Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C207 There Was Always Someone Stronger

C207 There Was Always Someone Stronger

Article 207. There's always someone better out there.    


Li Xiaoyao did not lend a helping hand, causing Yi Shuihan's face to turn extremely gloomy. At this moment, he, Chu Yan, and the other two were Chen Xiao's prey. They could only run away blindly.    


"Let's go, let's follow them and take a look!" Li Xiaoyao suddenly said to someone beside him. A disciple called Li Yun beside Li Xiaoyao said helplessly, "You don't care, but you want to go and take a look?"    


"You don't need to worry about me. As long as I'm happy." Li Xiaoyao said and walked out slowly, making Li Yun feel helpless. The next part of the journey was the chase.    


"The meteorite pavilion's Falling Star Steps is an inheritance of a Divine Abilities. It's really powerful. He's really fast!" Li Xiaoyao grinned and said. He then looked at Chu Yan with a surprised expression. Although the Three Thousand Galactic Falls and Velocity bloodline were not as good as Yi Shuihan's, they were not bad at all.    


"Where do you think you are going?!" At this moment, an Oriental Divine Altar disciple suddenly accelerated. A sharp cold light appeared in his hand as he dug towards Chu Yan's back.    


Chu Yan's eyes turned cold. At this moment, the Little wolf let out a long roar and lunged at the disciple. The sharp cold light was instantly shattered.    


"Forgetting Dust Sword Dao!" The next moment, Chu Yan swung his sword backhanded. The three bloodlines merged into one. His Life Spirit only flickered faintly for a moment, but a beam of divine dragon light immediately slashed out towards the Oriental Divine Altar disciple.    


"Get lost!"    


"Boom!" The disciple was shocked. He, a Ninth Grade King, could actually feel a trace of threat from Chu Yan's sword?    


Li Xiaoyao was also stunned. Although he did not see the quality of Chu Yan's Life Spirit, that sword was definitely extraordinary. He believed that he could block it, but it would not be easy for him. "Amazing! Interesting, interesting!"    


Chu Yan sent the three men back with a slash of his sword, and continued running. The three men were being chased by the people of Four Divine Star Domains, but all of a sudden, a thorny path appeared in front of them, and they were once again on the next thorny path.    


"Damn it! Why did it have to be at this moment?!" Yi Shuihan could not help but curse, while Chu Yan stopped and quietly watched from the side. Fong Ting saw this scene and angrily scolded, "Hey, what are you standing there for? Go and break into the Thorny Road!"    


Chu Yan frowned, but he still didn't show it. "I am responsible for the last section of the Thorny Road. Now this section of the Thorny Road is naturally up to you."    


"That's funny, why should we be in front?" Fong Ting laughed and Chu Yan said coldly. "This is what we agreed on earlier. I, a Sixth Grade King, will not be able to cross the path of high-level thorns."    


"We agreed?" Fong Ting said disdainfully, "Previously, I saw that you and Li Xiaoyao knew each other, and thought that you and Shui Han knew each other. That was why I was polite to you. However, you did not know Li Xiaoyao at all, and you even tried to deceive us and use us. Now, you still want us to lead the way for you?"    


Chu Yan laughed when he heard that. "I used you guys? When did I say that I am Li Xiaoyao's brother? When Demon Fenng approached me earlier, you guys immediately distanced yourselves. I was afraid that I would cause you some trouble because of me. Later, I met Li Xiaoyao once. You greeted me politely, but you all thought that I was related to Li Xiaoyao. He got close to me, hoping to build a relationship with me. In the end, it was me who used all of you?"    


"You..." Fong Ting's jade face was not friendly, and Yi Shuihan's expression kept changing. He could not say anything. The reason was very simple. Chu Yan had never said that he and Li Xiaoyao were brothers. It was all because of their own thoughts. But now that someone was hunting him down, he didn't want to waste his time talking nonsense. He said coldly, "Cut the crap. I will now order you to lead the way. Otherwise, I will kill you! "    


"Command? Are you worthy?" Chu Yan's eyes turned cold as he took out the Sun Extinguishing Sword.    


"Roar!" The Little wolf also drew its formation and let out a low roar at Yi Shuihan. It took a step forward, wanting to fight Chu Yan.    


"You want to fight me?" Yi Shuihan was stunned, then he laughed out loud, "Sixth level King, you are really ignorant!"    


"Don't talk nonsense with him, I already said that I should kill him!" Fong Ting shouted. At this moment, Chu Yan looked at Fong Ting pitifully. He waved his wrist and a Wind Palm was pulled out. A loud and clear sound was heard, causing Fong Ting to widen her eyes. Chu Yan actually slapped her.    


"You are courting death!" Fong Ting's delicate body trembled. She was completely furious. She immediately took out her fourth grade Life Spirit and turned it into a red caltrop that flew towards Chu Yan.    


Yi Shuihan also let out a cold snort and attacked Chu Yan. At this time, Four Divine Star Domains, Li Xiaoyao and the others had caught up with them. When they saw this scene, they revealed a playful expression. "Is there an internal conflict? Interesting."    


The people of Four Divine Star Domains didn't attack either. They just watched from the side. They were waiting to pick up some scraps. As for Li Xiaoyao, he was still looking at Chu Yan with a smile on his face. A hint of fighting spirit rose in his heart, "Interesting, these Martial Skills and cultivation techniques aren't high level. However, they were perfect. Each of them seemed to have been meticulously polished. 'Interesting, interesting.' If there's a chance, I must find him to compete with me. "    


"Kill!" Yi Shuihan swung his Zhanmadao in the void. His eyes were full of disdain. A Ninth Grade King warrior was enough to make him proud, including Fong Ting.    


However, after a while, both of their faces turned ugly. Both of them had failed to subdue Chu Yan after dozens of strikes. Chu Yan had always been able to attack and defend with ease, which made Yi Shuihan extremely unhappy. He gripped his Zhanmadao and shot out a dragon and tiger light, "Die!"    


"It's my first time here, and I didn't want to cause any trouble. But since you forced me to do this, I will lose!" Chu Yan coldly snorted. Immediately after that, he slashed out with his sword, and a strong sword intent whistled down. It was as if it was going to cut the sky apart, and it instantly shattered Yi Shuihan's blade light. Yi Shuihan was shocked. The sword light was rushing towards him. He hastily retreated, but a wound was still left on his shoulder.    


"It seems like we have met again. I won't kill you today, but be careful next time." Chu Yan coldly harrumphed. Immediately, he ignored Chen Xiao and the others. He turned around and stepped onto the thorny path.    


Yi Shuihan's expression was extremely gloomy. He was actually injured by a Sixth Grade King, and even threatened by him? However, seeing Chu Yan step into the Land of Thorns... He still couldn't accept it. "The reason you were able to cross the Thorny Lands last time was because of your good luck. This time, you will die for sure!"    


"You should worry about yourself" Chen Xiao took a step forward. The sword light fell and stopped at Yi Shuihan's throat. "Hand over everything."    


Yi Shuihan's face darkened. He gritted his teeth and tried to save Yi Shuihan. "Chen Xiao, my meteorite pavilion is also a major power in the Cyan Star Domain. It controls more than ten different worlds. Are you really going to kill me?"    


"Yi Shuihan, I really don't know how a person like you can get the qualification to enter the ancient Hundred Jungle. You don't even have the slightest bit of awareness about this. Hand over the item. Otherwise, this woman will become our plaything today, and you will also kick down this evergreen tree. " Chen Xiao said coldly.    


Yi Shuihan's eyes were filled with ruthlessness. At this moment, he hated Chu Yan to the core, but he still handed over the space ring. Chen Xiao didn't kill him anymore. The reason was very simple. They were all from the Six Domains Star River. They wanted money, but they wouldn't go so far as to commit suicide. Otherwise, the two major powers wouldn't be able to account for it.    


"Let's go!" Chen Xiao and the others stepped onto the thorny path.    


"Let's go too." Li Xiaoyao said with a smile. His white robe fluttered in the wind as he stepped onto the thorny path.    


On the other side of the thorny path, Chu Yan walked out. This thorny path was still covered with fiery patterns. He could see through some of them and walk out safely. As soon as he left, a round of applause came from behind. "This Thorny Path is the Fire Marked Array, but you didn't trigger any of them. Amazing!"    


Chu Yan looked at Li Xiaoyao and nodded with a smile. Li Xiaoyao said, "Eh, you don't hate me?"    


"I will thank you in the future. You said you didn't know me. Why should I thank you? You didn't even attack me. Similarly, Why should I hate you now?" Chu Yan spoke in Li Xiaoyao's tone, causing Li Xiaoyao to be stunned for a moment. Then, he burst into laughter. "Wonderful, wonderful! Wonderful, I like it. Just based on what you just said... If there's a chance, I'll treat you to a drink."    


"Alright!" Chu Yan nodded. Li Yun turned to Li Xiaoyao and said, "Xiaoyao, let's go!"    


"Let's go! Chu Yan, I owe you this meal. If I have the chance, I will treat you to a drink. " Li Xiaoyao laughed loudly and followed the Li family disciples as if he was very happy. Once again, only Chu Yan and Little wolf were left.    


"Ao!" The Little wolf suddenly howled and a group of beautiful women walked over. Qiu Meng was among them. When she saw the Little wolf, she happily squatted down and touched the Little wolf. She smiled and said, "Little guy, it's you."    


The Little wolf shook its tail and rubbed Qiu Meng's body with all its strength, making Chu Yan speechless. This little bastard is too much of a lecher, isn't he? It had never wagged its tail at him before. Besides... isn't that exclusive to dogs?    


Qiu Meng rubbed the Little wolf, stood up, and looked at Chu Yan with a smile. "You have also come here. What a coincidence."    


"It is quite a coincidence."    


"I'm sorry about what happened earlier," Qiu Meng said. Qiu Meng smiled and made Chu Yan stunned. Qiu Meng explained, "I heard that you are the descendant of Heaven Shaking Lord under the evergreen tree. You came from the microstar. I misunderstood you earlier. I thought you didn't want to make friends with me, that's why you didn't tell me. "    


Chu Yan shook his head in realization. "It's fine."    


"But you are really amazing. You are able to reach here even though you are only at the sixth level of the King. Are you really from an unknown microstar? Which Star Domain do you belong to? " Qiu Meng blinked her eyes. Chu Yan felt awkward again. But she could feel Qiu Meng's sincerity. He said, "Not satisfied with you. I have never left the stars that I am in, and I also do not know the outside world. I also don't know where my Star Domain is, but I know about the Oriental Divine Altar."    


"Oriental Divine Altar? That should be from the Four Divine Star Domains." Qiu Meng smiled and said warmly, "Let me explain to you. No matter where you are, you must be in the Six Domains Star River. As for whether there is a world outside of the Six Domains Star River, I don't know. The reason why the Six Domains Star River is called the Six Territories is because there are six Star Domains here. Each Star Domain has numerous stars, a hundred or a thousand of them. The Four Divine Star Domains that you are in is one of them. There are a hundred stars here. They are controlled by Four Divine Forces."    


"Four Divine Forces?"    


"En, Oriental Divine Altar. Western Divine Sect, North Temple. South Divine Palace. They were known as Four Divine Forces, but Four Divine Star Domains was relatively poor. The other five star regions also had Ancient Demon Star Domain. There were a lot of demon cultivator there. Demon Mountain Gate, Celestial Demon Peak, and so on were all transcendent powers there. There were also Cyan Star Domain, meteorite pavilion, and so on and so forth. Our You Nv Palace is in the Cloud Starfish Domain, and there is also the Martial King Star Domain. And the final Heavenly Emperor Star Domain. These six Star Fields form the Six Domains Star River."    


Chu Yan listened attentively, but his heart was filled with waves. What a huge world was this? The Dust was just a tiny speck of dust in the Four Divine Star Domains, and the Oriental Divine Altar was just a power in a region. Was this world filled with Six Domains Star River?    


This was the first time Chu Yan understood the vastness of this world. At this moment, his horizons seemed to have changed slightly. He had always been proud of the Dust's Wilderness, but what was the Dust compared to this endless galaxy?    


More importantly, Heaven Shaking Lord was the king of this river of stars? Since he was the king, how could he fall?    


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