Top Emperor of Martial Arts

C4815 And Then the Man of the Void

C4815 And Then the Man of the Void

In the universe.    


Chu Yan thought for a moment and suddenly flipped his hand. The small island that was floating on the surface of the sea quickly sank, and everyone sank to the bottom of the sea with a sealed space.    


On the other side of Jing Lin, the big fish had taken the bait. By doing this, he could better conceal his aura.    


When they reached the bottom of the sea, Chu Yan immediately said, "Everyone, get ready. There were a total of three of them, they were called Shengyang, Qian Xun, and Si Ming. Among the three masters of power, Sheng Yang was the strongest. He had roughly 90 million origin power and was skilled in the power of fire. Qian Xun had 85 million source power, which specialized in the power of clones. Si Ming's 80 million origin power, specializing in a weapon. A ruler!"    


Chu Yan and Jing Lin had a mutual understanding, so before they even saw each other, he already knew the strength of the three people outside.    


Not weak.    


One had to admit that the gap in strength between the void and the universe was huge. Any random person in the void was the master of strength.    


Oh no, not all of them were masters of power. Only those who were expelled from the universe were masters of power, and there were some native creatures in the void as well. For example, the destruction of a clan, these were life forms in the void, there were also weaklings in the clan.    


However, even if they were weak, Chu Yan could sense that the bottom limit of the void was stronger than the universe. Just like the difference between the Genesis and the Nine Realms, there was a difference between the Nine Realms and the Creation World.    


During the Genesis Realm, babies were born in the Nine Realms. The babies in the Nine Worlds were born at the True Emperor-level, but the creation of a world was very, very low.    


However, even if it was creating a world, the lower limit was different.    


For example, in the Dust, everyone started from the Three Mortal Realm. That was true mortal, the lowest level, but in fact, when they arrived in the Immortal World and Nine Heaven Divine Realm, many people didn't even know what the Three Mortal Realm was.    


In the void, the lower limits should be a little higher than the creation stage. A baby could be born in the Ten, Eleven, or even the sustenance stage.    


Therefore, on the whole, once the tribulation of the Vast Sky descended, there was almost no chance of winning the battle between the universe and the void.    


That's not right. There were many words in the universe that said Expert. The Heaven Lord was an example. Even in the present nothingness, the Heaven Lord was still a peak existence.    


Unfortunately, the Heaven Lord and the others were all expelled, and the Heaven Lord himself coveted the universe. Thus, to Chu Yan, this was a battle that he had no chance of winning.    


But he still did not give up.    


When the old Daoist and the others heard Chu Yan's words, they became serious.    


Three Masters of Power.    


It was not a critical point, but a true Master of Power.    


It turned out that such an existence was not allowed to exist during the Genesis period.    


Chu Yan said, "How far away are you from breaking through to the Master of Power?"    


The old Daoist looked at Chu Yan and said, "I don't know either. I have about seven million origin power sources now, but I don't know what the boundary between the critical point and the Master of Power is. Am I now the Master of Power or the critical point? "    


Chu Yan said, "According to the spirit of the universe, people with more than 50 million origin powers should be the Master of Power. But you don't count. You seem to have some suppression in the universe. The core of the Lord of Power is the Gate of Origin! It can open the Gate of Origin. But the two of you seem to be slightly weaker."    


The old Taoist nodded." Indeed, I tried to open the door earlier, but the door seemed to have been locked, and there was a resistance. "    


"Fishing first. These three people will enter and steal their power cores for you to absorb. They should be able to break through this resistance."    


The few of them nodded.    


At this time, Chu Yan hesitated and sent Jing Lin a sound transmission. "In a while, it's best to let them come in one by one. Contact their numbers and make it easier to control them."    


Jing Lin did not respond.    


Chu Yan did not mind. He just said it, but the other party would most likely not listen.    


The other party might not be afraid of danger, but who would be the first to enter? What if the Origin Gate closed after the first person entered?    


The three of them would definitely consider this. People like the three of them, who did not have any ability but were ambitious and ambitious, were all very selfish.    


Chu Yan did not say much. He said to the old Taoist priest and the others, "Hide well. We are almost there."    


He had already noticed.    


Jing Lin had already brought three people to the vicinity of the Origin Gate.    






Outside Chu Yan's Origin Gate.    


Jing Lin led three people and flew over together.    


When the three of them saw the Origin Gate, their eyes lit up. "It really is the Origin Gate! And it can be opened!"    


In the void, there were many Gates of Origin. As long as there was a critical point in the universe, a gate would appear in the void.    


But the appearance of a gate is one thing, whether or not it can be opened is another.    


So in these years, the three of them had seen some origin gates in the void, but they could not open them. And this was the first time they saw a gate that could be opened today.    


Shengyang said greedily, "After over a hundred million years, is there finally someone in the universe who can open this gate? I didn't think that it would be the first time we discovered it."    


After saying that, he turned around and asked Jing Lin, "Jing Lin, you previously said that you communicated with the people in this door? Do you know who the person who initiated this was? The Tian family or the Chu family? "    


Jing Lin shook his head," Neither. "    


"They're not?" The three people from Shengyang were a bit surprised. According to their thoughts, even if there was someone in the universe who could open the door, that person must have come from a few top powers. He thought for a moment and asked, "Could it be the Wenshu Sect? Those scholars, each and every one of them had a lot of ideas. If they said they found a way to avoid the rules, I would believe them too."    


However, Jing Lin already shook his head. "No, it's also a place called Human King City."    


The three people from Shengyang City were rather surprised, but very quickly, they also nodded calmly, "That's normal. More than a hundred million years have passed in the universe, history has risen and fallen, new powers have risen and old powers have fallen."    


Qian Xun and Si Ming nodded in agreement.    


After hesitating for a while, Jing Lin raised his level again and said, "The three of you... this Human King City is really not weak, we should be more careful when we enter later."    


Sheng Yang smiled and waved his hand, "No worries, it's a critical point in the universe, it's the strongest. Jing Lin, if you are worried, why don't I go in alone and settle everything in my river, then I will open the door for you guys."    


Qian Xun and Si Ming's eyes changed slightly and they immediately smiled, "Brother Sheng Yang, you must be joking, let's go together to avoid any real danger."    


Let Shengyang go in alone? How is that possible!    


What if Shengyang enters and directly takes the servant capital and closes this Origin Gate?    


At that time, the two of them would not have the chance to enter.    


Shengyang's eyes changed slightly, but he still smiled and said, "That's of course. I'm also afraid that Brother Jinglin will be worried."    


Qian Xun smiled and said, "Jinglin is worried. The three of us can go in first."    


Jing Lin looked at the three people behind him and sighed.    


It's not that I really don't want to help you guys, but you all seem to have ulterior motives... What should I say?    


At this time, Chu Yan's voice sounded in his mind, "Alright, stop delaying, let them come in together!"    


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