Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C51 Sun Extinguishing Palace

C51 Sun Extinguishing Palace

Article 51. Sun Extinguishing Palace    


"What do you want to do?" Chu Yan looked at Fu Tao.    


"I am fast. I will lead them away."    


"No!" Chu Yan immediately rejected it. There were thousands of people who wanted to kill him. Although Fu Tao's speed was fast, many of them were at least at the fifth level of the Dust Moving Stage. No matter how fast Fu Tao was, he wouldn't be able to escape from them. Doing so now was undoubtedly sending himself to his death.    


"Mr Chu!" Fu Tao suddenly raised his voice. He stared at Chu Yan and smiled. He smiled sincerely. "Don't hesitate. This is the only way. It doesn't matter if I die. But you can't die. If you die... Besides, they are after you. When they find out that I am not you, Who knows?"    


Chu Yan was silent. Ye Xun, who was standing aside, sighed deeply. He looked at Chu Yan. He looked at Chu Yan and said, "Chu Yan, do as Fatty says. You are seriously injured now. We cannot escape. If we let Fatty leave, we might still be alive, but if the three of us stay together, we will all die. "    


Chu Yan clenched his fists. He knew that what Fatty said was right. Although he had a great background, it was useless now. He looked at Fatty.    


"I only have one request for you, live! As a last resort, you can betray me. But you must live! Wait for me in the Wanzongtai, I will bring you into the Haotian Sect! No one can stop me! " Chu Yan said word by word.    


"Alright!" Fatty agreed readily, then he changed his clothes with Chu Yan. Finally, Fatty grinned at Chu Yan, stood up, and ran towards the Wanzongtai.    


Looking at Fatty's back, Chu Yan and Ye Xun both felt a sense of heaviness in their hearts, because they knew that it was a dead end that led to a bottomless abyss.    


"Chu Yan, no matter how long it will take, one year, ten years, or even a hundred years in the future, we will definitely make them pay, right?" Ye Xun said.    


"Definitely! Everyone who participated in this plan must pay a price!" Chu Yan's eyes turned red. He wasn't a person who valued relationships, but Fatty's actions today had truly touched him. Although Fatty was a little vulgar, he was willing to risk his life for Chu Yan at the most critical moment.    


Because Chu Yan was wearing a loose and fat black robe and Fatty was wearing a bamboo hat, no one could recognize him.    


"If you want to kill me, come and chase me!" Fatty shouted at the group of people again, then ran towards the Wanzongtai.    


"Where is he!? Quickly chase after him!"    


All the people who were chasing after Chu Yan were attracted by Fatty.    


"Let's go too!" Although Fatty had lured all the pursuers away, it was still not safe here. Because Fatty had left, the next thing to do was to carry Chu Yan with Ye Xun and the Little wolf. They did not chase in the direction of the Wanzongtai, but ran towards the deepest part of the Black Forest.    


All the way until late at night, the two of them didn't stop at all. Along the way, they encountered some pursuers. Fortunately, their level wasn't high, so Ye Xun and the Little wolf were able to deal with them. Late at night, Ye Xun put Chu Yan down and lit a bonfire.    


"When will your Primordial Energy recover?" Ye Xun asked. The situation was critical. If Chu Yan's Primordial Energy didn't recover, they would be in greater danger.    


Chu Yan looked into his own body. The consumption of the needle technique this time was even greater than the last time he used it. Last time, he had recovered half of it in a day, but this time, it had been four days, and his body was still empty. It could be seen the difference between a Mortal Stage and a Dust Moving Stage Primordial Energy.    


"I will be in secluded cultivation tonight. I should be able to move by myself tomorrow." Chu Yan said. Ye Xun didn't say anything, he just nodded his head. He and the Little wolf had been guarding Chu Yan throughout the night.    


Chu Yan sat cross-legged in front of the bonfire. He put the Nascent Divinity into the Dantian and entered the second layer of the Nine Heaven Profound Pagoda.    


Here, the Primordial Energy could gather towards Chu Yan at least ten times the size. He could feel every single particle of the stars in the sky. His Primordial Energy began to operate bit by bit. After an unknown period of time, a trace of life force appeared in his dried Dantian, and a new Primordial Energy began to form.    


For the next few days, they had been hurrying along during the day. At night, Chu Yan was constantly recovering his Yuan Qi. In the blink of an eye, another three days passed. The Wan Zong Na Xin reached the tenth day. More than a thousand people had already walked out of the black forest. In another five days, the Wan Zong Na Xin would end. Therefore, some of the people who surrounded Chu Yan started to get impatient. Some of them simply gave up. They directly entered the Wanzongtai.    


After three days, Chu Yan's Primordial Energy had finally fully recovered. It had reached its peak. Apart from repairing the Primordial Energy, they had also hunted and killed quite a number of low grade Demonic Beast in the Black Forest during these three days. Chu Yan used some demon core and spirit herbs to refine a pill. This allowed both his and Ye Xun's strength to have a breakthrough. In these three days, Chu Yan had reached the Dust Moving Stage Third floor. Ye Xun and the Little wolf had broken through to the second level of the Dust Moving.    


On the fifth day, on the twelfth day of the Wan Zong Na Xin, there were almost no more students in the middle of the Black Forest. Most of the disciples had gathered around the Wanzongtai.    


Only then did Ye Xun and Chu Yan heave a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, on the sixth day, another group of people surrounded Chu Yan and Ye Xun.    


The bonfire had just extinguished when a group of people walked out from the dense forest. There were more than a dozen of them, and the leader was Bai Haohe. His eyes were filled with thick killing intent. He looked at Chu Yan and Ye Xun and sneered. "You two are really lucky. So many people are after you, but you are not dead!"    


Chu Yan and Ye Xun became cautious when they saw the Bai family. Ye Xun snorted. "I did not expect you to come after us instead of the Wanzongtai."    


Bai Haohe shook his head. "It's very important for others to join the Wan Sect, but in my opinion, it's meaningless for me to go to the Wanzongtai. Because as long as I kill all of you, I will have a better place to go. "    


Chu Yan looked at Bai Haohe coldly. Bai family had sent out a lot of assassins, including Zhang Family's disciples. All of them were at the Dust Moving Stage, and the strongest one was Bai Haohe, who was a Dust Moving Stage level 6. Adding the forbidden technique of Crimson Moon Valley, his strength was several times stronger than the last time Chu Yan saw him.    


"What should we do?" Ye Xun looked at Chu Yan. Under the current circumstances, they couldn't defeat Bai Haohe and his group!    


"Since we can't defeat them, let's run away!" Chu Yan had never been a person who cared about his reputation. He chose to save his life first. As long as he could leave the Black Forest alive, he would have a way to destroy the Bai family.    


Ye Xun nodded. He waved the black dragon in his hand, and a ray of profound light shot out. Then, he and Chu Yan stood up and ran away at an extremely fast speed.    


Bai Haohe shattered the profound light. However, Chu Yan and Ye Xun had already run far away. However, he wasn't in a hurry. Instead, a playful smile appeared on his face. "Then I'll play with you guys! Zhang Feng, you can still track them, right?"    


"Don't worry. I can communicate with the earth. All the plants here can be my eyes." Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.    


"Let's go after them."    


Bai Haohe and the others chased after Chu Yan, which made Chu Yan and Zhang Feng feel a little helpless. No matter how they ran, Bai Haohe seemed to be able to control their position. There was no way they could escape.    


They had been chased for two days. Fortunately, it was a taboo in the dark forest. No one would dare to attack at night. Therefore, when dusk fell, it became the only time Chu Yan and Ye Xun could relax.    


"How can they find us no matter what?" Ye Xun cursed angrily.    


"This is the Eye of Nature of Zhang family. As long as we are under his control, he will be able to look at us through the plants." Chu Yan said.    


"Eye of Nature? I have heard about it from my Grandpa, but I didn't expect it to be this powerful." Ye Xun sighed. "Then we have to keep running. Are we going to let them chase us like this?"    


"I have a way. We do not need to run!"    


"What idea?"    


"We will go and kill them. "    


Ye Xun rolled his eyes at Chu Yan. "They have dozens of Dust Moving Stage warriors, and we only have three of them. Even if we have a few more people like you and me, we still can't defeat them."    


"I have my own ways. Just follow my plan tomorrow." Chu Yan revealed an evil smile. He took out a map from his waist. It was made during his escape these days. Although the map was not very clear, they could roughly determine a direction.    


Looking at the map in Chu Yan's hand, Ye Xun asked: "What is this? Is this a treasure map?"    


"You'll know tomorrow. We'll go there when the sun rises" Chu Yan marked a circle on the map. In the past few days, apart from cultivating, he also explored the first level of the Nine Heaven Profound Pagoda. Finally, he confirmed the location of the two divine items on the The Eternal Ranking, which happened to be not far away from them.    


The 8,500 divine items on the The Eternal Ranking. Sun Extinguishing Sword.    


Seven thousand nine hundred on the The Eternal Ranking: Iron King Dragon Spear.    


Ye Xun gave Chu Yan a strange look. However, he did not say anything. The next morning, they rushed to the place marked on the blueprint. The Bai family members were still chasing them closely.    


The sky was still slightly bright. Chu Yan's eyes lit up because there was a very spacious open space in front of them. There were no trees here. In other words, Zhang Feng could not use the Eye of Nature to follow them anymore.    


There was an ancient city in the middle of the open space. It looked more like a ruin. Despite that, the ancient city was still very magnificent, and it wasn't difficult to imagine its original appearance.    


The size of this city was even larger than the Changlong Country's Imperial City. The most shocking thing was that there was a plaque hanging on the palace. The words on the plaque could still be vaguely seen: Sun Extinguishing Palace!    


"This is actually the Sun Extinguishing Palace?" Ye Xun had heard some ancient stories from Ye Tao since he was young, and Sun Extinguishing King was one of the people that he remembered the most. Back when the Wilderness wasn't established, Sun Extinguishing King had fought the three Great Sovereigns alone. He was an out-and-out great figure.    


Chu Yan looked at the ruins in front of them and compared it with the pictures recorded in the Nine Heaven Profound Pagoda. He nodded and said, "This is it!"    


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