All-field Godly Wish System

C1714 Yang Ling Was Furious

C1714 Yang Ling Was Furious

Yang Ling already had an idea, but Reiya said, "I have an idea."    


"There are five large cracks on the stone mountain. The current here is in a spiral shape. If my senses are not wrong, the current will pass through the four cracks on the stone mountain and flow out from the biggest crack."    


"Dad, the seven-colored seahorses you caught earlier are poisonous. Let's spread the toxins of these seahorses over. The oceanic soul beasts under the current will absorb a large amount of the toxins. At that time, we won't even need to do anything to get rid of them."    


Mo Xiyan hesitated when she heard this. "That's good, but the poison of the seven-colored seahorses will not disperse for a long time. If so many poisons spread out, this sea area will become a land of death. Yes, that's good. But the poison of the seven-colored seahorses will not disperse for a long time. If so many poisons spread out, this sea area will become a land of death."    


"So what?"    


Reiya said as if it was a matter of course, "What does it matter if some fish die? When the poison starts to dilute, we will go and collect the Evil Warding Golden Lightning. At the same time, we will see what is inside the stone mountain!"    


"Mm... This is also a method. It's just that it has been too long."    


Mo Xiyan nodded and looked at Yang Ling. "Brother Yang, what do you think?"    


Yang Ling smiled faintly. "Reiya's method is indeed the most reliable, but since we can't use these soul beasts, it would be a pity to be poisoned to death."    


"Do you know the characteristics of the Evil Warding Golden Lightning?"    




The two girls looked at each other in confusion. Yang Ling smiled and said, "The reason why the Evil Warding Golden Lightning is called this is because it is under no one's control. Once it encounters devil Qi, yin Qi, and evil Qi, it will immediately go berserk."    


"If so many of the Evil Warding Golden Lightning there cause a series of explosions, what do you think the outcome will be?"    


Reiya was pleasantly surprised, "A large explosion will cause the magnetic field to become chaotic, which will lead to a chain reaction in the ocean currents. Under such dense water pressure, even a sea soul beast might be knocked out. At the very least, it will cause the sea soul beasts to fall into chaos!"    


"At that time, we will be able to fish in troubled waters and catch all of them in one fell swoop!"    


"Dad, you are truly a genius!"    


Yang Ling chuckled. "Right? When we go back, we will study theoretical knowledge properly. We need science to fight for treasures."    


"Ding! You have fulfilled Leya's wish to get rid of the soul beast as soon as possible, Wish Value + 2."    


"Ding! Leya admires you very much. Your parental value has increased by 50. After distributing, the Wish Value will + 25. Parental value will + 25. Current parental value: 200."    


Reiya happily hugged Yang Ling's arm. Mo Xiyan, on the other hand, seemed to understand, "I don't quite understand what magnetic field you guys are talking about, but is there anything on our bodies that can ignite the Evil Warding Golden Lightning?"    


"Even if there is, how can we send it over?"    


Reiya giggled. "That's easy. I have a bunch of Blood Demon Beads on me, enough to detonate the Evil Warding Golden Lightning!"    




Just as she finished speaking, she received a slap from Yang Ling on her butt!    




This slap was not light. Reiya screamed and instinctively jumped up. She turned her head to look at Yang Ling and found that her father was looking at her angrily. When she reacted, her face showed panic.    


Yang Ling snorted coldly. "Where did you get the Blood Devil Bead? Give it all to me!"    




Reiya knew that she had accidentally said something wrong. Seeing that her father was really angry, she rubbed her little butt and took out a Storage Bag to pass to Yang Ling.    


At this moment, she had a wronged expression on her face, and there were tears rolling in her beautiful eyes.    


After Yang Ling took the Storage Bag, he scanned it with his divine sense. The anger in his eyes intensified. There were actually dozens of Blood Demon Beads inside!    


The so-called Blood Demon Bead was an extremely evil thing. It was made by extracting the bone marrow of the Blood Devils from the ancient era. When a mortal touched a trace of the blood of a Blood Devil, they would go crazy and become a blood slave. After that, they would be like zombies in movies, biting people and infecting them.    


Once it spread out, its lethality would be immeasurable.    


It was a very simple example. If a Blood Demon Orb exploded in a city with a high population on Earth, it would quickly spread. In a few years, the entire human race on Earth would become blood slaves.    


It would enter the era of biochemical crisis in an instant. It could be said to be an enhanced version of the T virus.    


It was precisely because of the characteristics of the Blood Devils that the ancient sects joined hands to completely annihilate this race.    


Now that Reiya actually had such a thing, how could Yang Ling not be angry? Not slapping his daughter's face was already considered a good temper.    


"Ding! You have shattered Reiya's wish to not have your toys confiscated. Attribute Point + 2."    


Reiya was somewhat frightened by Yang Ling's stare at this moment. Because she was afraid of getting beaten up, her entire body was trembling slightly. Beside her, mo Xiyan shrunk her neck and did not dare to speak.    


After a long time, Yang Ling sighed and said, "Reiya, I don't know what happened to you. Actually, I'm not a good person myself, but this thing really can't be used as a toy."    


"If your mother knew that you had such a thing on you, how angry would she be?"    


"Alright, I won't beat you up. Give me all the similar things on you."    


Reiya lowered her head and her eyes were red. It was obvious that she was shedding tears. However, she still obediently took out another Storage Bag with a flip of her hand. She sobbed and said, "There's only this bag of Malevolence. There's nothing else."    


"My memories have been erased. I don't know how I got these things. Father, don't be angry. Alright, I promise to be a good child in the future... "    


Yang Ling sighed. The two Blood Demon Pearls and the Malevolence were properly placed in the Wish Space. He patted her on the shoulder and said, "You don't need to be a good child. You can't be a good child with your temper."    


"I only hope that you are rational. I don't want you to punish evil people, but don't do evil things. Do you understand?"    


"Mm... daughter will remember it..."    


Reiya acknowledged softly. She raised her head to look at Yang Ling's face, and for a moment, she was in a trance.    


In her memories, her father's appearance was exactly the same as the current one. Her father's appearance had never changed, but what was different from what she remembered was that there was more doting and less majesty in his eyes now.    


"At this time, my father is also just a child... Compared to him, I am really far from being able to compare."    


The corner of Reiya's mouth revealed a bitter smile. After hesitating for a moment, she suddenly pulled Yang Ling's sleeve and said, "Father, actually, i..."    




The moment she looked at Yang Ling, reiya stopped. She swallowed the words that were about to come out of her mouth. She said in a low voice, "Actually, I respect you very much..."    


Yang Ling chuckled and patted her on the head. "You may be a little eccentric, but you are an obedient child."    


"I also like you."    


Reiya's face turned red. She rubbed her red eyes and said softly, "If only I could stay by your side forever."    


"'Ding... you have fulfilled Reiya's wish of not being angry anymore. Wish Value + 2. '"    


"Ding! Deep in Reiya's heart, she hopes to be disciplined by you. Your parental value has increased by 100. After the distribution, Wish Value + 50, parental value + 50. Current parental value: 250."    


Yang Ling did not hear the hidden meaning behind Leiya's words. He smiled faintly and said, "Silly child, how can a daughter always follow her father and mother?"    


"Alright, it's good that you know your mistake. We can deal with these sea soul beasts now."    


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