Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C39 Suzie Frost

C39 Suzie Frost

chapter 39. - Su Xishuang    


Actually, Chu Yan and Su Xishuang had been good friends for many years. She was different from Su Muyan.    


Su Xishuang had been taking care of Chu Yan all these years, and Chu Yan had always treated Su Xishuang as his elder sister.    


When they came to a restaurant, Su Xishuang was a very forthright woman. She first drank a cup of wine by herself and looked at Chu Yan. "Mu Yan gave you trouble this time. I heard that she seemed to have angered you a few days ago."    


Chu Yan also drank and said, "I was quite angry at that time, but I had no choice. She is your sister. These few years, you secretly gave me the profound stones the Changlong Country gave you to cultivate. If I was so petty, you would look down on me too much."    


Su Xishuang nodded her head in relief. "But are you really going to participate in this Wan Zong Na Xin?"    


Chu Yan remembered the promise he made with Lau Qingcheng and nodded his head. "I am going to participate."    


"Isn't it better for you to return to Wilderness directly? It had been a long time since Wilderness participated in Wandong Grand Ceremony's expedition. I heard that they will participate this time. Isn't it better for you to represent the Wilderness?"    


"You still don't understand me. The Wilderness isn't mine. That place has nothing to do with me. Since the incident where he didn't save my mother, I have nothing to do with him. " Chu Yan's face darkened. After drinking a mouthful of wine, he said heavily, "But I will return to Wilderness. Wilderness has my mother's painstaking efforts. I want to save my mother. I have to stand at a higher level than Wilderness. I will definitely defeat him. "    


"You obviously have everything in the Dust, but you are asking for trouble."    


"You know me." Chu Yan glanced at Su Xishuang.    


"You can participate in the Wan Zong Na Xin. This time, because of you, the ten thousand lines sent six families here. I heard that the number one Haotian Sect has also come. They probably want to recruit you." When Su Xishuang said this, she said to Chu Yan in a serious manner, "But Chu Yan, you have to think clearly. With your status, everyone in the world wants to recruit you. Obtaining you is equivalent to obtaining the support of the Wilderness, but there are also countless people in this world who want to destroy you. This time, there are many people who want to kill you with the Wan Zong Na Xin."    


Chu Yan smiled indifferently. "Don't worry, I have been hunted down many times in the past ten years."    


"Old Yao has always been here, right?"    


"He is."    


Su Xishuang was relieved. She loved Chu Yan very much. Old Yao can protect you. I am relieved. "    


"Sister!" Chu Yan called out sincerely. He looked up at Su Xishuang and said, "You have been taking care of me all these years. The ten years you promised my mother has passed. In the future, I can protect you. You don't have to worry about me. I have never forgotten the kindness you have shown me over the past ten years."    


Su Xishuang smiled. In her mind, she remembered when Chu Yan was entrusted to the Changlong Country's royal family. He was only a few years old. Every day, she would bring Chu Yan and Su Muyan to play. In the blink of an eye, a long time had passed.    


"Tell me about you. How is the matter in Snow Kingdom?" Chu Yan let out a long sigh.    


Su Xishuang frowned slightly. She did not want to talk about this matter, but she knew she had to answer. She said, "It's fine. The Changlong Country and Snow Kingdom have stopped fighting. They have reached a hundred-year agreement. Both countries will not invade each other within a hundred years."    


"The old Emperor didn't make things difficult for you?" Chu Yan went straight to the point. He never cared about the war between the Changlong Country and Snow Kingdom, but he was very concerned about whether Su Xishuang would become the sacrifice of this truce.    


"Of course. He is my father after all. He won't make me feel wronged." Su Xishuang smiled with a pale face, then looked at Chu Yan seriously.    


"Chu Yan, I know you do not like Mu Yan. I will not make things difficult for you to marry her, but you must promise me that you will take care of her for me. This is my only request to you."    


"Don't worry. If I don't die, Mu Yan won't be hurt." Chu Yan nodded and looked at Su Xishuang. His eyes were strange. He always felt that things would not be so simple, but he did not ask too much. He hoped that Snow Kingdom would not do anything to hurt Su Xishuang.    


Chu Yan did not care about many people, but he cared about Su Xishuang. So if Snow Kingdom dared to hurt Su Xishuang, Chu Yan did not mind letting Xue completely bury Snow Kingdom.    


Su Xishuang nodded lightly. She did not stay any longer. After the meal ended, she immediately set off to return to Imperial City.    


Before she turned around, Su Xishuang took one last look at the Tianyong City and let out a long sigh.    


"Chu Yan, I hope that you will not disappoint Mu Yan on account of the 15 years of kindness I have shown you. Don't let her get hurt. "    


Su Xishuang turned around and left, rushing towards Imperial City.    


The territory of the Changlong Country's Imperial City was heavily guarded all year round. Especially now that the Wan Sect was about to recruit new disciples, this place was surrounded by many cavalry.    


Within the Imperial Palace, the main hall was brightly lit. Su Xishuang had returned.    


The current Emperor, who was also the father of Su Xishuang and Su Muyan, Su Hao.    


At this moment, Su Hao was sitting on the golden dragon throne. When he saw Su Xishuang enter the Hall, his expression did not look too good.    


In the Hall, besides Su Hao, there was another group of people. This group of people wore long white robes. Their hairstyles were different from those of the Changlong Country. The leader of the group was a handsome young man, but there was a trace of evil in his eyes.    


"Princess Xishuang, we meet again." The young man smiled coldly.    


"Why are you here?" Su Xishuang frowned slightly and said in a cold voice.    


"Of course I am here. You were going to Snow Kingdom to marry me, but you suddenly ran away. This kind of thing made me lose face in Snow Kingdom. " The young man said with a smile.    


An emissary beside the young man said with a cold snort, "Emperor Su Hao, regarding this matter, you have to give an explanation to Snow Kingdom."    


"Prince Yun Loong and everyone from the Snow Kingdom, calm down first. Wait for me to interrogate this disobedient daughter of mine."    


Su Hao looked coldly at Su Xishuang and then said coldly, "You still have the face to come back? It was because of you that the hundred-year truce that was about to be reached was completely impossible. Right now, Snow Kingdom is organizing the army. Snow Kingdom is about to attack our Changlong Country! "    


Su Xishuang's delicate body trembled slightly. Her hands were tightly clenched. But at this moment, she suddenly looked up at Su Hao and said," Father, I came back this time to tell you that I have agreed to the agreement between you and the Snow Kingdom. I agree to marry Prince Yun Loong. "    


"You agree?" Su Hao's unfriendly face eased up a little. He nodded in satisfaction and said, "You should do that. As a member of Su family, you should sacrifice yourself for the country! "    


"Royal Father, before that, I have a condition that you must agree to. If you don't agree to it, I will kill myself here right now." Su Xishuang took out a dagger and placed it on her throat.    


"Are you threatening me with your life?" Su Hao angrily stood up.    


"I dare not. However, you must promise me this request. Otherwise, even if I choose to die, I won't marry Prince Yun Loong." Su Xishuang said firmly.    


Su Hao was very angry. Prince Yun Loong and the people of Snow Kingdom kept sneering complacently. Prince Yun Loong was originally the Third Prince of the Snow Kingdom. He was not doted by the Emperor of the Snow Kingdom. However, because of his excellent talent, he was fortunate enough to join the Shanhai Sect, which was ranked second in the ten thousand lines rankings. This had made his status very prominent. He was also the candidate to inherit the throne of Snow Kingdom.    


It was also because of this that the strength of the Snow Kingdom had increased dramatically in recent years. The strength of Snow Kingdom had already far surpassed the Changlong Country. In order to prevent the Changlong Country from being destroyed by the Snow Kingdom, Su Hao chose to have a marriage alliance with the Snow Kingdom. In fact, Su Hao also didn't want Su Xishuang to marry Yun Loong. After all, Su Xishuang's talent was extremely good, but Yun Loong had pointed out Su Xishuang to marry him. This made Su Hao unable to do anything about it.    


"Tell me your request first."    


"I hope you can allow Mu Yan to participate in the recruitment event of the Wan Sect." Su Xishuang bit her lips and said.    


Su Hao's expression became even more gloomy. He patted the dragon throne angrily. His strength caused the surface of the dragon throne to cave in. He said, "You are messing around! Mu Yan must join the Changlong Sect. Su Che had already made arrangements for this matter! "    


"If you don't agree, I will commit suicide here today." Su Xishuang said. Before she came back from the Tianyong City, she was already prepared to sacrifice herself for Mu Yan. So today, no matter what, she had to let Mu Yan participate in the Wan Zong Na Xin. Because she was born in a noble family. Therefore, she understood that only by joining the Wan Sect could Mu Yan not become a toy for the rich and powerful.    


Su Hao clenched his fists. At this moment, Yun Loong smiled evilly and said, "Uncle Su, since Xishuang insists and you are not willing to back down, then there is nothing to discuss about this marriage. Next, I will leave first. Tomorrow, our truce will be officially cancelled. After the Wan Zong Na Xin, we'll each win with our own abilities."    


Su Hao was furious. The current Changlong Country was definitely not a match for the Snow Kingdom. He could only clench his fist and shout, "Yun Loong, wait a moment. I promise you, after I bid my daughter farewell, you guys will bring her back to the Snow Kingdom."    


Yun Loong smiled with satisfaction and nodded. "Sure!"    


Next, only Su Hao and Su Xishuang were left in the Hall.    


Su Hao looked at Su Xishuang helplessly. "There are only the two of us left here. If you have anything to say, just say it."    


"Royal Father, I have nothing to say. I know that the Changlong Country is your painstaking effort. I am willing to sacrifice myself for it."    


"Do you hate me?" Su Hao suddenly asked.    


Su Xishuang laughed at herself. She shook her head. "I knew this was my destiny. But I have one thing to advise you. Snow Kingdom is very ambitious. These years, the Changlong Country has supported them, but they have become a threat to the Changlong Country. The marriage alliance was just a temporary measure. Although I can sacrifice myself for this, but this can't solve the actual problem. In order to change the current situation of Changlong Country, we have another path to take."    


" What path? " Su Hao became serious.    


Su Xishuang looked up and said word by word, "Chu Yan!"    


"If we have Chu Yan, we can save Changlong Country!"    


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