Ghost In Red

C75 Chapter 75 - It's Over

C75 Chapter 75 - It's Over

*Olivia Jillian Hunters' POV*    




As I looked around my room, I saw many familiar faces here, and what caught my attention was the doctor sitting on a stool near the couch while his hands were tied behind him, and he got a broken, bleeding nose.    


Dude, what happened here? What have they done?    


"Hi, Olivia! Welcome back, girl!"    


"The doctor has been taken good care of!"    


"I like that guy! Is his name Kevin? I heard it was Kevin. I'm sure of it. Hi, Olivia! I know you will come back here! We missed you!"    


Some of my ghost friends cheerfully greeted me, and Clinton opened his arms wide to put me in his embrace. Oh, I missed them, too!    


I looked at the others and noticed there were only two more of the ghosts here.    


"Hi, all of you! Where's Dylan?" I asked and received a shaking head in response from Clint and Ericka.    


"He passed away about a week ago. He vanished, just like thin air, and the next thing we knew is he's dead." Lucy said, and I gasped, hearing the tragic news.    


I should have been next to disappear. Luckily, I have a lot of heroes who did all they could do to save me. I couldn't be more grateful!    


I looked around my room, and I saw Mimi holding my right hand, my little brother hugging his mom in a corner, Grace resting her left hand on the doctor's right shoulder, and Emma and Kevin slowly opening the door to let my mother in.    


Mom walked near me, and Mimi smiled at her and let my hand go to let my mother hold it. I saw her tears begin falling from her eyes again, and she sat on the stool beside my bed.    


"Oh, my baby girl! Jillian, sweetheart, I'm here now. Mommy's here now. No one will hurt you. I'm here. Oh, I am so sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I left you! But don't worry. I'm here now." Mom cried and caressed my right cheek, and she checked me from head to toe while looking so devastated.    


I couldn't help but cry, too. And I saw tears streaming down from my closed eyes.    


"Hey, we noticed those tears fall a lot of times, Liv. You were crying, didn't you?" Ericka asked and rubbed my back, and I lightly nodded my head.    


"Well, at least you made it! You are saved, girl! Congratulations!" Clint cheered and ruffled my hair.    


"Yeah! I did. But I won't make it if not because of her. She saved me." I uttered and smiled at the thought of my precious girl. I owe her my life.    


"Who? Your mama?" Lucinda asked, and I looked at them.    


"Sydney," I answered with a proud smile, and they looked baffled.    


"Sydney? That girl you told us who snatched your boy? How? Why?" Clint curiously asked and looked at me with his eyebrows raised.    


"No, she did not snatch him. She was framed. She's innocent." I told them the whole truth, and Ericka raised a hand to ask me something.    


"But why did you say that she saved you? Doesn't she hate you? What happened to those days when you were gone?"    


"Well, it's a long story, but I will only tell you a few details—the significant ones. Sydney is... She can see me and only me because we are soulmates, and she loves me. I love her, too. And yes, we are girlfriends. I asked her." I confessed and chuckled when I saw the priceless looks on their faces.    


I didn't wait for them to react as I went near my Mimi to give her a hug.    


"Oh, I missed you, Mimi!"    


Then I patted JC's head, and I hugged my only best friend, Grace.    


I looked at the people near the couch, and Kevin and Emma were untying the poor doctor. And then, I peeked outside my room and saw the worried Vidia while Adam was being guided by a nurse who was applying pressure on his shot wound. Hopefully, he will be okay.    


While my father talked to the men in uniform, I saw Candice go out of my room and speak to him.    


I know it wasn't my father's intention to let go of me. I understand why he decided such a thing. He doesn't want me to suffer. But I want to take a shot. I want to live. I know I still have a chance. There is still so much I want to do, and I have realized most of them when I almost die. Those limited moments made me understand the importance of one's life. It's truly a gift.    


I went near my mom while the intrigued ghosts followed me and kept asking questions about my one-of-a-kind relationship with my foe. I would love to tell them more about it later.    




When I finally got what I needed, time, I could now breathe and think properly. I know Mom will do everything to make me okay. And she just needed a moment with my dad and Candice to talk about a lot of things.    


When I was sure everything was settled in NYC, I decided to board a plane to go back to the love of my life to tell her myself the great news. I'm sure Sydney will be glad to hear it.    


I landed at three in the afternoon, and I went straight to the hospital to see my girl.    


As I arrived in her room, I noticed she was asleep. I know she needs a lot of rest, and I will just wait until she wakes up.    


A few hours had passed since I sat on the stool beside my girlfriend's bed, studying her features and telling her things. And I was startled when Wendy suddenly yelled.    


"My water broke! Oh, my gosh!"    


"Oh, my ghost! You are giving birth, Wendy!" I screamed and hastily ran to the door to call for help, but I realized no one could hear me. So I went back inside while panicking.    


I don't know how to help, for the baby's sake!    


When the pregnant woman was about to stand up to call for help, the door burst open, revealing the people we needed. Thank goodness! They have arrived!    


"Oh, sh*t! You are not kidding, Wen? I'm finally going to become a father! Yeah!" Adam yelled and hurried to his wife while Kevin ran to scream for help along the hallways.    


Emma and Vidia quickly went to Wendy to help her out.    


Some doctors and nurses came into view, and they took Wendy to the ER.    


"New beginnings, new chances, new life. It's a wonderful day, Sydney." I joyfully muttered and looked at my soundly sleeping girl, holding her right hand. I felt her warmth send the butterflies in my insides going crazy, and I kissed her forehead.    


"I can't wait to tell you some great news, Sydee. Wake up soon, alright?" I told her, and I sat on the stool while waiting for her to open her eyes.    




Morning came, and it felt like my first day being alive again. It's a good day. Wendy's son came out healthy last night, and they named him Alwin. He looks so cute, and he has some identical features to his auntie—the dimples on both cheeks. They are indeed so damn adorable!    


But one thing has been worrying me since yesterday—why was Sydney still not awake? Her doctor came in earlier and said she was just doing fine. And I believe him.    


I went out of my girl's room for a moment to visit the little boy down the baby department and check on Wendy right after.    


I walked through the glass and heard a baby crying so loud while looking at me when I passed by. Ooh, she got some gifts. Her name is Angelica. I waved at her, and I continued going to where the little Alwin was.    


After I saw Wendy was doing a bit better with Adam watching over her, I went back to Sydney's room.    


When I stepped in, I wondered why it was so noisy, and it was Kevin singing his heart out while the two girls were trying to stop him. I know they were trying to wake up Sydney from her slumber.    




Another day came, and Syd was still not awake. And I can't help but feel so worried about her. What bothered me more was the doctor removed the tube from her mouth and replaced it with an oxygen mask. Maybe she's doing a lot better.    


While I was looking out the window to see the starry sky, I looked behind me when I heard some noise from the people inside Sydney's room.    


"She's awake! I saw her blinking! She's awake! Guys! Syd's awake!"    


"Doctor! Nurse! Help! She's awake!"    


They blared, and I couldn't be happy enough hearing it. At last!    


The doctor came in, and examined Syd.    


Then I went near my girlfriend after the white-clothed people checked on her, and I smiled as I looked at her. But my smile slowly faded when she seemed like she didn't notice me.    


"Hi, Sydee! How do you feel now?" I asked her, and she didn't show any signs that she heard me; instead, she looked at her best friend.    


"Syd? Can you hear me? See me?" I asked her, and still, I didn't receive any response from her.    


"What happened?" Sydney asked Vidia, and I also didn't know what was happening. Why was she asking such a question?    


"Wait, you don't remember?" Emma asked the oblivious girl, and I gulped. No, she must have remembered.    


"What? Will I be asking if I did remember, Ems? Why am I in a hospital? What happened?" Sydney replied, and it seemed she was clueless about everything. Why? It can't be.    


"What? You don't remember? OJ? Your girl? We did it! She's okay, Syd! You can't see her around here?" Vidia told her best friend, and the blondie shook her head while making a confused thinking face.    


"What? OJ? Hunters? Olivia Jillian Hunters? The mean girl? What would she be doing here?" She snickered and looked around the room.    


I am just right here beside Vidia in front of her. Why can't she see me? Why can't she remember me? Us?    


Oh, no!    


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