Sword Emperor

C1623 It Was a Standoff in the Air

C1623 It Was a Standoff in the Air

The impact of such a huge movement is astounding. Even the people of the Nine States could hear it clearly, let alone the cultivators who were already in the Mountain Sea Pass.    


When they heard the loud and clear dragon roar, the cultivators' eyes were filled with excitement and madness. They could not help but mutter to themselves, "It seems that my speculation is correct this time. Something big must have happened here. It is actually the dragon roar. What a great opportunity it is."    


"That's right, even a random fortune here could cause me to evolve. Humans die for money, and birds die for food. After a few decades, I'm going to be a good man again. Let's do this."    


These excited words filled the entire Mountain and Sea Pass. The eyes of every rogue cultivators were filled with a red glow. No matter how ignorant one was, they knew what a dragon's roar represented.    


In an instant, one could see figures rushing out from the Mountain and Sea Pass crazily. Their final destination was the originally unknown Wolong Hillside.    


Among these rogue cultivators, there were cultivators who had overturned the Heaven Insight Stage, and there were even saints above them. At this moment, such a huge opportunity had already blinded their own intelligence.    


As for Sun Bing and the others, the moment they heard the dragon's roar, they immediately soared into the sky. For a moment, numerous figures were floating in the air. Every single one of them was the true genius of the Humans.    


Lowering his head to look at the movements of the rogue cultivators below, he couldn't help but feel emotional. "Money really moves the hearts of people. I didn't know that there were countless dangers hidden in this place. If I go there recklessly now, it's highly likely that I won't be able to come back."    


Because it was different from the fanatical rogue cultivators, Sun Bing and the others were filled with vigilance. After all, they were the only ones who knew how many dangers were hidden in this place.    


After all, Ancient Clans had obtained the news much earlier than Sun Bing and the others. It was unknown how well he had managed the information over such a long period of time. It was very likely that there were countless traps hidden within.    


After sighing with emotion, dao Child and Son of the Buddha both turned their eyes to Sun Bing and asked slowly, "Brother Sun, you are the first person to successfully return. What do you think now?"    


A few days ago, after receiving this shocking news, it wasn't that Dao Child Son of the Buddha and the others didn't want to pry into the situation. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy would you be able to win a hundred battles.    


At that time, there were indeed several geniuses of Son of God's level. Because they were very good at concealing their cultivation techniques and divine abilities, they volunteered to go forward and check the information, and had the rest of them wait quietly at the side.    


However, although those few geniuses had gone there... However, there was no longer any sound coming from them. Not only had no one returned, not even a single piece of news had been spread.    


Just as Dao Child Son of the Buddha and the others were feeling anxious, they found out from the sect that some of the geniuses had been killed. It was imaginable how dangerous it was.    


However, no matter how dangerous it was, Sun Bing and the others wouldn't retreat. After all, the Azure Dragon's corpse was a precious opportunity. One step was slow, and every step was slow. The perfect opportunity was right in front of them. How could they give up just like that?    


In an instant, everyone's eyes were fixed on Sun Bing. After all, only Sun Bing had the strength that was above them. Moreover, even Dao Child Son of the Buddha and the others attached great importance to Sun Bing. It could be said that Sun Bing had a decisive opinion.    


Being stared at by so many pairs of eyes, especially those of the geniuses, Sun Bing felt a tremendous pressure from them. However, his facial expression didn't change. His Qi also erupted slightly, and a short voice rang out.    


"It's just a battle. No matter what kind of plan Ancient Clans has, all schemes and tricks are useless in the face of absolute strength. We just need to fight without changing anything."    


His words caused the eyes of the geniuses to be filled with excitement. That's right, it was only a battle. There was no possibility of peace between the Humans and Ancient Clans, so why would they need to worry about it?    


Instantly, the momentum on the bodies of the geniuses who were flying in the sky changed. Their eyes were filled with raging battle intent as they sped towards Wolong Hillside.    


At this moment, it could be considered a spectacular scene. The geniuses in the Humans had gathered together. With such a huge number of them, the momentum that they had condensed was even more terrifying. It seemed like they had formed an invisible deterrent force that was slowly pushing forward.    


As for Sun Bing and the others, they couldn't help but nod their heads when they sensed the situation. Only with such an invincible belief could they have the possibility of defeating Ancient Clans.    


Immediately, Sun Bing didn't lag behind any of them. He instantly used the Earth Shrink and turned into a ray of light, dashing forward. In just a few seconds, he had arrived at the front of everyone.    


Looking at the Wolong Hillside that was getting closer and closer, Sun Bing couldn't help but narrow his eyes. In his heart, he thought to himself, "Ancient Clans, he should be here soon."    


Just as this thought flashed across Sun Bing's mind, a sharp momentum emerged. The alien races that were hiding in the void instantly appeared in front of Sun Bing and the others as if they had teleported.    


Even though they had prepared themselves mentally, they were still shocked when they saw the figure that suddenly appeared in front of them.    


Glancing around, they could see many familiar faces. They had been separated for a hundred years. Not only did the Human-pride become stronger, but also some of the other foreign races.    


Currently, their bodies were emitting a terrifying and majestic Qi, especially Holy Son of the Witch Clan and Son of the Golden Crow God. They were now even more extraordinary, and could even give Sun Bing a certain amount of pressure.    


Because the corpse of the Azure Dragon was going to appear very soon, even though both of them were filled with killing intent, they couldn't act rashly. Otherwise, the consequences would be severe.    


Therefore, both parties began to fight without any hesitation. Two extremely powerful momentum were competing against each other, causing a hoarse voice to be heard in the air.    


This kind of movement was extremely terrifying, especially at the edge of the collision between the two momentum. Cracks had even appeared in the space because of this.    


Whether it was the Humans or Ancient Clans, their hearts were filled with thick battle intent. At this moment, the heaven and earth were filled with these two terrifying pressuring that had gathered together. The rogue cultivators that followed closely behind were like ants in front of this majestic aura.    


Even the sages in the rogue cultivators felt that they were unable to breathe in the face of a wisp of aura. Because the pressuring contained within was just too dense. Even a Holy King wouldn't be this terrifying.    


All sorts of strange phenomena appeared in the sky and the earth. Vaguely, one could see the phantoms formed by the blood and Qi fighting against each other. There were also wisps of pressuring, which seemed to have turned into weapons that intertwined with each other.    


Although it seemed like there was nothing in front of them, there were countless battles happening in the darkness. The sound of tearing could be heard. Some of the geniuses could not even withstand the terrifying pressuring contained within.    


Although this was only a clash between the momentum, both sides had gathered their top geniuses. The pressuring that they had accumulated was too powerful. This confrontation was extremely dangerous. If there was even the slightest bit of disorder, even the geniuses of one side might die within it.    


However, if one were to hastily withdraw, it would also be a huge taboo. In fact, all the pressuring would fall in an instant. It was impossible to defend against a single person just by relying on their current cultivation base.    


At this moment, it was undoubtedly difficult for them to escape. Therefore, they could only use all of their strength to suppress the other party. For a moment, both sides were in a deadlock.    


Everyone's gaze was already aimed at the proud sons of heaven who were standing in the air. Their eyes were filled with shock and amazement. Some of them even whispered to each other. Time slowly passed.    


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