Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C172 Hundred Herb Hall

C172 Hundred Herb Hall

chapter 172. - Baicao Pharmacy    


Chu Yan once again entered the secret mansion. Inside the Mirror Trial, Mirror Old Man waved his hand and the fine wine entered his hand. He smiled snappily and said, "This little bastard!"    


"Are you really that confident that he can form the Fifth Grade Fate Soul with his first life soul?" Another figure appeared beside Mirror Old Man.    


"Azure Dragon Old Daoist, let me ask you, have you seen anyone who can create the Boundless Heavens with the creativity for the first time?" Mirror Old Man stroked his beard and said with a smile.    


This person was called Old Daoist Azure Dragon, he was the one who valued Yao Tong. He shook his head in silence, and Mirror Old Man said proudly: "Right? He said. He also has the life of an empress. He can cultivate the demon cultivator Devil, and become a Buddha. How can such a person's first Life Spirit not be the Fifth Grade Fate Soul? "    


"I just want to advise you not to put too much effort into it. Aren't you afraid? Did he follow in that man's footsteps?" The Azure Dragon Old Daoist sighed. Mirror Old Man's eyes turned cold and revealed some sadness.    


"That person's status should be very high now, right?" The Green Dragon said again, but Mirror Old Man shook his head. "That won't happen. There must be no problem with his character. Do you know what his background is?"    


The Azure Dragon did not say anything. Mirror Old Man continued. "As far as I know, this child's background is the descendant of the King of Dust, but he did not use that power. This time, in the Tiandao Sect, he once again risked his life for the glory of the Tiandao Sect. This kind of person will never step into his path of retreat."    


Mirror Old Man said with certainty, his old eyes shining! In the ten thousand years after he had chosen this mirror image, Chu Yan was not the only outstanding person he had met. However, there was one person who had raised a tiger and brought it upon himself. That was what Mirror Old Man hated. Now, he chose Chu Yan once again.    


Chu Yan didn't know what the old man and the green dragon had said. He once again came to the secret prefecture, feeling delighted in his heart. He even thought that this Mirror Old Man was really easy to fool. Next time, he would bring some fine wine, perhaps he could ask for a few more secret mansions. Of course, if Mirror Old Man knew what Chu Yan was thinking, he would definitely be angered to death!    


"This secret prefecture is very special. Although it can't help me cultivate, it can help me strengthen my creativity. Previously, when I condensed my Life Soul, my Life body was definitely strong enough to withstand the power of a fifth grade. However, I don't have enough creativity, so I can't condense it. This time, I have to cultivate my creativity properly. "    


After spending a few more days in seclusion in the secret mansion, Chu Yan could clearly feel the improvement of his creativity. Finally, after a week, he left the Mirror Trial and returned to his room to condense his Life Soul again.    


Unfortunately, he was still at the fourth rank and could not break through again. It was always a little bit off, which made Chu Yan frown slightly.    


"Junior brother, are you cultivating?" Zi Yan came at this time. Chu Yan saw Zi Yan and also smiled politely. "Senior sister!"    


"This is for you." Zi Yan hesitated for a moment before she took out a purple jewel and handed it to Chu Yan. Chu Yan looked at the jewel and was stunned. He could feel an extremely strong creativity from it.    


"Senior sister, this is..."    


"It's nothing. This jewel was obtained by accident. It can raise a person's creativity. You can keep it for yourself." Zi Yan smiled sweetly and said with some self-blame, "Don't make things too difficult for yourself. Don't force yourself. If you can't do it, you can go to the outer circle ahead of time."    


"I know. Don't worry, senior sister." Chu Yan said. Zi Yan also smiled and rubbed Chu Yan's head. "Then you can cultivate. I will leave."    


Zi Yan left and King Chu walked into the room again. He looked at the jewel in Chu Yan's hand and said, "This jewel is the Genesis Pearl. It is very precious. In order to get it, senior Zi Yan went to the Transport Workshop once a week. She participated in thirteen life and death gambling games and helped you win it."    


Chu Yan was shocked. A life and death gambling match with a Transport Workshop! That was a place where one risked their lives. Although earning money was quick, there were countless dangers.    


"Senior sister and senior brother also told the people of the three sects that if you don't enter the king realm in a month's time, the two of them will represent you in the battle! A life-and-death battle! " King Chu, Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a cold light, and his battle intent became even stronger. He definitely could not lose this battle.    


"I'm not telling you all this to make you feel pressured, but Chu Yan... I really don't want you to lose this battle. You represent too much. Heavenly Venerate also gave the order. If you lose, These are for you. " King Chu said. Then, he waved his hand, and left behind a mountain of Spirit Jade. He turned around and left.    


Looking at the mountain of Spirit Jade, although it was only a First Grade Spirit Jade, Chu Yan could imagine that it was all of King Chu's savings.    


"We can't lose this battle!"    


The Tiandao Sect had truly moved him. Next, he would fight for the Tiandao Sect.    


In the next half a month, Chu Yan continued to forge his Life Spirit. Finally, one day, a slight change happened to the purple-gold light. A faint trace of azure light could be seen within it, causing Chu Yan to open his eyes excitedly. "Finally reached the fifth grade? But it's still not the limit. It should be because of the Nine Heaven Profound Pagoda. Although the Fifth Grade Fate Soul makes me feel a trace of pressure... I can still bear it. I want to try and break through to the sixth grade! "    


The Fifth Grade Fate Soul, break! Chu Yan did not form the Fifth Grade Fate Soul in the end. Instead, he shattered it.    


Another week passed. During this week, Chu Yan had been cultivating non-stop in the secret mansion and the outside world. Eternal Blue had come once to retrieve a pill for him. It was a fifth-grade Soul Forging Pill from Wilderness!    


However, Chu Yan was not in a hurry to consume it. Instead, he kept it and prepared to use it to truly forge his Life Spirit.    


On this day, Chu Yan prepared to leave the Tiandao Sect and make a trip to the Baicao Pharmacy to prepare for the final impact.    


The Baicao Pharmacy, Divine Weapon Association, and Transport Workshop were known as the three major trading forces of the Dust. Each of them was an existence that looked down on the ten thousand lines. The Baicao Pharmacy was mainly made up of the pill, and the Divine Weapon Association was named after the Divine Weapon. The Transport Workshop was the biggest casino.    


The Baicao Pharmacy covered both the inner and outer circle of Dust, and so was the Heavenly City where the Tiandao Sect was located.    


Early in the morning, Chu Yan put on his casual clothes and prepared to quietly leave the Tiandao Sect. He was also worried about being discovered by the three sects. Ancestor Tiandao was in charge of the Tiandao Sect. If he was discovered outside, it would be really troublesome for him.    


However, he did not walk very far. Someone suddenly caught up with him from behind, causing Chu Yan to frown. He immediately lifted his Primordial Energy, but his voice startled him. "Sneaking around in my Tiandao Sect, who are you?"    


"Senior sister?" Chu Yan turned around and saw that Zi Yan had also noticed Chu Yan. She put down the sword in her hand. "Junior brother? You are dressed like this. Are you going to leave the sect?"    


"Yes, I want to make a trip to the Baicao Pharmacy." Chu Yan naturally would not hide anything from Zi Yan. He also knew that Zi Yan and Mu Bai had taken shifts to guard his residence for the sake of his safety these few days.    


"Must I go?" Zi Yan frowned. The current Chu Yan was not suitable to leave the sect. However, when she saw the persistence in Chu Yan's eyes, she helplessly nodded her head. "Alright, then I'll go with you. I'm familiar with Sky City. Follow me closely."    


Chu Yan smiled, and his impression of Zi Yan increased. The two of them arrived at the Baicao Pharmacy together.    


The Baicao Pharmacy was in the east of Sky City. It was very grand. It looked like a huge multi-headed crow. Chu Yan could not help but be shocked when he saw it. "This Baicao Pharmacy is truly worthy of being called the Baicao Pharmacy. It's one of the three major powers of Wan Sect. What a spectacular sight!"    


"The three major powers, the Baicao Pharmacy, and the Divine Weapon Association, are special forces. Although they rarely participate in the conflicts in the Dust, they are still very powerful. If we are talking about combat strength, we can definitely fight the Wan Sect. Especially the Baicao Pharmacy and the Divine Weapon Association. In the path of cultivation, pill and Divine Weapons were indispensable. Therefore, many people were willing to befriend these two major powers. I remember that there was once a Wan Sect within the top 100 that provoked the Baicao Pharmacy. The Baicao Pharmacy issued a wanted poster at the price of a fifth grade pill. Even the Heavenly Venerates sent out a lot of people to annihilate this sect. " Zi Yan said.    


Chu Yan secretly praised the strength of the Baicao Pharmacy and muttered in his heart, "No wonder mother was able to befriend tens of millions of forces by herself. The rallying power of a terrifying Pill Refining Master or weapons craftsman is too terrifying."    


The two of them entered the Baicao Pharmacy. Within the Baicao Pharmacy, there was a total of Third floor. The first level was filled with people. Because it was the trading center, there were also some divine weapons and clothes here. However, the pill was still the main item. As soon as Chu Yan entered, he could smell a thick pill fragrance.    


"Both of you, I am the servant girl of the Baicao Pharmacy, Yu Xiaotong. I will be the one to receive both of you from now on. I wonder where the two of you came from? Are you a member of this hall? " A maid walked up with a gentle smile on her face.    


"It's not my first time here" Chu Yan purposely lowered his voice and said.    


"If that's the case, let me introduce the two of you. If you want to buy ordinary herbs and divine weapons, you can choose from the first floor. If you like them, pay them and take them away. If you need to customize a pill, you can go to the second floor to post a mission. The Baicao Pharmacy's Pill Refining Master will accept the mission on its own and refine a pill for you." Yu Xiaotong smiled and said. At the same time, she was also sizing up Chu Yan and Zi Yan, because they were both dressed casually. They wore very simple clothes, which made Yu Xiaotong somewhat have an idea in her heart.    


"What about the third level?" Chu Yan asked curiously, but Yu Xiaotong revealed a look of contempt under her phoenix eyes. She calmly smiled and said. "The third floor is not for people like you to go up."    


Chu Yan immediately frowned. Yu Xiaotong was obviously looking down on him, but he sighed and did not say much. After all, he did not want to cause trouble now, so he endured it.    


"Young Master Han?" Yu Xiaotong looked out of the corner of her eye and her phoenix-like eyes lit up. She looked towards a young man in white at the entrance of the Baicao Pharmacy. She immediately left Chu Yan and the young man behind and walked towards the young man in white, trying to please him.    


"Xiao Tong, are you there? I'm going to the second floor, take me there." The young man in white smiled warmly and two guards followed behind him.    


"Yes, young Master Han. Follow me." Yu Xiaotong had already ignored Chu Yan, and her attitude towards the white-clothed young master was completely different.    


"You seem to be our receptionist, right? Is this how Baicao Pharmacy serves people?" However, Yu Xiaotong and the white-clothed young master wanted to leave, so Chu Yan said faintly. Yu Xiaotong's blackened eyebrows frowned and looked at Chu Yan with some hostility. "I have finished what I needed to say. You can walk around by yourself now. The things you can afford are on your left. I advise you not to go on the right. Be careful that you will be hurt. "    


"Xiao Tong, who is this little brother?"    


"Ignore him, he's just a country bumpkin." Yu Xiaotong coldly harrumphed. She could be a maid in Baicao Pharmacy. She also had some background. She was a disciple of the top 100 Wan Sect.    


The young man in white nodded his head and looked at Chu Yan with disdain. After that, the two of them walked towards the second floor without even looking at Chu Yan. This made Chu Yan speechless.    


"Junior Brother, you have been looked down upon." Zi Yan giggled. Chu Yan was also speechless. He looked at the back of the young man in white. "Senior sister, who is this person?"    


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