Ghost In Red

C80 Chapter 80 - Hers

C80 Chapter 80 - Hers

*Sydney Roswell's POV*    




"Yow, Sydney! I have a question. Don't get this wrong, aight? It's just a question or a suggestion. Just out of curiosity." Grace called me and asked, and I turned my swivel chair to look at her sitting comfortably on my bed beside her girlfriend, who was busy munching some popcorn.    


I raised an eyebrow in response to tell her to go on, and she grinned. Let me bet. I strongly know this will be about OJ again. There was nothing that this person asked me that the girl I adore wasn't mentioned.    


"Well... You do know that OJ will be home finally later from Chicago. What if... What if you just... tell OJ everything... the whole truth? You know... your journey together, the things you did for her, everything you did together while she's still out of her body, what you feel, that you're girlfriends, and... all of it. Maybe she can remember, even just a bit." She suggested and looked so serious while Emma stopped shoving pieces of popcorn in her mouth to look at me and waited for my reaction.    


I wish it would be that easy to tell her. It's like we were back to negative ten from one hundred.    


Damn, I still remember that time OJ woke up and Grace called me to let me talk to her, but she sternly asked everyone not to speak to her about anything that included me. She doesn't remember us and any of the things we did together when she was still a ghost. And she was not kidding.    


I admit that it somehow hurt me, but at least we got what we needed. We have her back, alive and well. There's nothing more I could wish for, and there's nothing more wonderful than the feeling of hearing her voice again. I don't really care if the only thing she remembered was hating me down to my tiniest cell. What I want and need the most is to see her soon in person. I'm super happy and excited about it. It's more than enough. But it would be better, no, best, if she remembered us together.    


"If we will have a chance to talk... I... I actually don't know where to start. I don't know what to say to her. And I don't even know if she will believe me or even listen to me." I replied and let out a sigh. I know it wouldn't be that easy.    


"Just give it a try, Syd. We'll be here to support you, to prove to her that everything you tell her is true. We have proof, don't we? We are living proof, girl. Also, her mom, Mimi, and all of us here can tell. We got your back. I don't want my favorite ship to sink without even trying to swim up. I know you can do it. I believe in love." Emma asserted, sitting up on my bed and brightly smiling, and I lightly nodded my head.    


"Yeah, I'm on it, girls. I just need a perfect time and place to meet her... only if she agrees and wouldn't think I am ambushing her. I am willing to start anew with her. Maybe I'll begin with... apologizing... again." I assured them and chuckled at the thought of my girl thinking I am still her greatest opposer. What we had together was priceless, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.    


I will do everything to make her remember, even if I will boldly show her again the real me that she had seen that she doesn't remember. Well, if I need to kiss her on the spot to make her recognize the feeling, I will really do it, even if I receive another slap from her. I will take a risk. I know it will be worth it.    


"Yehey! That's the spirit! And you need to tell us everything, okay? Every single detail! That would be spectacular!" Grace cheered and high-fived her girlfriend, and I rolled my eyes at them, who only laughed at me.    


I turned my swivel chair around to continue reading the notes I need to study for my special quizzes and exams tomorrow. And heck, these b*tches' handwriting is awfully unpleasant. These are almost the same penmanship. And I need their presence here in my bedroom so that I can ask them certain things I couldn't understand here in their messy notebooks.    


It's been a hell of a month since I missed my classes. Thankfully, the teachers understood my situation after sending them my medical certificate and a long letter.    




After a couple of minutes passed, I'm done reviewing for my exams. Then I turned to the lovers lying on my bed and quietly watching a GL TV series on my laptop.    


"I'm hungry. I need something to eat." I muttered and stood up to walk out of my room, hoping that Vidia and Kevin had arrived from buying groceries and snacks, and the two girls here looked at me.    


"What do you want to eat, Syd?" Emma asked me, and I shrugged my shoulders in response as I was unsure what I would find downstairs in the kitchen.    


"Let's go to OJ's?" Grace asked with a broad smile, making my right eyebrow raised, and I was about to ask her why but Emma butted in.    


"Why? You want Sydney to eat OJ?" My nice neighbor asked, and I snapped my head to glare at her. Then her silly girlfriend grinned like a bobcat and cackled, and I sharply looked at them both. I swear these two are just the same person. They are made for each other to get on my nerves most of the time rather than helping me. But I'm cool with it, barely.    


"No, Emmy! OJ just texted me that she landed at the airport. Look! But... The eating part is also a great idea. I love how your mind works, sweetie pie. I know Syd will love it. It's been what she's waiting for her whole damn life! What do you think, Syd? It could be the perfect moment for you both! You can talk and fix things. We can finally be planning out the wedding that we were looking forward to! I'll surely be OJ's maid of honor." Grace exclaimed, and they looked at me with their big heart eyes that I really wanted to poke.    


"Do you want me to throw you both out my window? Right now?" I violently replied and pointed to the window with my right index finger, and they sheepishly smiled.    


"Go on and try, Syd! It's going to be one arm versus four! No use of feet, okay?" Emma challenged me while bouncing on my bed and grabbed a pillow, and I squinted my eyes while sending her playful death stares.    


"No. Please don't, Syd. I don't want to die yet. I still need to witness you kiss OJ and do lovey-dovey with each other. It's going to be like a real book fantasy I'm reading that came to life! It's amazing, Syd! You have a one-of-a-kind hate and love story. I won't get tired of reading and hearing it again and again. But seriously, though, I need to go. They invited me over for dinner. Do you want to meet her now? We can go there together, and you can have your long talk." Grace explained and asked as she got out of my bed, and I thought for a while.    


"Uh... Well, no, I'm... Actually... I'm not ready to face her. Umm, maybe tomorrow, or... whenever. But, uh, you are heading to their mansion, right? Can you... Can you give those things to her? Here," I unsurely answered and pointed to the box on the couch, and I went to carry it with my right hand to give it to Grace.    


"Oh, are you giving Sylvia to her other mom? Don't you love your baby anymore?" Emma asked me in alarm, and my eyebrows met.    


"No. I love it, but... it's hers in the first place, Ems. I gave it to her on our first date as girlfriends. I'll miss it, but It's for her. And also, her phone is here, together with her mom's pictures that we stole from the photo album in her room." I told Emma, making her nod her head in response. Sylvia is OJ's, like how my heart was hers since the beginning.    


"Okay. Well, I guess that would be a good thing. Maybe OJ can remember you by seeing those. What do you think? It might trigger something in her memory that can make her remember pigments of your moments together through Sylvia, or her phone, especially if she could see your pictures there! That's a great idea, Syd!" Emma agreed and optimistically remarked. And thankfully, she had thought of what I was hoping for, too.    


I wish it would be like that.    


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