Sword Emperor

C1733 A Pinnacle Duel

C1733 A Pinnacle Duel

After realizing this, Sun Bing's eyes were filled with surprise. After all, he had never expected this to happen. It could be considered as a pleasant surprise.    


After obtaining all these new insights, Sun Bing was certain that he had gained a deeper understanding of the Great Dao of Fire, and his strength had also increased by a lot, becoming stronger and stronger.    


However, just as Sun Bing's heart was filled with joy, a loud sound was suddenly heard from the sky. When he raised his head, he could see that the three thousand Great Daos in the Eye of Heaven's Retribution were resonating with him. Finally, another blurry figure slowly appeared.    


This time, it was a woman. Although her face was extremely blurry, one could still tell that she was a peerless beauty through her exquisite figure.    


The most shocking thing was that the cold aura emitted from her body seemed to have completely frozen the surrounding space.    


Due to the connection between the Zhu Rong phantom and Sun Bing, Sun Bing narrowed his eyes slightly. He kept thinking in his mind. Finally, he was certain that this was the supreme ice figure who had created the Frosty Ice Holy Land. In the history of the Humans, this supreme ice figure was extremely rare. He had never thought that it was actually a woman.    


However, not only did Sun Bing not see her clearly, he became even more vigilant in his heart. After all, every supreme ice expert was the most dazzling genius in the world. Even a woman was not inferior to them.    


However, looking at the slim figure not far away, Sun Bing frowned and murmured to himself, "Earlier, it was the Great Dao of Fire's Zhu Rong. Now, it's the Ice Supreme of the Great Dao of Ice, both of them are Holy Dao warriors that I have mastered. Could it be that the last nine lightning tribulation is a battle with nine powerful warriors who have reached the peak of different paths since ancient times? "    


Although there were some who didn't want to admit it, through the trend of development, everything seemed to be just as Sun Bing had expected. In an instant, Sun Bing's expression couldn't help but turn ugly.    


The enemies he was facing right now were still fine, but one should know that Sun Bing had nine Holy Dao. The more he comprehended, the stronger the Holy Dao would become. Facing such a terrifying enemy, even Sun Bing couldn't guarantee that he would be able to win 100% of the battle.    


One should know that this wasn't a simple battle. Each of the opponents was extremely powerful, and Sun Bing was the only one who could defeat them.    


Just as many thoughts emerged in Sun Bing's mind, the phantom formed by the Eye of Heaven's Retribution finally couldn't hold it any longer and started to move. Its slim body slowly walked forward. Its movement was so graceful, like a picture scroll.    


As the phantom of the Ice Supreme moved, * Hong Long...... * The surrounding space was frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even the space couldn't escape from it.    


Sun Bing felt a strong sense of crisis from it. Even though they hadn't exchanged blows yet, he was sure that this attack was several times stronger than Sun Bing's Frost and Cold Nine Prefectures.    


Although he knew this, there wasn't much fear in Sun Bing's eyes. After all, Sun Bing wasn't only proficient in the Great Frost Dao. Since Sun Bing was inferior to him in this path, he could definitely find another way.    


Not to mention, the Great Dao of Fire Sun Bing used earlier was the natural enemy of the Great Dao of Ice and Ice. After Sun Bing obtained the enlightenment of the phantom, the power he could unleash became stronger and stronger, and he didn't need to be afraid of it.    


Immediately, without any hesitation, the inscription in the Immortal Slaughtering Sword began to flicker. Finally, the entire sword was filled with a trace of fiery light. The longsword slashed forward in an instant, and the sword light that contained boundless fiery light immediately burst out.    


If the Supreme Ice phantom was a frost that could freeze even the space, then the sword light on Sun Bing's side was an unstoppable scorching heat. The two of them had already started fighting in an instant.    


Due to the conflict between the two of them, the spatial zone was agitated. A series of loud noises spread in all directions. The space between the two of them seemed to have completely collapsed.    


Sun Bing wouldn't continue the stalemate. After all, apart from this illusory figure, he would have to endure seven more calamities. Even if the five elements in Sun Bing's Heavenly Passage were to coexist, he wouldn't have to worry about the Genuine Essence.    


However, in this battle, the longer one delayed, the more energy one would lose. In the end, he would definitely fall into the remaining tribulations. Therefore, he had to end this battle quickly.    


The sword case behind Sun Bing was also opened in an instant. One after another, the flying swords that were flickering with cold light shot into the sky. The majestic spiritual strength in his sea of consciousness had completely erupted. The flying swords sped through the sky and finally fell down.    


"Twelve Yuan Chen Sword Formation!"    


In an instant, the sharp flying swords had already combined together. Countless profound inscriptions had gathered and formed a shocking sword formation, directly enveloping the phantom of the ice supreme.    


The flying swords in the sword formation swallowed and spat out the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Terrifying sword lights burst out one after another. Although Sun Bing knew that these sword lights could not cause any damage to the phantom image, it only consumed its energy.    


After all, through the Zhu Rong phantom image, one could tell that these phantoms also had a certain price to pay. Once the energy in these phantoms was completely consumed, they would immediately collapse.    


As expected, facing the attack of the sword formation, the phantom image of Supreme Ice became fainter at a speed visible to the naked eye. This scene made Sun Bing very excited. When he saw that the phantom image had become extremely thin, he launched his last attack.    


"Shattering the Void!"    


Countless cracks appeared in the space within the sword formation. Finally, it turned into spatial fragments one after another. The phantom was already very thin to begin with, but in the end, it couldn't withstand such a terrifying attack. It only lasted for a few seconds before it completely collapsed.    


Just like the original Zhu Rong shadow, when the shadow of the supreme ice figure completely dissipated, a pure white light rushed towards Sun Bing and entered his body in an instant.    


At the same time, Sun Bing could feel that his understanding of the Great Dao of Ice had become deeper. If he used the Frost Nine Continents now, the power of this attack would at least double.    


However, this was not the time for him to be excited. Sun Bing still had something very important that he needed to verify. He couldn't help but stare at the purple-golden Eye of Heaven's Retribution in the sky.    


Finally, under Sun Bing's eyes, the three thousand Great Daos gathered together and formed a figure that slowly appeared in front of Sun Bing. This time, it was a ferocious beast.    


Its shape was similar to a goat's body and a human's face. Its eyes were under its armpits, and it had tiger teeth and human hands. This was the Tao Tie of Ancient Clans, and it was the first ancestor of the Tao Tie. It was also a terrifying existence that had gone from the Great Dao of Devour to a supreme being. It was rumored that there was nothing in this world that couldn't be devoured.    


The emergence of the Tao Tie had undoubtedly verified Sun Bing's speculation, because this was the Great Dao of Devour that Sun Bing had condensed himself. After knowing this, Sun Bing's vigilance had been raised to the maximum.    


However, the ferocious beast of the Tao Tie was still in front of him. There was no time for him to think. He could see that the ferocious beast was lunging at him. It opened its mouth wide, and everything in the world was sucked into its mouth.    


Sun Bing had no choice but to fight back in the face of such a situation. However, the strength of the Tao Tie was much stronger than the previous Ice Supreme. After all, the Great Dao of Devour was just too powerful.    


Even Sun Bing couldn't resolve the battle in a short period of time. It could even be said that Sun Bing had fallen into a dangerous situation several times during the battle. Finally, he succeeded in killing the Ice Supreme. His comprehension of the Great Dao of Devour had also entered his mind.    


In the blink of an eye, the three tribulations had been successfully overcome, but this was only the beginning. The further the tribulation progressed, the more difficult it became. Under Sun Bing's vigilance, the fourth illusory figure slowly appeared.    


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