Ghost In Red

C59 Chapter 59 - My Final Wish

C59 Chapter 59 - My Final Wish

*Olivia Jillian Hunters' POV*    




I don't know how many minutes, or maybe it's past an hour, since I have kept on staring at Sydney's unconscious body on the bed before me, and I feel nothing else but loneliness. She left.    


I wanted to go after her, but I didn't have any clue where she was headed, so I stayed because I believed she would come back here. She should, with or without any sign of progress for our mission. I already told her it wouldn't matter, but that girl's stubbornness is ridiculously unbreakable. I don't want to leave her so soon, but we have no other choice if this is meant to happen.    


What I only wish is to spend the last moments of my life with her, who amazingly did so much for me.    


While my mind wanders to thinking of the things I like to do with her ghost if she decides to come back to me, I have been noticing that something is off with her heartbeat monitoring machine. It's unstable since earlier. And I don't want to think that something terrible will happen to my girl.    


"Hmm, where are you, Syd?" I sighed and stood up to caress her left cheek, and when I touched her, I could no longer feel that warmth I used to feel. Maybe it's because her ghost and consciousness went out of her body. And we could feel each other while we were in this form because we are in the same dimension. We are both ghosts. Well, I guess that's it.    


I bent to kiss her forehead, and I sat down again on the stool beside her bed to wait for anything that would happen.    


Another unusual beeping sound of the machine had made me look at my vulnerable girlfriend in worry, and I squinted my eyes to see what had happened to her face properly.    


Tears. Tears are streaming from her closed eyes, and I know she doesn't feel okay right now, wherever she is.    


"Why don't you just come back here to me? Grant me my last wishes, please? I only want to be with you until my very end, Syd. Please, come back. I wouldn't ask for anything else but only you to be by my side until my time is over." I said and let out a heavy hopeful sigh, and I tried to wipe her tears, but I couldn't.    


"I'm here."    


I heard a voice at the door, and I looked at her, a smile slowly creeping on my face, and she walked near where I was. But she couldn't take another step as I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her to hug her tightly.    


"Hey, I missed you! Are you okay?" I cheerfully greeted her, and she shook her head in response. Of course, neither of us is okay.    


"I'm so sorry, OJ. I'm so sorry." She sobbed and embraced me back, and I softly giggled, "It's alright, Syd."    


"I'm afraid I could spend our limited precious time trying to find hope and waste it all if I still wouldn't succeed. I'm so sorry. I failed you." She kept crying, and I rubbed her back to calm her down.    


"I told you already. It's okay. I'm sorry, too, if I have to leave you so soon." I said and felt her nodding her head while sobbing. I know we both feel the same way with my near department from the living world, but we should only think of the positive side out of everything. I learned it all from her.    


"Maybe we aren't meant to be together for long in this lifetime. But I assure you, Syd... if we meet again in our next lives, we will make up for all the mess we both had been through. I will make sure we can do all the things we want to do together. Please, just let me go this time. I want to make my very last minute with you worth it. And I'll be more than happy with it already." I assured her with what I had in my mind for a while now, and she broke off from the hug to look me in the eyes. She sighed and warmly smiled at me.    


"Maybe you're right. I have been just too blinded by what I needed. If only I weren't that dumb before, we could have been happily together longer. It's too late. But I am here… and I'm ready to give you whatever you want and whatever you need with the time we have left. It's not much, but I know it will be more than enough than having nothing at all." She finally agreed with a sad voice, and I chuckled.    


"Really? You... Are you going with me? You are granting my final wish?" I excitedly asked her, and she nodded her head with a genuine smile.    


"Anything. Anything you want to do, I'll be with you. And I'll do everything for you, OJ." She confirmed, and I squealed in happiness.    


"Yes! You already said it! No taking back, alright?" I rejoiced, and I hugged her again when she mouthed me yes.    


"Oh, thank you so much, Syd! Thank you!"    


I couldn't feel any happier, being with the girl who made me feel almost all emotions lately. I didn't have much time with her, but it was enough to know her so well. And I have nothing else to describe her than simply extraordinary. She's the best person anyone could have, and I am so lucky to be the one who got her heart. Who would have thought that my soulmate was my enemy? No one, really, because I still couldn't believe it. But here we are. These may be our last moments together in this lifetime, but I'm sure we will meet again as we are meant to be with each other. I sincerely believe in it, and I know she does, too.    


I felt her kissing my forehead while her hands were on my back and nape, and I just couldn't hide my smile.    


She held both my shoulders and looked me in the eyes, and she asked me, "What do you want to do?"    


"You. I want you to... Umm, I... You will... Wait, lemme think first." I stammered and nervously laughed, and she smirked.    


"Uh... Could you please stop looking at me like that? You're trying to melt me, aren't you? Stop it! I can't think properly, Syd." I retorted when she wouldn't blink while knowingly staring at me on my face with a grin on her pretty face.    


"Think straight, you mean?" She teased and giggled, and I rolled my eyes at her, making her laugh even more. It's not wrong, though.    


"Shut up. I'm trying to organize my plans." I shushed her, but the girl just then proceeded to boop the tip of my nose and poked my right cheek, and she quickly stepped away from me while chuckling.    


"Hey! Get back here, silly!" I playfully belted and tried to grab her jacket, but she went to the other side of the bed.    


Now, her unconscious body is in between us, and a brilliant thought popped in my mind to do against this mischievous blondie.    


I did the same to her right cheek with her physical body, and Syd shook her head, saying, "I couldn't feel it." Then she widely smiled, showing her dimples, and those are what I wanted to poke, badly.    


"Get back in here in this instance, or else..." I sternly ordered her, and she crossed her arms on her chest, and with a confident raised left eyebrow, she asked, "Or else... what?"    


She seemed to be trying to challenge me, and I am honored to give her my best shot. I made my left index and middle finger slowly walk on her right arm, and I saw how her face became puzzled while her gaze was following where my fingers walked.    


As I was about to reach her chest, I snickered when her eyes widened in panic, and I guess she knew what I would be touching next.    


"Stop right there, Hunters. Don't move another step. That's... That is... Not... You shouldn't." She halted me while stuttering when my fingers were almost touching her right boob, and I grinned.    


"Why shouldn't I? You told me you couldn't feel anything. So... does it matter?" I taunted her, making her sigh in defeat, and walked back near to me. Good girl.    


But then, I was overly surprised when she held my left hand and placed it on her chest, not just her chest, but on her right boob, and she guided my hand to squeeze it gently.    


I couldn't say a word out of shock and surprise, and she explained, "Fact check. That is how it feels like if you touch someone's breast. It's just like how you touch yours. Mhmm."    


She left me there, standing like a frozen statue, as she walked to the couch and sat down. And then she laughed like a witch, and I am still stunned right here.    


This biatch...    


What did she just do?    


I looked at my left hand in disbelief, and I looked at where she was. Oh, how can she...?    


Damn, I guess curiosity can really kill a cat.    


I gulped and inhaled deeply to keep my cool, and I followed her to the couch. We need to talk.    


"Hi! Are you okay, OJ? Can you think more properly now? What's the plan?" She asked me as I quite uncomfortably sat beside her.    


"Well... I lost them. But guess what? I have something better in mind. Do you wanna hear about it?" I answered and turned to her, and she motioned me to continue.    


"Since you agreed to do anything with me... I have come up with a great way to get the best out of you. Sydney Roswell, you are going to do whatever I tell you. You are going to say yes to everything I ask you to do." I began, and her eyebrows met with each other, and I bet she's going to argue.    


"Excuse me? That doesn't sound so good on my part, isn't it?" She asked, and it is just as I had thought of, but I will make her agree to that, no matter how she protests.    


"It isn't. But... I am the winner this time. So as the loser, you need to obey me. That's the consequence, dear Syd." I explained, but her face showed an unexplainable look.    


"And what... Game... did we play? Contest? I don't remember anything, Oj. Am I missing something?" She cluelessly asked me, and I laughed at her adorable confused face. She's so cute!    


"Yes, we have one! In this race of life, I am near the finish line, and I am surely going to win. So take it, loser. You are going to do what I say. Every. Single. Damn. Thing. Do we have a deal now, Roswell?" I answered and stood up from the couch, extending my right hand for a hand shake, and she seemed to be getting it now.    


Sydney slowly nodded her head, and she stood up, too, and shook my hand.    


"Okay. Alright. Fine. You have me under your deadly leash, Your Majesty. I'll be your slave. Your wishes are my command. Heck! You surely are enjoying this, aren't you?" She agreed with a hint of sarcasm and regret in her voice, and I couldn't be happier with this.    


This will be so much fun.    


"Yes! Damn, you already said it! Wow, I really have been wishing for this kind of setup when we were at school and still hating each other down to the Earth's core. You know what, Sydney? I have been dying to ask you to have an agreement with me at any contest we could participate in, and if you lose against me, you will be doing anything I tell you to do. F*ck, I never thought that this really would happen!" I admitted, purely glad about all this, and my girlfriend only looked at me with her blinking eyes in bewilderment.    


"Cool! That's... Nice! So... it's like a dream come true?" She remarked and asked in disbelief, and I vigorously nodded my head in enthusiasm.    


"Yes! Absolutely, Syd! Isn't it exciting?" I replied, and we both laughed at my foolish plan.    


"Okay. That is so cute. And... Should we start now?" She asked, and I wouldn't wait any other time to begin exercising my power over her.    


She has nothing to worry about because I will never be hard on her, just like how I used to imagine us doing this silliness. That was too much cruelty before, but now, all my intentions towards her are purely good and romantic.    


I will make sure we will make the best out of what we have left—this is my only and final wish.    


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