Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C36 We'll See You in Three Years

C36 We'll See You in Three Years

chapter 36. We'll meet again in three years.    


Chu Yan smiled brightly as he walked to Lau Qingcheng's side.    


"Come back with me, wife?"    


"You shouldn't have come. I won't go back with you." Lau Qingcheng felt complicated and sighed.    


"If I don't come, do you want me to be alone for the rest of my life?"    


Chu Yan glared at Lau Qingcheng, then looked around and sighed. He said, "You really decided to go to the Tianshan Sect?"    


Lau Qingcheng did not say anything. She only lightly nodded. She had joined the Tianshan Sect for three years. She had always been looking forward to returning to the Tianshan Sect for official cultivation. Now that it could finally be realized, she would definitely not give up this opportunity.    


"What's so good about the Tianshan Sect?" Chu Yan said helplessly.    


"Chu Yan, I'm different from you. You were born with abundant resources. After the Wilderness... This world belongs to your family. You can ignore everything. But I'm different. I'm just the little girl of the Tianyong City Lau family, my family... They need me to protect them. Therefore, I have to work hard. If I want to become stronger, Tianshan Sect... It's my only chance."    


"If you want cultivation resources, I can give you something better, much better than the Tianshan Sect!" Chu Yan said.    


"Enough, Chu Yan!" Lau Qingcheng loudly interrupted Chu Yan. She raised her head. She looked at Chu Yan. She shook her head. She said, "Do you know why I joined the Tianshan Sect? It's because... I don't want to rely on others for everything. Although I don't have a superior family background, I have my pride... Can you give me the last bit of dignity? "    


Chu Yan was speechless. He understood the dignity Lau Qingcheng spoke of. Because this was what he had been pursuing all these years. He had the Wilderness and could control the life and death of the heavens and earth, but he was unwilling to return to that place. In fact, in order to defeat that person, he had worked hard to cultivate for the past ten years. Wasn't it also for the sake of his dignity?    


"I understand." Chu Yan nodded with a sad expression. He said, "Give me the divorce letter. Go to your Tianshan Sect, I won't stop you."    


"I won't give you the divorce letter!" Suddenly, Lau Qingcheng shook her head.    


Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, but then he immediately laughed. He looked at Lau Qingcheng excitedly and whispered in disbelief. He said, "Wife, do you mean that our engagement is not going to be annulled?"    


"I never said that I will break off the engagement with you! Although I, Lau Qingcheng, do not have a superior family background, I have my pride. Don't marry me just because you want to. If you want to abandon me, then abandon me." Lau Qingcheng looked coldly at Chu Yan. She thought of yesterday. Chu Yan had said that in front of everyone in Lau Mansion, I don't want you anymore. Lau Qingcheng felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.    


Chu Yan smiled happily. He had never thought of ending the engagement with Lau Qingcheng. This was also what Qin Ruomeng had requested of him in the past. It was just that things had developed to this stage and he had no choice but to do so.    


Now that he heard Lau Qingcheng's words, Chu Yan saw a glimmer of hope in his heart. But this was not right. If she did not break off the engagement with him and ran to the Tianshan Sect again, could it be that this woman really wanted him to be alone for the rest of his life? If that was the case, then she was too heartless!    


Lau Qingcheng gave Chu Yan a cold glance. Did he think that she did not want to cancel the engagement?    


But yesterday, Lau Tianfeng was seriously ill. She understood Lau Tianfeng's personality. If she really broke off the engagement with Chu Yan, Lau Tianfeng would definitely not want this daughter of his.    


Furthermore, the matter at the back of the mountain was clearly her fault, but Chu Yan tried his best to defend her. If it wasn't for Su Muyan, Lau Tianfeng wouldn't have known about this matter.    


Yesterday, Lau Tianfeng even hit her. That palm was truly merciless, but Chu Yan had blocked it for her. Chu Yan even touched her head and said that it was fine. When her husband was around, she was very touched.    


After a night, Lau Qingcheng recalled the time when she first met Chu Yan. All the way until after the wedding. Although Chu Yan looked disdainful, but he had always respected her. Lau Qingcheng had actually thought about it. If it was another man, she would marry him. Furthermore, he came from Wilderness. Would he really be willing to sleep on the ground? Would he not touch her?    


These were all due to Chu Yan's respect for Lau Qingcheng. It was also because of this that Lau Qingcheng had made her choice.    


"Don't be happy. Although I won't break off the engagement with you, my husband must be a powerful man. He had to rely on himself to stand at a high place and look down at the world. He didn't have to rely on Wilderness. Chu Yan, if you want me to acknowledge you... In three years' time, let's meet at Wandong Grand Ceremony's place. If you can stand out, I will be your real woman." Lau Qingcheng said word by word.    


"Wandong Grand Ceremony?" Chu Yan muttered to himself. He knew about Wandong Grand Ceremony. It was a grand ceremony that only happened once every five years in Dust Continent, and the Wan Sect would participate in it. Those who were able to stand out from Wandong Grand Ceremony in the past were all powerful figures now.    


Chu Yan didn't expect Lau Qingcheng to make such a request to him. However, he didn't have any objections, because he had already planned to participate in Wandong Grand Ceremony's competition.    


"Alright, I promise you! In three years' time, we'll meet at Wandong Grand Ceremony's meeting." Chu Yan stopped being mischievous and became serious.    


At this moment, the teleportation formation lit up. Lu Xueting sighed from the side, "Qingcheng, we should leave."    


"Chu Yan, I will wait for you for three years. If you do not stand in front of me after three years, I will place the divorce certificate on the highest peak of Wandong Grand Ceremony's mountain. You and I will never meet again." Lau Qingcheng looked at Chu Yan one last time and said.    


"I will go and get it."    


Chu Yan smiled confidently. Lau Qingcheng did not say anything else. She took the lead and walked to the transfer array.    


Inside the transfer array, there was a bright light. Lau Qingcheng's figure gradually became faint and finally disappeared from the Tianyong City.    


Lu Xueting sighed. She also turned around and walked towards the Tianyong City.    


But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly shouted, "Wait!"    


Lu Xueting could not help but stop and turn around to look at Chu Yan.    


"People from the Tianshan Sect, I want you to give her the best cultivation resources within three years, and give her the best safety guarantee. If I know that you dare to make her feel wronged, then I'll make the Tianshan Sect extinct! " Chu Yan said word by word with great force.    


Lu Xueting's delicate body trembled. At this moment, she actually felt a trace of King pressure from Chu Yan.    


"She is my disciple. Even if you didn't say it, I would still do it."    


"Remember, as long as she suffers any grievance, I will personally bring her back. At that time, the Tianshan Sect will receive a huge punishment." After Chu Yan finished speaking, he did not say anything else. Lu Xueting lightly nodded her head and entered the transfer array together with Qiu Mengyao.    


All the Tianshan Sect disciples also followed Lu Xueting into the transfer array.    


Looking at the fading light of the transfer array and all the Tianshan Sect disciples leaving, Chu Yan's eyes flashed with determination.    


"Lau Qingcheng, I'll see you in three years!"    


Chu Yan had finally left the Tianshan Sect. Lau Qingcheng also left. The engagement between Chu Yan and Lau Qingcheng was not canceled in the end. However, the two of them had an even longer agreement, an agreement that would last for three years. These three years had established the foundation for Chu Yan to fight his way to the top in Dust.    


During these three years, Chu Yan had experienced great ups and downs. Three years later, he finally stood in front of Lau Qingcheng. At that time, he would be someone everyone in Dust would look up to. As for the reason, it was not because of Wilderness, nor was it because of Qin Zixuan. It was because his name was Chu Yan.    


After the transfer array disappeared, Xuying appeared beside Chu Yan.    


"Young master, follow me back. In three years, you can represent the Wilderness and participate in Wandong Grand Ceremony's competition."    


Chu Yan glanced at Xuying behind him and shook his head coldly. "I will not go back. The next time I enter the Wilderness, I will definitely be able to defeat him. He will pay the price for abandoning me and my mother. "    


Xuying let out a long sigh and shook his head. He said, "Miss Qin asked me to tell you something. If you are tired, go to her place. Everything about her, everything in Wilderness, will belong to you sooner or later."    


Chu Yan didn't respond. He asked back, "devil old man, I have always wanted to know whether you are a person by my sister's side or a person from the Wilderness."    


"I am not a person from the Wilderness, nor am I a person by Miss Qin's side. I am just a person who follows young master."    


"Then let me ask you, when I was at the back of the mountain and was almost killed by the Qin family, where were you?"    


Speaking of this, Xuying smiled awkwardly. He said, "I think young master has just gotten married, so he must be busy every night. I also didn't expect you to go to the back mountain late at night. So I went to find an old acquaintance to drink some wine. I drank too much. I'm really sorry."    


" You Bastard! Just because you drank, I almost lost my life." Chu Yan was very angry. This old man was too irresponsible. Because when this old man went to drink, he almost lost his life.    


"But, young Master... Miss Zixuan has always missed you. She already knew about the engagement. She also said... Since Lau Qingcheng doesn't like you, then don't force her. She said... In this world, if you like any girl... Or a female disciple of a sect. As long as you say it, she'll take care of everything for you. If anyone dares to disobey, she'll help you " Old Yao said with a smile.    


"Chu Yan felt helpless. When he thought of his sister, he could not help but let out a long sigh. If it was possible, he really hoped that he would never see this woman in his life.    


Chu Yan even had a feeling that Qin Zixuan was not a person of this world at all. Her thoughts were not the same. Her way of doing things was too overbearing. This was something that normal people would never have thought of.    


Of course, not long after, when Qin Zixuan appeared, everything she did was something that no one could tolerate.    


However, at this moment, Chu Yan seemed to have suddenly thought of something because he knew that the following days would be very interesting.    


"Wandong Grand Ceremony, in three years' time, I will come and join in the fun!"    


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