Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C182 The Old Ancestor will Attack Again

C182 The Old Ancestor will Attack Again

The old ancestor will do it again.    


Three Forbidden Fire Marked Array descended, sealing off the Fire Marked Array. As its name suggested, it could seal everything and kill millions of people!    


In the direction of the Baicao Pharmacy... Yang Chen was a Fifth Level Fire Mark Master. He frowned. "These three Forbidden Fire Marked Array are very strong."    


"Chu Yan is also a Fourth Grade Fire Mark Master. This Fire Marked Array... It shouldn't be difficult for him, right?" Hua Zhixu asked, but Yang Chen shook his head. The level of the Fire Mark Master that was used to block the Fire Marked Array was very high, even if it was a Fire Mark Master. If you want to dissolve the fire pattern, you must first comprehend the fire pattern. This fire pattern is not a fire pattern from the Dust. I'm afraid that Chu Yan won't be able to solve it!"    


Hua Zhixu frowned and looked at the fighting stage. Could it be that Chu Yan was going to lose like this? Was the Monster of the generation going to fall before his wings were fully grown?    


On the fighting stage, Chung Feng looked at Chu Yan coldly. The three Forbidden Fire Marked Array had given him great confidence. His face turned ferocious. "Chu Yan, so what if you have a sixth-grade Life Spirit? You won't be able to escape death today. And after you die, the Tiandao Sect will be destroyed. Wilderness will be defeated, and Lau Qingcheng will also become Young Master Gusu's plaything! You... Nothing will change!"    


"Boom!" Chu Yan was suppressed by the three fiery lines, and his eyes turned red. At this moment, he glared at Chung Feng. Chung Feng was startled. He could feel a trace of killing intent from Chu Yan's eyes.    


"Hmph, a dying man, how dare you glare at me!" Chung Feng waved his hand, and the Fire Marked Array of Sealing descended. It turned into thousands of killing intent as it pierced towards Chu Yan.    


"Puhwark! Puhwark! Puff! " Chu Yan immediately turned into a bloody man in the middle of the three great sealing sword formations.    


"Stop!" Zi Yan shouted and was about to rush onto the fighting stage. Mu Bai followed closely behind her. No one had expected that this battle would end with Chu Yan suppressing them. At the critical moment, Chung Feng and the other two men unleashed fire patterns at the same time, and all of them were at the Fourth Grade.    


"The battle isn't over yet!" However, in the next moment, Expert arrived from the direction of the three sects, firmly suppressing Zi Yan and the others below the stage, preventing them from going onto the stage.    


Zi Yan stared unwaveringly at a Diyun Sect elder. "My junior brother has already won this competition, but the disciples of your three sects are despicable enough to use the Fire Pattern. This is a violation of the rules."    


"Before the match, you didn't say that you can't use external help, so how can you say that you are breaking the rules?"    


An elder of the Tianshan Sect shamelessly said. Anger rose in Zi Yan and the others' hearts. At this time, Zi Yan looked at the fighting stage and said to Chu Yan in a low voice, "Junior brother, admit defeat! You have already won this battle. We are proud of you! There is no need to continue competing! "    


" This battle is a life-and-death battle. Unless one side dies in battle, we must continue! " An elder of the Asura Sect also stepped forward and coldly said.    


"Three sects, you've gone too far!" Eternal Blue finally took a step forward. Mo Tu, Qin Banniang, Tiandao Sect and the rest all leapt forward. In this battle, Chu Yan had already shown his strength and also proved the glory of his Tiandao Sect to the Dust. Next, the Tiandao Sect would definitely not allow anything to happen to Chu Yan!    


"Tiandao Sect, are you going to break the rules?" At this moment, a deep voice sounded. Gusu City stood up and quietly looked at the Tiandao Sect. There was a vague but huge pressure coming from it.    


Wan Qing clenched his fist. The strength of Gusu City was exactly the same as his? The same Heavenly Venerate's strength?    


Eternal Blue's Primordial Energy had improved. Even if he had to fight the Oriental Divine Altar to the death, he had to protect Chu Yan today.    


However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded on the fighting stage. It was a calm voice, but it was extremely resolute. Every word was filled with determination. "Senior! Senior Sister! What they said was right. The battle is not over yet!"    


"Junior Brother! Chu Yan! "Zi Yan and the others' eyes turned red. How could Chu Yan break the three grand sealing formations?    


Fatty's eyes turned red, but he was powerless. At this moment, he hated himself so much. If he could be a little stronger... Even if it was just a little bit, he could at least fight side by side with Chu Yan today!    


"Hmph, a dying man! How dare you speak so arrogantly!" Chung Feng clenched his fist. Killing intent emerged once again. This time, everyone was thinking for Chu Yan. They saw Chu Yan standing in the middle of the three grand sealing formations without dodging, and his eyes were actually closed. He kept the Nascent Divinity into his Divine Sense Prefecture. He wanted to dissolve the three grand sealing formations. Unfortunately, the fire marks Qin Ruomeng left behind did not contain this sealing formation.    


"No?" Chu Yan sighed in disappointment. In the next moment, his Nascent Divinity returned. He looked at the large formation with a determined gaze.    


"So what if I don't have it? My mother is a Pill King, and she controls the formation. I am her son. Who can kill me?"    


"Who can seal me in this world? Who can kill me?" Chu Yan murmured in a low voice. He stared at the grand sealing formation. Everyone was startled. There was a bright light flickering around Chu Yan's body. Everyone was trembling. Chu Yan was actually comprehending the formation. He was quickly comprehending the formation amidst the killing intent of the grand sealing formation!    


"Ignorant." Sitting in the void of Gusu City, Chu Yan sneered when he saw Chu Yan's actions. Although these three sealing formations were only at the Fourth Grade Fire Mark, they were created by an extraordinary Fire Mark Master. Who could break them?    


"Boom!" However, in the next moment, the eyes of the Gusu City focused and revealed a strong chill. Not only him, but also the people from the Tiandao Sect were shocked.    


At that moment, Chu Yan was standing amidst the killing intent, allowing it to fall on him. He revealed an excited smile. He could feel the endless killing intent, but he didn't fall. Just like what he had said, who in this world could kill him?    


In the direction of the Baicao Pharmacy, Yang Chen was slightly shocked. "He actually comprehended it?"    


"Abnormal! But I like it!" Hua Zhixu heaved a sigh of relief and revealed a smile.    


"Boom!" Chu Yan stomped his foot again. The next moment, he raised his head. Thousands of killing intent surged towards him, but there was a bright light flashing between his brows. He spat out a word, "Break!"    


In an instant, everyone was stunned. The thousands of killing intent actually stopped at this moment. Not a single killing intent fell, and it firmly stopped there. It was as if at this moment, the three grand sealing formations were filled with terror.    


"How is this possible!?" Chung Feng and the other two were stunned. The three great sealing formations could kill any Expert below the Emperor-level, but today... Chu Yan had destroyed all of them with just a single word?    


"All of you must die!" Chu Yan's expression became ferocious. At this moment, he clenched his fist, and the killing intent of the three great sealing formations reappeared. However, this time, all of them were under Chu Yan's control.    


"No!" Chung Feng and the other two were stunned. Thousands of killing formations were rushing towards them. The three grand sealing formations were under Chu Yan's control. All three of them were killed by Chu Yan.    


"Kill!" Chu Yan shouted in a low voice, and his killing intent gushed out.    


The faces of the elders of the three sects darkened. Heavenly Venerate Di Yun was even more furious. He struck out with his palm, sending it straight into the fighting stage.    


"You dare!" Eternal Blue was infuriated. He took a step forward. However, at this moment, a figure stood up. He clenched his fist and unleashed a ray of starlight, instantly neutralizing Wan Qing's attack. Wan Qing looked at Gusu City coldly, his eyes carrying a trace of anger.    


"Boom!" When Heavenly Sovereign Di Yun's palm fell, Chu Yan's eyes focused. Thousands of killing intent was unleashed. The three Fire Marked Array combined into one and actually blocked Heavenly Sovereign Di Yun's palm.    


"Bastard! How dare you kill Chung Feng?! I will definitely kill you today!" Heavenly Sovereign Di Yun roared furiously, but Chu Yan just smiled. He laughed mockingly. "Just now, the three of them wanted to kill me with the Fire Marked Array, but they couldn't. The people from your three sects stood up and said that the battle wasn't over yet, saying that it was a life-and-death battle. It must end with the death of one side. And now... You still have the nerve to come out? "    


"Then let's see who among you can stop me from killing them today!" Chu Yan suddenly roared, causing the ground to shake. Immediately after, the three great sealing formations mercilessly descended. Chung Feng, Chen Han, and Zi Qingyun were instantly enveloped by killing intent.    


The three of them were in despair. They had never expected this. Their trump card, the sealing formation, had now become their burial ground.    


The three sects were in pain. Were the three Monster really going to die here today?    


"I believe that you won't kill them." At this moment... The voice of Gusu City was heard once again. It was filled with pride. When he heard this voice, the people of the three sects seemed to have seen hope. That's right. The Gusu City was still there, and he represented the Oriental Divine Altar. Overlord of the Ten Directions Heavens and Earth. If he spoke, Chu Yan wouldn't dare to kill him, right?    


"Won't I?" Chu Yan suddenly laughed. However, the next moment, everyone froze. Chu Yan was so calm. With a clench of his hand, a myriad of killing intent surged out. Without showing any mercy, three streams of blood immediately sprayed out and splashed onto the fighting stage.    


Three Monster from the Wan Sect had fallen on the spot, and it was after the Gusu City had spoken.    


A strange look flashed across the eyes of the Gusu City. Although he had guessed that Chu Yan wouldn't pay attention to him, he didn't expect Chu Yan to be so decisive. This made his expression turn ugly.    


Heavenly Venerate's Qi was gradually burning. Gusu City slowly stood up and took a step forward. Immediately, a majestic force descended, wanting to suppress Chu Yan.    


"Since you've rejected me, I'll kill you myself." Gusu City said faintly, as if it could determine Chu Yan's life and death with just one sentence. Initially, he wanted to use Chung Feng and the other two to kill Chu Yan and seize the mystery of Qin Ruomeng, but now, he couldn't wait any longer. Therefore, he attacked.    


"Boom!" At this moment, a Xuying suddenly appeared behind Chu Yan. He stood there quietly, staring at the Gusu City. With a wave of his hand, he shattered the attack of the Gusu City. "A descendant of the Oriental Divine Altar?"    


"Who are you?"    


"You don't deserve to know." The moment Xuying appeared, everyone in the Tiandao Sect was pleasantly surprised. Wan Qing also heaved a sigh of relief. The old ancestor had finally appeared.    


"Little guy, you did well. I will witness this battle for you! You are the glory of my Tiandao Sect." Ancestor Tiandao said calmly. "You have already won your glory. From now on, whoever dares to fight, let my Tiandao Sect fight for you!"    


Whoever dares to fight... I, the Tiandao Sect, will fight for you! Everyone trembled. Was the Tiandao Sect going to fight with all its might for Chu Yan today?    


With the Oriental Divine Altar?    


Gusu City frowned and stared at Ancestor Tiandao's Xuying. "It's just a divine sense. Do you think you can stop me?"    


"Then you can try taking a step forward. Look at me. Do you dare to be buried here today?"    


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