All-field Godly Wish System

C1301 Little Aunt Is too Popular

C1301 Little Aunt Is too Popular

After coming out of the villa, Yang Ling planned to visit his aunt.    


He had three villas in the South Bay Community. One was where his parents lived, and now his aunt lived. The other was Siyin's, his sister's, and Chen Yi's usual entertainment room. They were all there to conduct live broadcasts and study, and now Qi Lina lived there.    


There was also a relatively remote house that belonged to Little Dragon Maiden. Little Dragon Maiden was in his Lovesick Bracelet now, so the house was empty.    


Actually, he had already noticed that something was wrong when he came earlier.    


The front of the villa that Little Aunt lived in was filled with cars. A small section of the stone road in front of the entrance was covered with roses. Those who didn't know would think that someone was getting married.    


Walking closer, two young men were pushing and shoving at the entrance, not giving in to each other. There were a few men beside them who were also eager to give it a try.    


"Xinlei, open the door. I really like you! Let me chase after you okay!?"    


"Xinlei, it's me, wang Congli. Have you forgotten that we are classmates in high school? I've liked you since high school! "    


Yang Ling couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw this scene.    


Little Aunt was a relative close to him, and she was quite pretty. The key was that she was still unmarried. When the news spread, it would naturally attract the pursuit of many young people.    


Not only Little Aunt, but even his cousin and cousin were very popular in school. The relatives who worked outside would also receive some preferential treatment. This was something that couldn't be helped.    


No one was willing to offend a rich person like Yang Ling. This society was so realistic.    


Looking at the blocked door, Yang Ling helplessly called Little Aunt. After a moment, the door immediately opened.    


A girl wearing pajamas, messy hair, and a pair of round glasses stood at the entrance of the villa.    


It was obvious that this little girl was Little Aunt Yang Xinlei.    


The moment this girl appeared, it immediately caused a commotion. The man who called himself a high school classmate immediately knelt on the ground and held a bouquet of roses, "Xinlei, I really like you. Can you be my girlfriend?"    


"You guys are so annoying. I said I won't find a boyfriend!"    


Yang Xinlei seemed very impatient. After her eyes swept across the crowd, she saw Yang Ling smiling not far away. The slightly irritated expression on his face immediately disappeared.    


She wore slippers and walked around the two men blocking the door. She walked quickly to Yang Ling's side and intimately held his arm. She said, "Ling, are you here to pick me up? Wait for me. I'll go back and dress up! "    


"Ding! You have fulfilled Yang Xinlei's wish to see you. Wish Value + 1."    


Yang Ling asked curiously, "What, there is an activity at night?"    


"Eh? Didn't your father say that he would go to Grandpa Liu for dinner tonight?"    


Yang Xinlei asked curiously, "You're not going?"    


"You guys go, I'm not going."    


Yang Ling smiled and looked at the stunned men at the gate. He laughed and said, "Little Aunt, you are quite popular."    


"But will your appearance affect the image of the goddess?"    


Yang Xinlei heard this and angrily said, "What they like is your money, not me."    


"It doesn't make any difference whether I dress or not."    


"Alright, let's go in."    


As he spoke, he pulled Yang Ling towards the door.    


At this moment, the group of men finally reacted. Someone exclaimed: "Ling, it's Ling!"    


"Director Yang, you're here!"    


... "Hello, Director Yang!"    


"Good, good to you."    


Yang Ling did not put on airs. He naturally had to return the greeting when someone greeted him.    


"Ding! You have fulfilled everyone's wish to see you. Wish Value + 1."    


The high school classmate walked in front of Yang Ling and said earnestly, "Director Yang, I really like your aunt. Do you think I can pursue her?"    


Yang Ling laughed and said, "You have to ask my aunt about this. I am not a feudal fiefdom tycoon. I don't have to arrange a marriage."    


This made everyone laugh. Yang Xinlei said angrily, "You still have the face to come. You were not like this in high school. Now you want to be Ling's uncle?"    


"No door!"    


Wang Congli smiled bitterly. "Xinlei, wang Congli said. At that time, I was still too young and did not know what love was."    


"I promise that I will wholeheartedly do everything for you in the future!"    




Yang Ling could not help but laugh when he heard her, but Yang Xinlei snorted and said, "Is it sour? My teeth are sore!"    


"You can save those words for others!"    


"It is a little sour, haha."    


Yang Ling laughed out loud and teased, "Little Aunt, this is also quite good. Only the sweet and sour can be called youth!"    


A moment later, in the main hall of the villa, Yang Xinlei made a cup of tea for Yang Ling and asked curiously, "Ling, what happened?"    


"Why do you suddenly want to travel alone?"    


Yang Ling smiled and said, "Nothing. I just want to go out and relax."    


"By the way, little Aunt, I have something to give you."    


As he spoke, he flipped his hand and took out a small booklet. Two small jade bottles were handed to the woman.    


Yang Xinlei flipped through the small booklet. There were some small characters drawn on it and they did all kinds of actions. She said with a strange expression, "This is a martial arts secret manual?"    


"I guess so."    


Yang Ling smiled and said, "This is a martial art that I obtained by chance. It is called Tiger Fist. When you have nothing else to do, draw a gourd and practice it. It's very effective for losing weight. "    




Yang Xinlei was not interested in martial arts manuals, but when she heard the word losing weight, she immediately perked up.    


Because she lacked exercise, she was still a little chubby...    


"Ding! You have fulfilled Little Aunt's wish to obtain special effects of the slimming exercise, Wish Value + 1."    


Yang Ling smiled and shook his head, then said, "These two bottles contain small medicinal pills, both of which were accidentally concocted by me. One of them is called the Beauty Nourishing Pill, after consuming it, it can make one become beautiful."    


"The other is called Vital Pill, after eating it, it can replenish one's body."    


"Beauty Nourishing Pill!"    


Yang Xinlei more or less knew some of Yang Ling's abilities. When she heard this, her face was full of surprise.    


Which girl did not love beauty? She excitedly hugged Yang Ling and said with a smile, "Really my good nephew. Aunt did not dote on you for nothing when you were young!"    


Yang Ling laughed and said, "You hurt Xue'er, right? When you were young, you stole my ice cream and made it dirty. I remember it clearly!"    


"Ah, you still remember?"    


Yang Xinlei's face turned red, and then she smiled and said, "But didn't I help you take a bath later?"    


"It's even!"    


"'Ding... you have fulfilled Yang Xinlei's wish to become beautiful and powerful, Wish Value + 1. '"    


Yang Ling was too lazy to talk about this nonsense with her. He said seriously, "Little Aunt, you cannot eat this Vital Pill randomly. With your current physical condition, you can only eat a third of it a day at most."    


"Also, the things I gave you are temporarily kept a secret. You also need to practice your fist technique alone. Don't flaunt it in front of others."    


Seeing Yang Ling's cautious tone, Yang Xinlei nodded and said: "I know. I understand what you mean."    




Yang Ling smiled when he heard her. He suddenly reached out and took off the glasses on his aunt's face. He smiled as the girl exclaimed. "Open your eyes wider, don't blink!"    




Yang Xinlei was surprised and said, "You, what are you doing!?"    


"I'm six hundred degrees myopia, I can't see!"    


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