Ghost In Red

C76 Chapter 76 - Forget Me Not

C76 Chapter 76 - Forget Me Not

*Sydney Roswell's POV*    




"Are you freaking serious, Syd? You don't remember a thing?" My best friend asked me, and I looked at my cousin and Emma, who were eager to hear my answer.    


I nodded and shook my head, and they all looked surprised and worried at the same time. What is the matter with them?    


"Syd, are you sure? Don't you remember OJ? Oh, my ghost!" Kevin asked and gasped when I just sheepishly smiled at him and shook my head in response, and Emma rubbed her nape.    


I turned my gaze to Vidia, and she took a deep breath while looking so troubled.    


"We should call the doctor again," Vid suggested, and I raised an eyebrow.    


"Why? He just examined me." I asked and tried to sit, but I couldn't as I could feel extreme pain from my casted left arm and my upper right back.    


"Nope. We need to know the diagnosis. If we need you to be examined again, we should. How can you forget? You forgot her?" Vid insisted and was about to make her signature move of walking back and forth whenever she's frustrated about something.    


"Maybe it's because of the anesthesia shots she got." Emma let out, and I looked at her. Oh, they think I'm high? Huh, no, I'm feeling so high. I am super happy, and I know why.    


"I'm calling the doctor. I need to know your condition properly." My best friend asserted, but I motioned her to come closer to me.    


"What?" She asked, and I pulled her arm to whisper something in her left ear.    


"Happy April Fool's Day, b*tches! Haha! Gotcha!" I yelled, making Vidia flinch, and I laughed my ass out but was cut off by an ouch as I felt pain from my wounds.    


I looked around at the surprised and unimpressed people around me, and I grinned.    


My gaze locked on the eyes of the person I longed to see, and she seemed to be crying, but her facial expression turned to something mad. Oops! Did I go too far?    


"Hi, Mi Amor! I'm glad to see you again. I told you we can make it." I greeted my grumpy girlfriend, and she just rolled her eyes at me in response while crossing her arms on her chest.    


"I hate you." She scoffed and pouted her lips. Ugh, I missed her so much!    


"Sydney Austin Roswell, if you aren't looking like sh*t right now... I could have choked you to death already. Be thankful, b*tch. Be thankful that you are in that state." Vidia calmly ranted, making me laugh at her, and the two other people here laughed with me.    


I looked at OJ, who seemed still upset with my outstanding acting skill, and she was clearly avoiding my gaze. Aw, poor me.    


"Oh, come on! What? It's April 1st, isn't it?" I emphasized with a big smile and looked at them one by one.    


"We know, but it's not a good time to joke around like that! We were so worried about you! And you are just going to… ugh!" Vidia asserted and let out a breath of anger.    


"Oh, okay. I'm sorry. But, hey, where are Adam and Wendy?" I uttered and asked about my homies.    


What I remembered was they were here, too.    


"They went home already. Didn't they tell you?" My best friend answered, and I shrugged my shoulders in response.    


"How would I know? I was asleep! No, you're messing with me, Vid!" I retorted, and she just raised an eyebrow and shook her head. I looked at Emma, and she just smiled at me. Then I looked at OJ, who sat down near my right leg and still seemed not in the mood to talk to me.    


"Wendy gave birth last night, Syd. It's a baby girl." Kevin said, and I snapped my head to him in shock.    


"Why? I mean... No way! She gave birth? A girl? Wait. No. Ugh, f*ck you all! You are messing up with me. I know it's all not true. Well, maybe except for the giving birth part. I know it's a boy. Where are they? Are they alright?" I exclaimed and realized I was being fooled. Hmm, this is what I get when I start something silly.    


"They are okay. And in fact... We are heading down to check on them and tell them that you are awake. Come on, you two. Let's go." Emma replied and turned to walk to the door while holding the hem of my cousin's shirt and gesturing to Vidia to come with them.    


"Yeah, yeah! We are going down there. See you later, Syd and Ollie! Enjoy!" My best friend agreed and winked at me, and they bid us goodbye. And they all walked out of my room.    


I gulped when I realized that I was alone with the pretty mad ghost in red, and I didn't know how to begin a conversation with her now. Was it a wrong decision to prank them like that? I'm screwed.    


But I'm not going to lie. I feel like I'm the happiest person on earth right now seeing her. We did it! I know that.    


"Ahem! Uh... Hey, Oj! Umm, are you... How do you feel?" I nervously asked her, and her blazing hazel eyes stared at me like strangling my soul. Damn!    


"I feel... I feel like you need to practice your acting skills more. It sucks. You know?" She answered with a hint of sarcasm, and I snickered.    


"Really? Said by the person who just cried out of worry? Mm, nah! I think it was pretty good." I confidently replied and heard her let out a scoff.    


"Excuse me? It wasn't good. Fair, it was fairly fine. You almost got me."    


"Uh-huh! Yeah, no, I really got you, Mi Amor. Look," I retorted and averted my gaze to my right hand that reached hers on the bed, and she finally smiled. Ah, I missed that.    


"You don't know how glad I am right now. You're here, and I couldn't be happier. It's the best feeling in the world." I admitted and bit my lower lip as I could feel myself about to cry out of joy. And I can't help it. My tears finally fell.    


"Yeah! We did it, Syd. Mission accomplished." She replied and went nearer to me, and I opened my right arm to invite her for a hug.    


"Yeah, mission accomplished," I whispered as I tried to hug her, and I felt her familiar warmth.    


"Thank you, Syd... For everything. No, I couldn't thank you enough, Sydee. I owe you my life. All of you. Thank you so much!" She gratefully said as she broke off from the hug and looked me in the eyes. I saw the joy in them, and I cupped her left cheek.    


"It's alright, Mi Amor. I know they would never let us down. And I would do everything for you, whatever it takes. I love you... so much." I reassured her, and she warmly smiled in response. She leaned down to kiss my forehead, making me close my eyes until I felt something warm on my lips.    


"I love you, too... So much, Syd."    


I slowly opened my eyes after hearing the sweetest words I had heard from her, and I saw her leaning in for another kiss.    


After she was pretty satisfied with feeling my faint touch with hers, I cleared my throat and asked her.    


"Now, please, tell me what happened. How did it go? How are you doing now?"    


"Well, it was... Extreme! Dude, we almost ran out of time. Like, it was just milliseconds away, Syd! If it's not because of Adam, who had beaten the hell out of my Dad and your pals restraining the doctor, I couldn't have made it. And I feel so bad that your brother got shot on his right shoulder, but he seems fine. He was so brave, all of them. And I couldn't thank you all enough. You saved me. I feel very alive and happy, Sydee. And I found my mom, too. You found her. Thank you. I don't know how many thank yous I need to tell you, but, girl, I am so grateful to you." She said with fervor, and I felt so happy for her, too.    


My wishes did come true, our wishes.    


"That's great! I always know you are worth fighting for. Now, what are your plans? You finally got what you need." I replied and asked her. I don't know if she would be spending time with her body to make her healing process quicker or if she would still be roaming outside away from her physical form. But I think she needs to be inside her body.    


"Umm, now that you mentioned that... I will be... I'll keep you company until you feel okay. I'll stay here with you. I'll be your emotional support. I'll also sing you songs, tell you stories and funny things to make you recover faster. I won't leave your side." She answered without second thoughts, and I chuckled.    


"Okay. Thank you. But---" I replied and was about to reason out, but she didn't let me finish.    


"Uh, uh, uh. No buts, biatch! Keep your big butt calm and relaxed. Let me do my part in making you feel a little less sh*tty. Don't worry. I'll be fine. I want to be with you, and I will be with you. Periodt!" She asserted, and I didn't want to argue with her anymore because I knew she would not win if I began telling her my points. I'm just letting her win this time.    


"Alright. Suit yourself." I replied and felt her warmth when she put me in her embrace.    


Honestly, I'd love her to stay with me, too.    


After everything we've been through, right now, all I can feel with her is pure contentment.    


We did it.    


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