Ghost In Red

C74 Chapter 74 - Hell-oh, NYC!

C74 Chapter 74 - Hell-oh, NYC!

*Olivia Jillian Hunters' POV*    




While my mother and Vidia were preparing and talking about everything they needed to talk about, I left my mom's house to visit Sydney before heading to New York City for three hours from now. I will just meet them at the airport for the earliest flight heading to New York.    


I walked on the streets and said silent prayers, and I had nothing else in my mind but all positivity. I'm feeling anxious and happy at the same time. I don't know yet if we can make it, but I am hoping that we can. I just need to see my girlfriend one more time, because I'll surely miss her.    


When I had arrived in the lobby of the hospital, Syd was confined, I felt something touching my right hand, and I looked at it in bewilderment. Someone must have touched my hand back to where my physical body is.    


And I smiled when the sensation of the touch seemed like tracing a letter on my palm. It's a letter E—Emma. They must have made it into my room already.    


"Thank you." I gratefully whispered and continued my way to the elevator and into Sydney's room.    


I passed through the closed door and saw Wendy sleeping on the waterbed beside Sydney's bed, and I went closer to my girl.    


She's asleep, and I bent to give her a kiss on her head. I held her right arm and waited for her to open her eyes, hoping she'll wake up because of my touch. A few moments passed, but she didn't show any signs of response, so I called her name.    


"Syd? Sydee? It's OJ. Are you awake?"    


I frowned when she still wouldn't open her eyes or make any movement. I tried to shake her right leg, but still, no response.    


When another minute passed that I tried to wake my girl up, I gave up and let out a heavy sigh.    


It's okay if she won't wake right now, as long as she's alright.    


"Hey, Syd! I might have to leave you for a moment. I just wanted you to know that I saw my mom. She's coming to save me. And I want to thank you for everything you did. I could never have met her if not because of you. You are a real angel, Syd. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I'll be going now. I'll miss you. But don't worry. I'll come back here to you when I can. I love you. I'll see you soon." I told her, and I leaned down to peck her lips. And I pinched her cheeks and smiled at her before I turned around to leave the room.    




I sat next to my mom on the plane, and Vidia really made sure to give me space on the seat in between them. And Mom looked quite puzzled, and I don't know if Vid had told her about me being a ghost. I don't know if it would be logical to do so because Mom might think that this girl is insane and would think otherwise of everything she told her.    


The whole flight was quiet as the plane didn't have that many passengers, and my companions slept.    


It was about eight in the morning in New York Time when we arrived, and we rushed to the hospital where my body was. I only hope it won't be precisely eight AM that they will take my life support away, as it was what Emma told Vidia over the phone when we landed. My mom almost broke down when she heard the news, and I still hope we can make it. We just need a little more time.    


As we were about to walk into the hospital lobby, I felt a tight grip on my right hand. Then I felt my chest tightening, and I looked around me. What's happening?    


I stopped in my tracks when there were six armed men in uniform racing to the elevator, making Mom and Vidia have to wait for the other elevator to take them to the floor where my room is located or even take the stairs. I didn't waste time and got in the elevator cab with the police officers and guards. I didn't have any idea where they were going or what was happening upstairs.    


When the elevator stopped on the third floor of the hospital, the men went out while their guns were out and ready. What could have happened here? What's the commotion all about?    


To avoid the trouble in the hallways, I walked through room walls to get to my room. And I saw unconscious patients on their beds, and some of the watchers were peeking through the door when a gunshot was heard outside.    


I also peeked to see what really was happening, and I got my mouth hung open in shock when I saw familiar-looking people who were involved in the incident in the hallway.    


Why the hell was my girlfriend's brother bleeding? And... There's my dad right there.    


"Oh, my gosh! Adam!" I yelled when another shot was heard, and he kneeled while gripping his right shoulder. Blood was dripping on his arm, and I ran to him in panic. Why is this happening?    


I looked at my father and saw his nose was bleeding, and there was a cut on his lower lip. He fixed the collar of his suit and told the men in uniform to stand down.    


"Once again, sir... F*ck off! You are not getting inside this room! Call me insane, but I'm not letting you in even if you shoot me in the head." Adam angrily yelled, and I stood up to look at my father. "Dad,"    


"Why are you doing this? I don't know who you are. And you are not in the position to tell me what to do! Get out of the way!" Dad belted and stepped back when the wounded man stood up.    


Anger and desperation was clearly written on Adam's face, and he calmly spoke while intently looking my father in the eye.    


"You don't know who I am? You will. I am Adam Roswell. You must've known Sydney Roswell, don't you? Hmm. Yeah, of course. And I will not let you kill Olivia, even if she's your daughter, sir. My sister won't risk her life just for you to decide to take the innocent life of someone who desperately wants to ask for some time, another chance, and to live. I'm not letting my sister's sacrifices for your daughter go to nothing. I'm not going anywhere until Olivia's mother arrives. Yes, that's right. Veronica. She's coming. And she's going to whip your ass. Ha!"    


The calm, furious man smirked and spitted blood on the floor without breaking eye contact, and I saw my father was taken aback by what he heard.    




I heard someone yell from a distance, and we looked at the newcomers. It's Vidia and Mom.    


Oh, thank goodness!    


"Oliver! You bastard!" Mom huffed, and I blinked hard when I heard the sound of a hand meeting a cheek.    


Then the next thing I saw was my mother crying while beating the heck out of my father, slapping him with her purse, cursing, and sobbing.    


I tried to catch her when she fell to her knees and broke into tears.    


"How can you do that to her? What kind of a father are you? You didn't even tell me! I should have been the one to take care of her! You are an idiot, Oliver! You're a murderer! How dare you!" Mom kept on yelling, and Vidia helped her stand up to sit on the bench outside my room.    


Then I saw some people peeking by the door behind Adam. It's Kevin, Emma, and Grace.    


"It's for her own good, Nica." Dad reasoned out and earned a sharp glare from my raging mother. She stood up and was about to hit him again with her purse, and Dad stepped back from her.    


"How do you know it would be for her own good, huh? You know nothing about what she feels and what she wants! I won't let this pass. We're not done here. You are not getting near my Jillian. I am her mother! Who's the doctor? Who?" Mom countered and hissed while looking around at the people around us.    


No one raised their hands, and a nurse said, "He's inside, Ma'am."    


When I heard what the lady said, I hurried inside my room, worried that the person who could take my life away was near my body.    


Hell, no way!    


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