Best Matrilocal Son-in-law

C98 I will Carry You

C98 I will Carry You

"Chu Feng, where are you now?" Zhang Lin hurriedly asked after dialing the number.    


Chu Feng heard Zhang Lin's voice trembling slightly. A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes. He frowned and said, "I am downstairs. What happened to you?"    


"I have some trouble now. Can you come over for a while?" Zhang Lin said with an embarrassed expression.    


Her relationship with Chu Feng was not real. They had signed an agreement before they got married that they would not disturb each other. Although Zhang Lin did not do anything to let Chu Feng down, she still felt a little indebted to Chu Feng in her heart.    


"Alright, I got it!" After saying that, Chu Feng hung up the phone. He slowly took a step forward at a very fast speed, leaving only a gray light.    


There were a lot of people on the street. They looked at the gray light and raised their phones to take pictures. However, at that moment, they realized that they could not use their phones.    


"Is this a Flash?"    


"Is there really a Flash in this world?"    


"Why can't I use my phone? How can I miss such a good scene?"    


"I can't use my phone either. What's going on?"    


At the same time, on Zhang Lin's side, after Chu Feng hung up the phone, Zhang Lin conveniently stuffed the phone into her pocket with a calm look. The last time it happened, it was Chu Feng who helped her solve it. This time, she believed that Chu Feng also had the ability to solve it.    


However, when everyone saw this, they frowned and said in a panic, "You can't just ask Chu Feng for help! Linlin, you should call grandma again! What if grandma can help us?"    


Zhang Lin shook her head slightly and lightly laughed. "I believe he can."    


Everyone's expression was extremely ugly. Even Zhang Renzong frowned. He tightly gripped the beer bottle in his hand, as if he was about to fight with someone at any moment.    


Zhang Lin was his daughter. Even if he had to sacrifice his life, he would protect his daughter.    


At this time, in another private room in the hotel, Zuo Yuan was shaking the Red Wine in his cup. His eyes were cold as he looked at the door, his expression becoming more and more serious.    


"Mr. Zuo, I'm sorry. I have some small matters to deal with just now." The middle-aged man said with a flattering expression.    


Zuo Yuan's expression had eased a little when he heard these words. She smiled as she looked at the person in front of her. Her gaze was indescribably strange.    


"I came late today. This way, I will punish myself by drinking three cups of wine."    


After saying this, the middle-aged man poured the three glasses of white wine and drank it in one breath.    


"Mr. Zuo, who in Nanning City doesn't know about you? You can even kill Xu Qingyang, I admire your means. I will follow you from now on. " The middle-aged man said with a smile.    


At this time, Zuo Yuan was expressionless. With Xu Qingyang's strength, his death was inevitable. In the end, he was merely Chu Feng's subordinate.    


"If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely guide you well!" Zuo Yuan smiled.    


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