Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C137 Upgrading Again

C137 Upgrading Again

Promotion again.    


Chu Yan had won against Lin Changsheng. Under the gazes of countless people who were looking down on him, he had won. Now, who would dare to say that Chu Yan's Grand War was unable to seize the stone table? It was just something he had practiced? He had used two powerful battles in succession to announce to everyone that he, Chu Yan, wanted this stone table!    


"I, Chu Yan, want this stone table! If you can't accept it, come and fight!" Chu Yan no longer looked at Heavenly King Chen. The Sun Extinguishing Sword stood there, and he told everyone that he would accept all challenges.    


Because of the battle with Lin Changsheng, everyone had seen Chu Yan's terrifying combat strength. This made many people who looked down on Chu Yan become serious. For a moment, no one challenged him anymore, and they all turned to the other fighting stages.    


Half a day had passed, and the competition for the stone table had finally come to an end. There was one person left on each of the stone platforms, and the rest were all eliminated. As for the remaining 100 disciples, their names would be engraved on the Shengtai tablet for a year, and the following year would be their glory.    


This time, there wasn't much difference between the one hundred and last year. Except for Lin Changsheng and some people who had broken through to the King and left the Shengtai, almost all of them had entered last year, including Yao Tong and Su Che.    


In Haotian Sect, besides Lin Fan, there were four other people: Gu Feng, Zhou Ying, Xuanfeng, and Lin Yuyan. Compared to last year, the Haotian Sect had three fewer people. However, it was a very proud thing to have five people in the Wan Sect.    


There were also five people in the Ice River Sect. Kuang Ou was a pair of Tang brothers Tang Yin, tang Hong, Monster, Li Fengyun and Murong Yi.    


There were three people in the Tiandao Sect. What was amazing was that all three of them were women. Chu Yan even knew one of them. It was Ling'er. The other two were sisters. Ji Yun and Ji Tong.    


Diyun Sect Cheng Jiang, his junior brother Chi Feng, and a disciple called Ou Chen.    


The Asura Sect had a wild knife, the Demon Sect had Yao Tong, and the Heluo Sect had Luo Lei.    


There were basically more than two disciples who had entered the ten thousand lines, and one disciple from the Wan Sect who had entered couldn't help but cheer. To them, this was an honor.    


After all, as long as one stepped into the Shengtai, it would prove that one could be ranked in the top 1,000 in the ten thousand sects in the past ten years, and they would also have the chance to fight for Wandong Grand Ceremony in two years' time.    


Of course, the competition for the stone table was only to determine the top 100 people on the platform. As for the final ranking, they would have to fight for it. Mirror Old Man would be the one in charge of this process.    


Mirror Old Man's body moved and jumped into the Shengtai. He stood there and looked at the people below him. He said calmly, "First of all, congratulations to all of you. Your names will be carved on the Shengtai next year, but there will be a sequence. Next, we will order the soldiers and generals. I will command them. Each of them will have two chances to fight. I will name the battle and win it. Those who are defeated can challenge any person who has advanced. If you can win, you can replace your opponent."    


Chu Yan nodded to himself. This method was very fair. After all, it was very easy to deviate from a hundred people. For example, if someone fought Heavenly King Chen, they might lose, but they might not be able to defeat others.    


"Next, point of view! The third stone table and the fifteenth stone table!"    


Mirror Old Man did not know the names of these youths, so he directly recited the stone table's serial number. As soon as he finished speaking, the two stone table actually rose into the air and merged into a huge stone table.    


"The third stone table is Cheng Jiang. Who is this person with fifteen stone table? How unlucky!" Discussions immediately broke out on the grandstands.    


The 17th stone table was Luo Lei from the Heluo Ancient Sect. Last year, he was ranked 76th on the Shengtai. When he found out that his opponent was Cheng Jiang, his facial expression changed.    


"You can leave now. You are no match for me." On the stone platform, Cheng Jiang said in a flat tone, giving people the feeling of a King.    


Luo Lei's face became even heavier. He took out a devilish lightning spear and said, "I, Luo Lei, can defeat you but I did not admit defeat!"    


"Good!" Cheng Jiang nodded. He did not say anything unnecessary. With a stomp of his foot, a vast Primordial Energy appeared and approached Luo Lei from both sides.    


"Boom!" Luo Lei raised his spear to block the attack, drawing the lightning from the nine heavens. He had the bloodline of lightning, so with every thrust of his spear, there would be a thunderous sound in the sky.    


In the stands, everyone stared at the oppressive thunder clouds and sighed. "This Luo Lei's bloodline of lightning is many times stronger than last year. He can already summon thunder clouds!"    


"Indeed. He is younger than Cheng Jiang by a year, but he has entered the Shengtai for two years in a row. Unfortunately, he has met Cheng Jiang. If it was someone else, he would definitely be able to advance in the first match! Fortunately, there is still a challenge. " Everyone sighed with regret.    


"Bang!" Just as everyone had expected, Luo Lei was defeated. Although they were both Ninth Layer of Mortal Parting warriors, his lightning bloodline was crushed by Cheng Jiang's bare hands.    


"I lost!" When the Lightning Strike shattered, Luo Lei stiffened and let out a long sigh.    


"You're already quite good. With your strength, if you hadn't met me, even if you had met some of the top thirty people from last year, you would still have been able to win. So you don't have to be discouraged. After all, I was last year's top three!" Cheng Jiang was still used to using other people's strength to praise himself.    


Luo Lei was also calm. To him, the Shengtai was just a form of training, and his ranking was not as important as Cheng Jiang's. "It doesn't matter. I still have a chance to fight. If I can make it into the top 50, I will fight you!"    


"This Luo Lei has a good temperament!" Everyone praised.    


It was rare to see someone who was neither humble nor humble after losing a battle. Furthermore, the one who fought him was last year's Shengtai's third place.    


"Next battle, the ninth battle will be the 73rd!" Mirror Old Man's voice fell once again, and the two battle platforms merged.    


This battle was between Heavenly King Chen and a disciple from a sect that wasn't even a hundred disciples. In the end, Heavenly King Chen won without saying anything.    


"The seventeenth battle, the ninety-sixth battle!" At this moment, everyone was startled. They looked towards the 17th battle, and saw that it was Chu Yan.    


The stone table underneath Chu Yan's feet immediately flew up, and merged with the 96th platform.    


The ninety-sixth platform was the Ice River Sect, Murong Yi. When everyone saw Chu Yan going up the platform, they all revealed a look of anticipation.    


"That Murong Yi is the 83rd last year's Shengtai, right? She is more than ten times stronger than Lin Changsheng."    


"Yeah, Chu Yan is in trouble. This Murong Yi is not someone Lin Changsheng can compare with. She might even make it into the top 50 this year."    


"At first, you said that Chu Yan could not defeat Lin Changsheng. Haha, this battle, I will bet that Chu Yan will win! I'll bet on the Transport Workshop!"    


On the platform, Murong Yi looked at Chu Yan with a thick killing intent in her eyes. This made Chu Yan stunned. He didn't seem to know this person, right?    


"We know each other?" Chu Yan asked.    


"You killed two of my brothers and destroyed my Cloud Cauldron Country. How can I not know you?" Murong Yi said with a ferocious expression. Chu Yan suddenly understood. Back in the Wan Zong Na Xin, he and Ye Xun had killed Murong Kuang and Murong Zhe. It turned out that Murong Yi and Murong Kuang were brothers.    


"When we were in the Wan Zong Na Xin, they humiliated my brother. They even organized people to kill me in the Black Forest. They deserved to die."    


"Bullsh * t! If you didn't use the power of the Wilderness to bully others, why would my Cloud Cauldron Country and my brother die?" Murong Yi growled.    


"What a joke. Back in the Wanzongtai... When Murong Kuang claimed that he was the top scorer in the new recruit, he also brought out the Crimson Moon Valley. In the Blood Valley, he used the Haotian Sect and the Cloud Cauldron Sect to threaten my brother. Murong Zhe almost killed one of my brothers, but in the end, I moved out of the Wilderness. My sister descended, and the force behind her was not as strong as mine. He was killed by me, and now it's in your mouth. It turns out to be me bullying others with my power! " Chu Yan shook his head in a ridiculous manner. He believed that he had borrowed the help of the Wilderness along the way. However, he had never bullied people with Wilderness. As for Murong Kuang's death... In his opinion, it was inevitable.    


That day, Chi Yue and Lin Daoyan appeared on his behalf. If he wasn't a descendant of the Wilderness, but an ordinary person, he would probably be the one to die that day.    


"There's no point in talking anymore. Today, I will avenge my brother!" Murong Yi shouted angrily. She took a step forward and threw out a wild knife.    


"Clang! Clang! Clang!" Chu Yan did not waste any time talking nonsense. In Murong Yi's eyes, he was a sinner for killing Murong Kuang and drinking Murong Zhe's blood. He did not need to quibble when he wanted to add more crime to his crime.    


For a moment, the stone platform was filled with sword and saber lights. This stone table was formed by two small stone platforms, and it could allow people to use their hands and feet. The Three Thousand Galactic Falls kept stepping out from under their feet, and each of the three marks was very powerful. In an instant, countless sword shadows wrapped around Murong Yi.    


Murong Yi did not fall behind, and quickly blocked the attacks with her blade. However, Murong Yi had only comprehended two bloodlines, the blade bloodline and the force bloodline. However, Chu Yan had three bloodlines, the Strength Bloodline, the sword bloodline, and the Velocity bloodline. With just one speed, he had completely suppressed Murong Yi.    


Watching the battle between the two of them, everyone was secretly impressed. At first, some people thought that Chu Yan was lucky enough to defeat Lin Changsheng, but now, it seemed like Chu Yan really had the ability.    


"This Chu Yan is really powerful. A Mortal Parting level 7 is able to defeat many Ninth Layer of Mortal Parting warriors. What if he reaches the eighth or Ninth Layer of Mortal Parting? Doesn't that mean he can be invincible amongst Mortal Parting Stage warriors? "    


"Bang!" At this moment, the collision on the stone platform came to an end. Chu Yan pointed his sword at Murong Yi, but Murong Yi's iron saber was still a distance away from Chu Yan, causing Murong Yi to freeze on the spot.    


"Back in the Black Forest, tens of thousands of people tried to kill me, but I was lucky enough to survive. Murong Kuang forced me to kill him and destroy the Cloud Cauldron Country, but all the grudges between us ended at that time. You have lost this battle!" Chu Yan said faintly. He then kept the Sun Extinguishing Sword in his hand.    


Suddenly, a cold light flashed in Murong Yi's eyes. The stagnant blade light rose towards Chu Yan again.    


"Stubborn and stubborn, then die!" A sword light slashed out. Murong Yi instantly froze on the spot and disappeared from the Mirror Trial.    


Chu Yan, advance! He had once again won the top 50. One or two times was a coincidence, but this time, could it still be a coincidence?    


Chu Yan stopped on the stone platform and looked at Heavenly King Chen who was not far away. The distance between them was getting closer and closer.    


Mirror Old Man looked at Chu Yan meaningfully and nodded in admiration. "Kid, you are not bad. You should perform well next time. I have high hopes for you."    


"Thank you, Senior!" Chu Yan also cupped his fists politely, but the crowd outside the arena was in an uproar. Mirror Old Man actually said that he also thought highly of Chu Yan?    


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