huo Academy. Chu Yan and Chen Nichang left the secret prefecture. However, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed the next moment, and a wisp of anger uncontrollably erupted from his body.    


Hua Zhixu carried Fatty's corpse and walked far away. The moment he stepped into the Li Huo Academy, he couldn't hold on any longer, and fell heavily onto the ground.    


Lau Xi stood on the side, dumbfounded. To him, this day was dull and colorless. First, it was Lau Qing's death, and then it was Lau Tiangang's self-combustion. His heart was broken, and only hatred could be seen in his eyes.    


"What's wrong?" Chu Yan strode forward. At this moment, many people from the Li Huo Academy surrounded him.    


"No..." Du Meiling also came. When she saw Fatty's corpse, her delicate body trembled slightly. She couldn't help covering her red lips with her jade-like hands and cried.    


Du Meiling didn't believe that the Fatty who joked with her yesterday and asked her if she wanted to marry him had actually turned into a cold corpse.    


There was also Lau Qing, who was always playing the zither in the bamboo forest late at night. But from today onwards, the strings were broken, and the zither music was mournful.    


"How could this be..." Du Meiling sobbed.    


"It's the Lo family! It was the Luo family who killed Fatty!" Hua Zhixu trembled and punched the ground. He could no longer hold himself back. He knelt on the ground and cried, "No! No! I couldn't save him!"    


"Boom!" Chu Yan felt like his head was going to explode, and he was burning with rage.    


He had known Fatty for four years, and he had walked out of the Tianyong City. During the Wan Sect's trial, Fatty had disguised himself as him being chased by thousands of people. Because of him, Fatty was being chased by thousands of people. When he came to the Ancient Demon Star Domain, Fatty did not care about the danger and joined the mercenary group. He only wanted to help Chu Yan earn cultivation resources.    


But today, Fatty died?    


"No...!" Chu Yan shook his head helplessly. This was impossible. Half a day ago, Fatty was still joking with him. How did he become such a corpse now?    


"Puff!" All of a sudden, Chu Yan spat out a mouthful of blood. His face was pale and bloodless.    


Chen Nichang, who was standing at the side, supported Chu Yan worriedly. "Chu Yan, don't be like this! I know how you are feeling right now, but..."    


"You don't know! You don't know anything! Don't tell me you know!!! " Chu Yan suddenly roared. He turned his head with a swoosh and looked coldly at Chen Nichang. At that moment, Chen Nichang unconsciously took a few steps back.    


She had known Chu Yan for three months and Chu Yan had always been smiling. He would occasionally joke about the big world in his heart. Unrestrained and uninhibited. Although he had been mercilessly ridiculed by Jiang Yan and the others, he had never taken it to heart. It seemed that in his eyes, nothing was very important. But today... That refined youth was like a wild beast in a river. He exploded.    


Du Meiling was also frightened. The current Chu Yan was so unfamiliar.    


Chu Yan's heart was filled with anger. His eyes were burning.    


"Lo family! Lo family!" Chu Yan murmured in a low voice. His voice was getting louder and louder each time. Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer. His eyes darted into the distance.    


"Chu Yan, don't be impulsive. Take a look at Fatty and Qing'er first. They..." At this moment, Du Meiling said in a low voice. Everyone was stunned. They saw a strange light suddenly appear in Fatty's body, and the bloody hole in his chest started to devour Qing'er.    


In the end, qing'er's corpse was completely devoured by Fatty. In front of Fatty's chest, it actually transformed into the shape of a Paramita Flower. The bloody hole was also gone. Fatty's chest heaved up and down involuntarily.    


"Fatty!" Hua Zhixu was wild with joy. He knelt down in front of Fatty and stared at him. Fatty started to breathe.    


"It's Fatty's bloodline! Phagocytosis, devour life force. He has merged Qing'er and him into one." Chu Yan was also pleasantly surprised. He did not care about everything else and hurried forward. When Fatty opened his eyes, he cried. He lifted Fatty up with force and hugged him tightly.    


Fatty seemed to know everything. His eyes were empty. He let Chu Yan hug him. After a long time, he also cried. Tears of blood flowed out of his eyes. He roared, "Mr Chu! I want Lo Yu to die, Lo family to die, and Lau family to be destroyed. I want all those who participated in this to die!"    


"I will! I will! All of them will die! " Chu Yan nodded his head vigorously. At this moment, his killing intent soared to the sky, and he actually directly seized half of the sky above the Li Huo Academy.    


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