Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C266 Successive Provocations

C266 Successive Provocations

Successive provocations.    


The next day, the Li Huo Academy officially began teaching him for a year.    


Chu Yan and Lau Xi woke up early in the morning and prepared to go to the Li Huo Academy. Lau Xi looked to the side. "Fatty and Brother Hua are not awake yet. Do you want to wake them up?"    


"No need. They are not interested in the fire pattern. Let's go by ourselves." Chu Yan said. The two of them left Lau Mansion together and went to the Li Huo Academy.    


When the two of them arrived at the Li Huo Academy, they saw the Jiang family surrounding Du Meiling and Jiang Yan in front of the College.    


"Mei Ling." Chu Yan greeted her with a smile. Du Meiling's eyes lit up when she saw Chu Yan. She rushed forward and grabbed Chu Yan's arm. She said to Jiang Yan, "Jiang Yan, don't bother me anymore in the future. I already have a man! I'm not afraid to tell you, I went to drink with Chu Yan last night. I'm already his man. "    


..." "Chu Yan's head was full of black lines. When did this happen last night? How could he, the person involved, not know?    


Jiang Yan's expression immediately became dark and cold, but he immediately felt relieved. "Hehe, Du Meiling, you don't have to lie to me. Yesterday, he lived in Lau Mansion, and it was said that he was humiliated by Lau Jingtian. But kid, I admire your shamelessness. He doesn't welcome you, but you still have the nerve to shamelessly live there. "    


Du Meiling rolled her eyes. "Jiang Yan, are you stupid? Don't you know that the College will start school today? I can't let him be too tired, right? That's why they don't live together. But you can go to the restaurant yesterday and ask. I'm not with him."    


Jiang Yan took a deep breath. "Du Meiling, that's enough! Even if you want to reject me, at least you don't need to sully your own reputation, right? With such a despicable person from Constellation, the Du Family will definitely not agree with you being with him! "    


"Do I need you to interfere in my matters?" Du Meiling said coldly. Chu Yan was also speechless. After he came to the Ancient Demon Star Domain, he had heard the most about the star.    


Was the Dust really lowly? No matter what, it was still the ruler of the six domains from ten thousand years ago, right? Furthermore, in terms of strength, Chu Yan was definitely one of the top amongst this group of people. He really had no idea where these people got their sense of superiority from.    


"Du Meiling will be my girlfriend from now on. You'd better stay away from her." Chu Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense. He hugged Du Meiling and walked into the College.    


Jiang Yan's expression was extremely cold. Du Meiling was the woman he valued, but now that the name was spread out, what should he do?    


"Thank you just now." Du Meiling said with a smile as she walked into the Li Huo Academy.    


"It's fine. Are we friends?" Chu Yan smiled and looked at Jiang Yan. "But your family's requirements are really not high. He is just a Fifth Level Fire Mark Master."    


Du Meiling rolled her eyes. This guy had started to talk big again. He was just a Fifth Level Fire Mark Master?    


However, Du Meiling was delighted in her heart. After hesitating for a while, she said, "Yes, you are the best. Grandmaster Huo Wen, what Jiang Yan and Lo Yu are nothing in your eyes. I really don't know. Have you been in the microstar for a long time? Why are you so confident? "    


Chu Yan was speechless. Fortunately, he did not say anything. Today was the first lesson of the Li Huo Academy.    


Because he came early, Chu Yan did not think too much about it. He casually sat in the first row. After a moment, an unfriendly voice immediately sounded. "Get lost behind me. This seat is not for you."    


Chu Yan's face immediately turned cold. He had been enduring silently, but this was the third time Jiang Yan had provoked him. He said coldly, "This is the Li Huo Academy. Where I am sitting, do you have the right to care?"    


"Ignorant thing. The College should be ranked according to the rankings of the examination. I am the first, so of course I have the right to discipline you." Jiang Yan sneered.    


Chu Yan narrowed his eyes. He turned around and saw that everyone was indeed sitting according to the ranking of the test. He sighed with emotion in his heart about the hierarchy in this world. It was really day after day, step by step. But he still did not say anything. He turned around and sat on the 67th seat.    


When he was in Dust, although Chu Yan had studied fire tattoos, he did not have a deep understanding of them. He only knew that there were many types of fire tattoos in the world. Pills, weapons, and arrays were all made up of fire patterns. The cultivation of fire patterns was the biggest path of cultivation other than Primordial Energy. It was the Great Dao.    


Before the lesson began, a beautiful woman walked over at this moment. She was quite cold and elegant, and was the woman who saw through Chu Yan's super fire pattern refinement yesterday.    


"It's Nichang? She actually appeared!" When they saw this woman, the students below the stage discussed excitedly.    


"Who is this woman?" Chu Yan also asked curiously. Du Meiling rolled her eyes at Chu Yan by the side. "Even she doesn't know. She is the daughter of the Li Huo Academy dean and her name is Chen Nichang. She is the publicly acknowledged number one beauty in the east of the Ancient Demon Star Domain. Moreover, her attainments in the Fire Pattern are extremely high. I heard that she might have already reached the level of a fifth grade intermediate Fire Mark Master."    


"So powerful?" Chu Yan was quite surprised. This girl seemed to be around the same age as him, right? She was actually an intermediate level five Fire Mark Master.    


"Nichang will be joining the students this year, and can also be considered as one of the students this year. In the future, everyone will take care of each other." Old Yuan said with a smile. The students below the stage immediately became excited.    


"Being able to be classmates with Nichang and nymph is too fortunate." Everyone became excited. Jiang Yan and Lo Yu both had a trace of anticipation in their eyes.    


"Lady NiChang, I have no one here. You can sit here with me." Jiang Yan stood up politely, causing many students to roll their eyes at him. However, they did not dare to express their anger. Jiang Yan continued to speak. "Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the first person in this year's examination, Jiang Yan of Jiang family."    


"Thank you for your good intentions, young master Jiang, but I will choose my own seat." Chen Nichang glanced at Jiang Yan, then turned her head to Chu Yan's side and said with a charming smile, "Young master, can I sit here?"    


All the students were shocked when they heard Chen Nichang. Jiang Yan and Lo Yu's eyes were full of coldness. Even Du Meiling and Lau Xi were staring with their eyes wide open. Chen Nichang actually chose to sit next to Chu Yan?    


Chu Yan was stunned. He did not understand what Chen Nichang meant, but he still nodded politely. "Of course!"    


Du Meiling did not know why, but there was a little jealousy in her heart. But when she saw Jiang Yan's deflated appearance, she smiled happily again. "I never thought that your charm would be so great. Even Nichang and nymph chose to sit together with you."    


"Chu Yan, you will give up this seat, right?" At this moment, Jiang Yan suddenly said coldly.    


Chu Yan looked at Jiang Yan strangely and said faintly: "This seat is ranked according to the examination order. You are the first! You should be able to sit at the first seat, but I am sorry, I am the 67th seat. You are not qualified to sit at this seat!"    


"You..." Jiang Yan's face turned red. He did not expect Chu Yan to return his words to him. He also didn't expect that the number one position wasn't precious. Instead, it was Chu Yan's position that was precious to him.    


"Alright, class starts now." Old Yuan coughed twice and looked at Chen Nichang helplessly. He was the only one who knew why Chen Nichang was sitting next to Chu Yan. A person with three super fire patterns on his first attack must have a powerful background.    


Chu Yan was not happy about the lesson that day. He had been in front of everyone the whole day, which made Chu Yan feel helpless.    


Finally, it was evening. The first day of lessons had ended. Chu Yan heaved a sigh of relief, but this day was a fruitful day for him.    


After this day's lesson, Chu Yan's understanding of fire patterns deepened a little. It turned out that he had always thought that fire patterns were just a type of formation, but he did not know that there were many uses for fire patterns. Including some Divine Abilities and Martial Skills, there were also Fire Markings, as well as his understanding of Fire Markings. This gave him an idea in his mind. Therefore, he decided to cultivate the Fire Pattern properly.    


In the evening, Chu Yan and Lau Xi returned to Lau Mansion. For the following period of time, Chu Yan had been cultivating Fire Marks.    


In the blink of an eye, three months had passed. During these three months, Chu Yan's understanding of the Fire Mark had increased by another level. Now, he was a Mid Fifth Grade Fire Mark Master. He could draw more than half of the Fifth Level Fire Mark Qin Ruomeng had left in his mind. Except for the Fire Dragon Shaped Array, Chu Yan was still unable to master it.    


"This Fire Dragon Shaped Array is a peak Fifth Grade Fire Pattern. Without the help of a medium, it can kill a Human Venerable. Back then, it was carved into a Divine Weapon, which was enough to kill Heavenly Venerate. If I can master this Fire Pattern, I'm afraid it will be much easier for me. " Chu Yan was slightly moved.    


After the lesson for the day ended, Chu Yan thought in his heart, but suddenly he was blocked by a figure in front of him, causing him to frown slightly.    


"What's the matter?" Chu Yan raised his head and looked at a student. It was the Huo Family disciple who was ranked third this year: Huo Li.    


"Chu Yan, since Chen Nichang has chosen you, I will challenge you today to see what ability you have to sit with Chen Nichang!" After Huo Li finished speaking, he took out a three-foot-long longsword. "Tell me, the Primordial Energy or the Fire Pattern?"    


Chu Yan instantly smiled. This Huo Li was interesting. What did Chen Nichang choosing to sit beside him have to do with him? Sitting next to him, she wanted to challenge him?    


"You can leave. I won't accept your challenge, and I won't waste any time either." Chu Yan shook his head lightly. He didn't want to make enemies for himself anymore. Du Meiling and Lau Xi had already become enemies with Jiang Yan and Lo Yu. Adding Huo Li, he had offended all three of the Li Huo Academy's top three this year.    


"Haha, brother Huo Li, he is just a cowardly rat who came from a despicable planet. How could he be qualified to compete with you?" Jiang Yan walked over with a sneer on his face.    


Chu Yan looked at Jiang Yan coldly. Lo Yu also walked over at this time. "Despicable star. It wasn't your fault that you were born in that star, but you have always been arrogant in that star. This really pissed him off. Chu Yan, if I were you... I will quietly leave the Li Huo Academy tomorrow, and not stay here any longer. Otherwise, when the day comes, don't even know how you died."    


Facing these three people, Chu Yan shook his head sadly. In his opinion, whether it was Jiang Yan, Lo Yu or Huo Li, their strength was ordinary, their talent was ordinary, and their background was ordinary as well. Back in the ancient forest, he had dared to fight a few descendants of Monarch, let alone some small powers in this place.    


However, in the eyes of these three men, he felt supreme glory.    


"Enough of you! Within the students, it is forbidden for disciples to compete. If you want to fight, the first student test will be held in half a month's time. You can go there and compare yourselves. If anyone can win, I will just sit next to them! " Chen Nichang's voice was heard at this moment, attracting many students.    


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