Sword Emperor

C1708 Billions of Miles away

C1708 Billions of Miles away

After that, Sun Bing retracted the anger in his heart and looked around once more. He could see the faces of the cultivators in the inn turning red. Some of them even had cracks on their skin.    


As for the inn, it was filled with inscription symbols. They were trying their best to resist the incomparably sharp Sword Meaning. Unfortunately, this was only a futile effort. Cracks could be seen on the surrounding walls.    


After all, Sun Bing's Sword Meaning was too terrifying. Even if he didn't unconsciously use all of his pressuring, just the appearance of the Sword Meaning at this moment was unbearable. If he was a little stronger, he didn't know how many people would die here.    


After realizing this, Sun Bing retracted his pressuring and looked around apologetically. Then, he cupped his fists. "Please forgive me for not being able to restrain my pressuring for a while. This is my apology. I hope you all will meet again in the future. "    


After saying this, Sun Bing left a few holy medicine behind. A strong medicinal fragrance spread in all directions. The wounds on the bodies of the cultivators were slowly healing.    


Immediately after that, Sun Bing dashed towards the exit. After all, Di Jue's words and actions had undoubtedly touched Sun Bing's reverse scale. Sun Bing had never been so eager to kill someone.    


The whole process was as smooth as flowing water. It was so fast that the group of cultivators in the inn didn't even have time to react. In the blink of an eye, Sun Bing had disappeared without a trace.    


After a long time, one of them couldn't help but speak slowly. "Is that person from before Sun Bing?"    


With this doubt, the stiff atmosphere suddenly changed. The eyes of the onlookers were filled with joy. "That's right. That man is Sun Bing. I didn't expect him to be here. I have even seen him with my own eyes. This is truly unexpected."    


"Great! Judging from his current state, Sun Bing will surely kill that alien. I would like to see how long that Di Jue can be arrogant for."    


"That's right, that's right. I have been waiting for this day for a long time. Sun Bing will never let us down."    




Not only in this inn, but it could also be said that this news had spread throughout the entire Nine States in just a few hours. Almost everyone knew that Sun Bing had decided to make a move.    


This caused the low morale of the Humans to instantly rise. After all, during this period of time, the Humans had been suppressed too fiercely. As for the other geniuses, they were too disappointed.    


As a result, Sun Bing was their last hope. It could even be said that the battle that was about to erupt had attracted everyone's attention. It was even more eye-catching than the battle with Zhao Hao.    


If they won this time, it would undoubtedly change the trend of the battle. If they lost, all the momentum accumulated by the Humans would disappear in an instant. Therefore, the importance of this battle had far exceeded their imagination.    


However, when they heard the news about Sun Bing, the faces of the three people hiding in another cave were filled with anger. Their eyes were filled with hatred that could not be erased.    


These were Lu Chen, long Ao, and Zhao Hao. They had never expected that Sun Bing would dare to expose his location. In their eyes... * Hong Long...... *    


Especially Zhao Hao, the resentment in his eyes was the thickest. He even said ruthlessly, "This kid still dares to appear. This time, I will definitely shred him into a thousand pieces."    


"That's right. He has finally appeared after hiding for so long. I must let him know the consequences of offending us."    




Not only Lu Chen and the others, there were also cultivators hiding in black linen clothes in the Black City. When they saw Sun Bing's figure within the Profound Light Technique, the corners of their mouths slightly curled up, causing one's heart to feel a chill.    


All in all, this time, Sun Bing had directly exposed himself. The commotion caused by this had far exceeded their imagination.    


The geniuses who were supposed to hide in the mountains and avoid the battle were now born. Some of the hidden seniors were paying special attention to this battle.    


As for Sun Bing, he had fully utilized the Earth Shrinking Technique. After confirming that he was very far away from the city and that no one was disturbing him, he stopped in his tracks.    


Without any hesitation, he immediately drew a profound inscription in the void. Ripples appeared in the surrounding space, and a transfer array began to appear at a visible speed.    


Although Sun Bing was in a hurry, he didn't go to the gates of the city. After all, he was certain that since his identity had been exposed, lu Chen and the others would certainly take action.    


If he went to the gates of the city, it would be no different than walking into a trap. Coincidentally, Sun Bing would also set up some formations, so he wouldn't be restricted by them.    


Time slowly flowed by, and he wanted to cross it. The realm gates of an entire province were extremely huge, and the Dao Art they used was extremely profound. It took Sun Bing two whole days to finish setting them up.    


It could even be said that if it wasn't for Sun Bing deepening his understanding of the spatial zone, it would have taken him several times more time than two days.    


When the realm gate was just set up, Sun Bing forcefully suppressed the excitement in his heart and opened it without any hesitation. As for himself, he flew straight into it and vanished from where he stood.    


As for the gate that was shining with mysterious inscriptions, it had completely collapsed the moment Sun Bing disappeared.    


A familiar sense of weightlessness enveloped his entire body, because the distance between the two places was too far. Even if he used the realm gate to get the transfer array, it still took him a full quarter of an hour. Only then did Sun Bing feel the space around him change, and the Divine Land Tripod in his Heavenly Abode trembled.    


Even though Sun Bing didn't know where he was, he knew that he had definitely arrived in Shen State by now.    


He looked around. He could still vaguely see some familiar scenes. However, because of the reunification of the Nine States, under the golden age, the continent would change at almost every moment. Sun Bing wasn't sure where he was exactly.    


But now, there was not much time for Sun Bing to pay attention to these things. After all, there was only one day left until Di Jue mentioned it. If he didn't hurry up, the scene that Sun Bing didn't want to see the most would definitely appear.    


After casually identifying the direction and setting it down, Sun Bing confirmed the approximate direction. Then, he immediately used the Earth Shrink. Boundless spatial zones could be easily traversed with a single step. Each time, it would be millions of miles. It was truly worthy of being called one of the fastest in the world.    


However, the Divine Continent was enormous, and it was also under the golden age. In almost every breath of time, it kept expanding. The mountains were higher and the ground was wider. Even a million miles of land was insignificant in front of it.    


At this moment, in the Northern Domain of Shen State, which was also the location of Frosty Ice Holy Land, cultivators were gathering one after another. These were all cultivators who had come to watch the battle personally. It could be said that everyone was filled with anticipation for the upcoming Battle of the Century.    


There were even some familiar faces among them. For example, Sun Bing's good friend, Son of the Buddha, had been staying in the sect all this time. However, all of them had come here at the same time.    


In the clouds, blurry figures appeared one after another. However, I continued to hide for an instant. It was obvious that the experts of the older generation were also looking forward to the upcoming battle.    


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