Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C153 Purple Bamboo Forest Formation

C153 Purple Bamboo Forest Formation

chapter 153 - Purple Bamboo Forest Array    


Within the purple bamboo forest, there were rows of purple bamboo arranged in an orderly manner. Chu Yan looked at the purple bamboo forest with a hint of confusion, "What did you bring me here for?"    


"Don't ask any more questions. Just follow me and you will know." Su Muyan kept him in suspense and slowly walked towards the purple bamboo forest. Within the purple bamboo forest, Tiandao Sect disciples could be seen everywhere. They were all chopping bamboo here.    


When she arrived in front of a purple bamboo, Su Muyan turned around and said with a playful smile, "Chu Yan, try cutting a bamboo."    


Chu Yan frowned. He did not understand what Su Muyan meant, but he still did as she said. He took out the Sun Extinguishing Sword, but in an instant, the Sun Extinguishing Sword became extremely heavy. He could not even lift it up. Su Muyan smiled and said, "You cannot use a weapon here. You must use your palm to cut it."    


Chu Yan was stunned. He nodded his head and did not take it to heart. With his strength today, not to mention a bamboo, even an iron wall would be enough to break it with a punch, let alone a bamboo.    


However, when the palm landed, Chu Yan realized that there was something strange about it. When his palm landed on the bamboo, it was not damaged in the slightest. Su Muyan, who was standing by the side, smiled happily and said, "Chu Yan is too naive. If this purple bamboo was easily cut by you, then why should I let you give it a try?"    


"This purple bamboo forest is not an ordinary bamboo?"    


"Yes." Su Muyan nodded her head. "This is the Tiandao Sect Purple Bamboo Forest Array. Look carefully. This is a formation. The first step is a bamboo. The second step is two bamboo. Attack 49 steps. However, there would be some understanding in each step. Each bamboo also contained a Divine Abilities. It was rumored that he would be able to comprehend the Heavenly Dao Secret Technique at the 49th step. It was left behind by an antecedents. "    


"antecedents? The old ancestor of the Tiandao Sect?"    


"No, the Purple Bamboo Forest Array was left here when my Tiandao Sect was built. No one knew who left it behind. I, the Old Ancestor of the Tiandao Sect, once walked from here to the 49th step and obtained this secret technique. Since then, I've created the Tiandao Sect and swept across the Wan Sect to become the third place. Oh, that's right. This Heavenly Heavenly Venerate was once Madam Ruomeng's confidant." Su Muyan said.    


Chu Yan was slightly surprised. Was Heavenly Dao Heavenly Venerate his mother's confidant? Did he use the Heavenly Dao Secret Technique? As for who this secret technique belonged to, no one knew. It might be antecedents, who had been in Wilderness for a long time.    


"Indeed, there is no need for disciples to compete within the Tiandao Sect, because here... What all disciples need to do is to fight with the heavens! Fight with their lives! Whether it is Divine Abilities or Martial Skills, it doesn't matter. No matter what cultivation resources you have, you need to constantly challenge yourself here. If they could reach the forty-ninth level and obtain the Heavenly Dao Secret Technique... He might even be able to comprehend a Supreme Divine Abilities." Su Muyan said.    


King Chu also came at this time. "Are you looking at the Purple Bamboo Forest Array? Junior brother, you can give it a try."    


When Chu Yan heard King Chu calling him junior disciple, he was stunned for a moment, then he nodded his head as well. Because Qin Ruomeng and Heavenly Venerate were from the ancient times, he was very interested in this Purple Bamboo Forest Array, so he didn't waste any time and went to the first bamboo.    


Seeing Chu Yan coming forward, many disciples gathered around him. Every time a new disciple came, they would be very interested.    


At this moment, a very handsome young man arrived. He carried a heavy sword on his back and glanced at Chu Yan out of the corner of his eye. "This is the descendant of the Wilderness who startled the Haotian Sect?"    


King Chu turned around and looked at the young man. He was slightly startled and nodded with a smile. "King Chu greets senior brother. This is junior brother Chu Yan."    


"That's interesting. I wonder if this is the first time he broke these few purple bamboos." The young man said in a refined manner. Su Muyan also said respectfully to the young man, "Mu Yan greets Senior Brother Mu Bai!"    


"Junior Sister Mu Yan is too polite." Mu Bai smiled politely. He was a year older than King Chu and was also a King. His status in the Tiandao Sect was not low.    


More people came to watch, and many of them were curious about Chu Yan. At this moment, Chu Yan was standing in front of the first purple bamboo. His palm was powerful, and he wanted to break this purple bamboo. However, when his palm landed, the purple bamboo still didn't move, causing many people to reveal a playful expression.    


"It seems like there isn't anything special about this Wilderness. The first time he broke the purple bamboo forest, he still got nothing."    


However, Chu Yan was not in a hurry to break it. Instead, he calmed his heart and carefully comprehended it. If it was said that this purple bamboo was indestructible, he could understand it. However, just as his palm landed, he discovered that this purple bamboo was very fragile. However, his strength was unable to land on the purple bamboo. It seemed that all of it was scattered by a force, causing him to be slightly surprised.    


"Looks like I need to use a unique method to break this purple bamboo." Chu Yan carefully comprehended it. The purple bamboo forest was wreathed in Immortal mist, and he could sense it. After sitting cross-legged for about half a day, Chu Yan finally opened his eyes. He looked at the purple bamboo and revealed a smile. "Interesting. This purple bamboo is actually a test of the Primordial Energy's tenacity. It requires the Primordial Energy to wrap around one's body before it can be cut off."    


"Crack!" Chu Yan struck out once more, and a violet bamboo instantly broke apart. This caused the crowd watching from afar to be slightly surprised. Chu Yan had actually broken the first violet bamboo?    


Mu Bai nodded his head approvingly. "It's very rare to be able to break the first purple bamboo."    


"Senior brother seems to have broken seven of them on your first try, right? It's still the record of my Tiandao Sect." King Chu said with a smile from the side. Although Chu Yan had broken one, he was more outstanding than many people, but it wasn't as if no one had ever done it before. King Chu had also broken three for the first time, and Mu Bai, who was standing next to him, was even more exaggerated. Seven of them had been broken for the first time, and no one had ever broken this record.    


"Let's see how many purple bamboos he can break first." Everyone said. Su Muyan also had a bit of anticipation.    


After Chu Yan broke the first purple bamboo, he did not rush forward. Instead, he directly stopped and began to comprehend. He discovered a miraculous thing. After he broke one of the purple bamboos, there was actually a surge of power that supported his body. That seemed to be a kind of predecessors' cultivation experience. It was like bathing in holy light, allowing Chu Yan to reap great benefits.    


"What a powerful purple bamboo. Every single one of the purple bamboos has its own understanding of cultivation." Chu Yan was slightly surprised. He quickly sat down cross-legged and began to comprehend. Within this purple bamboo... It taught people to be patient and not to rush for success. In the path of cultivation, it was not the speed of advancement that made one a genius. On the contrary, those who came later caught up more because of the same breakthrough. However, their comprehension of bloodlines and Primordial Energy were different. There was also a difference in their cultivation realms.    


Chu Yan had long known this. For example, it was rumored that when Luan Zhiyi broke through to the King, he could sweep away Expert, who was below the Third Grade King. The purity of the Primordial Energy was so strong that it could suppress an area. Although many people broke through quickly, once they encountered a bottleneck, it might be difficult for them to break through for the rest of their lives.    


After understanding all of this, Chu Yan finally stood up. He arrived in front of the second row of bamboo forest, and the first row of bamboo forest had already been reborn.    


Knowing the secrets of the Broken Purple Bamboo, Chu Yan was obviously much faster in the second row. The second row tested one's physical body, and required the use of any Primordial Energy or bloodline. Using a weak physical body to cut off the Purple Bamboo was not difficult for Chu Yan. The third row tested three Violet Bamboo. Each of the purple bamboos needed to be broken by a different Martial Skills. The level of the Martial Skills wasn't high enough. It was hard to break through.    


However, Chu Yan had the Sun Extinguishing Sword skill, Mortal Parting Sword Dao, and the Heavenly Star Secret Art Sword Dao. It was more than enough for him to break through. In the blink of an eye, three rows of purple bamboos were broken. Everyone was amazed.    


"Six. He broke six purple bamboos. He's just one more, and he's going to break Senior Brother Mu Bai's record." A disciple in the distance exclaimed.    


However, this was only the beginning. The fourth level was the The power of the bloodline. Chu Yan had a very high comprehension of the bloodline. He waved his hand and broke four purple bamboos.    


The entire place was silent. The record had been broken. In just an instant.    


King Chu was laughing out loud from afar. "Senior Brother Mu Bai... this time, you have met your match."    


Mu Bai did not know whether to laugh or cry. Although he had broken seven of them for the first time, it had taken him an entire day. In just half a day, Chu Yan had broken ten purple bamboo forest. "The younger generation will be feared. However, it was also the end. The fifth row of bamboo forest needed to be stepped into as a King. Those who are not King can't enter the fifth row. "    


All the fellow disciples nodded their heads. The fifth row was the dividing line between King and Mortal Parting Stage. Up until now, no one had entered the fifth row with a Mortal Parting Stage.    


Chu Yan arrived at the fifth row, and finally stopped in his tracks. When he reached this point, he felt an intense pressure. Although the five purple bamboos were just standing there, each one of them contained an incredible pressure, as if they were above Chu Yan, and wanted to tell him not to challenge them.    


"The bloodline in the fifth row seems to have broken through to the dacheng. With my power... It will be difficult." Chu Yan had previously comprehended the teachings of antecedents from the ten purple bamboos, which made him understand one thing. The real difference between a Mortal Parting and a King was that they had reached the King. He could break free from the restraints of the earth and officially step into the path of cultivation. This could be considered a kind of breakthrough, and above the King... He was even closer to the sky.    


As for the person who could break free from the restraints of the heavens, perhaps it was the extraordinary Expert whom Qin Zixuan had said could make the heaven's will follow her will.    


Chu Yan decided to give up. Although he thought that it was possible for him to break through the fifth level of the bamboo forest, it didn't mean much. The teachings of antecedents that he had heard about didn't benefit King.    


However, at this moment, a scorching gaze suddenly shot towards him from the side, causing Chu Yan to slightly frown. Chu Yan went over to greet him. He saw that there was another person standing side by side with him in the fifth row.    


This person was a young woman, she was very beautiful. Her tall figure was like nymph, but her phoenix eyes were sharp. She said coldly, "You can leave now. The fifth level of the bamboo forest can only be broken by King warriors. You are only a Mortal Parting Stage warrior. You won't get any results even if you challenge me for a long time. Why don't you first absorb the teachings of the previous level 4 bamboo forest? After breaking through to the King, you can come here and try again."    


"It's senior sister Zi Yan. Has she also reached the fifth level?" In the stands far away, many people were slightly surprised. Dai Zi Yan, Tiandao Sect Monster. Last year, the top ten people in the Shengtai tablet had entered the King just like King Chu this year. They had the right to be proud of themselves.    


"King Chu, did you cut off all the bamboo forests on the fifth floor?" Mu Bai looked at King Chu. King Chu said awkwardly, "I didn't. The bamboo forest in the fifth row is too strong. Although I have entered the King, I only broke one bamboo forest."    


"One?" Mu Bai looked at Zi Yan again. Two out of five bamboo forests had fallen. "It seems Zi Yan has surpassed you this year."    


King Chu smiled faintly and did not deny it. Everyone had different ways of cultivating. His heart of martial arts was clear on the stage. It was neither sad nor happy. Therefore, he did not think that he was behind Zi Yan.    


Chu Yan suddenly stopped and met Dai Zi Yan's gaze. "Junior brother cannot agree with senior sister's words! This lousy bamboo forest is the One Heart Realm, the state of mind has reached. Even if one isn't at the King, they might be able to break through the fifth level of the bamboo forest. "    


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