Sword Emperor

C5641 Fool's Fruit

C5641 Fool's Fruit

Although Sun Bing and the Nine Li God were completely unaware of the situation, they did not hesitate at all and immediately walked forward.    


After all, compared to the Dao Devouring Underworld Flower, which could not be used to display any great Dao, the space-time turbulence was a safe place for them.    


Such a scene made the eyes of the Blood Butcher and the others behind him almost pop out of their sockets. They could not help but let out angry roars.    


"Bastard, don't go!"    


As he spoke, many Nirvana Black Flames gathered and enveloped the vortex like a meteor, as if they wanted to completely blow it up.    


Seeing this situation, Sun Bing's face revealed a sneer of ridicule. Then, under their gazes, he directly entered the vortex.    


At this moment, the most irritable Blood Butcher even felt exasperated.    


On the other hand, the Dao Devouring Underworld Flower was still able to remain calm, and he could not help but comfort her.    


"Don't worry. The entire ruins are our territory. No matter where they escape to, it will only be death.    


"The only thing we need to worry about now is whether they have fled here in a panic or have been guided by the Wisdom Tree."    


When she finished speaking, her face even revealed a touch of frost, making her already enchanting face look even more cold and elegant.    


With regards to this, the figure of the Fire Tree slowly appeared. The Nirvana Black Flames around his body were suffused, making him look sinister and terrifying. His hoarse and low voice sounded continuously.    


"No matter what the reason is, we can't let those two outsiders go. If the Wisdom Tree really interferes, then we can take this opportunity to capture them all."    


As they spoke, the group of people directly arrived in front of the chaotic streams of space.    


Blood Butcher did not hesitate at all and directly revealed his original body to enter it.    


The figures of the Dao Devouring Underworld Flower and the Fire Tree followed closely behind. In a short moment, the previously noisy void became incomparably quiet.    


Sun Bing and the Nine Li God were already quite familiar with this kind of chaotic streams of space.    


Along with the distortions of space around them, the two of them immediately arrived in an unfamiliar environment.    


Before they could clearly observe the environment around them, a cold and proud voice slowly sounded.    


"You two thieves are indeed here."    


"Yue Ning!"    


In the next moment, a deadly chill suddenly descended, even freezing space.    


Facing such an accident, Sun Bing's reaction speed was quite fast. With a thought, the Uncoordinated Seal immediately descended.    


That towering and heavy power landed heavily, and the space that was originally frozen instantly melted.    


Only at this moment did the two of them clearly see a jade-like osmanthus tree appearing in their line of sight.    


There was no need for any explanation. They were already clear that this was the Innate Spirit Root, the Moon Osmanthus Tree.    


Unlike the usual Moon Osmanthus Tree's coldness, the Moon Osmanthus Tree in front of them even carried a dense aura of death.    


Obviously, the other party was also a lackey of the Nirvana Dao Lotus.    


Seeing that Sun Bing and the Nine Li God were actually able to break free from his attack, a hint of astonishment appeared on the tree's face.    


However, she quickly regained her composure and only saw the branches swaying slightly.    


"Moon Shadow Floating."    


In the next moment, a shallow moon suddenly appeared in the vast void. A hazy light scattered in all directions, and even time seemed to have frozen.    


Instantly, Sun Bing and the Nine Li God were filled with raging flames of fury.    


It would have been fine if they were in a daze, but now that the two of them had returned to their senses, they did not expect the Moon Tree to still be so arrogant.    


After a short moment of astonishment, the Nine Li God immediately sneered and swung the Heaven Splitting Axe at the same time.    




The sharp axe light instantly descended, and wherever it passed, everything was split into two.    


Even the space that was almost frozen seemed to be especially weak in the face of this power. Even the clear moon above the Nine Heavens was directly split apart.    


Caught off guard, the aura on the Moon Tree's body clearly declined by more than a level.    


However, this was just the beginning. Because time was of the essence, Sun Bing and the Nine Li God did not want to waste any time.    


Just as the dense axe light dissipated, the sword light immediately descended, accompanied by Sun Bing's ice-cold voice:    


"Right now, I don't have the leisure to play house with you. Since I have already made my move, you have to bear the corresponding price."    


"Dao Destruction!"    


In an instant, the dense and sharp light had already arrived in front of the Osmanthus Tree.    


The Osmanthus Tree that had just barely blocked the Heavenly Divine Axe was unable to defend against such a terrifying attack at all.    




Along with a crisp sound, the cold and noble Osmanthus Tree was cut in half at the waist.    


Immediately after, Sun Bing and the Nine Li God immediately flashed and took the remaining source of energy into their own hands. Then, they quickly rushed into the distance.    


In a short moment, the space distorted once again. The figures of the Dao Devouring Abyss Flower, the Fire Tree, and the other Innate Spirit Roots appeared on the spot.    


Sensing the aura that was being emitted from the void, their brows furrowed.    


When they noticed the fragments of the Osmanthus Tree that were scattered not far away, the Dao Devouring Abyss Flower's expression immediately turned extremely ugly. He could not help but scold.    


"He's really a person who doesn't do well and does badly. I have already said that I only need to circulate my innate divine ability to restrain him."    


"However, I never thought that he would still show up in the end. Not only did he ruin my plan, he even gave his life away. Such an existence is not worthy of death."    


However, no matter how angry he was, he could not change the fact that it had already happened.    


Soon, the Dao Devouring Abyss Flower regained its calm, and its gaze became even longer.    


"If I thought that it was an accident before, then it is now undeniable that the Wisdom Tree has interfered.    


"As for their goal, it is definitely the Reincarnation Stream. They are trying to influence me with this place, right?    


"Then today, I will tell you what it means to steal a chicken but fail to eat the rice."    


As he spoke, the energy in his body circulated rapidly. The purple lotus immediately appeared above his head, and then the angry voice sounded.    


"Pass on my order. Everyone, gather at the Reincarnation Stream immediately. At the same time, bring the Fruit of Fool. This time, I will do it in one fell swoop."    


Hearing this order, the experts who were originally located in the vast ruins all rushed forward crazily.    


If it was just the two outsiders, it would be fine, but the real thing that made them interested was the last sentence.    


The Fruit of Fool was a Spiritual Fruit of the Innate Stage. Its effect was very strange. Once it was consumed, one's cultivation would increase, and one's lifespan would also increase.    


However, the strange thing was that once it was consumed, one's intelligence would decrease, and one would become a fool.    


It could be said that the Fruit of Fool was the bane of the Wisdom Tree.    


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