Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C60 The Young Man's Thoughts

C60 The Young Man's Thoughts

The young man's heart.    


Chi Yue and Lin Daoyan left the Wanzongtai. The Tiandao Sect did not leave the Wanzongtai for the next five days. Finally, on the fifth day, a miserable figure walked out of the black forest.    


This person was the only survivor of the Bai family, Bai Ting. He had been hiding in the black forest for the past few days. Because he didn't dare to come out. He was afraid that once he left the black forest, the people of Crimson Moon Valley would immediately kill him. Therefore, he waited until the twenty-third day to walk out of the Black Forest.    


He finally came out. When he saw the light again, he was even a little uncomfortable. In the black forest, the bodies of the 20 + Angels gave off a foul smell. However, what surprised him was that there was a new sect on the Wanzongtai, and it was one of the ten sects.    


"Bai Ting?" Su Muyan saw Bai Ting frown. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that the glorious descendants of the Bai family would be in such a regretful state.    


"Thirteenth Princess?" Bai Ting was slightly startled, then he immediately became alert. In the past, the Bai family and the Su family had never gotten along. Now that the Bai family was destroyed, his first thought was that Su Muyan wanted to kill him.    


But Su Muyan did not. She stepped forward and shook her head somewhat unwillingly. "My God, what happened to you?"    


"You didn't kill me?" Bai Ting said.    


"Why would I want to kill you?"    


"Then why are you still here?" In fact, Bai Ting had already given up the chance to join the Wan Sect. He wanted to stay alive because only by staying alive would he have the chance to take revenge. Therefore, what he hoped the most was that there wasn't a single person in the Wanzongtai.    


"Chu Yan told us to wait here. He said that there would be another person who would walk out and join the Tiandao Sect. It seems like that person is probably you. " Su Muyan said truthfully.    


"Chu Yan?" Bai Ting frowned. He did not expect Chu Yan to leave the Tiandao Sect behind for him. But to be honest, he wasn't touched at all. Facing Chu Yan, his emotions were very complicated. He hated Chu Yan and was grateful to him. He hated Chu Yan because everything in Bai family started because of Chu Yan. He was grateful that Chu Yan didn't kill him. Furthermore, Chu Yan had given him a second chance.    


"Teacher, the Bai family of Changlong Country was killed by Crimson Moon Valley. The people of the Bai family are like hot medicine in the mountains. Do you really want to take him as your disciple? " Hsing said from the side.    


Mo Tu looked at Bai Ting and hesitated in his heart. If he knew that Bai Ting was a descendant of Bai family, he might not have waited. But since he had already waited, it would be a pity if he didn't accept them. After all, Bai Ting was an eight star Life body, a rare genius.    


"Let's take him as our disciple. Consider this as letting Chu Yan owe us a favor."    


"Teacher, are you still not prepared to give up on Chu Yan? He has already joined the Haotian Sect. " Hsing said unhappily.    


"It's not like he will stay in the Haotian Sect forever. We still have a chance to win him over." Mo Tu said. His target this time was Chu Yan. He said in his heart, "The only disciple I have taken a fancy to in the past hundred years is Chu Yan. I can't give up just like that. "    


Bai Ting finally joined the Tiandao Sect and became the third disciple of this year. After that, the Tiandao Sect didn't stay here any longer. That day, they took the Demonic Beast and rushed back to the Tiandao Sect headquarters.    


The Wan Zong Na Xin finally came to an end with the Tiandao Sect's departure. Of course, this was the end. It was also another beginning. In the next three years, these young men and women would temper their disposition. Increase their cultivation. They only had one goal, and that was to become stronger. Because when they became stronger, only then would they be able to gain a firm foothold in Dust and have a bright future.    


These teenagers would all participate in Wandong Grand Ceremony three years later. After three years, they would all experience a change.    


When Bai Ting finally left the Wanzongtai, he looked in the direction of the Changlong Country. After that, he turned around decisively and did not leave anything behind. Because that place was no longer his hometown. He no longer had a home. His next goal was to take revenge on Crimson Moon Valley.    


The journey of Chu Yan and the others to the Haotian Sect was very boring. Because they were riding the Demonic Beast, they didn't have time to rest. They had no choice but to spend half a month in the sky.    


This kind of boring days continued all the way until the seventh day. The Little wolf could not hold it in anymore. It bit off a piece of meat from the griffin's wing, causing it to be seriously injured. Everyone was forced to stop and rest.    


Chu Yan was also very helpless about this. Chu Yan taught the Little wolf a lesson again, then he apologized to Jiaang Yi.    


Jiaang Yi shook his head helplessly. It took him one night to cure the griffin. The next day, everyone rushed to Haotian Sect once again.    


The Haotian Sect had recruited a total of nine disciples on this trip. They had gotten to know each other during this trip. At first, many of the disciples were worried that Chu Yan would not fit in, but after meeting him, they found that he was a very down-to-earth person. He did not put on airs. Occasionally, Chu Yan would even take the initiative to joke with them. This also allowed the nine freshmen to quickly build a friendship.    


It was late at night. Ye Xun sat alone on one of the griffins' wings. He looked at the vast land below.    


Ye Xun was now a thousand meters high in the sky. He could overlook a hundred thousand miles of land, but this hundred thousand miles was only a small part of the Dust. Ye Xun's heart was heavy. He kept thinking about the time when Chi Yue attacked Chu Yan on the Wanzongtai. At that time, he really wanted to help Chu Yan, but it was useless even if he tried his best.    


Ye Xun could even imagine that if Qin Zixuan had not been there at that time, he and Chu Yan would definitely have died. Even if Chu Yan had the Iron King Dragon Spear, there was no way to change the absolute difference in strength between them and Chi Yue.    


"Are you thinking about life?" Chu Yan sat beside Ye Xun.    


Ye Xun rolled his eyes at Chu Yan. "Chu Yan, I'm telling you the truth. You are really ruining the scenery."    


"I'm your brother. You can't talk to me like that."    


"I'm the elder brother. Last time, you called me elder brother."    


"The time is different. Now I'm the older brother. Tell me what happened. You have been depressed since you stepped on the griffin. " Chu Yan said with a smile.    


"What do you think about what happened this time?" Ye Xun looked at Chu Yan.    


"What is it?"    


"It's about Chi Yue and Lin Daoyan."    


Chu Yan's eyes became cold. Chu Yan guessed that Ye Xun must be thinking about this, so he answered directly. "This enmity must exist. I don't have a good relationship with them. And the path we're going to take is also different. I was the heir to the Wilderness when I was young, and I always beat them up. They didn't dare to fight back. Because once they fought back, my sister would beat them up. So it's normal for them to want to kill me. Since that's the case, let's kill them instead. "    


" That's not the case " Ye Xun shook his head and sighed. "Chu Yan, don't you think there is a big gap between us? To tell you the truth, don't look down on me. When I was fighting Chi Yue and Lin Daoyan on the Wanzongtai, my heart was filled with extreme fear. I have never felt that kind of fear since I was young."    


Chu Yan was a little touched. He patted Ye Xun's shoulder. In fact, Chu Yan could understand Ye Xun. Ye Xun would only say such things when facing him.    


"Do you think I'm useless?"    


"No, I think you're pretty cool."    


"You're making fun of me." Ye Xun glared at Chu Yan unhappily.    


"No, I am telling the truth. Because even though you're afraid, When Chi Yue attacked me, you were still standing in front of me. You are very cool. Let me tell you, I'm scared too. I'm not stupid, I'm definitely afraid of death. I'm not a monk who can see through life and death. That's why I crushed my sister's Soul Points."    


Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the star he remembered in the sky. He continued, "Ye Xun, I have something to tell you too. You know that I have been the heir to the Wilderness since I was young, so I can do whatever I want in the Dust. But I have always been afraid of death. There's nothing wrong with being afraid of death. Because I have always felt that if a person has nothing to fear... That's the scariest. I was afraid of death because I wanted to save my mother. So I don't dare to die. If I die, no one will save her. It has been fifteen years. I can't let her wait for me any longer."    


Ye Xun looked at Chu Yan strangely. Chu Yan said in a calm tone, "Let me tell you the truth. Actually, I am quite lonely. Before I met you, Others are afraid of me, but they are afraid of provoking me. They were afraid of angering Wilderness, so they respected me. But that feeling is very strange. But you are different. You will joke with me. You will play with me, including when I go to the Ye Family. You did not beg for mercy from me, but instead used death to bear the responsibility. At that time, I really admired you. I thought you were super handsome... Because I asked myself, if the same thing happened to me one day... Do I dare to die? "    


Ye Xun smiled and rolled his eyes at Chu Yan. He said, "Although your words don't sound nice, I am very grateful for your good intentions."    


"Don't be sentimental. There is still a long future ahead. This bit of suffering was nothing. Isn't it just the Crimson Moon Valley? Isn't it just the Blood Valley? How dare they provoke us? We just need to become stronger and kill them. I've always wanted that star." This was the first time Chu Yan had told an outsider what he was thinking. He had always wanted to go to only one place.    


Ye Xun nodded and said, "I'm just complaining. Chi Yue's attack didn't hit you, but it hit me. I need to take revenge on him."    


"Alright. When we surpass the Mortal Parting, I'll bring you to Crimson Moon Valley and humiliate Chi Yue." Chu Yan patted Chu Yan's shoulder.    


"Two men flirting here in the middle of the night?"    


At that moment, a laugh was heard. Fann Ye walked over and took out a pot of wine from his pocket and threw it to Chu Yan. He said, "Shall we have some wine?"    


Chu Yan took the bottle of wine and took a big swig. "Awesome! Where did you get this wine? I haven't drunk it for more than half a month. Do you have more?"    


Fann Ye did not stand on ceremony and threw another pot at Chu Yan. "I have a lot of wine, enough to make you drunk."    


"You have good things, but you did not take them out earlier to share with us." Chu Yan cursed as he handed another wine pot to Ye Xun.    


"You are already at the eighth level of the Dust Moving. Why are you pretending to be a Third Layer of Dust Moving and fight me? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment? "    


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