Godly Luck Upgrade System



"Humph, you are only the Vice Sect Leader of Western Buddhism. Now in this new world, you are all alone and there is no one left to support you. In this new world, it is not impossible for us to exterminate you!"    


As soon as his words fell, he raised his palms. In an instant, the Golden Crow's Primordial Fire erupted from his body like a volcano eruption, covering the entire sky. The sound of the explosion was extremely shocking.    


With just a simple wave of his hand, the Eastern Emperor was already able to create such a shockingly powerful force, causing the countenance of Patriarch Subhuti to turn pale.    


Although his cultivation was one small realm higher than the Eastern Emperor, he still wasn't confident that he could defeat and kill his opponent. He even had a feeling that he was the one who would lose in the end.    


Without wasting any time, the Eastern Emperor controlled the flames that filled the skies and struck towards Patriarch Subhuti.    


The distance between the two parties was very close. The Eastern Emperor, Grand Emperor, appeared before Patriarch Subhuti in a flash. His palms were scorching hot, and as he calmly pushed them out, Patriarch Subhuti hurriedly crossed his arms to block.    


Boom …    


Patriarch Subhuti only felt a surge of heaven-shaking energy attempting to blast him away. Fortunately, the power of a semi-sage realm expert wasn't something that a peak level Saint realm expert could withstand.    


Patriarch Subhuti suddenly roared:    


"Set it for This Penniless Priest!"    


As the shout rang out, Patriarch Subhuti's figure that was about to flip backwards froze on the spot. Not only that, a powerful counter force directly passed through the Emperor of the East's twin palms and reached his body. This caused him to turn pale with fright as he was sent flying tens of millions of miles away.    


A fierce wind blew all of the mountains and trees in the area up in the air.    


The ground rumbled and shook. It was a spectacular sight to behold!    


However, even though the Eastern Emperor was sent flying, he wasn't injured. However, he was already enraged.    


Rumble …    


The Eastern Emperor transformed into a silver-white fireball, and in the blink of an eye, flew back towards Patriarch Subhuti.    


Xu Ling stood up from the ground in an instant, his face filled with shock as he watched the Eastern Emperor disappear from his sight in the blink of an eye.    


"What is this?"    


Xu Ling's face was filled with disbelief, but he suddenly thought of something and his expression changed. At the same time, he muttered to himself: "It's hard to believe that person was the Eastern Emperor? Master seemed to have said that the Eastern Emperor was brought here by his Imperial Father from the outside. No one knew where it was. Was it brought out of a space-time danger zone? "    


At that time, the experts under Xu Haotian were as numerous as the clouds, and the Eastern Emperor was one of the strongest experts in the Clear Sky Court. For Hao Tian Tian Court has made a great war achievement.    


At this moment, Qiang Liang flashed past Xu Ling's head like a bolt of lightning, causing him to almost fall to the ground in fright.    


Soon, a fireball transformed from the Eastern Emperor Grand Emperor appeared in front of Patriarch Subhuti. It didn't pause at all as it viciously smashed towards him.    


When Patriarch Subhuti saw this, he knew that a great battle was unavoidable. He wasn't someone who would engage in a battle with others. At this moment, he coldly took out his famous magic treasure, the Milky Way Floating Dust, and threw it towards the fireball.    


In the blink of an eye, the floating dust transformed into billions of silver threads, lengthening the distance by tens of thousands of meters like billions of silver bugs. In the blink of an eye, they had wrapped around the fireballs tightly.    


However, just as Patriarch Subhuti completed this wave of attack, the fireball that was wrapped in the floating dust suddenly exploded. Countless silver-white flames recklessly flew out, instantly burning the floating dust and silver threads in all directions.    


"Smelly Taoist, I will kill you!"    


In the blink of an eye, the flames that had been scattered all over the place gathered together, and the golden figure of the Eastern Emperor appeared. At the same time, an ice-cold voice resounded through the skies!    


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