All-field Godly Wish System

C1510 The Asura Realm Is Going to Turn into Hell!

C1510 The Asura Realm Is Going to Turn into Hell!

Chu Siyin giggled beside him. "Sister Liu and her husband are the only ones who got the certificate. It's not counted."    


"Furthermore, he has done so much for humanity. Even if he committed a crime, no one would dare to arrest him!"    


Liu Muhan felt her face turn red. She hurriedly looked at the bullet comments and bullet comments. Sure enough, no one mentioned the crime of getting married. It seemed that in everyone's eyes, it was only natural for Ling to have a few more girlfriends.    


What was even more ridiculous was that the Human Alliance's official announcement was almost at light speed. Cultivators could not use modern society laws to demand them. The Alliance was already drafting the Cultivator Act and would seek opinions from all humans.    


At this moment, no one was paying attention to whether the marriage would be remarried or not. Ling already had a sister and a pet pet, so what if he had a few more girlfriends?    


Right now, they were all paying attention to the two women.    


Su Qiling and Yun Xialei.    


The two women seemed to be at odds. Although they did not speak, they could smell the smell of gunpowder from the screen.    


Su Qiling said with a smile that was not a smile, "I think this must be Fellow Daoist Yun who is on par with my sisters?"    


"I didn't expect that not long after you climbed out of the coffin, your face would turn so red. This is truly worthy of celebration."    


Yang Ling was shocked when he heard this. He pulled Su Qianmo and quietly retreated. Yun Xialei sneered and said, "Su Qiling, why are you still hiding your fox tail in this Tian Yi Continent?"    


"Didn't the six tails of the Demonic Fox drag six burnt tails and wave around the market?"    




The conversation between the two girls was fiercer than the last. Old Yin and Yang were just so-so. The smell of gunpowder in the air was getting stronger and stronger.    


The citizens did not dare to send bullet comments anymore. They swallowed their saliva and felt cold sweat trickling down their backs.    


Asura Arena!    


This word popped up in their hearts...    


Yang Ling retreated even further. These two girls were very strong. They could sense that Su Qiling had reached the third level of the Peak of Innate Stage. They were afraid that they wouldn't be able to stop them if they were to fight.    


Su Qianmo who was beside him said with a trembling voice, "Qingfeng, what should we do..."    




Yang Ling made a shushing gesture, afraid that a little noise would attract their attention.    


He was ready to use the Thunder Escape to escape at any time.    


He heard Yun Xialei say that his tail seemed to have been burnt. Su Qiling's face stiffened and she snorted, "I am his concubine. I will marry my husband and follow my husband. I am already in Human Race and it is normal for me to hide my tail."    


"I am not like some women who hooked up with my husband right after they woke up!"    


"Who!? Who hooked up with him!?"    


Yun Xialei flew into a rage out of humiliation. She did not have a good temper. She suddenly took out the Fleeting Thunder Blade and shouted lightly. "Witch, I think you can still hide your tail when I fight!"    


The Rushing Thunder Blade flashed on the Lightning and a terrifying aura spread out, scaring the surrounding crowd into fleeing. Su Qiling coldly laughed and said, "Would I be afraid of you?"    


"That's good too. Today I will see what tricks you, a vixen, have!"    


The flame spear appeared and the surrounding temperature rose. The escaping people of the Tian Clan fled even faster...    


"Fox, fox?"    


"Qiling, are you talking about yourself?"    


Yang Ling cursed in his heart, but he did not stay idle. He pulled Su Qianmo, who had a confused look on her face, and ran to the side. The people's hair stood on end. They were going to fight!    


The Asura Arena was going to become hell!    


Just as the two girls were about to fight, Yang Ling suddenly sensed the unusual movement of the Spirit Control Bag. A black light flashed in front of him, and Miao Tong'er's figure was revealed.    


"Su Qiling!"    


"I finally found you. You lied to me so badly!"    


Miao Tong'er's eyes were filled with tears as she gritted her teeth. She took out the black spear and summoned the Qiong Qi divine beast. She directly jumped onto the back of the Qiong Qi and rushed over!    


"Ah! Tong'er!"    


Su Qiling was shocked when she saw the person who came and the momentum from before immediately disappeared. She hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Tong'er, wait. Listen to my explanation!"    


"Ding. You have shattered Su Qiling's wish to not see Miao Tong'er. Attribute Point + 3."    


Miao Tong'er cried and said, "What is there to explain? You liar! I am not done with you!"    


Seeing this girl rushing over without caring about anything, Su Qiling knew that it would be troublesome if she was tied up and hurriedly summoned the Red Flame Golden Lion Beast.    


The two strange beasts roared one after another, one chasing and one fleeing, they immediately disappeared without a trace...    


"Phew... We are saved..."    


Yang Ling heaved a sigh of relief. Just like him, the people watching the live broadcast, Liu Muhan, and the other girls also heaved a sigh of relief.    


They were really saved.    


If they were to fight on the streets, who knew what would happen...    


Now the question was, who was the pretty girl that came out of the cloth bag on Ling's waist just now?    


She seemed to be on the same level as Qiling's ancestor! And those two strange beasts, could they be some kind of divine beast?    


What was this and what was this!    


How many secrets did Ling hide? Could he have the time to explain it to everyone?    


Walking to Yun Xialei's side, Yang Ling smiled bitterly and said, "Qinglan, quickly put this fellow away. Look, he scared me!"    




Yun Xialei snorted lightly and put away the electric knife. She said angrily, "If I'm not mistaken, that woman just now should be a Nine-Life Cat Demon."    


"I didn't know you were so popular with women."    




Yang Ling smiled and said, "I said it was all a coincidence, do you believe me?"    


"If I believe you, then there's a ghost!"    


Yun Xialei said discontentedly, "As expected, there is no good man in a man. He flirts with women and is a lecher!"    


"Ding! You have shattered Yun Xialei's wish. You do not wish to have many female friends' wishes. Attribute Point + 1."    


"Ding! You did not help Su Qiling during the confrontation just now. Yun Xialei has given you Intimacy + 5. Current Intimacy: 70."    


At this moment, Su Qianmo looked at the sulking Yun Xialei and then looked at the helpless Yang Ling. Finally, she exploded and instructed with a sharp voice. "Who told me what is going on!!!"    


The voice echoed on the empty street.    


Two hours later, in a luxurious hotel in the Imperial Capital, Su Qianmo stared at the two people in front of her with her eyes wide open and said in disbelief, "You, you are waiting to be summoned?!"    


"They are all cultivators of the Human Race?!"    


Yun Xialei's face turned red while Yang Ling smiled and said, "That is indeed the case. Qinglan and I came to the Heavenly Continent for some personal matters, but we were unlucky enough to be transported to the Extreme Yang Land, so we can only use the summoning formation to come here."    


"Qianmo, don't be angry. It can only be said that there is fate in the underworld."    


" Angry? I'm not angry."    


Su Qianmo said excitedly, "I heard from the elders that true cultivators can fly and escape from the earth!"    


"Are you guys that powerful too?"    




Yang Ling thought for a moment and smiled. "More or less. If you want to learn, we can teach you."    


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