All-field Godly Wish System

C1164 I Found out in Surprise

C1164 I Found out in Surprise

Qi Lina looked at the raging flames and then looked at Yang Ling who was smiling beside her. She said with admiration, "Master is brilliant. This fire will definitely cause the Sea People to suffer a great blow and buy time for our race to continue developing."    


"Ding! You have fulfilled Qi Lina's wish of burning the Flood Dragon Clan. Wish Value + 1."    


Yang Ling looked at Qi Lina with amusement. This girl had already completely regarded him as the Human Race. It was pretty good.    


Ever since Yang Ling found out that the Sea People was selling young men and women, he had put away the last of his compassion. There was no mercy in a fight to the death.    


Furthermore, this fire would intensify the conflict between the Sea People and the Luna Palace. After all, the Sea People who saw Yang Ling's true face had already been killed by him.    


As for what the Luna Palace said, no one with a normal IQ would believe it. After all, they were the ones who robbed him first.    


After doing all of this, Yang Ling didn't say anything else. He swept everyone away and disappeared into the sea of fire.    


After a while, on a small island on the sea, Yang Ling said, "Little Na, just in case you don't return to the Sea People for the time being."    


"How about this, you go and fetch your mother first, then find a safe place to settle down. When I return to the S City, you guys can come with me and help me or something."    


Qi Lina's face revealed a surprised expression when she heard this. She nodded her head vigorously and said. "Yes, master. This servant will definitely serve you well in the future!"    


"Ding, you have fulfilled Qi Lina's wish to not leave you for a long time. Wish Value + 1."    


Yang Ling smiled and said, "Alright, go."    


Looking at the direction in which the girl left, Yang Ling smiled and shook his head. Then he moved and disappeared from where he was.    


At noon the next day, Yang Ling stretched lazily on the big bed in the Celestial Island Hotel. He slept quite comfortably.    


Looking at the boys and girls sleeping soundly on the carpet in the big room, Yang Ling took out his phone and dialed Mary's number.    


After Mary arrived, Yang Ling briefly told her about the origin of these children. Because these children had come into contact with the Sea People, it was not appropriate for them to return to human society for the time being, so Mary arranged for them to stay in Celestial Island.    


Yang Ling did not care about the aftermath. Before they left, the children shook hands with him. He generously gave them his autograph and told them not to speak about this matter and not to mention about the Sea People's experience to anyone.    


Of course, it was also to obtain the Wish Value on their bodies, a total of + 4.    


After everything was settled, Yang Ling stored nearly five million jin of spirit liquid in the Lovesick Bracelet in his clone to provide her with mechanical cultivation. At the same time, he controlled his clone to return to the small room on the ship and continued his seclusion.    


Within the Wish Space, he began to summarize the gains and losses of his trip to the Sea People.    


The purpose of this trip to the Sea People was to obtain the Eye of Spirit Spring, but the most valuable one should be the Flood Dragon Pill.    


With a flip of his hand, he took out the Nine Heaven Breath Soil Soil. It was a top grade material used to refine defensive equipment. In addition, it could also accelerate the growth of plants.    


Yang Ling walked into the medicinal garden and found a place to lay the Soil Soil Soil flat on the ground. Then, he dug out a small ginseng and planted it in it. Then, he watered it with spirit liquid.    


With both of them working together, the ginseng began to grow. However, its speed was not as fast as the wood life force injected into it. This function was basically useless to Yang Ling, who had the ability to move flowers and trees.    


He sighed and was about to put away the Soil Breath Soil when he suddenly thought of something. He waved his hand at a nearby tree. A dead tree floated over with a bud on it. It was the sapling of the Clear-Eyed Spirit Tree he had bought earlier.    


He buried the withered tree into the Soil Breathing Earth and watered it with spirit liquid. There were no changes, but when he poured his wood life force into it, a look of pleasant surprise appeared on his face.    


The soil actually had an effect on increasing wood power!    


After calculating with the Deductive Proficiency, the growth rate of the Clear Eyed Spirit Tree in the Soil of Breath was nearly five times faster than before!    


This discovery surprised him. The growth rate of the Clear Eyed Spirit Tree was extremely slow, even several times slower than the Divine Vine. In order to grow it, it would consume an unknown amount of life force. However, with the enhancement of the Soil Breath Soil, this speed was increased by five times, and the consumption was also reduced by five times!    




Yang Ling smiled and did not stop there. He injected all the green clouds in the space into the sapling. The small green teeth were growing at a visible speed, but in a moment, they had turned into a small tree half a meter tall and as thick as an arm.    


There was a groove on the trunk of the small tree. There was some mist on the trunk. This was the legendary Clear-Eyed Spiritual Liquid!    


Yang Ling was overjoyed. He carefully scratched the groove with his fingernail, and obtained a drop of the Clear-Eyed Spiritual Liquid. He then put it into a jade bottle.    


He dripped the drop of eye-cleansing liquid into his right eye like a drop of eye medicine. After blinking a few times, he clearly felt a slight change in his right eye. It was as if his vision had become stronger.    


A drop of liquid could not directly transform his right eye into a spirit eye. He still needed to continuously drip a drop every day, and only after a long time would the transformation begin.    


According to the records in the Collection of Anecdotes, the spirit eye that was transformed from long-term nourishment by the Clear Eyed Spirit Liquid was also called the Heavenly Eye. Not only could it see through all fabrications in the world, but it could also look directly at the source of all things. The Heavenly Eye also had all kinds of magical effects. The most direct effect was that there was an illusion technique called the Illusion Light in the eye. Once it was used, it could make a person fall into an endless illusion. It was very powerful.    


This was also the only divine ability recorded in the Collection of Anecdotes that was stored in the Heavenly Eye. As for the other miraculous abilities, it wasn't mentioned. After all, since ancient times, no one had ever been able to wash their eyes with the Clear Eye Liquid every day. It was too extravagant. It was so extravagant that it made one's hair stand on end...    


However, other people might not be able to do it, but Yang Ling still had hope. He was looking forward to it in his heart.    


After thinking for a while, he decided to use the Flower Relocation skill to absorb all the life force of all the ordinary plants in the space. The original 100,000 cubic meters of plant life force became bare on the spot. However, in contrast, 50 green clouds floated in the sky. These were formed by the life force of plants.    


Yang Ling did not feel much pain. With a tap of his finger, all the green clouds poured into the Clear-Eyed Spirit Tree. In the next moment, the spirit tree began to grow rapidly.    


When all the fifty clouds of life were used up, the tree, which was originally only half a meter tall, had grown to more than three meters tall. It was twice as thick as an adult's calf.    


The Spirit Tree spread its branches and leaves, but the groove did not change, but the water vapor on it became even thicker.    


Yang Ling once again used his nails to collect the clear eye liquid, but this time he collected three drops.    


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