All-field Godly Wish System

C1353 Cat Mothers Are Not Considered National Protected Animals

C1353 Cat Mothers Are Not Considered National Protected Animals

Nalan Jin gently shook her head and said, "Although this child is kind, he was spoiled since he was young and lacked training. It is always good to let him learn to be independent."    


"Is that so?"    


Yang Ling laughed and said, "Sister Nalan, why do I feel that you are not like a girlfriend, but like a mother..."    


"Eh? Do you think so too?"    


Nalan Jin smiled bitterly. "I always feel that there is a huge gap between us and Yin Xuan. Maybe we, old fellows, should get used to this era of science and technology."    


"You are an old fellow. I am still young."    


The more Yang Ling thought about it, the more he found it funny. This scene naturally fell into Nalan Jin's eyes. Seeing this fellow hold back his laughter so hard, she said angrily, "You are quite carefree. It was not easy for you to have an explanation with Yuwei. You did not even know to hug her before parting."    


"I can tell that this child wanted to carry you just now."    


"I know that she wanted to hug me, but she did not dare to. That's all."    


Yang Ling looked at the end of the road ahead and said with a faint smile. "The moon has its ups and downs, and people have their sorrows and sorrows. This is an ancient matter."    


"When fate arrives, we will definitely meet again. When we meet again, I think she will be even more confident."    


Nalan Jin heard this and stared at Yang Ling for a moment before asking seriously: "Little Brother Yang, are you really only twenty years old?"    


"Why do I feel that you are more mature than us old fellows?"    


"Is there?"    


Yang Ling revealed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. After experiencing Nangong Ruo'er's separation, Guang's separation, experiencing life and death with Little Dragon Maiden and Su Qiling, having so many dangerous, sweet, or sour experiences, along the way his heart had changed greatly.    


Without saying much, Yang Ling waved the flower in his hand and sang as he walked. "The sun is always after the rain. There is a clear sky above the dark clouds."    


"Cherish all the emotions, every hope is in your hands..."    


Nalan Jin looked at the carefree back of the young man in front of her and listened to the pleasant singing. After being stunned for a while, she suddenly went forward and grabbed Yang Ling's arm. She giggled and said, " Little Brother Yang. There's still a while before the gala. Come and have a drink with me!"    


" Eh? Just the two of us?"    


"Right, just the two of us!"    


"Let's go, just treat it as accompanying elder sister!"    


Nalan Jin, on the other hand, pulled Yang Ling into a luxury car without giving him any explanation.    


"Ding. You have fulfilled Nalan Jin's wish to accompany you to drink. Wish Value + 1."    


Around 10 o'clock at night. Yang Ling carried Miao Tong'er out of a pub. Beside him was Nalan Jin, who had a funny face.    


The two of them were originally very happy drinking and chatting, but Miao Tong'er suddenly came out. She said that she also wanted to drink...    


The sudden appearance of the Late Period of Innate Stage cultivator gave Nalan Jin a fright, and only after Yang Ling explained did she understand this girl's identity.    


Looking at the flushed face of the drunk Miao Tong'er on Yang Ling's back, Nalan Jin laughed and said: "Isn't it just a few kilograms of Five Grain Liquid? Why are you so drunk?"    


Reasonably speaking, ten catties of Five Grain Liquid can cause a mortal's stomach to bleed from drinking it. But for an Innate Stage warrior, it was nothing.    


Yang Ling said helplessly, "I'm still a Late Period of Innate Stage warrior, I didn't even know that I was sold in this state."    


"Fellow Taoist Meow, wake up."    




Miao Tong'er murmured. Her mouth was filled with the smell of alcohol. Yang Ling said in disgust, "Yes, what is it? Don't babble. Hurry up and shrink. I have something to do!"    


"Yang Ling... you shut up. It's so noisy!"    




Nalan Jin giggled. Yang Ling was furious. He regretted bringing this woman with him. It was fine if she didn't listen to him. She was a burden to him.    




With a crisp sound, Yang Ling slapped Miao Tong'er's butt and increased the decibel. He said, "Don't get sick of it. Hurry up!"    


This time it was not light. Miao Tong'er mewed and woke up a lot. She looked at Yang Ling and then looked at Nalan Jin, who was teasing her. Her already red face became even redder now.    


The next moment, her body moved and quickly shrank to the size of a palm, but was stuffed into Yang Ling's pocket.    


Nalan Jin, who was watching from the side, widened her eyes and said, "Little Brother Yang, are you going to treat the Nine-Life Cat Demon this way?"    


"Big Sister will give you another explanation. This is an existence on the same level as the Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox. There is only one such existence in the world, and it is even more precious than a giant panda."    


Nalan Jin only knew that Yang Ling and the cat demon were temporarily cooperating and did not know about the existence of the contract. Yang Ling heard her and smiled. "Don't worry. Cat Girl may be rare, but she is not included in the national protection of animals."    


"It is not against the law."    




Sister Nalan opened her mouth, but there was nothing she could say.    


I understand all the reasons, but am I going to tell you again that it is not against the law?    


What are you thinking, kid...    


Seeing Sister Nalan looking at him strangely, Yang Ling laughed and said: "Alright, alright. It's fine. Speaking of which, it's almost time. Let's go. "    


After saying that, he pulled Nalan Jin and disappeared under the Thunder Escape.    


When the two of them rushed to the venue, it was basically the end. Although it was said that it was to divert the attention of the enemy forces to hold this party, it was actually a large-scale gala.    


Didn't all the celebrities rush to T City? Taking advantage of this opportunity, they would organize a gala to make everyone happy. Selling television broadcasting rights, online broadcasting rights, and so on could also earn a sum of money. It would be a happy thing to do but to do nothing.    


The Human Alliance also had to earn money and eat well...    


When Yang Ling and Nalan Jin appeared in front of everyone's eyes, the originally noisy atmosphere quieted down. The host, Mary, immediately said, "Everyone stand up and welcome Director Yang, miss Nalan!"    


Everyone stood up with a hualala sound. This was almost the highest level of courtesy. Yang Ling and Nalan Jin were stunned.    


Wasn't it just showing his face? What was the point of making such a grand scene?    


"Ding! You have fulfilled everyone's wish of you and Nalan Jin attending the gala. Wish Value + 2."    


Nalan Jin looked at Yang Ling and indicated for him to express his stance. Yang Ling laughed. "It's not the company's annual meeting. Everyone, sit."    


His words caused the crowd to laugh. The atmosphere relaxed and everyone took their seats.    


Mary on the stage laughed and said, "Director Yang, miss Nalan, everyone at the gala will perform with their own talents and perform well for the actors who are about to get into the filming."    


"The two of you are also singing a song and giving their blessings?"    




Yang Ling's mouth twitched. Sure enough, mary and Lau Tieh had ulterior motives. It was fine if they let the two of them sing, but they did not even pay the entrance fee.    


Nalan Jin, who was beside him, laughed out of alcohol, "Okay, sing then sing!"    


"Director Yang, let's go on stage and sing together!"    


As she spoke, she directly grabbed Yang Ling's hand. Yang Ling saw this and said helplessly, "Alright, alright, I'll help you play the accompaniment okay? Don't pull anymore."    


When everyone saw Yang Ling's unwilling expression, they couldn't help but laugh. The various people in the bullet comments also began to perform.    


Everyone knew that Yang Ling's music skills were extraordinary. The moment he agreed to go on stage, the news quickly spread through the Internet, and the number of people watching the live broadcast increased exponentially.    


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